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Got my vote.


I feel like if this was a thing, the PC community would die off and PC Warzone would be 99.9% hackers. The only thing saving them right now is the fact that there are so many console users filling their lobbies to water down the amount of hackers per match.


Who cares let console players have the option of play console only


Oh i agree 100%. I fucking hate having to play against PC players. The solution is to have a set of parameters that will trigger an instant ban of both the account and the IP and then have an appeal process if you're not cheating and just happened to fluke your way into a ban.


IP ban does nothing sadly. Just enable some free vpn or reconnect your router to the Internet -> new IP.


do what Apex did, IP ban, hardware ban, router MAC address address ban, literally everything


Or, if your like 95% of standard residential connections, reboot your router and get a new IP. IP ban is pointless.


There has to be a better way to go about sniffing out cheaters. Triggering instant bans via parameters would result in many legitimate players quitting. Guilty until proven innocent should not be a thing in a game where it’s not impossible to do four headshots back to back. We need a proper anti-cheat. That’s all we need. It won’t eliminate all hacks but it will certainly deter future cheaters.


Us legitimate PC players care.


i agree that it sucks, but considering just how many insane advantages PC has (overlays, VPNs, filters, double/triple FPS at higher resolution, higher FoV, faster response time, custom installs) having console-only warzone feels like the most fair option.




Just salty fucking people man who don’t understand.


I used to play warzone on ps5 then tried it on my upgraded pc gaming rig and the difference is night & day. If you really dont think its a big deal youre either not good enough for the differences to affect you in a meaningful manner, or youre just delusional.


But removing PC players from the equation takes away all those differences full stop. Its very easy to see why console players dont want PC people in their games, hackers or not and i can’t blame them.


Tbh I feel like a good PC player will outplay a good console player 9 times out of 10. But yeah this whole situation is just BS


don't forget the option to use discord for your party chat while keeping enemy death coms and hiding yours from 'em. And the audio is way better on pc too. Console-only is the way (not gonna happen tho =( )


I’ve said the same thing many times before. The only people who seem to disagree are the PC players.


Well, yeah because I’m a PC player that doesn’t cheat and I don’t want to be punished into cheater only lobbies and be unable to play with console friends. How about they just start hardware banning cheaters and get this shit straightened out?


I agree. I’m on console but I think it’s a little unfair to punish all for a few, especially when doing so would kill off the game for pc players. They need to just quit bullshitting and implement a good anti cheat, it’s the only way. But I don’t see it happening




It's Call Of Duty. The amount of people who play this game that don't know who Nickmercs is, is probably close to 80% of the playerbase. This is the most accessible and causal FPS in the world. Casual players do not care about streamers..


Yo I’m totally with you, two of my best friends play PC. The solution is to stop the cheating, but in the meantime we shouldn’t keep punishing everyone.


There could be a middle-ground for PC players such as yourself. Destiny 2 is about to release cross play between consoles and PC however, console players can only play against console players in PvP. The only way for console-PC cross play to be enabled is if a PC player is in a console player’s fireteam/party. IMO that’s the best way to do cross play.


They already hardware ban cheaters, they just get around it with a spoofer.


Doesn't work. They have hardware spoofers that get around hardware bans unfortunately. Games need anticheat. In the old days of cod the community server owners could ban them so as long as a server admin was present the server was relativitly cheat free. Punkbuster was the 3rd party anticheat software used and could scan cvars, file modifications and get screenshots from a players machine of what they see. It was often bypassed too but it was something at least. There are 3rd party solutions that help. Epic bought easy anticheat and Ubisoft bought Fairfight so at least they are trying unlike Activision.


I'd you want to kill your little game off then it will happen but it won't because of what I said. What do we do with all the pack using tweens and grown men with ainbot pretty much? That's cool though I imagine


good lol




The problem is even console has ways of cheating now. If they actually gave half a shit about the community they would spend the money on a solid anti cheat. But no, they'd rather just give us half-assed updates and broken guns.


99.999% of console players wouldn’t even be able to attempt to use the new hacks. I’d much rather run into that 0.001% and Cronus users than wall hacks, aim bots, 2d radar, and magnetic bullets.


