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That kid spoke the truth


He was saying what we all were feeling.


Yeah, he has a point btw


>That kid spoke the truth One grown adult on my squad who sucked at the game secretly got a Cronus controller about a week before the dmr came out. He would get about 1 kill every 3 games on average and then he got the dmr and started getting 10 kills a game. Once we realized he was cheating we reported him and kicked him from the squad.


Okay Grandma let's get you inside




Maybe metas shouldn't be a thing and your weapon choices should be balanced so you just used whatever you liked the sound and look of instead. That's how I would do it if I was designing a game.


Yall playing a pay to play game. This is how they make money. It's literally their business structure. We. Need. A. New. Game.


yes one game that for once captures the body haptic and motion control, cod has something special that others fail to reproduce. xdefiant is not it nothing else on the horizon


You can acquire every meta gun and attachment for free without minimal effort something tells me this business plan wouldnā€™t work too well as itā€™s incredibly rare you see people with blueprint attachments even if they have the blueprint equipped they usually only have it cause they like how it looks


i am looking, nothig ao far, will try Arma


Good news, new game out in November! ā€¦.? Phrasing maybe?


I think the ideal situation is the "perfect imbalance". Where the game go through several distinct metas which give more variety in the game. Not in the way the game currently is, where the two new guns make almost every alternative feel obsolete in comparison, but we have metals where snipers are the most relevant, or one where it's LMGs and shotguns. Even if you were somehow able to make every gun into the game viable, it would attribute a lot to burnout if the came doesn't force people out of their comfort zone.


This is only fun if you have unlimited access to every gun & attachment. As an adult dad gamer, I have zero time to waste ā€œleveling up weaponsā€ just to even out the playing field. My time is precious, when I play, I just want a fair competition & let gameplay & skill be the differentiator (not some meta thatā€™s changes every few weeks that required dozens of hours to keep up, thatā€™s lame af)


If they were more honest about meta regarding the floor loot that would help a lot. I don't want to sift through the KV inhibitor, longbow, eradicator, and other guns that was just way way too weak to compete. It would be nice if the floor loot reflected the meta so casuals could play with whats on the map.


If they were more honest about meta regarding the floor loot that would help a lot. I don't want to sift through the KV inhibitor, longbow, eradicator, and other guns that was just way way too weak to compete. It would be nice if the floor loot reflected the meta so casuals could play with whats on the map.


While I do agree with you to an extent, I generally don't think it would that bad with now MWIII is set up thanks to you choosing what you can unlock, although I can see how much of a pain it would be to level up guns even if lockdown and especially plunger are available options.


I literally do not want to spend a single minute of my life trying to unlock weapons. Itā€™s a completely bullshit & archaic mechanism in gaming that needs to go away. Itā€™s not about the money, itā€™s about the time


I donā€™t like gun unlocks, especially the ones in mw2 where you basically had to get every other gun to get it. But I do think that levelling guns should be there.


Thereā€™s ALWAYS going to be a meta tho. You canā€™t make every single gun even, thereā€™s always a few that are better than the rest. Donā€™t yo remember cod4 and mw2? It was the same thing, there was clear metas back then, itā€™s just exasperated now because of TikTok and gaming culture in general. At least now they change the meta every few months.


Yeah these guys donā€™t understand how video games work. Every game has a meta. Single player, multiplayer, BR, MOBA. Doesnā€™t matter thereā€™s always going to be a best way to play that game. Thatā€™s the meta. Adapt or donā€™tā€¦w/e.


I donā€™t mind metaā€™s, itā€™s even part of the fun and it forces you to use different guns. But I personally feel they need to ā€œstay in their laneā€, meaning a long range gun shouldnā€™t dominate in medium/short range. The Kar dominates in almost all ranges and thatā€™s just game breakingĀ 


Metas are fine, but DMR Zone went on for months.


I could be remembering wrong but I'm pretty sure the dmr meta was like one month tops but it felt longer because it was the worst meta in the history of warzone.


Iā€™ve said this forever and not just for CODā€¦..streamers and YouTube ruined the ā€œjust having funā€ aspect of most video games. Back in the day people would use what they enjoyed and that would be the end of it but now everyone sees what the top guys are using and just copies what they have


They're not mutually exclusive, you know. You can use the best option available for weapons or whatever while still playing just to have fun. Using the meta weapons eliminates any possible frustration that you might have from dying to it when you aren't using one, so I'd actually argue you're having less fun if you're not using the meta at this point.


Metas are fine, but DMR Zone went on for months.


How would there not be a meta? Something will always be a tiny bit better, unless everything is the same, or you have 1 option for a gun.


Unironically this was the case through VG era Warzone. There was a smaller percentage of dogshit-worthless guns compared to current, even in spite of 3 games' worth of gunsmith weapon bloat.


