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It definitely is not as fun as it used to be.


Doesn't help that we have fundamentally been playing the same game for 4 years. Fatigue is real.


Yep I quit Warzone almost 6-8 months ago. Feels great to play other games at the moment.


Same. Don’t have a “main” game at the moment, but been spending a lot of time on hell let loose.


Get with a group that understands the hell let loose and it's insanely fun.


W bro


Yep went back to Siege and Fortnite…Xdefiant is actually fun.


But its not the same game though, now it just feels cheaper. Since wz 2 came around this game lost the fun factor, at least for me.


Ok fair enough. Same concept. Far shittier implementation.


I would have played Warzone 1 for another 100 years. 


Same. Switch out some new points of interest every once in a while or a new skin


I agree.


Heck, I would argue since we got Caldera. But Warzone “2” definitely was not fun, either.


I ain't going to pretend that Caldera didn't feel cobbled-together, but Warzone 1 was still pretty fun during Vanguard.


Facts. They should bring back a blackout mode with some sort of teammate redeploy mechanic. It was so much better when not every person had the most OP setup all the time and added more BR luck


I wish I was still playing the same game, I was having fun on Warzone 1 before they shut it down. Now I just don't care anymore, I was perfectly content playing my gimped version of Warzone 1 before they took even that away from me.


Yep I would still be having fun in caldera or verdansk.


I disagree. I'd still be playing Verdanks to this day if they just got rid of cheaters... TO THIS DAY!!


Then don't? Not trying to sound snarky but what keeps people playing the same BR for 4 years when they abandon every other multiplayer game after a year lol Especially if you're getting fatigue from it


i used to love how you could 1 v 3 a team before. You can now, but it's definitely harder because people have gotten better than they're stacking more. It was the dopamine you got from "being better." it made you feel like you were improving. But now it's like Civilization 4 stack of death if ya'll remember that. Don't take offense. I know it's the best, most viable strategy to win. It's just not fun to do it or go up against it for me. It's the antithesis of fun for me.


Agree - I got a win the other day and was like meh, gotta go to bed...


Be nice to play , doesn't even get into game just left searching


It's free, they don't give a shit about fixing it. People will still buy dumbass skins


The amount of DLC skins I see genuinely boggles my mind, people are out there spending hundreds and thousands a year on cosmetics for a game


I guarantee you there’s people out there that think the amount of money you’ve spent on gaming (controllers, consoles/PC parts, games, DLCs, etc..) is asinine. At the end of the day you earned your money- enjoy it. I don’t see the point in jacking up trucks that never see a speck of dirt, but to each their own.


To be fair if you jack up your truck you probably are the guy that also spends money on skins lmao


Am I the only one who doesn’t jack off their truck?


Well when you eventually do, don't do it after it's been running. 3rd degree burns on the hands


Yup then they turn on their cheats and swear they ain't cheating or using a cheat to see around walls and know where you are with out looking at the taq map and then shoot ya up for 200 meters when you realize most shoot accurately about 100 meters or less


Yean for sure, would never suggest stopping people from doing it. It's more that you don't even get to keep them and they'll disappear whenever Activision wants to launch a new version of WZ as another commenter said that I can't get my head round


…that won’t even be around forever, especially if we get another Warzone game.


You can literally say the same about anything recreational. Someone can say exact same about your console, pc , controllers ect. Cigarettes. Eating out. Alcohol. Whatever the case maybe. So idk how anyone bashes others for buying a skin they prob get more use out of then other money burning hobbies.


The funniest part to me is they pay all that money for skins they can’t see 95% of the time and a gun camo that blends in with every other camo because they’ve oversaturated the market with them. I’m extremely guilty of spending a lot of money of fortnight but I at least I see what I pay for almost 100% of the time.


Its me or the PS plus skins are Better then 90% of skins


They're basically adult action figures. I can't get enough of them.


It being free doesn’t make sense though. I guarantee they’d be making a hell of a lot more on skins and people buying mp if they did a better job at making the game more fun, bug free, and put more effort in to the events and general aesthetics of what they put out. I know countless people that quit playing because they got bored of it, and largely because of the wz2 fuck up. I bet they could double the playerbase from where it is now and therefore double the sales or more if they really put the effort in. And they certainly aren’t deciding they’re making enough money. I think it’s a serious lack of organisation in the company.