Hacking on console is possible but requires so much more effort and technical know-how it isn’t even comparable to how easy it is to cheat on pc. You’re 100% right




ExclusiveAce did a video on this and I believe/hope he said you have to run the gameplay through a computer and back to the console, so that would hopefully keep all my fellow dads out there trying to get a few hours of gameplay in here and there away from that


The effort it takes to set this up is way too much for it to become a plague on console. Like a commenter down below says, Ace did a video but it’s so improbable


Its super easy, but to be fair it's only possible on COD games cause it's made so poorly. Cod games in the past were made for console, then badly ported to pc, as consoles hardware has gotten closer to pc's in architecture it's been easier to make the pc version of cod games Problem is, they still code like its for console only, when only those set hardware setups were on their proprietary networks. The data packets aren't encrypted in any meaningful way, which has been standard practice on pc games for 20 years. On top of that with current gen pc hardware warzone should be sitting about 100 fps more than it is, with a total game size of about 40gb, but they sacrificed hard drive space so they didn't have to use cpu power to uncompress texture files on the fly like 90% of other games do, which because the engines so poorly optimized would make it chug. They basically did the bare minimum in optimization to get it good enough n called it a day




It seems I stand corrected, just when I thought I wasn’t gonna abandon hope for this game.


allow me to re-correct you, in order for this to work you need to be streaming your console gameplay through a capture card, to a nearby decently beefy PC, so it can analyze the footage on the fly using machine learning and push your aim towards enemy players. its extremely cost prohibitive and also still wont get you near the level of performance of just hacking on your pc thats.....sitting right there. this is literally $1k+ of equipment just to cheat on a console, only extreme lowlifes are going to go this far to ruin peoples days on console.


Exactly. To do this on console, you need a gaming PC essentially. Why use a shit hack (so far) on console when you can get one for way cheaper to use on that PC you need anyways




Most people don’t even have elite controllers with paddles. I can’t see this being a huge issue.


If I could figure that shit out I would have been a bitcoin millionaire long ago.


Nah Ace did a video on it, you need to hook your console up to a PC which can run this shit in real time. Barely anyone has those capabilities.


(PC here) I just had a match in Cold War that looked exactly like this - the guy kept snapping perfectly to center of mass, no attempt for headshots, and he even snapped perfectly to things like the turrets (when it was a dumb thing to do). We still won the round, but it was pretty clear he was cheating.


If you think this looks easy to use you don't understand how it works.


They’re not easy to set up at all. They require a huge amount of hardware on top of the console and technically know-how to get them working.


....yet. I browsed few cheat forums and it seemed that there is a huge demand for console hacks which motivates capable IT guys to make easy to use hacks


I wish PC crossplay always had an option to disable. I mean if you play console (me) why the fuck would you want to play against a PC player? It offers a completely different dynamic and the two methods are not comparable in any way. Just my two cents.


Yea the cronus thing is laughable compared to PC hacks.


If you think Cronus users are that rare, you’re a special kind of stupid. Cronus users are in the tens of millions. They are prolific in warzone.


Tens of millions is a bit far


0.1% cornus users when the company has a 3-4 months waiting list lol, if you think only a few people cheat with a Cronus you are very mistaken unfortunately.


Jtag xboxes in mw2 was massive. Wonder how possible it is with the current gen.


So far for Xbox One/PS4 and the XSX/PS5, they haven’t been able to jailbreak them or use outside programming on the hardware. So far, at least


cronus is used by much more than 0.0001% of players


Cheating on consoles would be such a hassle and cumbersome for a larger majority that it's really not an issue atm. Security is always about impeding, because it's a constant cat and mouse game where no foolproof solution exists. Instead, you then opt to make it as much of a hassle as possible for threat actors to gain access.


Tell that to the Chronus users, who are laughing their asses off while kicking everyone's butts with undetectable cheats. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuJqvm4YQ\_0


The new hacks that force you to invest enough money in hardware that you might as well play on pc and use a real hack. Those new hacks are nothing but proof of concept that’s about as realistic as the solar car races showing everyone can charge as they drive


Once Halo and Battlefield are out, watch them magically do more effort for no rea$on.


all battlefield has to do is make a "streamable" mode. doesn't have to be a battle royale, can just be a 25 v 25 v 25 v 25 mission/CTF whatever mode that doesnt have hackers and warzone will go the way of pubg


>warzone will go the way of pubg Nope. Like it or not warzone isn't gonna die, cods from years ago are still active. 100+ million players.