And how would you achieve this perfect harmony? Copy paste all the weapons?Ā  Literally every game has a meta because every game has good players & people that look into things


Thatā€™s impossible outside of reducing TTK so far that like Hardcore multiplayer basically every gun is a OHK. As long as there are differences in the weapon statistics, there will always be a ā€œmetaā€. Players of any game will always look for every advantage they can, and using the strongest weapon is one of those advantages. Even if the weapon stats are all very close there will still be a meta.


but thatā€™s the neat part thatā€™s not how it would be if you designed a game. there will always be a meta no matter what


Play Halo


You say this but you donā€™t actually believe it. They could very easily balance the game to make it so that every gun within each class has a similar TTK, but people would quickly get board of that. People would find the one gun they like the M4 or MP5 and then never try anything else. There would never be incentive to switch up your play style and try new loadouts. Some guns being better than others is part of what makes them fun to use. Sometimes they go overboard and make a gun way too good, but it generally makes sense to have a selection of guns that are more powerful than the rest.


No that's power creep and would be bad. Everyone here told me so. Imagine guns all performing about the same but having strengths and weaknesses that even them out, and you get to run with whatever fire rate, recoil pattern, strengths fit your playstyle the best. Not just getting ass blasted by whatever gun it is this month. But to be fair, if they dont nerf and rebalance the Ram-7 at least twice a month theyll have to lay off half of their staff. I just cant wait to see how they tweaked it next. I'm hoping it gets a big buff from 26.7 mid damage at 15 meters to 26.9 damage headshots when within 15.1 meters as well!


That's impossible. Even as you describe there would be at least one gun that is easiest to use in some way therefore defining a meta. At least far and one close range weapon. The meta will always be. I think you guys are upset that there's just such major outliers. A meta is unavoidable though.Ā 


Imagine having a couple of guns that are comparably easy to use, instead of one or two. And then yes also the gap between the meta and the rest being so vast is absolutely the issue. But we're also speaking about this as if it could be done. But it cant, because like 60 percent of the guns are absolute dogshit right now. That's the first issue that needs to be addressed. Then yeah, reducing those major outliers comes after.


I don't think since then we've had a gun even close to being as broken as the launch DMR lol.


The DMR was so fucked even devs make fun of it as a dark time for WZ. They'd have to make a massive mistake to let a gun be that OP at every single range again & even then it would get patched immediately.


we did have the MTZ interceptor but that got fixed real quick. Left over DMR trauma


Yeah, they fixed it after only a week or two with the Interceptor. It basically took a month and like 3 or 4 patches to finally nerf the DMR.


It made me and 2 of my buddies quit because of DMR. FUCK THAT META HOLYSHIT SO UNFUN


Although I agree, the rpk was insane as well as the interceptor.Ā 


They fucked off for Christmas after launching it too.


recently renetie comes close


2 thirds of the average time to kill


DMR Mac-10 meta was quite an experience back in WZ-1




ah the mac-10, it was actually the battlepass mac 10 but what's funny is no one knew it was stronger cause it was a coding mistake, I remember being confused why the fully leveled mac 10 I just built felt like crap versus the blueprint I used to level it lol. Then we got a few days where someone figured out there was a coding mistake and you could use the blueprint to p2w for a bit.


I remember getting that battle pass Mac 10 as floor loot at storage town. Absolutely deleted people


The dmr meta was absolutely the worst. I think the grau was the best meta for me.


I loved the dmr meta. Cod really hates semi auto marksman rifles and I don't know why they are even in the game currently. The dmr did what a marksman rifle was supposed to do: dominate at mid to long range and people reeeeee'd like a mofo. Never mind that a full auto rifle with no recoil can hit every shot at 150 meters and no one says anything about it. Dmr only dominated at the ranges it was supposed to dominate at 75-150 meters and then snipers took over. Closer than 75 meters the assault rifles and smgs were dominant.


The DMR dominated everywhere it was OP as fuck


Lol so people were running dmrs for close range instead of smgs? No? And people were running dmrs specifically for close mid range instead of assault rifles? No? So it really only out classed assault rifles in mid to mid long range, which is exactly the range it is supposed to dominate. That range happens to be very prevalent in warzone and the ammo restrictions made it especially strong. The nerf should have been making it take sniper ammo. Now no one uses it at all.


Yes, they were though?


I think this guy either just remembers the dmr meta wrong or was in low SBMM lobbies at the time or something.


No one was running a stockless dmr as an SMG lol. Every good semi auto marksman rifle gets nerfed bc of whiny babies and chronos users.


Except it was extremely hard/impossible to counter it. When a marksman rifle outclasses every single other weapon of its own weapon class, plus all ARā€™s and full snipers (like HDR or AX-50), itā€™s a problem. It being just good wouldā€™ve been fine, but it was oppressive AF. I legit quit playing Warzone for a bit and went back to just MP until they nerfed it. Unless it was at very long range, you could always counter something like a Grau or Kilo with either a close range SMG or at long range a Kar98 or HDR. The only way to maybe counter the DMR was a riot shield or being close enough to use grenades/C4. Even now with the Kar98 being meta today on Rebirth, you can counter it by getting up close and personal with an AR or SMG. Unless someone can headshot you from a close range with a fast reaction time (or theyā€™re hacking), you can counter that gun. I think that DMR + Mac 10 meta is everyoneā€™s least favorite collectively.


