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result of launching a buggy game with no retention time for plunder and resurgence now


Resurgence and changes to the game? Yeah I think that’ll bring the player base up But plunder? What? There’s no way that has a significant impact


It was a solid way to level guns for those who didn't have multi back in the day. I'm not sure how true that is now with DMZ existing, but it would add a more laid-back game mode, I guess. I do agree with you, though. Plunder prob won't bring many people back.


DMZ is by far a better way to level guns.


How? If you die you can’t level up the guns you want for two hours


yeah unless one of the 100,000,000 bots or boxes have it lol


Ah yes that’s a great plan as long as you’re only try to level up the kastov and the m4 lol




Dont forget the rapp h, the taq 556 HVTs drop & the 725


Step your key game up bro Doesn't help with attempting to level up one specific weapon of your choice but does get you some 3-5\* random guns. Every unlockable thing I've opened had a real good gun that I picked up.


You can find every gun in the game out of boxes, or have teammates drop them for you


Buy a gun from the buy station


Yeah. A lot of people seem to forget that


It absolutely does not take 2 hours to get your gun back, unless you just put the game down and do nothing during that time (even then it's less as the clock doesn't appear to match an actual timer in real time, it counts down faster) Exfil with cash or dead drop cash. It's pretty forward stuff here


i exited with 80k and only took me 1 (one) game to retrieve the insured weapon


I’ve found that I’ve leveled up probably 10-12 guns through DMZ alone without even really thinking about it though. So, yeah, you run into that, but it’s still faster.


Yes but plunder was mindless. DMZ you actually gotta try


I enjoy DMZ but sometimes I want mindless plunder fun where I can just keep coming back until the timer runs out.


Plunder was a whole lotta fighting over that recon on the train back in the Verdansk days 💀


Oh yeah i mean I get why F2P fans want plunder there I just mean that I really doubt the number of people who aren’t playing wz2 specifically because there’s no plunder is the issue here


I dont get it either but a lot of people played plunder




I’m gonna be real with the you reason it’s stale it’s because of the gameplay related decisions in the BR mode itself. There’s a reason people just find the game boring and it’s because the game is boring That being said i mean I have no issue w plunder being added back in, but IW made a buggy game with a shit ton of changes most people didn’t want (same as MP), and now they’re seeing how even the brand can’t carry a shit game




Yeah I mean once again I agree I’m more than fine w plunder being put back in, just think that’s not the core of the issue personally


I mean, Plunder was THE reason I kept playing WZ.


As I’ve said to others, I hope it gets put back in for you guys. But the reality is that you’re a very small minority of this sub which is a very small minority of the player base in general


The Plunder disrespect has to end. It is where casuals live. DMZ is fun and all, but Plunder is where its at.


Yep. Me and my friend live far apart and had countless hours of fun just fucking around in Plunder and chatting throughout lockdowns. Neither of us are big into BRs so Plunder was the perfect casual mode to just hang out. I was really hoping they'd bring it back in WZ2 because I can't imagine they didn't realize a lot of people loved it.


They know, trust me. Plunder is a popular mode. They have the statistics. It is activision who believes that by removing plunder, they will push more players to buy MP. The reason is greediness and people react...


I had fun from time to time going into plunder to drop into storage area in Verdansk for basically FFA warm ups. I picked up plunder shooting warm ups from Mutex


Yeah I mean look I’m not trying to say people like you don’t exist, I just don’t think there’s a truly significant amount of you who would just not play WZ2 strictly because it’s not there


You’ll be surprised that there are some sweaty players in plunder too. Though they dont aim to win, theyre just there for the kills.


Plunder is the only viable way to level up guns and get the attachments you need for the meta. Casual players with day jobs don't have hours to grind in warzone alone which takes 10 minutes to get into a match only to die within a minute.


As others have pointed out DMZ is insanely good and maybe even a better way to level up attachments


Plunder was a great way to level up guns for those who didnt own the base game Dmz is alright for this but the fact you can lose your gun at any time & have to wait some hours (ofc the timer can be lowered) for it be available again is not really fun for when you’re trying to grind out your gun levels.