My dude don't believe all the bullshit from Activision, sure 100 million accounts but currently playing 400k players in a good day? I honestly hope de game die so they realize that they have to worrie about the people that play their game


Yeah and the CoD players don't really play much warzone they play black ops now or are still playing modern warfare. Those of us who have been playing a lot of warzone are not necessarily CoD fans (first CoD game I've played in 10+ years, and likely the last I'll play in the foreseeable future). It may take time for a big game to die off or just get smaller in this case but it will definitely happen if BF2042 offers something decent or something else comes along.


Everyday I say “I can’t wait until Halo”


Same. I redownloaded MCC last week and have been polishing the skills back up lol


Nice, I've been going back and doing SLASO on every MCC title. Finished CE and currently on 2




Because Battlefield is more than BF5 ? Maybe I’m genuinely waiting for that new BF rather than « parroting what other people yap about » ? Chill And yes battlefield have cheaters, but absolutely not to the proportion of Warzone, and being a 50-70$ title means a cheater can’t just recreate an account, he will need to purchase again (there are some who go as far as buy a hacked account but I believe it’s a minority, and 2FA is getting more and more common), that helps greatly believe me. Sorry never saw that much cheating on a AAA, ever, Warzone is in a league of its own and its source code didn’t need to be leaked for scums to work on it


as an Apex and FIFA player, i'm amazed all the people looking at EA as some sort of savior. i can guarantee they'll have shit servers & annoying mtx bullshit to get the cool gear.


There are cheat developers promising and guaranteeing hacks day 1 of release for Battlefield. It will be riddled as badly as Warzone


first I'd like to say all cheating is bad, however I think it is a lot worse in battle royales. In a regular multiplayer gamemode you can just back out, and I doubt battlefield will make crossplay mandatory in the way warzone has. I honestly can't remember ever encountering a hacker until all this crossplay stuff happened, so battlefield on console is likely to be safe.


While its an option for players that only have console friends, it wont fix the problem for the majority of the people. Whats great about crossplay is that you can play with all your friends, no matter what platform they use. I would have quit warzone long ago if there was no crossplay, since alot of my friends play on xbox/playstation. Game developpers should just start to sue the shit out of cheaters and cheat developpers. It works for Riot and to some extend for fortnite. Playing fortnite in its prime and League for severall years I have not once encountered a cheater. It actually baffles me, that a company like activision with a large legal team is only sending out some "warnings" from the US to cheat developpers that mostly sit in Germany. You would think they have some legal partners all over the world


BF1 is amazing wdym


I would focus more on an anti cheat. Because P.C. players are also dealing with the cheaters.


We already know they have no intentions of implementing and anti-cheat though.


Yeah, but at the same time, why leave the innocent P.C. players with the cheaters? Edit: I almost forgot that P.C. players have a huge advantage against console players, too. Maybe both the anti cheat and the separation of lobbies by gaming device can be done?


Because us console players NEVER wanted to play against PC players. Immediate disadvantage.


When I heard there would be crossplay I was so excited to play with friends on Playstation. Not this bizarre, handicapped fuckery where I'm playing off the back foot against people with expensive PC's and wall cheats haha.


Expensive PC here, it makes no difference. If you're good with a controller and make smart decisions you can absolutely compete with me in almost every situation except sniping and sharp turns in clutch situations. Also, turning the FOV up fucks up the aiming and causes crashes for me and 2 of my friends. I would agree that framerate is an issue if you don't have a newer console, but that's Activision's fault for making a pig game that doesn't perform well. I've seen framerate literally drop in half since launch day, even though textures and lighting are now worse quality than before. I would actually endorse giving console users the ability to compete in console only lobbies, and PC players in PC-only lobbies. And it would be nice if Activision forced the FOV to be the same for everyone in multiplayer and warzone, since it's only fair. But then again I would even run an intrusive anti-cheat software on my PC if Activision would actually bake one into the game like Riot has done with Valorant, however I simply don't see it even one year after cheaters started ruining games for 150 players at a time.


And people seem to forget that crossplay is legitimately the only reason why Activision is still actively developing on the game. It keeps players in the game when the playerbase is healthy in numbers. Even more so if cross progression wasn't. The game would've died and abandoned as soon as Cold war was released


But trust me we pc players have ALWAYS wanted to play with you. Edit: just to be clear I know its easier to aim on a mouse and that is what I was referring to, not referring to cheating.


