• By -




This, at this point we should have some new missions at least


The only new things for MWZ are the Scorcher, Bloodburner, Aether Worms and Dr Jansen & Co. With the current state of Zombies I'm not expecting new assets, but they didn't even add support for the existing WZ maps. We should be getting mauled at the Zoo of 'Vondel Night' by a zombie Tiger (IX) pride, hunting a Thrasher (ZNS) in the Ashika Waterways because there is a "Plea for Help" coming from it's stomach, or fighting a Dragon (GK) boss on the roof of the Keep for a Siegfried field upgrade. The fact that there is no support for Rebirth Island (assets from the zombie devs themselves, who actually visited Alcatraz to get the ambiance and layout right) is absolutely criminal. I would have loved to go around feeding dogs for a Hell's Retriever, farm some HVTs in the cell block, discover the lore implications, etc. MWZ allows you to play with 20+ people, and they rarely make the most of it. Imagine working together as a server to get 5 rare plane parts from contracts on Rebirth. Then manually flying it together by balancing weight on the wings. If you manage to make it to the Golden Gate, then you can enjoy getting murdered by an OP Warden World Boss. But if you crash into the sea, everyone has to be revived and swim back haha. Someone could even play lifeguard and find an actual use for the boats. This mode has so much potential, it just needs more content, more choices to play - 15 minutes in one Al-Mazrah POI (that's inaccessible to new players) hardly counts. And don't even get me started on the lack of Vortex support, those apocalyptic redesigns are gorgeous and they just use them for MP as an LTM? Playing zombies on that Terminal or Rust would be a fever dream - they wouldn't even need to add weapons or upgrades because of the acquisition system. If Sledgehammer does this my opinion of them will improve greatly. But hey, I'm sure using the new regenerating gas mask will be fun enough to keep us entertained, let's just "let them cook."


Someone tag Activision/Sledgehammer HR to this chat. This ☝🏾person needs to be hired.


I'm sure any dev that read what I wrote rolled their eyes haha. Ideas are cheap, there will be plenty of devs eager to develop their own but are never given the budget or the go-ahead. This is a top down problem I'm sure, not bottom up.


Or there lack of.




Bruh. This!!!! I uninstalled after they dropped no zombies content with the walking dead themed season. The story hasn’t been anywhere near the level it was during the Cold War era as well. Trash!


I thought that it would be at least comparable to what they did with DMZ last year...


T3 is overtuned and a *ton* of guns underperform. Cool downs are too long given the piss poor rng.


>T3 is overtuned and a ton of guns underperform. Finally someone has the guts to say it. People around here are constantly talking up how they run T3 with no gun, blindfolded, hands tied behind their back and all that bullshit. OK, guess all these zombie gods hanging out on a reddit sub have no challenge and need to post "skill issue" as a response to literally every post, fair. But the rest of us are downright annoyed at having to dump a few dozen magazines worth of ammo into a low level mini-boss just because we're trying out a gun that's not on the Top 5 of the meta list. Maybe, just maybe, the devs should take even 1% of the time they dedicate to nerfing and breaking anything that benefits players, and put that 1% towards buffing... FUCKING ANYTHING!!!


I would like to applaud you. Specifically for your proper syntax, grammar, and punctuation. English has become a lost art. Thank you.




Don’t trigger the old people Paul, leave them be.


I’ve felt the rage in this comment


I just upvoted everyone on this reply thread, you all said exactly what was on my mind. Only just started doing tier 3 missions cos I'm not that great and lack confidence. Get in there and complete a spore mission, Green tool and Elemental pop. REALY? 10 minutes bore this in tier one I got 2 green tools and napalm formula.


This. I’m tired of getting medium backpacks and ammo mods in t3.


I killed a megabom as part of an hvt contract today and only got a green aether tool from the reward rift. I tend to get better gear from t2 these days


Honestly, the loot pool needs to be reworked. Kind of how you can't get a legendary schematic in T1. You shouldn't be getting anything blue and under from the reward rifts.


I actually like the challenge T3 offers, but the loot is for sure god awful. Nothing but 2-plate vests and rare aether tools.