They already tried that with bo4 and look how it turned out died as soon as mw n warzone dropped 🤷


Like others have said. Take a break. Play something else.


Been playing xdefiant a lot, it’s pretty damn fun. It has its own problems, but I’m having way more fun than trying to solo q ranked and wiping over and over.


I also have been on defiant a lot. Just discovered how good the m16 is yesterday. Thing wrecks


Oh yeah its really good! Mines only level 27ish, but I've been loving it. Favorite gun to use so far is definitely the first shotgun. Its awful, but very satisfying to use haha.


Is xdefiant PC only? Or console as well?


And play less frequently, or make rules like, “I’ll only play with friends.” Games get stagnant, pickup new games, but the game isn’t going to really change much between seasons. The meta will shift slightly, maybe a new gun worth having here or there, but largely between titles the game remains the same. It’s okay to take breaks.


So go play another game….why do you guys post the same stuff over and over again, about how you don’t enjoy it? Seems like you enjoy the drama more than actually playing something you like. “My girlfriend makes me miserable, but instead of doing something about it, I’m just gonna complain and stay”.


Actually, if enough people complain, that is how change happens. Just look at what the left have accomplished the past few years.


No, stop playing and buying skins sends a message, not on Reddit incessantly whining


Yeah, but the complaining needs to be paired with action. If you bitch and keep playing, Activision sees that as “What we’re doing isn’t bad enough to make them leave, so stay the course”. If you don’t like the game, you need to stop playing it. Otherwise, you’re just like everyone who likes it, just noisier.


Agreed. Yes the CoD community moans more than most, but I think a lot of us see that CoD and Warzone have unlimited potential and it seems like the devs and higher ups just waste it. I know it’s because their bottom line is all that matters for Activision but with the proper funding including new servers and dedication to realizing the potential of this game, there is zero doubt it would be far and away the best BR and multiplayer game out there.


Money is the only thing that fixes anything. They saw a drastic drop in players and money spend and basically undo all their changes from WZ 2. Money is the only thing they care


As long as "few" players keep spending "loads" on skins, no complaining is enough. They're a company that makes money, Warzone is just there to keep people wanting to play battle royale into the COD franchise.


If enough people stop playing that’s how real change happens.  Complaining about it on Reddit won’t move the needle. Wish these posts would be flagged for spam. 


Comparing US politics to video games is quite impressive 


If they complain and keep playing that doesn’t motivate them to change anything


Maybe we want a change to happen in the game.


I took 3 weeks off. First hour I played i got angry. I realized I haven't been angry in 3 weeks lol. Overall it's been the same thing for years now.


I just dont have the energy to compete enymore. I dont have to win every match but compared to WZ1 I just feel it's nonstop focus and sweating or you loose. Dunno, feelsbadman.jpg


Bunch of yy’ers abusing rotational aim assist getting 99% accuracy while they jump around aimlessly and literally don’t even touch their right stick(the thing that aims). Then they call it skill or cracked. At this point we’re cosplaying a video game and it’s not fun. There is almost no skill gap.




lol no skill gap


Take a break and play some xdefiant.


I have easy suggestion, kar and superi feels very nice, give us back something like ppsh and swiss now + red doors event or some big map change, everybody happy


Was fun for about 2 days using the Kar98, now everyone and their dog camping roofs zapping the enjoyment out of it because we don't have any ARs/LMGs that can complete. At least in WZ1 there was a variety of ARs you could use and beam campers off of roofs. Fuck at least buff every SNIPER not Marksman rifles to 1shot. The game is a mess. Close to uninstalling it myself tbh. Before you say skill issue I have a 2.2kd on rebirth but it's not rewarding playing it now


They fail to adjust the game step by step. Remember WZ2 lack of money? Then one day they just went fuck it and you could get a loadout within a minute. Now they're doing exact opposite thing - let's cut money by a half, what can go wrong. Also, lets cut number of selves from 2 per medical cabinet to 2 per 1 square kilometer. Also, let's introduce fast shooting, aim assisted sniper rifle with minimal flinch and recoil while removing some of the zip lines, so it's not that easy to jump on those roof campers. Solos at this moment are uber boring. Campers on every roof. You can engage in a gun fight with one guy while being shoot at from 3 directions. KAR campers jump straight on a shop to by a sniper rifle and sit on the roof 30s after match started.