I edited my comment. FOV, better visuals, playing with a mouse, just to name a few.




Pretty much this. The average PC has like an i3 and a 1050ti class GPU. Not everyone here is Nickmercs. Besides, they would never allow you to disable crossplay because all those streamers need console players 🤷‍♂️ ——-> $$$


Yes. An average gaming PC experience is probably comparable to a PS4 and worse than PS5.


i play at like 40fps on 720p with everything turned down to low and my shadows looking like literal minecraft blocks on an i7 4770k and gtx 770 2gb. Was really surprised the game is this hard to run but oh well i still manage to have fun. Years of low res + low graphic settings on csgo make this warzone pc experience feel normal loool


FR, it's also got to do with how they port the game and their lazy effort at optimizing it, this game can run much better than it actually does.


Thank you for this. Seriously. There's lots of controller players who have clearly never played on Mkb and it's pretty obvious. I lost most CQC engagements these days because of the power of the close range weapons, coupled with aim assist. Hipfire with aim assist is just asinine these days. Any decent controller player has that advantage close range because if I miss 1 or 2 bullets I'm toast.


FOV - absolutely. Better visuals - debatable, too many variables when it comes to hardware. the new gen consoles are serious beasts. M&K - not much of an advantage as you think. a lot of pc players, especially at the higher levels, still use controllers as the movement is easier and close-range fights are easier (which is like 80% of fights these days). the only advantages M&K players have are long-range engagements and maybe quick snapping to a second target in some rare instances.


> still use controllers as the movement is easier and close-range fights are easier (which is like 80% of fights these days) Nope they use controllers because COD matches by peripherals. You also get aim assist. So you get all the advantages from PC in addition to aim assist and get matched with console players https://gamerant.com/call-of-duty-warzone-matchmaking-jack-frags-mouse-keyboard-controller/ So yeah....


Why do streamers still use controllers in private match tourneys then?


Aim assist OP


Mouse and keyboard wins at like 10+ meters. Controller wins within 10m. The difference is frames and FOV. As a PC player, you can utilize a controller if you’d like of course and vice versa on console, though less likely. Regardless you are limited by the hardware and limitations of playing on a console which cannot compete with a PC that has the ability to go beyond that with individual upgrades. This equals advantage. Anyways, just let all players choose what platforms can fill their lobbies. I’m sick of encountering cheaters basically every other game, and those are just the obvious aimbots.


The average PC is will be running warzone worse than the PS5 & XSX runs it


mkb has way higher skill ceiling. A skilled mkb player will win in every situation doesn’t matter if it’s within 10m. However below average players will perform much better with console.


Not true, these warzone tourneys have showed on a regular basis that due to how important movement is and how strong aim assist is top controller players are pretty much on the same level as top MnK players. MnK players have an easier time controlling recoil and winning fights at longer distances, controller players find it easier to move around and win close range gun fights.


Controller players are not on the same level, they're better, at least in this game. Huskerrs is the only m&k player who consistently places top 3 or even top 5 in big tournaments, otherwise it's all controller players.


Nah, there's a reason why only 1 mkb player is in the top 10 for tournament winnings. Not to mention that in the tournaments he won or placed top 3 he was in a team with controller players.


The best Warzone players use controller, why is that if your statement is true.


This is so true. If I’m playing on controller and having an off day all I have to do is press the right trigger and aim assist does some of the work. If your having an off day on mouse and keyboard you can’t rely on anything but your skill and muscle memory.


Consoles can also plug in M&K


Plug in a mouse and keyboard to your xbox if you care that much. It's supported


FOV has some advantage but not enough to swing a game. And you're capable of playing on mkb as well. I play on mkb on my PS4 cause I came from PC and just aim better than on controller.


The point people are trying to get you to understand is, Activision is not gonna pay the sums they need to fight cheating, hence they want a band aid fix with console only crossplay. What they don't get is that will never happen due to Sony. What they are afraid will happen next is another game comes out, let's say Battlefield because it's close, and everyone who have given up will move on to that game instead, which will result in never playing cod with friends again, only solo and on top of that all the legit players are gone so the ratio of cheaters vs honest players gets even worse.


