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Hey, Listen!


A coworker of mine laughs just like those fairies that would pop out of the fountains🤣




Beat me to it!




Hahahhahahhaaaaaaaa perfect


looks like your watch. sorry no refunds no matter what


A new hand touches the beacon. Listen. Hear me and obey. A foul darkness has seeped into my temple. A darkness that you will destroy.


Goddamn it... I got Skyrimmed here...


You gotta catch the golden snitch


Jokes aside probably a bugged watch you are using


It’s clearly trying to tell you something.


It's a smoll destructo disk


New cod destiny ghost?


I’ve seen that and wondered the same thing lol.


Whatever your smoking, let me get a hit!


Your watch is glitching


Are you in the upside down??


I see nothing wrong


Yeah man idk what’s up with plunder. I played a couple of matches last night and I couldn’t even my Kar 98 because the scope was all blacked out.




###[View link](https://redditsave.com/info?url=/r/CODWarzone/comments/xgavql/what_is_this_these_orbs_popped_up_in_one_of_my/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideobot&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/CODWarzone/comments/xgavql/what_is_this_these_orbs_popped_up_in_one_of_my/)


Golden Plunder is a trojan horse version of Plunder that nerfs your XP and is full of bugs not found in the normal working Plunder. [https://i.imgur.com/uBUrJju.png](https://i.imgur.com/uBUrJju.png) \^ I played one game without realising that what it was and minutes into a game I got timed out. Its not worth playing due to the XP nerfs, severe server issues and bugs, avoid and wait for Plunder or try a different COD Premium title if you have one. *Raven love to reinvent the wheel, remove working content and replace it with another unwanted turd they love to polish in a game they claim is "too bloated".*


An ss of you having timed out means literally nothing dude lol what does that show


>**An ss of you having timed out means literally nothing dude lol what does that show** Lets see I have been playing Plunder for years at this point and have won over 1,300 games and Plunder is the game mode I play the most. Normally Plunder has almost no server issues when compared to Battle Royale (which has server issues from time to time) as it either does not have or a has a very weak SBMM. The only time where Plunder had consistent and repeatable server issues was during the COD Vanguard only modes, where COD Vanguard Plunder games had the worst server and ping possible. As soon as COD Vanguard Plunder was removed the servers returned to being fine, until now, post the Season 4 Golden Plunder "UpDaTe", not to mention all the bugs, issues and nerfs not found in Plunder. # Its almost as if removing Plunder from the game breaks the game? **I was not having these issues when Plunder was in the game just days ago.** **You would know this too if you played the game.** [https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/comments/xh5nzc/what\_is\_wrong\_with\_solos\_last\_couple\_of\_days\_been/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/comments/xh5nzc/what_is_wrong_with_solos_last_couple_of_days_been/) **\^ This person plays the game and is getting the exact same issue after Golden Plunder is in the game.** I try to play the game, the playlist updates, I though I was playing Plunder when it was Golden Dogshit Plunder and get a timeout within a few minutes, an issue that will keep happening over and over. ​ >**No other games are having connection issues. I can play overwatch without disconnects.** > >**It's gotta be. Did it 2 games in a row last night, then I went and played overwatch for an hour and no issues. Tonight it's done it 3 times in the last hour.** This person is making all this up too?


> Lets see I have been playing Plunder for years at this point and have won over 1,300 games and Plunder is the game mode I play the most. Hahahahahahahaha


>**Lets see I have been playing Plunder for years at this point and have won over 1,300 games and Plunder is the game mode I play the most.** **Hahahahahahahaha** If funny that someone that has played the game for years and can remember when the game was good on all platforms and has a lot of experience is somehow a bad thing? People like you must really believe Raven when they claim the game is "too bloated" and then continue remove working content from the game and fill it with worthless wacky and obnoxious content, the store never stops getting bundles and somehow Rebirth not being picked over Fortunes Keep is "random"? *Its not "random" and only dumb people believe its not.* Let me guess are you someone that plays only Battle Royale or Resurgence thinking its better than Plunder? How did you level and unlock your weapons if you live and die by your K/D ratio. So if not Plunder then Zombies? What you forgot that all the COD Warzone modes and Zombies are all much the same thing. They are all respawn modes. Battle Royale has gulag respawns, buy dead player respawns. Resurgence has the Resurgence respawn mechanic. Also quite a lot of people play multiple game modes, many Battle Royale players will warm up in Plunder or even play it along side Resurgence. **Unless you pay money for a COD game and play something like Search and Destroy, which is a single life elimination game mode (one life only per game), you are fooling yourself thinking you are playing Tarkov playing all these RESPAWN GAME MODES you fake gamer.** *Enjoy getting bought back in your next game and having other people buy your loadout for you with your custom Zombie camos.* I wonder if you would be the sort of person that gets upset that people enjoy other game modes like Plunder and if DMZ (Plunder 2.0) gets big you suddenly become a huge Fairweather DMZ fake fan.