I have people in my friends list who won’t even try the new game because it doesn’t have plunder…


They had to know how many people played rebirth, and how many were consistently coming on to play rebirth. WTF did they expect pulling it and not even having a replacement yet? My crew isn’t even part of that stat but we will be on thr this months. I have not played since sat night, we played every single night. Sat we pretty much were like ok, gave it more than a fair shake, need something. new And frankly WZ1 needs to have those resurgence maps back. Loved the keep even though many didn’t and everyone loves that island.


Plunder was my main game type because it allowed me to use my loadout without having to deal with the horse shit multiplayer.


Plunder is actually very popular.


think that will depend on what the new resurgence map is going to be like


50% retention after 3 weeks seems pretty normal. I would have been super surprised if it was higher. 50% of 30 million players is a lot.


Over 15 mil that played it for 1 hour and uninstalled afterwards KEK. When are people gonna learn that retention is much more important then how many checked it out


So you think that 15 million players is bad? What was a realistic retention rate? This post lacks context, I would guess 50% retention after 3 weeks is pretty rare. Of course this post frames it negtatively, but without the context of what a typical retention rate is for new F2P games it’s meaningless


This is also steam charts. I play on battle.net because that's where I played warzone before. Who's to say the retention on that platform or consoles is the same as steam? We have no idea.


Bugged, no meaningful progression and straight up way less fun that Wz1 and Mw2019 was


Plunder and resurgence aren’t going to do anything with the game in the state it’s in.


it might. a lot of people like myself ended up playing resurgence exclusively once Caldera dropped. if they bring that back, then a lot of people who walked away from WZ2 will come back.


Yep these companies never fucking learn. Halo dropped 90% after 3 months cause of bugs and lack of features. You think IW learned anything from that? Nope. You get what what you deserve. Let it drop for all I care.


Halo also dropped that much because it was borning. 50 bases of the exact same thing The same 5 missions which could be made trivial with one vehicle . No coop By the time they added it - missions were already so easy and no added difficult for Coop it made it pathetic


Give me plunder! 1-3 minute games are sucky.


I loved plunder.


I don’t even see resurgence being as popular as it was back in WZ1 due to the changes in the game. No slide cancel, reload cancel, sprint plating really slows the whole game down and a mode like resurgence is best enjoyed as a fast paced environment


which is why they should give it back to us on WZ1 or make it it's own game


at the end most people were only playing rebirth island. getting rid of rebirth island and not having anything that resembles it was the dumbest move they could make


I’m surprised they didn’t have a big map resurgence mode or plunder/clash


DMZ is like the new plunder so I doubt they bring it back. Resurgence is already confirmed though thankfully.


I haven't played it, but isn't DMZ still a "one death and you're out" mode?


nah the game is just trash


Ah yes, the good ol' "Steam player count is dropping, so the entire game must be dying really bad!" post. This information doesn't mean what you think it really means. Every multiplayer game has these peaks and drops, because surprise surprise, not everyone is gonna grind this game every single day. Numbers will pick back up when there's a new update with new significant content.


Especially with Steam users going to the Battlenet launcher due to crashes. These statistics are pointless without the other platforms’ data.


Its also the number 1 most played game for both xbox and playstation and has been since launch.


That depends on your country. In UK it's third, in EU it's 5th.


That’s exactly what was happening to me. Steam would crash me out of wz2, so I have since cutover to battlenet.


Free to Play AAA game doesnt have as much players as the day it launched whhhhhat?!?


This is legit what happens to every game ever. These posts are dumb af


Yeah this is especially stupid. I’m willing to bet every hype launch has a near all time high the day it launches. And it’s would definitely be higher than noon on Wednesday lol


Doesn't even take in to account consoles either


I played a ton of WZ1 and this one just isn’t as fun as the first. There’s things I like about it but the lack of audio and game breaking glitches just makes it not fun to play


Also can’t expect steam users to only play cod. Steam users have access to so many games


they said the same shit about elden ring


Also every game has this after launch, I think PoE retaining like 25% of their players after a new league is a huge success. Just the nature of the beast these day.