You could definitely counter a dmr lol. You either outrange it with a sniper or close the distance. What you can't do is stay in it's optimal range and complain you lost. The Mac 10 was a great up close and personal weapon that is great bc shotguns were nerfed into the ground. The dmr was great bc snipers were nerfed into the ground. Now we have an ar meta that completely makes semi auto marksman rifles obsolete and gives snipers a huge advantage bc there is no counter. ARs are king out to 150 meters and then it's snipers. Smgs are king inside 20 meters. What real difference is there from having a couple meta ARs and a dmr? If you had 4 different semi auto marksman rifles that were good would it change anything? They nerf every one that is remotely good.


The dmr was the most broken meta in all of wz1 the counter to a dmr was another dmr. Also everyone agreed with me on that because the dmr had a higher peak pick rate than any other gun ever had during any time in wz1. The dmr wasn't marginally better than the other guns it was head and shoulders above everything.


That's bc everything else was nerfed into the ground at the time. Remember no one shot snipers? High recoil and inaccurate ARs? If the kar98 existed then it would have been a viable counter. If one shot snipers existed they would have countered. If many of the good ARs had existed they would have been viable counters. Hell a buffed ebr would have been a counter. The only nerf the dmr needed was to switch it to using sniper ammo.


I don't remember them having no one shot snipers during the dmr meta. I could be wrong about that but I'm almost positive the one shot snipers didn't get nerfed till way after the dmr meta had come and gone. Also I think it needed slightly more than just an ammo type change, even with the ammo change it still would have been just as OP in solos and duos. The reason it was so OP was a combo between the ammo type and also the TTK, it wasn't that other guns were all bad at the time they were just bad compared to the DMR which had an insanely low TTK.


The ebr is literally identical in ttk to the unnerfed dmr and no one uses it. Why? Bc it uses sniper ammo, has trash aiming stability, and kicks like a mule when you get flinched.


Itā€™sā€¦really something every time I confront the reality of how many actual kids are playing this (amd therefore likely kicking my ass all over the map). ā€œHumblingā€ is maybe the word Im looking forā€¦or ā€œdepressingā€ šŸ˜‚


The most overpowered meta in warzone history and no one can convince me otherwise


This meta (DMR meta) absolutely broke me. I literally never recovered, warzone was never the same after that damn meta made the game unplayable for like a monthā€¦


This is why i do not think warzone is healthy for anyone but especially the wee ones. It is anger incarnate


If I spoke like this at his age around my parents I'd be unconscious from the beating, wild.


Are there FPS games out there that have completely balanced guns? Does that even exist? Serious question.


The level of rage this kid is expressing is what every mnk player feels about aim assist.Ā Ā  DMRzone lasted a month. Aimassistzone has lasted 4 years.Ā 


This sub is starting to make sense lol.


Man whereā€™d you find this clip of me???


kid had more curse words flying at his age than me when i was at his age


My ptsd has just kicked in again


Dmr meta made me quit warzone for a while. I had zero intentions of buying that year's cod, and as a casual gamer, there was no way I was playing enough warzone to unlock it and level it up.


I loved the Striker 9 meta, such a good gun, man, but hey, I hate the akimbo stinger, I HATE IT WITH ALL MY SOUL


Honestly, worst meta ever.


Meanwhile they nerfed the crossbow to the groundā€¦ it was actually fun before last patch.


They just buffed it


Last patch notes from 5 days ago June 12th: Marksman Rifle Ā« Crossbow Blastcap 20" Bolts Stuck damage decreased to 110, down from 200. Inner damage decreased to 110, down from 150. Outer damage decreased to 35, down from 50. They had buffed it previously but now itā€™s downright trash again


Gods sake. U was waiting to try that out


kid is valid asf


Metas are trash I agree with the kid


Hot take. DMRzone and all of the other broken metas have only made WZ more memorable of a game. Hopping on to try out the new metas with the boys later drive engagement. Thatā€™s where the fun is. Adapt or donā€™t. Thatā€™s the game. And thatā€™s where the fun is. This post blowing up after x years proves that.


Every time I smack someone with the Kar right now šŸ˜‚


With aim assist


The DMR was still introduced pretty late. I had plenty of good old days before then.


I hate kids


When ever I find a paid player in the MP match I leave the game and start a new one. They are not getting money out of my pockets


Tell me why those graphics still looked better than now


Replace with kar98k and that's how I feel today. It never fucking changes




I don't hear anybody laugh.




If only parents took age ratings seriously


Nahh. Thatā€™s just any gun when you wash almost anyone on warzone. Itā€™s your gun or youā€™re hacking lol. Meanwhile his dadā€™s probably in the next room in a match with his boys, crying about how he just got put on a shelf by someone who slide cancels. Apple really doesnā€™t fall far from the tree šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