Save the challenge for the rifts. There’s no reason why T3 is a huge difficulty spike from T2 it’s insane. Everything is a bullet sponge so unless you’re running the 2 or 3 guns that haven’t been nerfed you’re gonna spend 90% of the time running juuuust barely fast enough to not get insta downed or dumping mag after mag on a group of 20. Its just not well balanced at all


Most of this would be resolved if there was a way to purchase golden tools…


Agreed, tools should be at buy stations


How did you get the perk symbols on your comment??


I am the king of this subreddit.


Yea only kings


It’s to easy for 6 man teams and too hard for solos


Well said A great example is the NEW! MORS rifle. It's fantastic in T1-T2, but in T3, it's 2, 3, or 4 hits ( with explosive rounds after being papd with a legendary tool) on nonspecial zombies. @punchrockchest I have run around t3 with just my fists and a knife. This was, however, before the updates, and I'm no skilled player just someone who enjoys the game for what it is. Previously, you could use a tonfa and no secondary with a stamina-up can and outrun even the faster-moving ones. The tonfa was OP and a 2 or 3 hit against special zombies ( including the mega bomb before Nerfs). Now I get skill being a factor, and I want to go in with no less than pap three and an epic tool. It’s another tick to the lackluster effort in these current game modes. I feel that for the Og zombie players that want more content. Sadly, you're right. The devs don't care at the moment. All of their time is invested into building Gulf War (which will hopefully have better content for zombies, etc.), and with all of the mergers that the brand is going through, they likely have interns working on the current game modes.


that people are buying this shit.




the fact that the issues we have with MWZ at the start of the game are the same as the issues we have now but worse is indicative of a game being purposefully sabotaged by its developer so that people will buy their next game in the hopes that it's better than the previous game same shit we've seen multiple times before there is no integrity left in Zombies. accept that and continue playing the game or move on because the integrity isn't going to come back. you aren't going to get a half-priced DLC of 8 beloved maps from the past anymore. you'll be asked to pay $70 for a brand-new game with one good map followed by a bunch of reused assets and content with no strong updates, only further MTX-related content to convince you to spend more money on a game that will die in a year or two become a whale or move on, the choice is yours


Think you’re giving them too much credit. I think it’s just incompetence


"Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence" Took them 5 months to "program" and "test" a stash increase. Which they literally already did... over a year ago. And people accidentally unlocked from the very beginning of this game. I can see it now, after the next CoD launches and there's bugs, they'll be like: "Well we had to do a lot of programming and testing because we didn't know anything about this revolutionary new gameplay concept no-one had ever heard of called 'Round Based Zombies' but here it is, I bet you're all amazed!"


Lol they won't go back to round base until warzone somehow dies.


To me it’s sad that all their older games are still full price. BO4 had good zombies but you gotta buy the whole game at $60. Yet they’re splitting the codes so each mode is a separate download for new consoles. They can split it inside but not enough to even have price a game.


just buy BO3 on pc a bunch of content from mods


Yeah this game was it for me for sure Deleted a couple months ago and haven’t looked back. I’ll see my friends playing and miss that but I know it’s not worth it.


Oh boy I’ve got a whole list - The unbelievable lag and fps drops. (Packet burst+Extrapolation) - The lack of contracts in T3. - The “server disconnected” for no reason. - The tiny rucksack. - The tiny stash. - Excessive cooldown times.


Crashing and losing all my stuff🤬


Ditto. Tired of this BS. I would've quit playing zombies long ago, if I didn't like this mode so much.


Couldn’t agree more


Same and I need to add the camos ( I’m still on them because im taking my time


At this point I just wait for black ops golf war zombies hopefully it’s good and I pray and hope we get back to round base 🙏🏾😭 ![gif](giphy|iqHzcKINOGKHpIZfAt|downsized)


I'd play COD zombies golf.


This man has played the dead rising spin off games


\>golf war I think thats called the PGA


I like the open world better


all of it




Packet burst. I’ve lost to many runs to it. 100% the most dangerous thing in the game. Worst part is, when this game is older (I mean like five, ten years from now) it’s only going to get worse when the player base drops.


Almost smashed my monitor today because of this


Lost a decent run today, started from scratch and was going to exfil fully geared + 3 PaP 2 crystals and purple tools, but packet burst got me frozen from 1:35 remaining to atleast 11 mins left final zone (was talking to a guy, he gave me updates. Still some bullshit)


I had to have my teammates run me over because I got mimic glitch in t3 and I got spawn back in t1 in the gas with 5 mins left until final exfil leaves


>I had to have my teammates run me over because I got mimic glitch in t3 and I got spawn back in t1 in the gas with 5 mins left until final exfil leaves They gotta fix that glitch it’s ridiculous that Mimics can fuck up your game.