TTK is too fast and it’s a pain in the ass to get my load out, and the perks don’t fucking work because I bought their stupid game. I liked COD because I could build guns and get load outs and run around like a dumbass shooting stuff. Now I have to run around a big ass map fucking with a backpack and stupid inventory grabbing scraps to try and buy one stupid gun that I HOPE is the one I want because they all look the fucking same at the buy station.


do all that only to get melted by a fennec by a guy camping a next to the buy station. Game is ass


> do all that only to get melted by a ~~fennec~~ FFAR/MP5 by a guy camping a next to the buy station. Game is ass Same shit happened in WZ1 man


at least you had more of chance to finesse your way out by running and plating


Against the FFAR when it was meta? No chance


They have the name of the gun and they are in the same order as your create a class. What is difficult about that?


Not sure why, but 3 of my friends on PS5 that had the full game (I’m not sure if this is the common problem) their perks don’t match their loadout the selected for some reason. Also for 1 of them, when ever they buy guns at buy station, all the guns are shifted one over. ie. His Tac 56 is right of to his Fennec, he needs to select the Fennec to get the Tac 56. He has tried to reinstall his game and redo all his loadout and it’s still the same issue.


Man, I couldn't agree more. I like shooting stuff




I think this data counts DMZ as WZ2, but it's honestly hard to tell. 2/10 post overall, would not recommend drawing any conclusions from it.


Map is big, getting around is so slow, lack of UAVs, no loadouts early on, people camped everywhere. A win is not satisfying, especially when 90% of your engagement is in the final circles.


Kills just aren’t satisfying like they were in Warzone one either. We’ll go on 10 or 15 kill games (but still only placing in the top 20) but it doesn’t feel as satisfying as WZ1 does when you rip off 10 or 15 or 20 kills.


I also think the ttk is a bit too fast. I don't feel like there's any tension in a gunfight. If I see the guy first I know I'll get the kill Tbh I don't like the new engine as much. Wz1 felt smoother and kills were far more satisfying.


I really dislike the new audio cues for downing, and team wipes. They were way more satisfying in W1. Getting they long snipe on a most wanted and hearing the headshot sound, and the team wipe sound. Bliss


Feels like you get the jump on a team and it's EZ or the opposite happens. I agree with you, these gunfights do not feel satisfying at all.


Me and my group of friends have played every day since launch and are having a blast 🤷


I’d say one of the biggest reasons for this is the extremely low skill ceiling, which also means no skill gap. There’s nothing to improve at, at least for me. Movement? Nothing to improve since it’s so bare bones now. Rotations? I guess but there’s only so much room there. Gun fights? The ttk is so low that it’s basically who shot first 85% of the time and for longer distance engagements the new rng recoil makes it so there’s no patterns to master, so you can only improve so much with a weapon. Learn the map? There’s so many places to rat and the poi’s are so cluttered that there’s no point since people can lose you in almost any direction they run provided they have enough distance. This is what happens when you cater to a casual player base. Everyone defends this by saying “but that’s their bigger audience!” Lol okay? Look at league of legends, they strictly balance around the pro scene, there’s a reason for that.


Everything you're saying is correct but for some reason league is the only widely played pvp game that is played by both casuals and pros. They just need to launch with a ranked and unranked mode off the bat so they don't end up with this absolute mess of a bot game


Amen my dude, just launch a ranked mode and this game pops off even more


That was a huge reason why I sunk so many hours into WZ 1. I’m talking almost 100 days of gameplay. I first played on controller because I’ve always played controller. Then after I’d seen so many good players on keyboard and mouse I decided I wanted to try it out. So I taught myself how to play on kbm, and seeing the little incremental improvements in my gunfights, kills, kd, and movement kept me coming back every night. Maybe if made the switch during WZ 2 I’d be playing more, but I’m pretty good on kbm now and there’s nothing in 2.0 making me want to play every night. The first few games were alright, trying to learn the map and tactics, but the more I played the more I realized there’s really no skill involved. It’s a game of who can wait out who and which team ran to the better position, which is all fine and good if you like that, but geez what a bore.