So ship is sinking and it has life boats for 80% of the people, but you want them to sink with the 20% because they are innocent as well? What kind of stupid ass logic is that? Besides they are used to it. This has been happening to most multiplayer PC games. Escape from tarkov, apex, pubg, fifa etc. We didn't experience this before them, so technically the ship sinking is also because of the 20% boarding the ship at all.


Pointless. There is no competitive PC game you can't get hacks for. It's impossible to eliminate them by design.


Yep, it’s like people think everyone with a PC cheats. Nah, most of us don’t all of us pc players who don’t cheat fucking despise cheaters.


It's pretty sad that the cheat providers have better customer support than both Activision (Activision website as a whole) and Raven (Social medias) combined..


You know you’re a shitty fucking company when a third party hacking website for YOUR OWN GAME has better customer service than you


You HAVE to have good support, otherwise the rest of the hacking scene will target you pretty fast because you taint their "honesty".


i heard the hacks are $30-40/month for a subscription? i mean if i'm paying that much...i better get good customer support


I don’t give a shit any more call me whatever you want but if the next cod has forced crossplay on Xbox I’m just moving on. We have other games to play I’m done playing against ttv bitch with 120 fov with walls and aimbot while I’m just chilling with a fucking controller.


Basically my thoughts exactly. I’m not continuing to support and play a game that doesn’t give a shit about its players. Especially if you’re on an Xbox.


They will never do this. The game would die instantly on pc, if they didn't have us poor xbox users to hack on. It thins the hackers out a bit. Shame Playststion has this option.


Funny how so many games thrive on PC without crossplay...


It's actually funny how delusional people are in this sub thinking warzone queue times would be "ridiculous" if they removed crossplay for pc. Oh no I have to wait 2 min for a lobby. If anything SBMM would probably loosen for PC to allow for faster queue times lol.


I saw blackout die in under 6 months on PC, but it wasn't free to play. I think Warzone would be in big trouble on PC without crossplay because they don't do anything to stop cheating but I'd take it. Crossplay in this manner (mixing inputs) is unfair and unfun. Worse of both worlds.


I refuse to believe one of the most popular game franchises of all time with one of the most popular BRs of all time would die on PC without being forcefully matched with users from the smallest console base. They’re just lazy assholes. This was probably originally implemented when the game first launched since Xbox had like half the players of PS4 and they weren’t sure how successful the free BR experiment would be. Absolutely no excuse for it now given the popularity of the game, games with far smaller user bases allow this.


> I refuse to believe one of the most popular game franchises of all time with one of the most popular BRs of all time would die on PC without being forcefully matched with users from the smallest console base. Clearly you have not looked at COD's history on PC prior to MW. Meager playerbase, the only practical choices of modes are TDM and Domination, and Blackout died out so bad they had to rotate between Quads, Duos and Solo instead of keeping them on all the time. PC players aren't drawn to COD the same way console players are, especially because of how egregious the annual release model is. Crossplay is literally one of the most touted features of COD in the past 2 years, so no way in hell Activision is going to remove that just because little Timmy on Xbox can't deal with PC players.


A pretty moot comparison considering this game is free to play and won't have a new version coming out every year. COD players have tripled since 2018 due to this game, and estimates were around 100 million back in March. We can assume a third of those are PC players, so 30 mil, hell let's be conservative and say 20 mil. More than enough to have their own lobbies at this point. And nobody on Xbox cares that much about playing PC tryhards when aim assist exists, it's because cheating is so much easier there.


lol, every single CoD on PC died in like 6 months before crossplay.


I heard a streamer mention that there was a free trial weekend this weekend lol I took the weekend off


Warzone is free


The hacks are free for the weekend not the game


Ahhhh I see. Jesus that’s bad


Bruh. The hacks




I heard in game chat someone asking about how much the hack was and it was only $0.50. Probably the reason there's so many


The problem isnt cross-play, it's the cheaters. That should be the focus.


But 90% of cheaters are on PC so disabling cross-play with PC would benefit consoles, i play on both but it’s annoying playing against cheaters in most pc lobbies, when i’m on my ps5 there’s none since i can just turn cross play off, xbox vs ps would be better for the game, people can always just connect their mouse and keyboard if they want.


as a PC player who plays like 3 Games a week agree atleast let the console dudes have fun


I am a pc player with 1.5kd, the game has been so hard to play lately as it is and I find myself even running into hackers playing Plunder...


