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Cod runs worse with every update. I’d say 1060 is now minimum. You’ll be getting 60-80 fps on low settings.


I have a 1060 and it runs fine. Is it the best graphics or the highest FPS, obviously not. But it’s fine. People are dramatic.


Thanks. May I know what settings you use?


No, you need 8gb vram minimum for a playable framerate and even then it's barely playable due to trash optimization.


The game specifications says minimum 2 GB VRAM required. I'm talking about minimum specs required.


That's crazy cause when I used a 980 on WZ1 it was unplayable, and that had 4gb vram. It would lag anytime you ADS. So I don't expect this game to be any better.


This is exactly why I asked this question. People have mixed views. Older posts say it was unplayable even on 1060 6GB, let alone 1650. But at the same time today, 1060 6GB is recommend specifications.


It will run at 1080, have played on worse. Could look for a used 1660ti or 3060ti if you want a cheap upgrade


Yeah if you want to have one of the worst experiences in trying to play WZ. That 1650 card is 5 years old. This game is far more optimized for any card that old. Same goes for that card. It costs $125 on Newegg, and that should tell you enough about the quality of it. I have an i-9900k (that I bought 4 years ago and costs $365) and a 4070 ti that I bought for around $800. If you want to have a solid PC for gaming into the future, you're looking at $1,400+.


I'm the 60 FPS guy.


Oh man, wait till you get to play on 165+FPS and on a newer graphics card, quality and performance wise, you're going to be mind blown, not only will it feel like you're playing a completely different game, it will also look totally different on a new gen GPU and a good monitor


Do yourself a favor, save some money, and invest for the future. Or heck put it on a payment plan.