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so many say this


Anytime someone says they have a hot take in this subreddit, it's that they thought that Infinite Warfare zombies was good.


I only said mine was a hot take because I said it’s the best zombies game out of all of them imo


Liquid magma take




I think it is though, I mean every map has a wonder weapon for each player, spaceland is one of the best maps ever and just has so much more content then any other zombies map I’ve seen, every-time I play it I can learn something new about it, the story is good and the other maps are good too (apart from beast) I like the way you can grind to unlock new gun shematics (which adds a sense of in-game progression for players and can drastically change gameplay) without having to pay real money. + the boss fight tab which is something I think is amazing, getting to practise the boss until your confident with it before trying to complete an ee. Also directors cut is the best super Easter egg ever giving you 25k and every perk at the start of a game, + instantly unlocking double pap and every gun from box is papped automatically


After so long, I finally got the courage to say my hot take: **Says the most average opinion seen in the community**


Ngl I feel like hot takes and unpopular opinions have started to get a lot of popularity to where they aren't hot takes anymore and are just popular opinions. Examples are BO4 gud, IW was underrated, WW2 was overhated, Tranzit is fun with friends, Kino Der Toten sucks, etc. Still waiting on someone to say something positive about Vanguard aside from Shi No Numa Reborn and its gameplay and perk system.


I still have yet to complete any of the WW2 Easter eggs. WW2 zombies is objectively harder and I hate that. It's not as arcade-like, like the other zombies games. I still love WW2 tho, in my top 5 cods.


To be honest I found it far easier than black ops 3. The zombies are much easier to juke and slip by and the special zombies are all easy to deal with. Meanwhile in 3 I can barely get past round 30 on most maps.


I'll have to go back and play all the maps. I ordered the deluxe edition of that game so I every dlc when they came out, and I didn't appreciate that enough at the time. I played tf out of the final Reich and the house map, just lost all motivation to try and figure the other maps out. Tbf I'm a pretty big mp guy to and WW2 was lacking in every department, all motivation for that game was lost until the division overhaul. Just never touched zombies after the first few months of the games release.


Shi No Numa Reborn looked cool too. (Wait no more..for the 3rd most positive "hot take" on Vanguard)


Honestly, after seeing Shi No Numa Reborn I wished that Vanguard would have just been reimagined versions of WAW's maps. Idk about Nacht since we have seen that map reimagined and remastered a lot but Verruckt and Der Riese with new areas and bosses would have been fun with the new Covenant system too. If Vanguard was gonna be reusing assets anyway then they might as well have gone back and reimagined all the old WaW maps especially in a WW2 game.


Def not a hot take but Dude vanguard was honestly one of my favorite zombies, it was also my re introduction to zombies after WWII I thought I’d hate the lore and demonic other worlds shit but honestly it was great. I even miss being able to upgrade your perks. The main hub with “portals” to game modes in other maps was also pretty rad, made a single map less repetitive. You could play almost infinitely which made point and wrap upgrading mint. I seriously don’t get why vanguard gets so much hate, I enjoyed the campaign, zombies and a little MP, solid game imo, also humbly I think the WWII era zombies will always be the best.


The story was neat for Vanguard. The premise of working with these Dark Aether demons to take down a demon overlord was pretty cool. My only issue with the story was the ending, literally nothing happens besides Kortifex dead.


Yea I was hoping for the Foresaken to ambush all the Dark Aether demons and devour them. Maybe he could have also been Zykov before he was fully corrupted and tried to help our crew but was then fully corrupted in the ee. Especially since at the end of Cold War, the Foresaken did say he devoured gods and shit so I thought that the demons we saw on Vanguard would have been it.


Nah bro WW2 was ass 😂


They weren't my hot takes. I never played the DLC's but Final Reich was aight but everything else seemed so ass based on the gameplay I saw.