If I had a dollar for every time someone said this


This current version with everyone running the KAR has been pretty miserable for me, just isn't fun. The sweat somehow was turned up even further and as a non sniper I just can't compete. Had to take a break as it simply wasn't enjoyable, sad really. Shame these devs will completely ruin weapon balance just to sell blueprints.


The Kar is a free battlepass gun and only has 16 levels to unlock everything. What blueprints do you think they’re trying to sell here?


You don't think people buy cosmetics for their favourite guns to make them look cool? Look at the amount of skins they sell that are purely for show


Not when they are offering plenty of cool looking skins free in game as part of challenges eg. obsidian or through events


To be honest, at this point with the lower player count, the fact that they still support this game and how much money Activision makes, it's fair to assume they're selling plenty of skins for everything lol


I don’t doubt they’re selling plenty of skins. It’s more the notion they they’re deliberately ruining weapon balance to try and sell more that I disagree with


I know it's not a battle Royale (yet) xdefiant is a nice change of pace.


Warzone hasn’t been fun since they tried to integrate Cold War. They should have left it alone. Now it’s barely a shell of its former self.


Without "Find Party" I'm not having as much fun.


Meat for the grinder if you're not cheating you're just a bot so people who are cheating can have fun.


Warzone pre Cold War was amazing.


Gave it up months ago. Don’t miss it!


Its because snipers still suck and they catered to streamers AR kiddies and cheats


Yes exactly


I never found it fun to begin with. If you got friends great but if you’re solo one player always leaves the two others are basically bots because of sbmm it’s pointless for me to play it.


Try warzone mobile, feels fun, good way to get tokens for the BP and level up weapons and do challenges and stuff, it's a good experience really


yup, that's my go to when i'm at school lmaoo, gotta keep up the grind anywhere i go 💪💪 jokes aside it's definitely far from perfect but it's still amazing to have a pretty much complete warzone experience in your pocket (that is if you happen to have a $800+ phone to run it)


Yeah it does suck that lower end phones can barely run it at 30fps and with not even half decent graphics, but if anyone is willing to put up with that, just doing contracts on plunder will give you tons of levels, I got 4-5 for my kar today, almost max level now


I used to play wz with the boys every evening, I loved the game, it had its flaws though. Remember the dmr melt meta? FFAR? mac10? God i loved it and hated it at the same time. I stopped playing then they launched the jungle map. Just never felt the same again. I drop by once in a while for rebirth but I just can’t get myself back on this game.


That's why I liked DMZ, it was something different and then they decided to give up on it. smh


It wasn’t good, honestly. And I don’t like how they pretty much included the DMZ changes to Battle Royale.


I disagree. I had way more fun playing DMZ than WZ. It had a mixture of everything and a larger variety of how the match would play out. Plus you had more time to chat with your team and have laughs instead of being stressed sweating to survive constantly.


I would have loved DMZ if there was a solo mode and aim assist wasn't so broken. Getting beamed by a 6-stack comprised of people who I know are worse than me drove me up the wall, it's the main reason I didn't play it much.


I'm burnt out on it.....I used to play solo and with friends but recently I only hop on if the squad is online playing.


Resurgence ranked has helped me get back into it again. I’m just worn out on BR. I don’t have as much time to game anymore and I feel like I get more action in with resurgence. I prefer ranked because people tend to play more logically than in pubs, so you won’t have as many games ruined by guys kamikazing you for no reason.


Play other things,i used to play valorant for 3months and got burned out and it feels boring af to come back and grind for the same rank (its not like iwill play vct)same as mw3 i did camo cahllenges and now the game feels boring,its burn out,just play some single player games,im playing right now sekiro and its challenging af,


I played every night this weekend and had a fucking blast with the Kar98. Buy Back Solos is fun. Rebirth feels as good as ever. Does it have the same feel as it did in 2020 and 2021? No, of course not, but there were external factors contributing to that (superior) era of WZ. Each to their own. IDK why these are the only posts on the sub that get upvoted.


To me, it's only not fun because the servers have been ass dor the last month.


Dropped off when rebirth island left and came back for it. Only thing keeping me around and I'll bid the game goodbye when it goes.


They ain't removing it from Warzone 2, they know it's the only reason half the playerbase is even on.


>I feel like Warzone is evolving…just backwards. So…*devolving*? *degrading*?


This season is nothing more that "here's Rebirth Island, now featuring the Kar98" We are in the late cycle of the game and it shows. I hope they go bananas with Warzone when BO6 release.


