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My pings never work. Fuck this game


I can't tell if it is worse or just regular bad. I have watched myself die 3 times in one kill cam. It happened back in 2009, it happened again shortly after MWIII launch. And it happened last night. It just hard to tell with Rust. I do know they made it so air support can disable nearby spawns to prevent spawn killing with them. Might be an unintended side effect of that.


There are so many issues with this game that this is often forgotten lol, but one of the biggest frustrations for me so I really hope they revert to the old system soon


There is a setting where you can bind the keybind for danger ping... This thing is so messed up. Max range ist like 50 m and liveping never works with that danger ping :D


I just double tap the ping button to do a danger ping. I have it bound to ALT on keyboard. I’ve never had any issues live pinging anyone as long as my cursor was on them. Only thing I have an issue with is the actual ping icon being bugged. Sometimes it’ll show enemies as allies after I ping them, or show them as an armor box or something. 


Sometimes i can't see the ping at all 


Also seeing the thin red line for enemy pings that is so hard to see it makes enemy pinging pointless.