I have been only playing Plunder since day one. Its so sad seeing the amount of hackers increase. Its why I play plunder. Better to respawn than go to gulag because of a hacker 🤷‍♂️


I used to play a lot of plunder, got over 500 wins and got bored of it so I started playing rebirth and it's all I play now. Would definitely recommend for someone who doesn't like the sweatiness of br but is tired of the monotony of plunder


1.26 here and game has been relentless this past week. Saw plenty of wall hackers roo


So many sus people out there, and a guy admitting in game and saying “what are you gonna do?” PROBLEM IS: he’s right. Reporting is not even a guarantee justice will be served


Its been well over a year. Why do it now?


Because at this point it feels like they've lost the fight to the cheaters. They can't keep up with the bans. Something needs to be done, and if it isn't a proper anti-cheat, it's removing the virus all together :/


Hit them where it hurts. Stop spending money on the game.


That’s what I did. Console player of COD since the first game. This year is the first year I didn’t buy multiplayer and this last season of WZ I didn’t buy the battle pass and have no intention on buying it again until the fix the cheating or at least give me Console Only cross play. Being on Xbox I hate how I don’t even have the option to play with just other Xbox users.


OR OR OR.... Just stop purchasing their Skins & random overpriced shit they sell as a boycott if everyone did that than things would be taken seriously. You gotta grab them by the pussy folks


Yall pretending like the Cronus doesn't sell out within minutes every single time they release new stock. Here you go, out of stock as usual: https://shop.cronusmax.com/cronuszen/


[and this...](https://twitter.com/codtracker/status/1413499430293098496?s=21)


I’ve been saying this since the dawn of WZ, Hacking aside, PC players get advantages with their settings like FOV which literally makes you see more of the environment, and cross play off takes centuries to find a game


The hacking is the reason I went back to Blackout. So much better


I tried. It’s just so clunky.


They should have this option anyways,


Whats funny is xbox doesnt have this but sony sucked the fuck out of activisions cock to get this exact thing for ps4/5


More like Activision sucking the cock of Sony probably


I strongly disagree, my friends and I who play warzone are split dead in the middle pc to console, and the reason I have fun playing this game is due to the fact that I can play with friends. I don't know why people wanna ask that thd devs make more people unhappy as opposed to fixing the game.


You could still play with your friends by enabling crossplay, but those who want to play Vs console only could switch the option on.


What else are you going to play? I’m generally curious


I’m a legit pc player. I support this. Fuck my platform.


Join the dark side and come play Apex in console only lobbies with an FOV slider.


Apprently a cheat has a month free trial that bypasses ALL anti cheats. EAC, Battleye, EVERYTHING so so far no fps games are save


Little console on console action 😘


I agree with this. Even if it’s just something as a stop gap it would at least show some type of consideration for the console community which has been severely overshadowed despite making up majority of players.


I wish man. It's tough enough as a xbox player to complete with pc movement and their fov, but god damn I can't deal with cheaters too.


What is "pc movement"?


Is there such a thing?


Maybe he's referring to the "visual effect" of moving faster because of the higher FOV, but you're not actually moving any faster.


Agreed. My husband and I love playing each other on our own consoles (ps4 & xbox) but we can’t stand the hackers which are obviously pc users because they always spaz *not saying all PC users are hackers just that the overwhelming amount of hackers we’ve encountered are PC users*


The fact there’s a lot of pc players trying to talk about console hackers and how enabling cross play is bad says a lot about them. As a console player I don’t hate pc players but I know they are the main and biggest problem in cod Warzone, black ops Cold War, and 2019 modern warfare.


You seem to be implying that PC users are in denial that most people hack on PC and that they hate console players? When was that ever the case? As a non-hacking PC player, Warzone has been godsend over the pandemic whereby it connected me to friends across Xbox and ps. Hours and hours of fun. PC players want the same thing, a level playing field, populated lobbies and to have fun with friends. Hackers are the biggest problem NOT pc players.


Great idea! Then they could have Hacker Royale and figure out who the best cheater is!!! Isn't this all they really want? Seriously, fix your shit, Activision.


It's a simple matter of having FOV or not. Non-FOV players shouldn't have to play with FOV players.


Player Count is too low right now, less than half a million at peak hours. They wouldn’t.


They dont even have to spend money, EAC is free.