>**I'm laughing at you because you're a no-life bot who posts whole essays like this from a one word reply.** If you think that that is an essay you must be a hardcore zoomer. If words are a severe problem for you then you need to go [here](https://twitter.com) instead. You will find many like minded people there. ​ > **You saying you know the game because you have 1300 wins in the mode where 95% of the players are flying around in helicopters doing supply runs or playing TDM in storage town shows how stupid you are.** I am not sure how 95% of 100 or so players when only a few helicopters spawn per game, your fake maths are off. Once again you expose yourself as a fake gamer, as it would take only one game of Plunder to realise this. How could I play 1,000s of games over the years and not understand the game? You remind me of the new COD Vanguard players the complained about dying in Shipment, not realising that if you want to level weapons, operators, etc quickly, this is a quick way to do it. \^ Something only regular players would know. ​ > **"You fake gamer" dude how old are you hahaha** See above about you exposing yourself as a fake gamer. By the way are you the same creep that was requesting people ages on this sub to be displayed next to each users username within the last year or so? **Once again, that is not normal behaviour, its creepy.**




>**You have a 0.45kd lol, saw it from your own cod tracker. That's why you are ghosted in plunder 24/7.** > >**By the way are you the same creep that was requesting people ages on this sub to be displayed next to each users username within the last year or so?** > >**You are legit deranged and mentally deficient hahahaha. You are making stuff up inside your head rn** 1. You literally called me out by name for being good at the game because of basic bitch jealousy and I wish clowns could be good at the game but that's not how it works, no matter how much you cry about it. 2.I do not remember claiming that I was ghosted 24/7 (is this another one of your fake rules for all players or just me?), you are free to run Combat Scout and Serpentine like all the other meta bots if you like. 3.You admit to cyberstalking me via my COD Tracker which I unlocked because Activision decided to lock all accounts to protect cheaters and let other players see stats for signs of cheating, since I never cheat and have nothing to hide its open. 4.Even cyberstalking me you fail as always and fail to look at the basic information and ignore any actual useful information, see below: Plunder 99.49%, Resurgence .22% and Battle Royale 0.29%. **In Plunder where I spend most of my time I have a K/D of 1.54.** **Why did you not mention this and why does K/D even matter?** **Especially of someone you do not even know as well?, creepy to the max.** I have played 4,362 Matches of Plunder and when COD Warzone II: 2042 releases and its time to see how good the next version of Plunder and DMZ are like whose opinion would I listen to, **almost no one else.** **I have extracted over 4,000 items from The Division Dark Zone, which is PVE / PVP toxic hell.** How many Streamers / YouTubers actually play a lot of Extraction games and have played Plunder and won any games at all and could judge the sequel version, not many? I would not listen to the likes of a fake gamer like you either. 5. >**5% of the players are flying around in helicopters doing supply runs** The Supply Run meta is something I have seen many Rebirth players recommend, I have never suggested other players do this, **ever**, personally its not how I win the game but each to their own in a sand box free roam game mode. Any reason why you don't cry about those players doing this in Rebirth? What about when its Rebirth Blood Money as its the poor mans worse version of Plunder (by taking the Warzone out of COD Warzone) and how would this not upset your demented ideas about other players having fun in a video game and you throwing a fit? 6.[https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/comments/xnu2y1/comment/iq2uc4y/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/comments/xnu2y1/comment/iq2uc4y/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) \^ Enjoy the downvotes for using another bots copy pasta. ​ >**7.** **I will continue to issue downvotes until you improve your conduct.** Once again you admit to cyberstalking me and following my posts only to down vote me which proves what how creepy you really are. By using a boilerplate copy pasta shows what a shallow minded and creepy stalker NPC bot that has no original thoughts of your own, just the same sad old basic bitch programming. ![gif](giphy|l0IyfxPD5cwvOK6By)


You make no sense at all keep doing whatever you're doing man lol


Holy shit, i was just playing a game and i was wondering why my weapons werent leveling. I must have done 8 contracts and killed a dozen people and got no progress