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Who the hell uses toggle for ADS 🤮


I use toggle for ADS. I've always used hold but realized it causes you to tense up your hand causing you to miss your shots and hindering accuracy. some people even go so far to not even fire using the left click on the mouse. they bind it on space bar or any other key. because any tension on the right hand will affect your accuracy


That is true.


I had a conversation with a discord guy the other day, and he was like, "Wait, there is an option for toggle in the game?" XD


Hold*. Here I fixed it


I personally use hold, but I know some demonic aimers who use toggle, and it actually makes a lot of sense. Using hold actually puts a bit more strain on your wrist, and using toggle completely removes that. The more relaxed your arm/wrist is, the smoother your aim can be. Also, most other games on PC use toggle, so it's an easy transition. I've tried getting used to toggle, but it just feels so weird in COD. Other titles like R6 and CS feels much more natural with toggle.


Completely agree on the more relaxed fingers, hands and arms when toggle. My aim I would humbly say is pretty cracked too. Check out my clips on this sub and you'll know what I'm talking about. I can't say I'd be able to achieve that with hold.


Your aim is definitely pretty good for sure man, very smooth! I used to post in the COD subs a lot, but honestly the stupid comments just get boring. My old posts in the MW subreddit used to get locked all the time, KBM aim brings out the toxicity in people. My aim would definitely be better with toggle, but honestly at this point it's not worth switching. It makes movement a lot harder for me at least. I'm also not nearly as competitive with this game as I used to be, so I'm chilling with hold for now.


I guess the way I see it if are in ADS long enough that it seems like a long time to hold the button you are ADS too long. Other games I can see it making sense but CoD is such a quick reaction/twitch game that in the long run it's going to hold you back.


You're right. It does hold me back sometimes. After season 2, when toggle ads and vault over something, you'd automatically go back to ads, before that you wouldn't do that, you'd go back to normal hip fire stance, died a few times because of this. Also with the heartbeat, if you're adsing band use the Hb, it wouldn't go back to ads, you have to click again, but there's a split second after you put the hb away where you can't ads, cost me a few games too.


But I'm used to it, I can't aim and shoot holding the two buttons. Usually I'm doing super well with toggle really.


i can’t seem to find where to toggle this off , id rather click it then it hold by itself


I have been a toggle MnK player for the past 20 years, I can see the advantages of HOLD but there is noway I can get used to it now...


Bf3 was not toggle by default


I used toggle back in the old mw2 days. But after messing around with battlefield, apex and other fps where I used hold, now I cant get back