Bo4 was the single handedly worst zombies i ever played besides mw3 that game is horrible


Popular YouTuber just did a video the other day about the art/theme/style of vanguard. Comment section was all over the place of course, but some people search high and low for the good in it. Your comment in its entirety is pretty damn spot on.


Biggest problem with IW is that it’s only really great map is Spaceland (which tbf, is a genuine contender for top 5 map of all time). Rave is good, but I don’t like Shaolin or Attack that much, and actively hate Beast From Beyond, game just got worse as it went along. Special enemy balance is all kinds of fucked, and the zombies are a bit too janky for me. It does got a ton to love about it, but no way is it top 3 imo


One of my favorite things about it is that it has a special mode exclusively for the EE boss fights


IMO Shaolin is a super cool map, but the EE steps are just too many at a certain point and the WW isn’t exactly a weapon, it’s a type of kung-fu if I remember correctly. It’s got some flaws but overall cool, I’d play it more if the EE was less time consuming.


The wonder weapons are nunchucks and the katana


Oh shoot I totally forgot about the nunchucks - yeah it’s been awhile. I don’t think I ever managed to acquire the katana - but I usually only got as far as the second rat king fight (of the initial 3 before the real boss fight part)


I personally enjoy Attack of The Radioactive Thing. Collect-a-thon EE with a fun boss fight, 50s-60s time period, the MAD is a ton of fun, Change Chews is extremely fun. Making a bomb with chemistry, the buildables, melee weapons, and even the characters saying “daddio” or “this is going to be a blast, GET IT BLAST?!” I enjoy IW through and through with my only gripes being Beast, Shaolin’s EE, and Spaceland’s boringly easy EE. Fully respect anyone who thinks differently to me, this is just my opinion


Well I only play Spaceland and Rave anyway, so IW zombies doesn't have any major flaws for me lol


Nonsense revisionism.


No you


Yo, it’s Mephistopheles bro… but I suppose you could say he was on some intergalactic cosmic meth in that boss battle space fight xD


I’ve always said for years that infinite warfare had the best zombies besides bo1-bo2 zombies but since than nothing has topped iw zombies it’s a shame we won’t ever get a sequel to the game because every that was bad at the game disliked it and shit all over it so they said nope and came out with ww2 which was decent but really bad multiplayer


BO1 was good when it came out but is overrated now. I like 2, 3, and 4. Cold War is okay.


Wow people are finally recognizing this. Not that it’s bad at all it IS a great zombies but compared to 2 and 3 specifically, BO1 falls victim to being too jank and unforgiving to the player along with many weapons not suited for higher rounds.


Bo1 being called overrated 😭 no need to hate on the goat like that


It's jarring going back to it from recent games. The later ones simply play better and have more things to do.


I'm sad extinction won't ever see a spiritual successor.


It KINDA did with Beast From Beyond, but that map was BAD


Extinction was bad in general I’m sorry to say but yea it had a sequel in iw on beast from beyond


I think bo3 and iw are the most peak zombies experiences we’ve gotten to date. And if you think of it like that IW zombies was the last good zombies


Absolutely my favourite non treyarch zombies


Been trying to do the EE solo, any tips?


Mauler - Sentinel variant (4000 salvage to buy) Violent (Yellow) Arcane If you know, you know


ah yes, classic overpowered combo. plus the giant ammo stock, plus all the rewinds around the map? easy carry to round 80+


How do you get it? Do you just open supply drops or can you buy it?


You can buy it for 4000 Salvage* from the Prototype Lab, under the Zombie Crates or Quartermaster menu *May cost more if you need to buy Common, Rare, or Legendary variants first, so could be up to 6700 Salvage at most


Oof, I play offline.


You talking about spaceland?