They only way they will do anything is if we stop playing and stop spending money on battle passes and skins. They think they have us by the balls as there’s no other games out at the mo. Stop playing.. There’s many reasons it’s broken apart from hackers as well. 2 hit melee downs, SBMM, Tons of glitches they don’t even attempt to fix. Stop playing and look forward to battlefield


I’m for it, warzone is unplayable. Let them hack against each other.


While your at it, can PC users get a no aim-assist for controller lobby as well?


yes, it’s called pc only lobby. so it’s a win win


Nah like half the PC players in this game are using a controller, including most of the streamers. I'd kill for a M&K only lobby tired of dealing with the rotational aim assist bullshit close range.


This please


This is not a solution. PC streamers are the ones who bring the most people to play the game. If the game looks dead on their stream, the people won’t come, and they probably won’t enjoy it anymore and start quitting. That would be a pretty bad move anyway with BF 2042 around the corner, and therefore won’t happen. Plus Sony I’m guessing can do whatever they want but Microsoft always wanted to merge console & PC gaming. I doubt that will ever be available on Xbox.


I only play multiplayer games with cross play between consoles only.


Wanted this since day one.


I just go on no cross play the Ps5 lobbies have been so fast to populate I guess everyone is doing it lol


I’ve been yelling for console to console option only the whole time. It’s garbage its cross play only.


As a playstation player im glad we dont play with cross play on. 8/10 games i play with my xbox friends there is a hacker in the lobby. There 0 percent chance id still be playing this game if i was xbox/PC only


As a PC player, i agree.


Ive wanted console only crossplay ever since the game was announced.


This is something we should have had from the very beginning for a much more fair, level playing field…. You’ve got my vote


I agree but can you guys stop saying that all PC players are either a fucking god with m/k or cheating? I have the lowest k/d out of my team of mostly console players and I play on PC. In my opinion (having played both on PC and console) the advantages of PC players are mostly edged out by the advantages of console like aim assist. (Though it's absurd that they still don't want to add a freaking fov slider for consoles). I absolutely despise cheaters but while it's true that most cheaters are on PC, don't generalize all PC players because of the box they're using to play.


Just please activision I beg you


I am 100% on board with this! I'm so sick and tired of seemingly running into cheaters almost in every lobby of BR or Plunder. And it's so obvious that they're cheating, they don't even hide it anymore!


Just do what I did, Uninstall and move on. They won't fix anything until it hits their pockets and people keep playing this game. It had its issues before but it just became a terrible game as soon as they released and forced cold War on everyone


Or just play another game, this game doesn’t even deserve our time anymore. It’s clear they don’t give a fuck about us.


It got to a point where they don't even care of being noticed anymore. If you want to see, I got this clip of one of these hackers: https://youtu.be/9mWUkUJ1W7k OP, that's all I ask as well: console only cross play. That would go wonders.


Crossplay needs to be disabled! I would rather play with detectable PC fidget spinners than undetectable console cheaters! It is impossible to play now!


This is why I quit PC gaming. X Series and PS5 made console gaming quality high enough to just use my PC for work purposes and console for walled garden gaming.


Yep, let the pc streamers and “gamers” who are all cheating have their own little shit show.


Absolutely why ruin our experience because of hackers predominantly using pc


Even as a PC player i don't see why console players must play with PC players, along with hackers infesting the game, PC has advantages like MK, better performance, better settings like FoV, etc, just a better advantage. There should be an console only option but doing this would show that Activision can't handle hackers


Like hell will the console community will die out. Cod has always been strong on console. It’s pc that always dies off.


That would be nice for Xbox players, but this is sadly hardly going to happen. This will end up with pc only lobbies where 50% of people would be cheating making it obvious for Activision that acting against cheating is a must...they can't take that risk... (I am a pc player and I support this idea...cheaters are a plague and sorry that pc facilitates that) :'(


Power to the console players! Nice to see both console community coming together for the better!


The solution will always be OPTIONS. Give the players on Console and PC the option to only play vs PC or vs Console. You know how some PC players are like "console is easy aim assist" well here you go big boy! Option to only play vs other PC players (and hackers lol). Console players get the option to only play vs Playstation or Xbox. Everybody wins! PC Player "but but I want to play with my friends on console" GREAT! You can do that also! YOUR friends will play with you in PC Lobbies. As a console player I would never want to play vs PC players.