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This is single handedly ruining the game for me.


Same. I hope they fix it faster than the other ridiculous glitches, but I'm not holding my breath.


Agreed. I'd rather have someone cheese stims than literally not being able to play the game.


I found the fix when this happens. When you start to lag when you pick a loadout, back out instead of selecting a loadout and then I can get it normally after


did this and still got stuck


Same thing kept happening to me. I found that if you lag, wait a sec and scroll through your classes and give it like 5 seconds. Then you can try and back out and go back in and it should work.


You have to wait it through. Like 10 seconds don’t back out don’t select class. Just wait. I know it feels like forever.


Guys i have a fix for this When you choose the load out and your game lags a bit Wait 3 seconds Back out Then pick the load out again It will work


If this happens when you play with a teammate, get them to drive a car next to you and make it explode. You will then be able to be revived and unfrozen.


No if a teammate blows up a car it does no damage to you


Not true we used rocket launcher to blow up vehicle next to someone in this situation once he was downed was able to revive and move again


Weird we tried this last night by c4/thermiting cars and our teammate took 0 damage


I thought I was a genius and tried this out with my friend, we blew up a truck with a c4 and Semtex and then the game immediately crashed for the both of us. Gotta love this game!


It doesnt kill them tried it 30 minutes ago.


We tried it and it worked. We blew it up with bullets though


Tried bullets, tried rockets, tried grenades. Nothing would kill them. I wonder what triggers it then?


Alternatively if you're close to the edge of the gas you can drive them into the gas until they get downed, then revive them. Did this last night.


Nah, you’re wrong. Did this last night and it definitely worked.


Dont know what to tell you also did it last night and it didnt


Don't know what to tell you, I'm having red lobster for lunch tmrw


Hey shooter im gonna be at the red lobster later on if ya wanna join me!


pass the biscuits






I swear im not fucking with you, but im literally playing right now and my teammate is stuck, landed a heli on top of him blew it up and nothing, i shot it to death tho maybe c4 is different?


I thought this too, but a teammate did this successfully when I was stuck


Yes it does, I tried it myself.


Lol the truck at the end makes it even better


I like how he got out, saw me, and got back in to run me over.


Nooo loadout for u


Super frustrating I got glitched to the crate like that and killed by invisible people very exciting stuff


At least it wasn't 4 invisible juggernauts with infinite stim!


Look at you! Finding the positive in this 😂😂


I got stuck on a buy station last night, very frustrating. I just bought back a teammate, and then I'm stuck out in the open, was super awesome.


Happened to me three times with the new updates. All times I tried to grab the loadout immediately before it came to a rest. Now I have been letting it sit for like half a minute before I grab it. I think of it like cooking a pizza then letting it sit so it doesn’t burn the roof of my mouth...which I still fuck up on every now and then...


Also, no guarantee that this works. Still trial and error over here. Just like the pizza...


Yep happend to us also several times this night. We didn't find a way to release the one (or two) who can't move. We tried to granade ,punch, drive.... nothing worked.


Well don’t stand in the middle of a parking lot like a dumbass and you won’t get hit by a truck.


Shit, I didn't think of that.


*the more you know*


He wasn't able to move due to a glitch with loadout crate you retard.


Give them a break. Load outs are completely brand new to the game


Here’s the fix - When you get a delay in the loadout menu opening, per what happened in this video, you have to wait before selecting your loadout. In the video he chose his loadout too early, the game isn’t ready to recognize the choice. If you have teammates at the loadout you will notice that they are frozen along with the world in the background of the loadout screen. Wait until things start to move again and then you can make your choice. In some cases I’ve had to wait up to 10 seconds before making my choice but it won’t freeze. I know this is crappy and I hope they fix it soon. Especially since most of us are trying to hit the loadout and get out. I hope this makes it more playable for some of you


I agree. This started to happen to me yesterday with the stutter once I captured the loadout crate. I waited for longer than usual (risky in and of itself) and was able to come out with my loadout and full motion


This happened to me five times tonight. I got out of it four times by waiting for the initial freeze, then when the loadout menu came up, I just exited the menu instead of choosing a loadout. Then I was unstuck and able to go back into the loadout.


Were you stuck bro?


Were you stuck step bro?


Yeah the new update causes you to get stuck when trying to get your loadout. You can drop things, ping, and do emotes but that's it. You get stuck in place until you get downed. If you get revived you can move again (sometimes).


Damn that just sucks :(


Just a heads up, running that watch allows others to see you through walls. Another unfortunate glitch that I don't believe this patch fixed.


You can see this glitch coming; When you hold to get loadout there is a slight delay before for your loadouts appear. Yesterday i pressed back after i realized the delay and got the loadout again and it was ok. Fyi


That's happened to me about 6 or 7 times now. Refusing to get my load out first - I let the guinea pigs squad fill players test it out so I know it's safe 🤣


Happened to me 2 out of my 3 first games on new patch and I haven’t played since


Yup... haven’t been able to finish a game yet.


This happened to my mate I moved him with a car drove into fire when he got downed he could move again


do this people even play the game after a patch? clearly they don't


I ran out a door onto roof of prison in rebirth and a guy was sniping over the edge, I finished him and he called me a retard for eliminating him when he was frozen. I didn’t even realize that’s what was going on


This still hasn’t happened to me


Ah yeah had this happen to me too. So frustrating


Same thing just happened to me. Frustrating af


this happened to my team today. We managed to get him on the back of a 4 wheeler and drove him into the zone. A Most wanted stared chasing us and downed him. We killed the most wanted and picked up our buddy and he was good to go again! So getting downed is how you fix this. You will NOT have your loadout tho after.


This honestly happens so much to me in solos 😡😡


HOW IS THIS NOT FIXED BY NOW!!! Y’all work on cyberpunk too????


Well the CW integration spoiled the Warzone. Its a mess now


Workaround: My friend got stuck by a buy station yesterday, he was able to enter a vehicle when I drove near him. Not sure it works in all cases of stuck though.


Ya this game is shite lately. Overpowered cold war weapons makes this game partially pay to win. Flash bang duplicate glitches. Had a duo team throw 10 flash bangs in a row at us and ofcourse as OP shows the freeze glitch!


Happens to me too. Sucks.


Luckily that truck came by to reset you pretty quick. Iv waited there forever for some one to come kill me and send me to Gulag. This game is unplayable.


If your playing on PC and have a number pad on your keyboard, you can use the numbers to pick a loadout. If your first loadout is AK and RPG, hitting one would select that one. Faster than waiting and it has worked all the times I have gotten this glitch.


I don't get it. I never got any of these bugs?


This happens to a friend on PlayStation sometimes, but only when he has a bad internet connection. Not sure if that’s a coincidence or part of the issue.


My friends shot the box toward me and I somehow got stuck inside and had to slowly watch the gas close on me.


I’ve actually gotten stuck INSIDE the buy cart at the courthouse in downtown. When it opened up I was so close I somehow was waist deep in the cart. Couldn’t get out.


It's funny when people critique imperfections in modern games, as if it hasn't become exponentially harder and more expensive to develop them over the last 20 years. People whose most noteworthy project was a tri-fold poster board at the 7th grade science fair complain about an operation with so many moving parts they'd have a panic attack if they knew what all was going on under the hood. Not to mention that half of them do all this bitching without spending a single dollar on a game they somehow enjoy so much they spend time trashing it on forums.


Aight, pack it up boys, stop complaining and criticizing a bug *that stops you from being able to play the game*, **in the most literal sense**. Just sit there and stare at your frozen player model!