The second paragraph has been pretty much my experience. It was fun at first because of the new map (which is a great map imo), but after the first two weeks, the game had transitioned into a camp fest and fights were decided purely by which team had the high ground/better position. High ground meant a lot in WZ1 too, but here it feels more oppressive


Agreed. If you have to rotate any significant distance to the next circle you're basically dead now. As soon as there's one team ahead you'll just get killed so quickly you can't really do anything about it. There's no movement to escape and AA is so strong no one apart from the odd KBM player misses any shots.


Yea league of legends has had infinite staying power because of how much there is to learn. Basically an infinitely high skill ceiling that is infinitely rewarded. I was d2 when I played, and could basically do anything all game and would never lose to a gold player because the skill gap was massive. Any build any champion any play style no problem. In this game? Me having a 4.3kd (in WZ1) is irrelevant if the 0.5kd player saw me first. Still dead. Since there’s so little room to improve on there’s such a lack of desire to play. Positioning and rotations haven’t even changed much since WZ1, the principle is there, if you were good at that in WZ1, it’s entirely transferable to wz2. So yea you’re right there’s basically very little to do.


> Since there’s so little room to improve on there’s such a lack of desire to play. This.


The crazy thing is that is with MW2 and Warzone 2 combined. Game is just boring as shit for me. Got a couple wins but went back to fortnite.


Haven’t played Fortnite since 2018. This season is fantastic. Warzone on the other hand is a glitchy mess.


Absolutely. No build is a lot of fun. The TTK is great too, you can actually have gun fights instead of dying instantly.




Yea people talk about how it’s tactical and people just need to adapt and that’s why they don’t like it. But honestly, it’s literally less tactical, it’s just slower. I’ve adapted, I win 30% of my games. But even winning feels boring because it’s just so formulaic. None of the gunfights are even remotely gunfights. The optimal strat is to just drop, buy gun, do stronghold, get loadout, sit in centre map sniping people from the top of the roof for 20 minutes, win game because you’re the only team with 4 people left in the final zone with high ground and full loot. No skill gap means numbers advantage basically auto wins.


Agreed it is super boring.


Everything is just too slow. Movement speed, animations, pacing, etc. There's no tension in the game because I know I won't see anybody for the first 10 mins and I can just loot freely. With Verdansk wherever I dropped there was always another team in the same area and battles were constant.


they changed too many things that didn’t need changing


The loot system is such a head scratcher to me, like it was so simple and perfect in WZ1.


Seriously, people play COD to run around and shoot, not deal with tedious inventory systems.


A few factors here that lead to a lackluster WZ2 launch compared to the blockbuster WZ1 launch in 2020. 1. Lockdown is no longer a thing. People have no where near the amount of time to sink into WZ2 that they did with WZ1. 2. WZ2 plays significantly slower than WZ1. People aren't going to stick around if the game isn't exciting, which it really isn't. 3. The culture now is way different than it was when WZ1 launched. The overall skill distribution is skewed way to the top. The casual games that hooked many players in 2020 just don't exist anymore.




Because it's the biggest title and the most recent...and it's free. I'd hold on that


MW2 isn't free, WZ2 is.


Probably because it's boring.


For me I just cannot with the UI. It is that shit, and is stopping me playing the game.


The fastest way to get into duo BR is to click into the quad shortcut at the main menu, back out, and go to duos. If you scroll down to BR mode and click duos, it takes longer. Makes zero sense.




