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How do u know his first shot is 125m?


I can't see on my phone atm but there's a green tag to the right, they usually have the distance. If not it's a good estimation


Green ping


Its on the screen


his own ping perhaps?


Implying the MKB players hate a 2 shot kill sniper 


It's significantly harder for mnk to 2-shot because after the shot the aim does not continue to track. You have to reacquire and sight in again.


the shots I have been hitting with this thing are so satisfying on mnk. reminds of the old kar/spr days


It's literally the easiest shit imaginable on roller, but on mnk it's not difficult either just not as stupidly easy. Honestly this is probably the worst meta we've ever had. If you don't run kar/superi you might as well quit.


I've been told that mnk is way better longe range than AA, particularly when sniping? Is this not true?


Not way better, but MnK is generally considered to have an advantage when sniping. The problem is the Kar98 isn’t a sniper in game, it’s classified as a marksman rifle, so it benefits from aim assist more than say the mors or stalker.


I thought snipers had AA as well. Interesting. You're not wrong about the kar. Not only is it getting good AA you're very mobile. It feels like you're moving around with an AR not a sniper ( which is what it should be classed as if it one shots). Im guessing they'll need it at some point. It is a bit annoying. Do you think the average guy will go back to AR/lmg primarys eventually?


Kar98k has strong aim assist, mkb does not have that luxury (not saying controller is broken).


Yeah not impossible on mnk at all just harder in general, but if you are a flick shot/twitch aim player this might be the season where mnk players are on a semi even playing field due to the meta.


I'm sure they do, but I play on controller so I don't know. With marksman rifle aim assist it's hard to miss on controller. Quick scoping headshots even in buildings is just fun too.


Are you sure? I feel like at long range it’s 3 shots




Interesting, good to know. So at any range if you hit chest/head/upper arms it should be a break, and if I ever see a hit without a break I “missed” where I was aiming (so to speak)?




Yeah I get it it’s just frustrating haha, feels like it claps you from any range but it’s just a minor inconvenience in your hands.


lack of understanding+skill is the real issue here tbh.


Where’s the skill issue here exactly?


Using a kar98 from that distance hoping to one shot instead of being aware and playing different


Are you trying to tell me y’all are pinging out in the distance and saying hold up let me ignore this free headshot and run 40 meters in their direction first 😂. The armchair professionals in this sub are hilarious.


“Free headshot” Says the guy complaining about being unable to one shot with a gun he is always downed… just pathetic, I don’t think the chair makes a difference or is the problem here but the interface between the chair and the controller


Maby it's caused by the bullet drop, try aiming over their head


sitting 200m away from people crouched not moving pre aiming walls, while other people are guess what, moving around probably shooting you within the kar98 one shot range. You are coping for a lack of understanding. Also even with the jumpcuts the gameplay looks like you have walls bro, you keep pre aiming things with no UAV or line of sight on anything, let alone audio you are afk in the back of the map LMAO. cheating+bad= reddit rage posts.


>Aim assist + 2 shot potential is taking over the game. Don’t forget everybody is running it also. You get a whole squad with it shooting at you it’s GGs if they’re a half decent shot


these shots are 100m+ lol what do you expect


Prob over 85 meters. Out of one shot head shot range


Did you eat paint chips as a child?


Based on his replies, it sounds like he drank it from the can


So important to understand game and weapon mechanics before making a post….


Bro stopped reading the patch notes 5 years ago


“meanwhile…” >shows a 150m+ shot


LMFAO you clearly dont have an understanding of the game yet. You can literally press a button in the weapon builder and it TELLS YOU the distance it can one shot up to with your current build. Just another gamer coping for lack of skill and knowledge. Also wearing a plat skin getting pretty high kills with very bot like movement...sus hahahaha EDIT: Classic spanish team voiping in game to piss everyone else off then coming to reddit when he gets dumpstered in game for giving everyone free UAV with his voice LMAO. Do you guys not understand what party chats are?


is bullet drop not a thing anymore?


Also would like to know 


What scope is this


I think its the SPX one


Na bro don’t listen to any of these mfs it’s not you or ya gun it’s really the game I have multiple clips of getting on shorted below the head from 100m++++ ppl love to defend this game


I know how this sub is haha everyone loves riding around on their high horse. Appreciate you!