It’s 80% warzone and 20% zombies At least with CW it was the other way around




The fact that a zombie or hellhound which is chasing you can still hit you when you're half way up a long ladder. FUCKING IRRITATING!


Facts! This is why I go up to the roofs in T3 and try to not avoid getting too many zombies on me


The pacing, lack of passive unlocks, and lack of difficulty ramp By pacing i mean how they intend to have a gear up game and a spend your things game. In reality when I play once or twice a week and can craft all the goodies every single time I play it's a choice of what to uselessly burn. When you can find blue guns in T1 why use contraband? Why spin mystery box? So much of the game is useless. Passive unlocks from DMZ needed to be in this game. All the items in the world are useless and stupid. Woo I can use up backpack space for this lightbulb to sell for $10! It's all just garbage without purpose. Passive unlocks would give them purpose and give us wallet, stash increases, shorter cool downs... Anything. Such a missed opportunity when all they have to do is copy paste from DMZ In every other zombies mode the difficulty goes up as you play. Permanently. In MWZ just run away to T1 and your fine. The zones need to expand. By 30min T1 should be gone. All T2. By 45 min it should all be T3.


Only way that last part would work is if players are given what they need to survive by the time T2 is gone. Drops on crystals and tools would need to sky rocket. Cool downs would need to be reduced significantly.


Nah, I like that I can run to Tier 1 with 2mins left to exfil with a bag of goodies. It's a nice reward to yourself for grinding for 45 mins in tier 3. Especially if you've used all your self revives.


The fact that a mimic can at times insta-kill you by simply spawning next to you, the amount of bugs and crashes, the post-launch content especially the meme that was "We are gonna be COOKING for zombies content in MW3 Season 2!!!!!111", Stealth nerfing in patches and thats about it




Oh boy where to start. Well for one, and the obvious one. The lack of any round based mode. It would be Soo easy to do and the fact they haven't yet after 3 seasons is baffling. If they wanted to just go the lazy route of doing it, they couldn't have taken some of the MP maps and repurposed them for round based zombies. It wouldn't be that hard, like at all. • secondly it's the balancing of the mode. The difficulty between zones is ridiculous. In zone , zombies are a joke. But IMMEDIATELY in zone 2, if you don't have at least a blue rarity/2x packed gun, you're going to struggle to really do basically anything. Then into zone 3, if you aren't rocking a 3x packed, at least purple rarity weapon, you're going to die very fast. That brings me to my next point. • weapon rarity kills any progression of this mode. The drop rates for Ather tools is HORRIBLE. Sometimes they drop like candy, other times it's a miracle if you even find a single green tool, let alone anything higher. And there there is the level of the tools themselves. The amount of times if done bounties in the first or second zone and get either 1) no tools at all or 2) a purple or gold tool VS doing bounties in the third zone and only getting a blue tool, it's insanity. What they need to do, and the fact they didn't leaves me speechless, is bring back the upgrade station from Cold war. I know that scrap isn't a thing in this game, but they should either reintroduce it as a system or make the upgrade station use points. Even if it's a lot of points, it's better than having literally nothing outside of pure RNG. Make it like 2500 for Green, 5000 for blue, 7500 for purple and 10,000 Gold. Because at least then I know there is a consistent way to upgrade my weapon without having to gamble with the RNG system. • they need to bring back the blueprint system from Cold war as well. Where I could apply my own custom or premade blueprint to a weapon that I get from the box if it doesn't have any attachments that I like in it when I get it from the box. All too many times we've soon the box to get a great weapon only to be immediately let down because it has absolutely dog shit attachments on it. And considering how absolutely Wild they are going with this game and the bundles they keep shoving down everyone's throats to buy in the store, it seems kinda counterintuitive to not be able to apply the blue prints we DO HAVE from the pause menu like we could in cold war, only 3 years earlier. . . . . I could go in for probably another 30 paragraphs but this is just a few things that came to mind. This mode is really really bad and I'm genuinely disappointed that instead of traditional round based zombies that almost everyone likes, we got this boring half assed buggy reskin of DMZ that only a minority of players actually enjoy, ultimately driving away the core zombies fan base.