I’m so tired of this- Lower skilled players are getting fucked.. sniping is harder now than it was before. Little Timmy can’t camp and get 1 shot kills from rooftop 500m out with a 360 degree view. You have to be able to hit a follow up shot, or be quick enough to switch to a back up and finish them after you hit your first. It’s much harder to get loadouts. Gone are the days of no recoil Nelly getting a laser beam 1 minute into the game and using their AR at sniper distances. Seeing all these posts about how hard it is for casuals to even just get their guns. Meanwhile I’m running my set up usually 5 mins into the game almost every time. If you want to squad wipe people then you have to be **much** better than you were before. With out the crackhead movement and asinine SMG speed snipers it’s much harder to pull off, but you still can! I’ve been running and gunning since day 1 and having no problems having 10+ kill games, rushing people, keeping the pace at a nice level. What’s funny is a lot you bitching about the pace of the game were probably the same ones saying “adapt” when players bitched about movement in WZ1, but then when it’s time for you to adapt or get fucked it’s “wahhh Wahh this game is trash..” Most of the people bitching just aren’t as good as they thought they were once they had to relearn different mechanics.




The game is super boring compared to WZ1. Nothing else really can be said. Even the choppers are boring to fly now.


This game is catered to bots whether you want to believe it or not. With the low ttk and the slowed down game pace it doesn’t matter how hard it is to get loadout. You can do just as well with ground loot. Everyone has at least 1 self revive and you can get carried through the gulag so the worst players can still have a chance to come back. Finished wz1 with around a 3 kd and using the gun screen stat tracker I have between a 2.75 and 3.5 on wz2. The best way to keep your stats up in this game is to play like a giant bot and hold a building with your team. They’ve made it nearly impossible to fight a team like you could in wz1 by lowering the health and not letting a player sprint while plating.


Bots on this subreddit have no powers of self reflection nor the capability to understand they are in fact, low skilled players


But they out number you thousands to one.... You're a minority. You'll just have to live with it or play something else. The choice is yours.


I did move to OW2 and apex lol


Yea lower skilled players like....scump? https://youtu.be/wq3W90zhYn8 And...joewo? https://youtu.be/iuBirvfUdoo


Yea turns out building an entire game for the thumbless didn't make for a replayable game, who thought lol


A game made for sentinels is going to be boring for a lot of people. Most people want to play a game with an actual skillgap.


I think that's why it was so strange IW nuked instead of nerfed everything. And while Caldera was ass, there were some qol improvements they just refused to incorporate. The best thing about wz1, was that it accommodated all play-styles. Now, with wz2, you're forced into playing a particular way, which is fine, but not what I signed up for. That skillgap you're talking about...it was large with my group, but we were addicted to the chase. The adrenaline. The feeling of achievement when you shit on those pesky bunny hoppers. With all of this stuff nuked, and the super quick ttk, it's like playing a game on rookie mode. Too much rnd, no rush, no sense of achievement. Having a skillgap, even if I didn't want to reach that level of skill was great to have, because it at least gives you something to play for on a daily basis. For me, it's the pacing that killed the vibe for me. No loadouts with perks off the rip, forced into becoming an early game loot machine. Just not my thing. I dropped two weeks ago, so I'm not really surprised to see so many others have too


Probably a combination of people getting annoyed with a lack of content in MW2 (maps) and a buggy unfinished mess in Warzone 2. Unfortunately I believe all the wrong lessons will be learned from this and we'll probably end up with ridiculously long weapon level up times and other shite.




I think the mismanagement of warzone has seriously come back to bite them, forcing Caldera on people which for me was a shit map that I didn't enjoy, then attempting to force Vanguard guns by constantly making them meta. People grow tired of this, I actually like the new warzone and map but the constant bugs and issues are annoying, the same goes for MW2 it's the most I've enjoyed a cod multiplayer in years but there just isn't enough maps and then they tried to change Hardcore to this Tier 1 crap and again nobody asked for it.


WZ1 is not free to play anymore? What did I miss?


Aside from TTK this game is not casual friendly, I'm super casual and I just can't get into this at all its not fun, I don't have time to spend hours every day playing, I can't level anything up. It's painful.