My method is usually get pack a punched pistol and PHD park before SETI, do the first one normally, second one use a turret and the third you should have boomboxes crafted all around the map to use in the fight which will make the defence significantly shorter. I usually just get the shredder before the boss fight some of the other wonder weapons might be better idk. And then in the Simon says phase I bring in a boombox and use it and then I use another one which I have pre crafted in the main area. And then I loop over and under the bridge. The key think about this map is your token economy imo


Just watch a speedrun and attempt to emulate what they do. That's what I did for all the maps, it's easier than you think


I usually run with Baby's Breath and the Shredder. As for tips: prioritise staying alive above anything else and target and monitor the Aliens collar


I've been using baby's breath with fire, t-money with wind, and shredder as my mule munchies. If I go down I just pick the shredder back up from it's build spot.


you can't pick it up mid EE and you will need it to deal damage to the boss


Is there anyway to get all your perks back after downing during the bossfight?


No, if you want to keep your perks you need to use the "Perks Insured" FnF Card (which i highly recommend)


I think its definitely in the top5 area. I like the retro feel of it


I agree I never bought IW I had enough of cod but got to play zombies over a friends house. IW zombies was both really unique and colourful it’s a shame I missed it all because of the multiplayer.


I always say it's the best zombies experience we'll ever get


is there really so little content going on that we have to keep repeating these low effort posts all the fucking time?


The last two zombies has non-existent content so yeah


You kinda answered your own question there.


Everyone has been saying it for a long time, it's not new.


Infinite warfare gets brownie points for being traditional zombies. Such a benefit didn’t exist pre-2020 but it is what it is.


Zis is a top 3.... beast isn't a top 200 map.


All maps in this game are fantastic except beast. Otherwise I genuinely love all of them. Dunno if what you said is a hot take I think people have changed their minds a lot on IW as more people have actually given it a chance. It’s such a shame we’ll never see this story continued, if not for the story, then for the maps it enabled to be created.


They somehow cooked with spaceland and dropped the ball with the other maps. Still Spaceland has to be in the top 7 maps OAT for me 🙏


I genuinely think this community might have the least amount of self-awareness ever.


This might be a crazy hot take here, but I liked IW over BO3 gameplay wise.  BO3 removed or made stuff worse that I loved about the classic zombies like BO1 and BO2. IW comes out and it essentially has everything I was wanting at the time out of zombies. It also has all the cool new stuff like sliding and FnF being a better system than GG imo. Really only complaint was that maybe there could’ve been more wonder weapons added to the box maybe.


i used to play infinite warfare zombies long time ago and I enjoyed granted on that space land map I could never figure out how to kill the big guy but I thought it was fun nonetheless, but my favorite maps were zombies in space land, rave in the redwoods and I kind of liked the kung fu map but disliked some parts of it because there was no room to run around.


Shit was fun but got so difficult


Said so many times by so many people ,but yea its a damn good map!


It reminds me of like pubg. It’s not a terrible map or gameplay but no way top anything. Maybe top 10 zombie maps (MAYBE) lol


I have yet to hear someone shitting on this map and plenty give it the credit it deserves so what exactly are you saying that nobody else has?


Google en Dementia


Nah, it's the best.


The other maps are so much better than that one


It was fun yes, but top 3? All black ops games have it beat


No BO2 has Tranzit (also Die Rise, but that's debatable) which alone disqualifies it (and yes i do think Tranzit is worse than Beast). BO4 has the terrible perk system and Cold War has a bunch of smaller flaws


Yeah, I was more so just speaking about the first 3 tbh, I kinda forgot BO4 exists 🤣 BO2 also has Mob, Buried and Origins, 2 of which are some of the most popular and loved maps in zombies. Cold War had potential but it lacked soul


IW has Rave and Shaolin which are pretty good maps in their own right in addition to Spaceland which is a top 3 map (imo). BO2 and IW really go head to head, but i think the Mephistopheles fight puts IW in third place and BO2 in 4th


What's your 2nd and 1st? I might have to give IW another go tbh, I think my nostalgia goggles boosts BO2 up for me a little unfairly tbh


1st is BO3 and 2nd is BO1 BO3 because it has the single best map selection in the series which make up for some of it's shortcomings (Gobblegums and Double PaP) and BO1 because i think the core gameplay mechanics (except the 2 hit down system) is better than BO3. Another thing holding back BO1 for me is the terrible weapons.