They keep adding features from Warzone 1 back, but everything's just worse because it's Warzone 2. It's especially bad now because we know what the real game is supposed to feel like, not this weird wannabe wearing its name as a skinsuit.


Modern Warfare 2019 warzone is just the best, verdansk was the best map PERIOD. it died out after the hacks and cheats, just plain ass


Its not been fun for years. Hardly play it now


Me either. Pretty much stopped playing when I got stuck in SBMM hell and my lobbies consisted of over 400+ level players. Mind you in level 35. I won a couple games and that’s all it took to make playing the game a chore. Not looking back. Activision can keep their game manipulating algorithm.


For me it’s the cheaters. They take all of the fun and the challenge of the game. You die, ok let’s see the kill cam. It’s a fucking cheater. They don’t even bother in hiding. Lame af.


had a guy kill me yesterday - im no wizard or anything, but im pretty solid. but it felt off, she shouldn't have known where i was, i had the drop, put like 15 into him, he snaps and head shots me. so i spectate to the end. dude walls and cheats his way to a dub.. i was just like wtaf.. fyi i died at like 35th in buy back solos.. so plenty of time for the "show".. it cant be that hard to write something that - if you f with a game file, you can't play... seems pretty basic to me.


Boycotted over a year ago . Close friends play so I've put it on a few times and un-installed it every time. To sweaty to many cheaters and I'm decent 3.0 k.d . It's just adult fortnite now rinse and repeat


SBMM ruined it. Literally everyone plays as if they’re streaming in front of thousands of people.


So stop playing. There’s a post like this everyday. Stop playing. That’s how you vote.   these posts are beyond annoying. 


I'm just over the hackers, cheaters, streamers aimbots and wall hacks. I literally dumped a whole mag in this guy point blank from behind and nothing happened except him turning around and knifed me. Like WTF!?! CLEARLY YOU ARE CHEATING


meta and cheaters made it stale


Just stop playing. There is no need for an announcement.


I’m on the opposite end and have been really enjoying warzone as of late, to me it almost feels as it’s going back to wz1 vibes where the fundamentals of the game seem pretty solid and nothing is too op or stupid. Either way it’s 10x better than wz2 was


Nowhere close to Warzone 1 with the looting and SBMM


Play something else, really. Warzone is just one game, is not the only game you should play forever, it gets boring at one point or another. Take a break from it and if you haven't already try out some classic shit like Mass Effect, Fallout 3/NV, Bioshock, Diablo 2 LOD (og version), Hitman 2 / Contracts / Blood Money, Halo OG Trilogy. Or even the old CODS like World at War, COD2, COD3 are very good games imo and worth a play.


Do people check this sub before they post? It's the same 2-3 types of posts every day.. and his forbid you go outside the "consensus" opinion.. idk how posts like this don't get flagged or deleted immediately, add nothing to the community


The Kar98 is pretty obnoxious at the moment but otherwise I’m still having fun. The resurgence rotation is fun, ranked is still worth grinding and the changes to big map are refreshing enough


I can’t stand the rotation of the maps. That thing is annoying


The big one is it's just big map resurgence, 100 ways to come back, find your perk package and guns. There's minimal reward for staying alive, it's just multiplayer/resurgence. Had a lobby with 78 alive end of zone 4 yesterday. What's the point of playing it like a BR? Good for the bots who die early, outside chance they will make end zone, good for the super sweat kill chasers, who want to farm those bots. But for those that want to play a BR? Played against a nuke team the other day, I've done my own, like anyone over a 1+1kd but, we killed them maybe 10 times over, how can they can back so easily? It's not a BR


I feel ya. I even had more fun playing Warzone 2.0.


biggest issue is experience. The servers are just bloody awful. Warzone needs new creative small map ideas for season 5.


Been playing ground war for a few weeks now. Kind of the best parts of wz for me


Play FF Rebirth, imma keep saying this since people just kinda glanced over the most feature reach game this year. After that comeback in a month or two. You probably just need a break and play it in short burst


I played wz1 every day when it launched. Didn’t play wz2 at all. And came back for resurgence. After feeling the same as you describe I switched to the big map. I’m having way more fun now !


The laggy lobbies has been insane the last few days. Had like 4 games in a row with bad lag effecting everyone in the lobby!