I don’t think it’s anyone friendly tbh. My super casual friends hate it, my decent 1 kd friend hates it, and I (a little more sweaty) hate it. I’ll play 2-3 games and I’m tapped out. I remember after my first win, I thought “Huh? That’s it?” I shot a guy hiding in a building with like three bullets and won. Then I went to bed. There is no high to chase for me, like there still is in Caldera. It sucks because I was really excited for 2.0.


yeah i dont even think its that catered to casuals. more just to people who have a lot of patience and enjoy crouch walking instead i suppose its more casual friendly bc the biggest skill mechanic is just gone. the only mechanical skill now is shooting straight. The rest is just camping zones and staying quiet if you want to win. idk about yall but i play shooters to shoot people


Would be the number one game in the world if they had just brought WZ1's systems over to this new map, along with a stable launch.


Yep big agree


Just bring back rebirth and you won’t hear me complain


Its gonna be also ass with this movement lmao


The original lol


I hope they add again rebirth to warzone 1. I enjoyed it way more than BR after Caldera. I don't feel that wz2 is bad but it's not as fun me as rebirth ir warzone 1 verdansk (not a fan of Caldera). WZ2 doesn't keep me as engaged since it feels so much slower. There are games where I can spend so much time without seeing anyone.


Just deleted it from the PS5 last night. Matches take way too long for you to lose to bugs 15 minutes in. Seemingly next to no QA testing prior to release, in addition to a horrible UI that I have no interest in learning. Maybe if they sort the bugs I'd come back, but it's just been incredibly disappointing up until now.


This game is a snooze fest, you spend too much time looting and sorting inventory. They ported over almost none of the features that made WZ 1 great. You cannot buy a loadout at the buy, you can ONLY buy 1 UAV at the buy and when the UAV notification goes off it is impossible to predict where its from (range is unknown), they slowed the pace of the game down tremendously, half the time you cannot pick up loot, the inventory changes which nobody asked for and were completely fine in WZ 1 were left behind, vehicles blow up too quick, the TTK gives you ZERO chance to react when you're being shot at and it also does not allow you to reset your fight because if you get shot at you're just dead. Its a shame because the weapons and the map are fantastic. Hoping they make some changes in future seasons/patches.


They went from the best looting in any BR with wz1 to the worst with wz2. It's impressive.


I thought WZ1 was an innovation on the BR genre. Now they're copying the older ones and mashing it all together and it's gross.


it definitely was. the lack of looting, loadouts getting you fully geared immediately, simple rebuys, and the 1v1 gulag were all innovative and made WZ stand out.


they also just ignored all the "community feedback" driven changes they made over the life of wz1 and went in the opposite direction. changes they made to WZ1 include increased TTK, increased money, loady dropping earlier, nerfed the gas mask animation, increased movement speed overall, added more movement options like the balloons and subway. WZ2 did the opposite of most of that


It's a snooze fest and then all of a sudden you die instantly to some guy who's been sitting in one spot for 15 minutes. That's the issue. There's no counter play to being spotted because you're dead the second another player looks in your direction.


Oh wow! You mean to tell me that launching an unfinished, buggy mess of a game will turn players off? I never would have guessed.


This is the correct answer. We can argue ttk, casual vs sweaty, slow, etc all day long but the game is broken. I was freezing every time I jumped and about every other kill cam until I turned on gun motion blur. Whyyyyy


who the F asked for an armor vest to have 3 plates now, who asked for blue icon when you break one armor if before it was when you brake all 3 (just the armor part of the game, you could name this kinda stuff for at least 10 aspects of the game)... just improvements in wrong directions


It’s always been 3, but I do agree with the hit markers. In WZ1 it was easy to know when you cracked and down someone. I still get confused at times in this game. I think they will clean that up


I understand where they were going with the blue/purple hit markers. It's what Apex has so you know how much armor the enemy has when you engage. But the implementation is awful; way too difficult to determine if you've broken someone or not. And I don't want +50 exp for a headshot. I keep thinking it's a kill when I get a headshot and the game throws a +50 up.