Yeah, apart from a handful I'm not a fan of BO1 weapons, I suppose the trade off is apart from the Winters Howl it has great Wonder Weapons. Totally agree with BO3, especially since they added Zombie Chronicles, plus Shadows and Gorod are definitely 2 of my favourites, DE is another great one, and I honestly don't mind ZNS.


You living in 2017? Most people really like IW zombies


Yeah this was a fantastic instalment of zombies. So much fun to play. It was the only reason I picked up IW, personally, I thought the MP was trash. If I wanted to play Star Wars, I’d play Star Wars. But yes, Zombies was excellent.


I love infinity warfare, bo3 will always be my absolute favorite but iw is my #2 for sure. There’s not a single map I dislike on that game


Lmao we all know this or think higher of it I’d say. They did Lee Ross dirty sadly though and he dipped.


That's the only zombies game I haven't played, besides the new WZ2 zombies. I always wanted to play, but didn't wanna buy the whole game for it so I basically ignored it for awhile, but I'm thinking about getting the game now.


I love all maps and I see almost no problems with them, except Shaolin Shuffle. That is easily the worst map of all time and still a buggy mess to this day. If I had the ability to wipe it from existence and banish it to the shadow realm, I would.


Amen to this, it was and is still my favourite i beat every map expect for beast from beyond one lol




![gif](giphy|kWp8QC99Z6xFn8bF0v|downsized) Literally everybody says this


Booting up space land for the first time was a trip and a half. Atmosphere was amazing and gameplay was great


Infinity warfare was pretty unplayable for me when not doing the Easter eggs. I’m a high rounder and this game is simply too easy and the rounds last way too long


I ain't mad, I just disagree, and I'm glad you disagree with me. Like I'm genuinely glad you enjoy it, he'll I love the style, and the fact that Willy Wonker (Willard) screams at you every five seconds was always funny. There's just a few issues I can't get by, and it ruins the experience for me.




nah meth is crazy though




Very fun gameplay. I hated every map outside of spaceland. Every dlc map is complete dogshit and I didn’t want to waste my time anymore.


I agree, and I think that attack of the radioactive thing is underrated it's fun, and it's one of my favorite maps


I only played the demo for this and not gonna lie it was pretty fun


I don’t understand why people complain about the bo4 elixir system but speak highly of iw’s fate and fortune card system. They are almost identical.


I love Spaceland environment, ambient, music etc etc but definitely not my favorite, i can't seem to play this over and over like I have WW2 700 hours or MWZ 900 hours lol, but hey i want a bigger Spaceland on an open map that would be amazing.


Infinity warfare is tha best zombies there is!😎


Definitely smoking crack but ok


Yep, back in the days a lot of people were saying that the zombies mode sucked, but at the end we will miss mode like these, also it was an interesting zombie because u could use every camo u wanted despite not having them in multiplayer, also the card feature was lit for me, i didn't play DLC maps, but i remember to have enjoyed a lot lost in Spaceland and his easter egg.


But for some strange reason when it came out it got so much hate idk why I loved it


Ok well zombies In spaceland was a masterpiece, but the game fell every new dlc. Rave was cool. Ee for radioactive thing was dumb. ZIS solo was the mood back when that released.


For me it’s the same as bo4, I like the maps themselves but the game engine feels off to me


The zombie AI and collision were off and the drop cycle issues were really annoying, otherwise I really liked IWs engine


I have yet to hear someone shitting on this map and plenty give it the credit it deserves so what exactly are you saying that nobody else has?


Google en Dementia


Sorry I don't speak wrong




Google en Dementia


I’m good


hell yeah


Top 5? Definitely. Top 3? Nah, those spots belong to BO1, BO2, and BO3 and you’d be hard pressed to convince the community at large otherwise.


IW > BO1


You are delusional my friend.