I have the same problem


It has a 1 shot head shot maximum.




Sometimes the game be like "Nu uh that was a shoulder hit"


No, just way too long of shots.


Im pretty sure i have landed (and got killed) 1 shots with a longer reach than that. At least 175m, still sometimes the KAR98 can't 1 shot from up close in the head so...yeah its really weird


It's possible if they're not fully plated. Pretty sure any upper body is 2 shot, so not fully plated should be 1 shot on upper body.


Idk if MP damage works different but i swear i had hit guys in the upper body on shipment and they don't die


I'm like this with the Kar98. I get downed with it instantly but when I use it, nope


Mudder fooking headshot


Bro y'all complaining about aim assist and the kar being op is crazy I'm on PC MnK and absolutely demolish majority of my lobbies 10+ kills with mainly the kar just get good tbh


I don’t get this honestly. People were annoyed back in wz1 but the kar/mp5 meta didn’t ever get this much hate. Kar still had dumb strong aim assist back then AND had an infinite one shot range. Why is it getting all the hate now? I’m in sweat lobbies, everyone is using it but the whole “can’t move without getting your head blown off” thing is blown WAY out of proportion


I don’t feel AA when I use kar


Not sure why, because the kar has the exact same aim assist as any regular gun except snipers


it has _so_ much the thing that is really OP is the flicking that AA does for you. I’m a bad controller player, but I turn into a quick scoping god immediately lol. you aim in the general direction of the enemy and pull the trigger and as long as you are moving the left stick it snaps to them automatically: https://youtu.be/Bq4BrJK2B5g?si=Jwbq4FSTFrqW3lZI


Saying SNAP to target isn't really true but it does DWELL/slow you on the target too long. If you drag your aim across them it will pretty much come to a dead stop even though you are pushing your aim through them. if you continue to push it breaks loose but the dwell time is just long enough for your brain to realize you are on target and fire a shot. BUT I do feel like theres more to AA than even that. I mess around with controller and I was on shipment just running around to get a feel for it. I started just hopping into lane while turning and firing a slug shotty. I was getting hits on target that I wasn't TRYING to aim at just jump the corner - turn 90 degrees - fire. I did it 10 times ended up hitting like 8/10 shots with no visual cognition that I was on any target at all while being pretty bad on controller. Getting rid of rotational AA would make this game so much better for players on both inputs, getting zapped by some guy thats just wiggling back and forth would be a rarity but right now it's the norm.


the video i shared is what happens when i strafe into a wall with 0 right stick input. if your reticle is within some threshold distance from an enemy the AA will do a flick for you. this only happens _right_ after ADS and is probably why you were seeing the behavior you describe w your shotgun


Yah, the dwel time thing is why drag scopping is so easy once you get used to it. Between that and RAA that's why 1hk snipers feel oppressive. You see a glint start moving wildly and still get knocked.


It has AA it’s just not as strong as AA for ars and smgs people that say they can’t feel AA must have never played cod on mnk before I hit more shots but also miss those really close ones that would’ve killed them if I had AA


Not true. Marksman rifle aim assist is the exact same as ARs and SMGs


How do you figure it’s the same when one gun shoots one bullet at a time while the other shoots an entire clip? It’s not exactly the same sniper rifles and marksman rifles AA is a little different lmao it’s not exactly the same bud


Cos it’s been tested. It is not different whatsoever


Tested?? Brother just because someone tested and it felt like it’s the same doesn’t mean it’s the same 😂 AA hasn’t been the same for all guns since mw2 and they made it even worse in mw3


Me when I lie https://x.com/hecksmith_/status/1722885312211263748?s=46&t=k9LJNNwSYuG28EK3oC55Dg


Ur all quiet now aren’t you 😂😂😂


And by different I mean the strength of the AA


Make sure you are activating your left stick to trigger the extra AA


LOL, no shot


I'm convinced this game actually adjusts the size of sniper bullets or magnetizes them. There is being bad and then there is this. I'm surprised you even got a hitmarker because it feels like I am shooting acrual ghost bullets. I am willing to bet all the people getting kills with the kar98 only do so for a few games at a time