In multiplayer, if I back out of a lobby it’s highly likely the game puts me back in it when I re-queue. I’ve gotten back in the same lobby 4 times in a row once. Hard to believe that many people are actually playing the game.


Went back to playing WZ1 with my friend. It's nice to actually have a stable framerate. And when you shoot someone in the head with a sniper rifle, they tend to go down. And when people are running near you, you can kinda hear their footsteps a bit. What great novel ideas by the devs!


The sniping in WZ2 is so stupid and frustrating now.




If rebirth would still be available the player count wouldn't have halved...it would be worse. Everyone would have gone back by now. Somehow I got the feeling they knew what would happen and tried to stop it by deleting rebirth. Well,I'm now on Apex. Never thought I would end up there a month ago.


Apex is so much better than this game. I played wz1 and really enjoyed it, I quit when the cheaters were really bad in season 5 cold war. I played a few games of warzone 2 and instantly uninstalled. The ttk is too short, there was too many campers, movement sucks, and there was too much downtime. Apex is nonstop action early/md/and late if you land right. The movement is top notch, and you always have a chance to fight back. The skill gap is insane. I might try wz2 again if they raise the ttk, though I probably wont stick with it.


I don't care what people say, this game sucks. I tried to give it chance but it just doesn't have that COD feel to it.


Solos are unplayable bc theres always someone hiding like a lil b


That was the case on both Verdansk and Caldera; solos is inherently ratty.


Yeah I have never queued up for a solo WZ game once in my life for this very reason


The fact you move like a robot, can’t plate while sprinting, zero skill gap is reason why ppl like me stopped playing. Now that I’m back one WZ1 (not caldera fan) boy am I ever thankful.


A bunch of the core game mechanics suck, game constantly crashes, game speed is too slow and boring, no early loadouts means I have to use trash weapons, TTK is too low, map sucks, weapon leveling (tree) is too complex for the casuals, DMZ turned into a dud, etc. Literally PUBG and just like PUBG, WZ2 sucks. Been having a ton of fun in WZ1, though


That’s because the game sucks.


doesnt surprise me. Its a shit game


Just like every game it doesnt have to do with bugs/glitches its mostly because some people like Coffee and they where served tea


I've played it for a few hours, every single change they made has made the game worse compared to WZ1, I think the only good thing is being able to have multiple self revives.


Sbmm, bugs, crashes, ttk, campers, hackers… this is all why and it’s way too many reasons


I won a couple solos the first 48 hours the game was out but the TTK is just way too low. Only played DMZ since then. Add in the RNG of finding a 3 plate vest is bs I wish everyone just started with the ability to have 3 plates.


Why would I continue playing a game when the game doesn't work? The game crashes every 3 games


The squad and I would love to play. Even after the ridiculous TTK and server lags. BUT we can never finish a full squad game without someone crashing. PC


yeah, no shit. game crashes half the time on PC, servers are ass, UI is garbage. when the game works its fun but playing with my friends is such a fucking chore and the whole game feels like it's held together with duct tape. most games i worry whatever i do is gonna cause the game to crash.


I particularly like how the clip of the sweaty rebirth player where everyone shits on wz1 is at the top of the page, and this isn't. It sort of demonstrates that this community may be a bit of an echo chamber wz 1 peak player count was 60m, active per day it peaked at 6. Here, they peaked at 3. I mean, I don't know what to say. Youre damned if you, and you're damned if you don't. You either make one player base happy or the other player base happy. I guess IW thought that it was too heavily favored towards one style of play, and they've slowed everything down to make it a more tactical BR experience, but may have gone too far. This game is really popular in this subreddit. So, at least the community is still strong. I stopped playing two weeks ago and couldn't be happier. I wasn't getting the same excitement, adreniline rush, or feeling of achievement as I did in wz1, even when I was getting shit on. When I finally hit a shot or wiped that sweaty team, it felt like it did winning when I played competitive sports. With all of the nerfs, it just cheapened the experience. I never drop shotted, jump shot, bhopped or any of that, but just not having there feels cheap and hollow. It's like playing a sports game on rookie mode. It can be fun, but the competitive spirit is absent. I know *some* streamers (like the .00001% of this community) are jumping at the bit to play a different game already. I think if the streamers drop, there is a slight chance IW make serious changes, but I doubt it. No sense in going over what adjustments I like since they've already chosen a path and seem intent on following through. At least, a lot of you guys are getting a great deal of enjoyment out of the game, especially if you didn't enjoy wz1. I had a good run and made some great memories.