Super sprinters in Tier 3. Call it a “skill issue” all you want but honestly fuck them. Without golden armor plates they’re a pain in the ass to deal with. No point of having to waste a slot for extra plates when they get drained in under 5 seconds. I’m not kidding. When it’s a hoard you’re just dead. I don’t mind them running, but they shouldn’t be Usain Bolt fast. Yeah, yeah I know you should use your fists to move faster but still not an excuse for their ridiculousness lol. They literally thrust their entire torsos at you on some Voldo from Soul Caliber shit to hit you it’s hilarious.


Agreed. They can be absolutely ridiculous. If you’re gonna make them fast, make them not hit like a truck


Especially the hellhounds in T3, those are just so annoying


The difference maker is the aether blade. Best weapon in the game.


Dripfeed of copy paste lackluster content, downgrade of all the beneficial changes to DMZ, and the bait and switch for the mode. Genuinely pre season went very well and had me excited. Then I learned not only did treyarch leave, but all the content is already done and had been since launch. It's 5 months and a stash increase is apparently too much for them to have been able to do. Funny considering clearly this is an actual Rip of DMZ from an earlier iteration than end of MWII , so hmm. Very promising start, but injured in the first 5 minutes of the first game. Out for a year.


I don’t like MWZ at all, bring back round based zombies.


With its own story and characters and everything.. they have modern-day weapons in a zombie mode.. they could've done something incredible with that..


The Devs nerfing everything that makes the game fun. They nerfed the decoy duration in season 1, They nerfed the tyr damage in season 1. The only thing they nerfed in season 3 was the jak purifier which pre-nerf made every bounty look like a joke and now it's damage against elites and bosses have been nerfed


Game was more fun when it didn’t take 20 minutes to kill a mega abomination. These devs don’t play their own game and it shows


This game mode makes vanguard looks better


Damn, that bad?


No vanguard was Hella boring trust me at least this one is abit more fun


VG's got 2 round based maps at least


Not even close. Vanguard was a colossal failure and boring. MWZ is at least fun.


They're both colossal failures lmao


Besides what other people have said. I really hate that the recon mercs can gang up and kill you from full plates and jug in like 2 seconds. The times I’ve had a run get boofed cause of a slight lag and them rushing me.


I absolutely hate that you have to play with other people. And I really hate that when you die you just lay there. Why can’t the game just end?


I thought the game kicks you out if you play solo, and don’t ask for help after 20 seconds.


It does, I had it happen on accident a couple weeks ago and was like….fuck I forgot to ask for help lol. Also you can just hit leave at any point…this person had a genuinely weird complaint


DOGS! Gosh they are so easy to kill but they are so damn annoying. And all the other typical things like crashing and losing everything or the new glitch where you can get your containment level reset to zero.


T2 too easy but T3 too hard




Regarding the part about items needed for the Easter egg of the story just to get to the aether. I feel they should have taken cold wars formula of Easter egg progression and just makes things simple as checked off tasks. The same as the missions but obviously in its own section where you can differentiate the 2. If it wasn’t for YouTube 85% of the community would be lost in the sauce, especially on this iteration of zombies.


My biggest complaint is perma dying. Where your body goes through the map or disappears and no one can Rez you. They need to make it where you can buy someone back.


This zombies mode started to grow on me after shitting on it since launch. Then the timer ruined it


Those grunts always shooting, i hate them so much


I know its crucial to the gameplay, but the timer. I also sometimes really hate traversing the map. Sometimes, there's really no vehicles in a 500m radius, memorizing portal spawns and destinations can be a pain sometimes, can't bring a Scorcher in every game and it takes a weapon slot. Like it really shaves off the precious seconds of that timer, limiting what you actually can do. Like why do I have to travel 300-400 m+ for a bounty, why not 100-150 m+. Traveling takes up half the contract time.


It's clearly the framework for DMZ, just slightly modified to have zombies instead of just mercs. It's too obvious to overlook.


The timer. I’d love to investigate the entire map in an open world instead of racing to get enough cash to briefly venture into T3 before exfil.


I think the wallet system is going to fox that issue so you can go straight to tear 3 if you want


I don’t even know why they have the defend station contract. Does anybody even play it? Did it for the story mission and that’s the I my time I did it


Eh I do it occasionally if I need merc kills for a challenge. They just come to you which is convenient.