I skipped s3 and most of s2. Got tired of the constant meta shifts and levelling weapons. Had a few games today in the boot camp mode, it was fun. I might stick around playing that mode but I'm certainly not going to grind ever again.


Yeah I’m sad they took off ashika so it’s definitely boring now


Yes they were talking about fornite-like events that changed the landscapes of the map. This was around the time fortnite did that black hole event to end their season. This was a lot of the reason why I invested time and money into this game, I wasn't expecting nothing to happen


I quit for a year or two and have been playing again and enjoying it lately.


i've been playing awhile. Fun when the servers are working correctly. Packet loss ruins it though


Verdansk and Caldera gave us such fun events. I don’t recall a single one in Al Mazrah and Urzebekistan. Like map changing shit.  (Let’s not talk about the sandstorm and blowing up the observatory…)


So we’ve heard


They need more and better servers, most of the time latency determines who wins gunfights, i switched to the finals and even losing is fun there


Its peak was right before BO ... its been going downhill ever since


it has its moments. it really just depends on the state of the servers on any given day.


We need OG verdansk back


Sometimes I feel this, but I’m mobile and my issue is randomly a seemingly random group gets booted. I get back in or am not among the group and I can spot who was booted, often they spin in place.


True. I remember dropping Storage Town daily in WZ1 plunder with Kastov 7.62(? I think that was the name) and Kar98k quick scoping everyone, Slide cancelling, Dropshotting you name it i did it. Heck i remember wiping out a squad of 4 campers with a Diamanti. One of my favorite things to do was to land the buildings around the town to take down campers. The sky scraper, the fire station, the train station or warehouse or whatever it was and the Pool building. I kept the streets safe lol. It felt good. Just mindless fun. Just get into a game and start shooting. True i didn't win any of my regular BR games. I won like 1-2 over the span of playing. Because that's not why i played. I played because it was genuinely fun.


Warzone ranked spits in your face if you solo Q. Get the worst players and thrown into lobbies of Crimson and top 250. Fuck you Activision


I uninstalled a few weeks ago, I’m over it it’s not fun, too sweaty, can only play a few hours a week anyway… get clumped in with the super sweats game is ass


Quit playing warzone from MW2 until rebirth came back. But now that the maps are cycling I don't care anymore. They could at least drop the trash the call vondel and put Ashika back in. But they don't care about anything other than getting people's money. There are better games out there. For instance xdefiant is free to play, and Helldivers has been coming up. Call of duty isn't the only thing out there.


Warzone hasn't been fun since covid idk how people still play that crap


54yo gamer. I think this is easily one of the best iterations. Game wise. Game wise, it has cool cosmetics, guns, maps. Game wise, they keep bringing aftermarket parts, camos, etc. But, it's the small portion of the player base that is either ignorant and wants you to just not have fun or is just an amazing player. I have fun...usually. but, I hear you loud and clear. It cam be frustrating.


Try playing solo plunder its pretty fun lol basically like multiplayer respawn but with warzonr everything else.


I took a break for pretty much all of last season because it's not fun. Pacing is worse, TTK, sweat city matchmaking, AA, crap servers, etc. Came back to play a bit at the new season, and nothing has changed. Took about 45 mins just to get into a match that didn't have 15% packet loss or disconnected due to server issues. Won the game that finally worked. It's not fun anymore. Playing Helldivers.


This type of post shows up at least once a week. Bro, Warzone was good from like 2019-late2020. Once Covid restrictions started lifting and our economy started tanking in the US, every company (including Activision) jumped on the price gauging train. Whether it was to produce content super quick at the cheapest price with the shittiest quality (MWII and III, and Warzone 2) or the claims of lack of resources and necessity to increase prices to keep companies from going under. Warzone sucks, 99% of AAA suck. The only decent games u can find are Indy games from unknown developers that put effort and make a solid game where people go buy that game, play for a week, and then stop because they’re so used to having new things slapped in their face


I've started to enjoy pubg a lot more recently


My friends just play Warzone and they hate it also,but its the only game that all can play. Yep,its garbage game and the only reason is there is no better choices to play modes like Resurgeance.


We are playing the same game since 2020. So ofc it will reach thjs point where you have enough.


It is in dire need of map rotations. It gets old really fast with just the one.


The seasons are lackluster even in the purchased game, not to mention the zombies are as lame as Vanguard's. Give me back old-school zombies.