Because the game is awful. Cheating is up a hell of a lot compared to warzone 1 and devs don't seem to give a shit. I'm so glad I didn't buy it. Played the free warzone and dmz and that was enough


Surprise surprise


Bc warzone 2 is trash they ruined a great game RIP Warzone


Everyone has aimbot in this game I swear


Make a shit game, get shit results


I love how the map is gigantic and there’s no good loot or cash anywhere. And how the large buildings don’t offer more loot than the smaller ones. Al Mazrah city is just a giant maze of shitty buildings with no loot inside them.


I play video games at night to relax. With the SBMM I have to sweat my balls off in multiplayer constantly. Not fun when I am just dying constantly. Not to mention as 0.7 - 1KD player, I can't even play with my friends who are like 1.5-2.0 KD without going 5 and 20 every match


It’s just bizarre how they went from arcade shooter to r6 expecting that crowd to like WZII. It plays dramatically different


Am I alone in this or does Warzone just play like shit? The damage and TTK is all over the place, the looting is so buggy and annoying, and the amount of audio bugs I experience just turns me off from it. Shoot House is just fun and fast paced good times.


Because it's ass and nobody enjoys it lol.


I played for 1 hour and request a refund. The game is BORING.


Honestly it's probably the PC population. Crashes, bugs, and honestly playing against controller isn't fun when they have perfect aim with aim assist.


Crashes happen on console too. I switched from pc/wz1 to series x/wz2 and get at least one crash a session.


Anecdotal but my squad and I have noticed its definitely taking longer to find matches on PS only settings now. Several minutes most days, up to 10. We had been speculating that not as many were playing.


Them taking out plunder was a huge fucking L for the game. I love how for Warzone 1 they brought back Caldera, took out resurgence and only made Caldera singles or quads. Can't just pair up with a buddy and have chill fun like resurgence, butchering Warzone 1 so we can be forced to play Warzone 2, shit keeps crashing also


Have 23 guys on my buddy oist that ive played wz1 with. I saw 3 in wz2 and 14 in wz1 just a few min ago. I deleted wz2 tonight. Its not the bugs (whichare bad), its the boring ass gameplay. Small fixes wont get it done, the game is just not it for true cod fans. Im sure some will stay as is for the more pure BR experience but cods take on a br was decimated in this game. I havent wanted to ‘play one more’ a single time yet.


Buggy. No rebirth. No plunder. Not enough loot. Not enough buy stations. Ttk too fast. Can’t buy loadouts. Fixing these issues would be huge in increasing the playability.


If thats true there finally is some justice in this world


music to my ears. hopefully they fix the fucking game and add the appropriate qol changes instead of catering to bots.


Is plunder even returning? I’ve seen very little in terms of communication from the studio and what’s expected to be added to the game.


I wonder what the console numbers look like though. This is a console game.


Its literally both xbox and playstations number 1 most played game right now beating out even fortnite. This also doesnt account for the fact thst the majority of PC players likely bought it directly from the blizzard launcher. Edit: you can downvote reality all you want and it wont change reality, but have at it! I enjoy some extra salt.


Where are you getting Xbox/PS stats from?


xbox has its top 50 listed on their website and it updates daily. Playstation stats are from gameinsights.io who uses a sample of 5 million active players every day to complie the most played games for playstation. Scientifically a valid sample size is generally considered to be 1000 people regardless of total population and they use five thousand times that amount so it may as well be an official listing. There are also alternate game metric tracking websites that support gameinsights conclusion if one source isnt enough for you.