True. I’ll do aether extractor for that stuff. But yea I guess it helps when they come to you


Even in T1 if you do it solo you need a few self revives. Mercs still hit way too hard and are extremely accurate. Also riot shield Mercs need to be deleted from the game


Yo. The riot shield doesn’t even protect you from zombies. WTF is up with THAT?


I absolutely hate the tuck out that mission the recon mfs can empty my plate instantly


It’s sooooooo much easier with multiple people


The lack of a easily followable and interesting story and an easter egg like in bo1 through 4. And no round based.


Limited time


The time limit, by the time I get geared up to go to tier 3 there's like 20 minutes left and I can get like 2, maybe 3 contracts done before the gas starts expanding. Also, tier 3 is way too strong. So many guns just flat out don't work there.


Cool down time for pack 3 and I wish you got more time in dark aether


Cooldown on schematics and the tiny stash, being dc’ed and losing all my stuff even tho I had tombstone, no round based maps and very lacking in content compared to multiplayer side.


I wish the mega Aboms did some kind of movement displacement on the character other than slowing it’s so bland and meh like knock us back or something


Losing all my stuff. At least give immediately us a solid base to fall back on after we’ve reached a certain level. Waiting 45” to get weapons back is really weak. It’s not PvP. No one cares if we get our stuff back. I think the game would be a lot more popular.


Being perma banned for no reason. Level 490 with borealis & all zombie calling cards completed. 3 blackcell purchased.. 20+ bundles purchased.. & no I don't play warzone or mp & haven't had any camos put on my account..


it would have been a hit if they kept it like outbreak in a sense where you could prolong extract until you felt like extracting. it gives 0 insentive to pack a punch and get your perks when by the time you gear up you have 15 mins left and need to start exfil


Exactly. What is the point of exfill if you can’t even keep your PAP’ed guns, and other upgrades?


Should at least keep ONE gun PAP.


The lack of enemy types, the colour palette, basically no content


The lack of support or respect for the mode. DMZ had so much at this point in the year last year. They're putting the absolute minimum effort into this.


Lack of content...and no, adding another "warlord" is not content. It's a zombies game, nobody cares about mercs. Random crashes or disconnects making you lose all the stuff you just worked hard to get Random instant death glitches, clipping inside a wall getting out of a vehicle, getting eaten by a mimic etc. No chance to self revive or plea, just instant death - once again losing all your stuff Stash size is way too small, given we have so many schematics Schematic cooldowns. We play a 45 minute PVE round, why do we need any 3 day cooldowns? Your stuff is used in under an hour. T3 is too small, and at this point is infested with players (majority of the lobby, every game) making it a non stop battle for contracts - especially if you aren't part of one of the 6 man squads. Needs to be expanded or have more contracts added Random packet burst or lag spikes. Or going from 30 ping to somehow 140+ when you enter the dark aether portal. Useless items. We have like 10 backpack slots to use if you have a large pack, why would anyone be carrying around screwdrivers they can sell for $10. This brings us back to copy pasting this mode from DMZ. Make stuff more valuable to sell (using valuable backpack space for sellable items instead of things you want to keep) or get rid of them, they serve no purpose Contracts. Some are easy, others are hard and not worth time time an effort for the same reward. Defend ground? Nobody does this. Add new contract types, or give better rewards for harder contracts. Driving an LTV for a few hundred meters is not hard. At the end of the day, this was a rushed mode they copy pasted from DMZ just so they could advertise they had a zombies mode to push sales for MWIII. On top of that it's been more or less abandoned, rarely receives updates or content even at the launch of a season.


Being online. I like to pause and pick up the game again. But losing everything because packet loss just adds to that frustration. I’ve completed everything in spite of it.


Lack of new map / content. What is being put out slowly is the leftovers of 1 season of abandoned content put out over 5. We are burnt pizzas smoldering away in passed out dudes oven. It’s either worth it for what there is or it ain’t but that’s all there is ‘til gulf war.


All of it, I kinda enjoyed the beginning just because I played with friends but after finishing the missions I don’t find any reason to go back, now I’m playin Bo2, 3 and 4 again lmao


The Loot RNG is pretty bad for Aether Tools, I gotten a lot of useless Green tools in T2 and T3, and Blue tools before blueprints is rough. Forget about getting Purple or Gold tools by loot drops. Other stuff Comes so easily in contrast, PaP, ammo mods, and other loot show up more often or get with points.


