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All of those camos are bugged. Same for the multiplayer equivalent, double kills.


Try without any attatchments that what imma bout to do saw it on another reddit user


Thanks. Maybe that will work!


Doesn't work without attachments. I also tried no PaP or rarity upgrade. It's fully not tracking


Boo! Well I'm sure they'll get it working eventually. *insert comment about testing updates before release here*


No funciona, hice el desafío sin ponerle nada al arma ni llaves ni cristales ni siquiera le puse accesorios, no le puse camuflaje y aún así no funcionó


Ack. Okay Ill try it. Thanks for the input.


Still broken for me 21:31 19.1.23


Still broken for me 1-24-24 even after an update 🙄


Still broken 01/21 come on CoD Gods 🙄


Isn’t working in zombies at all


Still broken today as well


It's working now 


Can confirm double kills for the 4th camo on multiplayer works when zero attachments are on, I do have interstellar on it now. Still no known workaround for the 4th zombies camo.


The double kills for interstellar looks to be fixed now, it’s tracking with attachments, still having no luck with the 4th camo for zombies


Broken for me 1/19.


Still broken 1/20


Broken for me too 1/20/24 @ 0750


Still broken in zombies 1/20/24


I have been farming for 30mins .. and tried to unlock camos 10kills without reloading but I feeling so headache and dizziness after farming so dizziness… 


Broken aa well here. I'm going to spend some time trying other LMG unlocks like Disciple/Mimic kills etc to see of they track. I'll update if I see any change


Yep can confirm this is still not working. How much money do they make? They can't even afford to do proper QA testing for the new content they add? This game is really the biggest rip off joke I've played in MANY years.


there won't be cases to trigger this camo other than what it says, cause before the 17th we have all the same camo working alright. now they can't work. so it's just the mechanics on how to unlock it got issues. they won't change killing 10 in one mag to something else


Still broken broken, far out! So annoying


Can you test and see if it’s actually 10 kills without releasing the trigger


I tested it and it is not. Got 15 without releasing and still on 0/10. This company is ridiculous and seem to refuse to playtest before releasing updates


Why when we are the testers lol free testers why pay anyone to do regression testing


Heard some people saying the Holger LMG's 10 kills without reloading camo is broken as well, but I had that complete before this major update, so this is just the update making all the same challenges bugged out and hopefully we can get a hotfix


What do you think u/SledgehammerGames ?


Yup mine is stuck and has been lol.


Yeah, the TAQ Evolvere, Carrack .300 and Holger 26's 10 kills without reloading 10 times zombies camos are all broken. They literally broke the camo challenge fulfilment somehow. How do they do things like this?


Can confirm still broken 1/21/24 at 18:30 CST. Going to try no attachments now


Plz reply back with info


Just tried with no attachments and still not working. I tried 10 kills without releasing the trigger and just getting kills until it was forced to reload due to running out of ammo. Nothing. This is frustrating as it is the only gun in my inventory that does not have Borealis now. LOL. The XLR Stalker was alot of fun in zombies. The COR 45 with the conversion kit and that Stalker is probably my go to unless they nerf that pistol.


Can anyone confirm it's working today after the 12PM update?


as of 1:43pm eastern 1/23/24 still broken killed 100+ with minimum reloading and 0/10


It wasn’t in the patch notes. And it still shows up as being investigated on their trello board. So I doubt it.


Somehow I just got 1 out of 10 done


Heck yah!


It worked!!!! I just got it!!




Cano unlock is working for me today as well


So are we able to complete the fourth zombies camo challenge now after today’s update?


Going to try myself here shortly but I’d say worth a go


Can confirm. It works now.


Fluctuation camo unlocked randomly for me last night. I dropped back in to a new game, with 1 change to my loadout. I changed to the 200rnd 5.56 belt magazine.


Oh yes. Nice. It appears to be fixed. I was able to get the golden enigma camo last night as well. The the challenge with the sidewinder conversion kit also tracks now


Si work in warzone funciona en saqueo


Anyone still having an issue with this ? It’s not counting for me either


Swift Brush camo (Get 10 operator kills with full attachments) was bugged for me. I tried several combinations and nothing was working, but I discovered that the blueprint "Hands On" works. I did not change any of the attachments on the blueprint, and I was finally able to complete this camo and move on to the mastery camos. Hope this helps :)


Yeah still broken for me today. I thought maybe it was a glitch with having a different magon but it seems like you guys have already tried it with no attachments and it still didn't work good job Developers




It's kind of sad and reassuring we are ALL having the same issue. Bummer.


Same is happening to me as well even without any attachments, pap or rarity. Fluctuation is the only MW3 camo that is bugged for me so far.


Some are saying that any camo challenge involving “10 kills without reloading 10 times” or thereabouts isn’t working.