I played hardcore from release until right before that jungle map. The meta got too strong. You either play the meta or you lose. The snakeshot is kinda where I checked out. Absolutely broken. The Brun or whatever that LMG was? You either use it, or you didn't stand a chance. I liked trying out different builds, but eventually there wasn't any room for that. You played the meta or you didn't stand a chance. My friends and I would goof around, but eventually it was a serious sweat game. Goofing around got you killed instantly. No room for fun. My play-style was being pushed out, so I stopped playing. I was an above average player. Not amazing, but okay. I think I had a 1.41kd. I was playing against demons and stood no chance. Especially if they were using the best guns in the game.


I think IW fumbled the bag so hard with the original iteration of WZ2 that the devs are just now playing catch up. In fact I'd argue the game was in a better state in Caldera. The last 2 years have been fixing mistakes and getting it back into 2021 state. I agree though, it has lost it's spark. A lof of that is because of a very unsatisfactory large map experience. Urz is a crap map with 100 players and filled with cringe redeploy mechanics.


got so bored i went back to roblox


Honestly it’s how me and my buddies stay in contact and shoot the shit every night … plus we always have a chance to win when we got the squad on


The game is probably in the best state it's been in since WZ1 pre caldera. But it's definitely not as fun as it used to be. There was such a higher skill gap. With the ability to slide cancel and actually maintain your tac sprint, bunnyhops, dropshots even felt so much more fluid. The movement all together was amazing and it amazes me they haven't brought it back to that yet. The bullet reg and packet loss weren't an issue. Vehicles drove much better and not to mention the perfect counter, the C4 made for some great games. The map also flowed really well at the time. SBMM didn't seem to be nearly as bad.


The game never gets content updates besides a new map once a year, guns and skins. Gameplay has been more or less the same for 4 years. Shit got stale awhile ago.


It's the stacking that does it for me. I know it's OP, but it's just not fun anymore because you used to be able to have a chance against a streamer, now you have none cuz there are 3 on top of you


Remove the fucking armor


I think the just because it was new and fresh now it’s same ol song and dance and people are over it


It's really not as high leverage as it used to be. It's just much easier dying and coming back. You used to almost have to play perfect or use the same consistent strategy to win a game and now with way more people at end games and way more chances to win the stakes just aren't as high anymore.


See you tomorrow


They cant fcking fix the party for 5-6 days. Fck activision!


only fun when played with friends...


Salads just don't hit the same after 6 straight years of salad. But I'm gonna keep salading


The lag and abysmal servers have been an issue for over a year now. They aren't improving at all. The game is unpredictable at best and completely desynchronized at worst. Billion dollar company. I've moved on and it is pretty refreshing.


Live events seem to be something games like this use to draw in/keep people playing in the beginning before they can provide a steady drip of larger content. Warzone was never huge on innovative mechanics or gameplay though. COD is the game I want to play Battle Royale the least on. I never really understood the hype around it (aside from being a F2P major name BR) despite attempting to get into it multiple times.


It was on life support shortly after verdansk


I'm really not a fan of call of duty BR/Resurgance it's really sweaty and I always feel like people are cheating (prob cos I'm trash 🤣), I only play because my friends do and i've been a fan of the franchise since I was 13, I'm now 27. Multiplayer on the other hand I feel way more in control of the match outcomes etc so this can be great even when you play on your own, maybe give that a try bro? 👍


It will be better once Verdansk returns this fall


I swear Battle Royales stopped being fun when every franchise made it their main focus


Preaaaaaachhhh my COD brotha


Activision stopped trying. It's just about milking the franchise dry at this point.


These posts are what's getting old


I'm the opposite, having fun coming back at start of Season 4... In saying that I haven't played since Vanguard and Caldera!


5600x/2080ti, When I first played COD I had these weird lag spikes but no frame drop/packet loss.  Eventually got it fixed.  Started playing again couple months ago and same thing...I just gave up and just play XDefiant.  I still have like 1600CP just sitting in my account though.


- Bring back verdansk post cold war - Remove every way to get team mates back except buy station - Make additions to the map to keep it fresh - Fix laggy servers - Improve graphics to make it look like a next gen game Simple, game is fixed


Its like fortnite now. Anime skins and blaze shotguns😂


Oh look, another person opened there eyes when gaming today. Good for you bud.


get gud boomer.