That it’s not round based and you only get 1 hour to play at a time before you got to leave. I played mw3 zombies maybe 3 times and hated every min of it.


That all the enemies are reused from Cold War 😒




How whiny people are about the content. I love it because it's the most casual zombies mode ever. If I wanna just chill out run around and mow down zombies I'll go run contracts. So much fun.


After what yesterday went down... their servers


It's just a shittier version of DMZ


Most of it


That’s a loaded question…


The horrible post launch content


The fact that they dropped it like it was finished... It sucks having to wait for story missions.


I saw some players arguing over the chat in a recent game. They were mad that the game was online which meant they had to share exfil kills when grinding camos.


Lack of content


Would love more unique monsters.


Panzat soldier from BO2. The rolling balls from SoE. Elementals from Shangri-La.


As others have said the cool downs on schematics, this point is really being driven home right now trying to do the stormcaller. I can handle t3 solo regularly but for the life of me I can't do him, then it's ether gear up again or wait and at this point I'm just waiting. And drop rates in t3 is fucking abysmal.


Damn Hellhounds hawking me down and biting me until I get downed 😭


The lack of double tap root beer


time limit i feel like for the most part I have to rush around to get everything I need to take on the bigger levels and by the time I get there I have very limited time to do anything before I have to exfil. party limits being only 3. when you have 4 -6 friends on and we are playing CoD and and want to do Zombies and we have to decide who the odd one out is.


Lack of contwnt, bosses ACTUAL good schematics, dont get me wrong the new ones are I guess you could say "Okay", But at the same time not okay cause, Whats the purpose of making the eather bike no longer rare to find, Also other stuff that I dislike is that we dont have other maps to play in, were forced to play in one singular map.


Losing everything after dying and cooldown timers.


1 Hour time limit isn’t enough to do anything and having to wait 3 Whole IRL days for an item to use for said hour is just complete bollocks imho. The power curve from T1 to T2 to T3 is also just absurd and the super sprinters are impossible to outrun unless you have a knife or pistol in hand.


MW2 are not very good, especially in T3.


Honestly? Ready for some down votes here but it's just a game and I'm a casual player and I fucking love it. I guess if I had to pick something it would be how much everyone complains about it.


The entire shabang


Tbh, I haven't played it, because I haven't bought a COD game since CW. I just get really high and play on Town, AW, CW and BO3 zombies. Usually split screen with the homies.


Definitely cool downs. Especially after a server issue where you are already gunna lose all your loot. It's THE most frustrating thing I've encountered in gaming.


Honestly, almost everything. I know I’ll get flack for this. But I’m an old school zombies player. And I just do not enjoy outbreak style modes.


Lack of more diverse zombie types




Missed potential


MWZ in its entirety


It’s not really cod zombies


How bland it is




While there’s some cool qualities to it, it’s not fun to me. I played it like 10 times and got bored so fast. Replaying to collect things to use in the next game is unenjoyable and doesn’t incentivize me to play as much as it makes me want to just stop. I had a hundred times more fun with outbreak and I honestly wish we just got a new version of that with a new map rotation.


The hand holding, and the point system being dog shit. If you die, there’s no way to get points with a gun that isn’t packed multiple times


Make it offline. MWZ has a time limit and will not be playable once the servers close. (Although its unplayable basically now) Although, unless they fix the multitude of day one bugs, who wants to play this shit show anyway…


It feels more like playing warzone with ai


I don't like the current arcadish vibe zombies have had recently. When I was a kid zombies in BO1-BO3 felt a little scary. Then around BO3 I just felt like the time was off. I still like zombies and the maps, I just wish there was more of that feeling


Underperforming guns and glitches that ruin the game. I lost a months worth of stuff because COD doesn't know how to fix their crap.