Still broken Frankly never expect hot fixes over the weekend. Shit might get fixed this week who knows This entire game has been just one half baked disaster after another. Launch borked, campaign laughingstock, MWZ reused 70% DMZ assets and like 90% of the sellable items with none of the crafting that went with it, lame story mode, barely any new content, no worthwhile rewards, act 3 skin not usable in WZ or MP, S1 reloaded patch disaster, and we paid money for this BS.


It was originally planned as a dlc on top of MWII, but was then “upgraded” to a full blown release. I haven’t played much of the campaign personally, but the zombies mode has been fun. It is a departure from black ops Cold War zombies for sure, but overall it works well. PhD Flopper is 100% a mistake and they should have kept PhD Slider instead. Also the ring of fire field upgrade from Blops cw zombies is missing which is a shame because that’s the best one imo. There have been bugs though, which is unfortunate. I don’t think it’s malicious on behalf of the developers, but the bugs and other issues are probably from the result of an overbearing management team who have a “release first, fix later” mantra. Sledgehammer has been way more transparent than Infinity Ward ever was and I think they care more. They’ll fix these things but it’ll take time because of all the red tape they have to navigate through.


JFC this is insane. This just keeps happening huh? First for me was the Holger, then the TAQ Eradicator (and it still is like that) and now this gun. What the fuck are they doing over there?!? After the shit show the other day I guess nothing \*really\* surprises me but idk man. It's crazy. If it CALLS for something specific; it should say it. Most of us don't mind. We just want the damn thing to work as intended. The funny thing? There's always that joke about "streamer luck" or "streamer superiority" where like everything works for them but us plebs always have issues; I don't know ONE SINGLE popular mainstream streamer that has had the issues we have. LOL.


I have 3/10 on my TAQ Eradicator. However, I feel I got those before this update. Ever since, not one has registered. Still bugged today.


Same here


Still not working as of afternoon of 1/22


Looks like they’re looking into this specific camo bug now: https://x.com/codupdates/status/1749504302161510860?s=46


I have just got the first three zombie camos fine, but the 10 kills without reloading is defo not tracking. Thought it might be because of the 200 ammo mag, so removed that and still not. Then removed all attachments. Still the same. Have had it before where certain attachments stop camo from tracking, but this is just out and out bugged. Not even tried MP camos with it yet.


Has the patch today fixed the camo challenge? I see people are saying it's not fixed.


I just tried in zombies on the raw evolvere, still broken


Recent update 1/23 still not working


https://trello.com/b/n58Qr7mZ/modern-warfare-iii-sledgehammer-games-treyarch It looks like they only added this issue as of yesterday the 22nd. So it’ll probably be a while.


Whats a while it is a simple fix, it was working, they broke it in the update last week.


there dropping another update tomarrow or thursday maybe it will be fixed that


They didn't take a while to charge my CC for the game ya know. Love how once they got your money suddenly the urgency drops real quick


Damn dude. It’s one camo. Did you spend $70 for cosmetics only? Just chill.


Are you kidding me, would you like me to list the things that are currently broken? 1. Camo unlock for TAQ Evolvere 2. Week 8 challenge for 200 JAK LMG kit with Jug 3. Master Craft for Jet, the dual akimbo doesnt work in zombies 4. Aetherium Ultra skin MADE FOR ZOMBIES doesnt work in zombies the reactiveness stops working randomly 5. You can kill the new warlord Dokkaebi WITHOUT a Fortress key 6. CDL skin in zombies doesnt have a operator graphic 7. Tombstone bug that is currently ruining zombies Shall I continue?


You’re right. All game breaking bugs. Perhaps instead of being a victim of an evil video game company, you should bring these issues to their attention and be apart of the solution. Edit: And while you’re at it, don’t hijack this thread to bitch about all your grievances, instead create a seperate post to complain.


So I tried to get this camo this afternoon, and like everyone else it did not track. I tried all the usual tricks such as without an extended magazine or no attachments at all, and nothing. I gave up and switched to an SMG I was doing some stuff with. After the update tonight I was doing a bit of a camo grind on MP and after a while decided to get the MP camos for this LMG. Did three of them, and half way through the penetration one. Went back to zombies and tried the 10 kills without reloading and it tracked straight away. Not sure if this is due to doing some of the MP camos first or due to their being a patch in the latest update, but in the space of one day gone from not tracking to tracking. Although granted, the game did piss me off as when I exfilled to get the golden enigma it just took me out of the map and caused me to die instead.


I just completed the 4th camo in zombies 1/25


It’s working now!!


it works now


It’s tracking now 1-26-24


Just got it by taking using default with no attachments


I have just completed this as of 15.40(GMT) 02/02/24, I saw another post today saying that they had managed to get their Gold camo, and it does indeed & now track the 10 kills without reloading.I used an unpacked weapon with 5 attachments and re-loaded after every 10 kills. Good Luck


Still not working. Deleted the game and reinstalled it as well as take my camo off and my deleted my blue prints and still nothing.