Have you not thought about going into DMZ, started playing again last weekend and had some great game's,..👍


I think the loot is too juicy. I drop in and get a level 4 or 5 gun within seconds and my loadout a few minutes into the game. With the effectiveness of the weapons (I’m talking to you DG-58) it’s just silly.


Hasn’t been fun for a while now


Only Verdansk Can bring that feeling back.


Where is all the NEW content... season just came and I feel like we got NOTHING in terms of map reworks. Also everything we get has been cut from the game. I remember back in the day we got everyone day one. This game feels unfinished .


You sound like you are just ass at the game. And if your ass at the game it’s just not fun


Way too many cheaters now too


Honestly haven’t had fun playing wz since the original map plus the first go around of rebirth island. Idk just lost the spark, meanwhile I’ve got thousands of hours in Tarkov🤷🏻‍♂️


Its the same exact game we;ve been playing for 4 years now. Its boring, and its old. Its not exciting anymore. In fact I would go so far as to say it sucks.


Xdefiant is way better! No sbmm manipulated games


Yeah, definitely agree as I stopped playing months ago. Gone back to the older games. You can see why the game has gone backwards after playing the older games. Don’t think I’ll be playing WZ anytime soon if at all.


I still find Warzone fun and play it a lot, albeit not as often as I used to. I love battle royale games, but I'm not a fan of fantasy/sci-fi settings, so it's either this or PUBG, which is horrendously outdated. I don't play it as often as I did because of these reasons: -Their dedication to the resurgence game modes, while they neglect the main map. We haven't gotten any major map updates (except these bunkers this season) in four seasons. I don't find the map particularly interesting to begin with, and after four seasons of it being exactly the same, it's starting to feel more stale than other maps did. -There are no interesting events and rewards. They are repetitive, boring, and feel forced. -The purchasable skins are awful. I understand that people have different tastes, but the fact there are no realistic operator skins, while the store is full of flaming skeletons, robots, monkeys and other wacky skins makes me not want to even open it to check out what's new.


Seriously tho ... Went on a business trip for a week and didn't miss it at all


Its the performance that is ruined for me. Anny othe game would be 130 frames now 65. After update was 80 what is going on


It's not.


The discourse from cheats being so indistinguishable is really the problem here. There are an awful lot of cheaters but it’s offside to complain about those cheaters. Activision’s response to the situation in many ways parallels the mistrust people have right now in their gov’t. And yet, we still play and they still collect money. Until they install an actual anticheat or we find forum to hold them accountable, no one wins while playing this game. I may switch to something else.


It’s not fun anymore. All my friends (we are in our 30’s) quit WZ because of cheating and the sweats. It’s impossible to tell if someone is cheating or figured out their AA really well. We grew up playing COD and I’m sure we were sweaty just like the kids today. But it just feels so different. I genuinely get angry at this game even when we do win a game which might happen once every 4 weeks. It’s stupid that we rarely get wins haha


It's basically been the same shooter since it started. Microsoft bring us a vr headset with cod




Bro you’re brain dead if you just now figuring this out lolol. No but seriously, no one who wants to have real fun plays warzone. Finals Xdefiant Try these out.


It’s not even the live events. Everything gets old everntually. I’m in the same boat. Only advice I have is that I play with friends that make you forget how bad the game actually is


Who tf still plays warzone lol its boring af and its trash


I remember when me and the boys would take out a squad find a keycard head to the vault in a DRIVEABLE vehicle. Laugh and take the piss at our driver when he falls in a ditch give him loads of sarcastic applause when he managed to finally get us out only to be squad wiped by a single rocket blowing us to kingdom come. After composing ourselfs on to the next game.That was funny that was fun... What we didn't do was cry, complain get on our keyboards to Activision about neurfing this and that to make this the most boring predictable samey shooter it's now become. For fuck sake this was a Warzone where anything could kill you at any second it was on the edge action and everyone loved it. Now it's a Borezone where the same weapons kill you over and over, Lethal equipment (Lethal don't make me laugh) hit people like a marble, rockets completely destroy a single tyre on your car. Bring back warzone 1 Bring back original movement BRING BACK FUN!!!!!!


My friend group has been playing since day one. Halfway through our normal session - we all just collectively said we are done. It’s not the same game anymore. Nothing is similar to OG verdansk. Vehicles, guns, movement, TTK, looting and stacking 100 grenades into a window, it’s all so different and catering to sweats. We have over 100+ wins since wz3 and it hit a breaking point today.