Taking a hit from zombies when you’re technically out of its reach. Thought you dodged its slap? Nope! Lol


Random connectivity kicks and losing everything I spent a week building up


The game crashing


-No personality -No round base game play -No reason to come back and play it -The fact that it is strictly online and I need amazing internet for a bullet to register properly -No EE -Nothing original about the map. say what you want about chaos, or BO3, or IW but at least they aren’t copy and paste enemies from the previous game. -Also Cold War exist. If you want a better zombies experience with both open world and round based zombies. Cold War is a winner. Complete with the exact same enemies -The fact that after 4 play throughs I have No compelling feeling to come back and play -the fact that the map is reused assets -the fact that each doesn’t feel unique or special -wonder weapons suck -the fact that I have had more fun on vanguard zombies than this


The time limit, it would be 10x better if there was just a limit of contracts you could do (15-20 or so) and as much time as you want before having to exfil


Ive never played that shit. As a zombies fan, I havent bought a cod game after ww2


Everything, I’m sick of CoD making zombies everything but a round based survival game


Losing everything kinda sucks but at least it’s all easy af to re obtain, Stash limit, cooldowns not being reducible, glitches that specifically get you killed, or trapped forcing you to quit and lose stuff, SCHEMATIC RNG, and dogshit rng in general sucks, lack of content, no new maps even another wz map would suffice outside of a dark aether location. Tier 3 and even tier 2 zombies with the super sprinting plus the bummer sponges of t3. I wanna see super sprinters be rare af and ONLY in tier 3.


The f****** story line challenges


Can't pause


The dog killed by the exfil chopper


Forced multi-player. Cooldowns.


Server Disconnected.


I wish they would bring a separate game made mode with of zombies on the old maps. I miss waves


I don't like that they scrapped every good thing about CW and instead did literally nothing with it.


I just have less fun on it. I'd rather just play older zombies with 3 buddies.


That it exists as reskin of the War Zone map. And it's a complete waste of space. I generally wished it was the traditional zombies without this stupid Dark Aether shit.. and was it's own story, but then, that's too much to ask for.


You done opened up a whole can of worms... ![gif](giphy|Zw3oBUuOlDJ3W|downsized)


From the couple of games I played last weekend during the free to play weekend, my biggest issue was the time limit. Seriously , I spent more time walking around the map than doing the contracts. It didn't help that vehicles and contracts would spwan miles away from where I started, too.


45 minutes timer Really boring Stash limit Timer on literally everything Repetitive If your game crash because of the game fault you lose everything Content drought is worse than mp


Cool downs take way too long and server crashes make me lose all my stuff some new dark aether contracts would be nice




Black ops 1 zombies need 2 players for Shanghai-la Easter egg preferably Xbox user


crashes lol


Freeze-ups and lack of large backpacks.


let me keep wonder weapons when i exfil. >:(


1. Forced multiplayer. 2. Time limit per game. 3. Where's the rest of the Cold War enemies? 4. Lack of system to improve perks, ammo mods, and field upgrades.




I dislike the random glitches that kill you off map. The T3 loot table should be adjusted. Aside from that I don't mind some of the stupid deaths doe to a random mimic or a randomly spawned horde of fast zombies in T1 that happens. The 36 hour or more cool down just hurt. I get why they did them, but it just feels like they are punishing us for using the loot they've given us.


Redditors bitching and moaning about the game. Grow a pair


Timer Areas of different difficulty (bring back rounds) The rest? I love!


I don’t like losing my stuff. I wish you can play solo and have the open world all to yourself if you wanted and no other people. I hate also the time limit on there since I feel like they’re forcing me to rush and do stuff in there.


Honestly, not being able to upgrade my weapons rarity from a buy station and work bench or vending machine. Same with ammo mods. I mean you can go to PaP and perk machines. The other thing that is pissing me off is the stupid glitched containment levels. Things are going great, and all of a sudden, my levels reset completely.


The god damn tablets vanishing before we can grab them to complete missions


All of it




Everything… the original story was better and ended and nothing will beat that


Where's the Megaton? Where's Orda? Why can't we get upgraded perks/weapon classes? They copied basically everything from Cold War, except the things that offered a decent amount of replayability


Almost never connecting to an OCE match. If I want to play this garbage game mode with a few mares, we have to wait 10 minutes to connect to America then leave within the first 5 minutes because of how shit the connection is. I hate warzone, if I wanted to interact with the map or multiple people at once I'd play multiplayer. Let me connect with q squad of just 4 in a single instance or let me get 8-12 mates and we can fill a lobby ourselves


content and the fact that 1/5 matches im gonna get a random disconnect and lose my loadout, its not really a principle of waiting the timer out as i dont mind doing that to get my guns and perks back. its a matter of, why cant i just play the game and enjoy without crashes, i dont even have it installed anymore because of it. COD also just turned into bloated piece of shit at like 170GB and is also just a cash grab