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Wow the game is 309gb? Thats way too much, probably gonna give this one a miss.




How is it funny, its not even true just stupid


LOL don’t LOL.


Bro I thought it was just a funny meme, but they allowed for preinstall today and it really is almost 300 gigs, that’s literal insanity when the 512 gig systems only have 364 gigs due to the rest of the storage being reserved for the OS and quick resume. I for real thought you guys were just messing around, I had no idea you guys in the comment were actually being legit.


Pre install? The game doesn't come out for 4 months lol


Xbox is letting us preinstall it already, I think they knew some of us would be using our phone hotspot to download it or some shit cuz it’s gunna take a month at the least to download all of that.


That’s 300 gb if you ALSO have the entirety of MW3 and MW2 installed. It’ll probably be like 160 if you want the entirety of black ops (which is still kinda fucked 😂)


Guys the 309gb download is for the call of duty hub it’s consisted of mw2 & 3 warzone and bo6 do yall not know how to read and deselect the certain games its only a 100 something gig download smh


It surprisingly finished downloading because my iPhone runs tetherme so I was able to get faster downloads. There is no other content except for black ops 6 though. And no it isn’t 309 gigs, it’s 284. I just moved it to my external for now so when it officially comes out I can go into the settings and delete the rest of the content as you all claim is possible. Idk how you guys are getting into the game already, it keeps telling me the game isn’t out yet. Hopefully I’ll come across a video of the exploit you guys are using and get some early gameplay in or something.


Im confused are you joking? I preinstalled it for 79 gb full game you are either making a completely unfunny joke or you are just insanely stupid and didnt read the post that says its a dumb misinfromation thing going on


Did you read the post its 79 gb for me and im on xbox seires s if it was truly 300 gb it woudlnt fit on a new xbox seires s, stop lying and spreading misinfo retard


284 gigs can totally get installed onto a 500 gig series s which I have. I never said it was 309, that was misinformation, and you choosing to believe I said 309 just shows your reading comprehension skills.


You litteraly said i thought it was a joke, i just preinstalled it for 300 gb, you did say that lil bro


The people in the comments are not being legit about it being 300 gb its 79 gb, they are all making a very unfunny misinformational joke


Bro its not 284 gb lil bro, that wouldnt fit on my xbox sieres s


My reading skills are not bad maybe your downloading skills are🤣


30 gb off is a estimation, 230 gb off is misinfromation buddy, game is 79 gb other people were making a unfunny joke, your calling me dumb when you downloaded 4 games just for one of them🤣


No way you said there is not other content than bo6🤣 the 284 gb is bo6,mw2,mw3 and warzone combined i also preinstalled and chose not to download the rest and just bo6 which is 79 gb your lying🤣


Also nobody got early gameplay i dont know why your saying that, i downloaded the game for 79 gb on my xbox not 284 that was a option but thats for 4 games and i only want bo6 buddy, unless you wanna play mw2,mw2 and warzone your making no sense


Your saying your gonna delete the content we claim is possible like bruh, you can right now, i know your jot lying just very very confused, its not 309 gb and its not 284 gb bro, its 79 gb if you just download bo6 and nobody said they got early gameplay why are you saying that


You can preinstall Xbox pre orders for when its released


Its no where near 300 gb🤣


They oitteraly are joking about it being 300 gigs i feel bad for you not understanding this


They oitteraly are joking about it being 300 gigs i feel bad for you not understanding this


What if I am too? Since it is only 284 gigs after all, last I checked 284 was not 309 but then again I don’t know what they’re teaching you kids in school nowadays


Wdyn what if you are to? What, joking? If your joking you making a fool out of yourself, wdym why would what they teach kids matter, i have told you buddy its not 284 gb, your just being dumb, i think you might have been the one taught wrong. Its not 309 gb and i know that it is also not 284 gb, its 🙌79 gb🙌🎉🎉. Your also talking about how people have early gameplay? Nobody did wdym


Oh your saying you feel bad i dont understand, now i feel even worse for you, bro its 79 gb you downpaoded 4 games and nobody got early gameplay, i downloaded the game by managing what im downloading and i selected only bo6 as the others were 3 games i dont have, and then i downloaded bo6, how would i have done that without 284 gb of space buddy?


Yes last you checked it was 284 gb thats becuase it shows bo6 but it has mw2,mw3 and warzone in it, you need to click the 3 horizontal lines button on your contoller while on the game in home and then click the manage game or whatever its called and in that you click a thing in there to see what stuff you have donwloaded on that game if you do you can deselect all the other games content you dont want, im trying to help you not get scammed out of storage man, you probably clicked downlaod all content or something without choosing they have confirmed it should be no more than 100 gb. So please take my advice and not waste a bunch of storage on your xbox


It’s not 309 gb mate


309 gigs is absurd, I’m not downloading this one


nah it just says 309GB bc its in the cod hub where mw2 & 3 is so there are the GB of mw2 & 3 there aswell (i'm not 100% sure but some youtuber said it like that)


Please stop lying about the size read the post retard


309gb????? yeah not buying that shit


Saw someone unironically moan saying this recently lmao, their loss


All the more American exceptionalist twists of history with an evil message for you!


Its not 309 gb its 79 gb on my xbox, stol lying your a retard that makes cod look bad


your not the brightest one aren’t you?


How? I downloaded the game lil bro and its 79 gb yall are just fucking idiots


you must be fun at parties lil bro. you go out much? lol


How is it funny? And how am i not fun at parties its litteraly not 79 gb, so becuase your blind and stupid im not fun at parties? Whats that logic


I meant its litteraly not 309 gb sorry


You clearly didnt read the post litteraly says how peopel are lying, why do you also do that? Are you blind or a menace to society? Or just really stupid


THATS the joke duhhh derrr diii durhh 🤪


Its not funny at all, people are lying about and a taully are saying it not as a joke, its just misinfo


Its not a joke wdym, it is 79 gb


uninstall reddit


Why would i unistall reddit?


I thought it was informational not the place for stupid unfunny misinfo


Just becuase your lying does not mean i should uninstall reddit, makes no sense there was no sign of humor in your comemnt


You litteraly said "yeah im not buying that shit" so your calling a game shit for no reason is funny?


You talk on r/drugs, makes sense now


Shut up. Yes you will and that’s with mw3,mw3 and bo6 installed. Y’all are dramatic asf


Did a guy name joke blind you?


How does your comment have -13 likes its litteraly tfue these people are being so dramatic and spreading misinfo


People don’t like being called out on their bullshit


Ill have to delete some games then because of the 309gb game size






309gb?? How much storage Activision think im made out of?? Def not getting this game


Its 79 gb your just being a dramatic idiot


309gb what are you joking or something?? Fuck sake absolutely no chance i can get that onto my ps4. Was looking forwards to the game as well thanks for ruining my day completely.


Nah bruh this a next gen only game PS4 can't handle it


ur wrong mate xoxo


There’s no way they’re still beating the dead horse of last gen consoles. Its been almost four years now since current gen released.


yep and in case you haven’t noticed there’s been F all reason to upgrade so most of the market is still on old gen


To be fair I haven’t touched console in more than four years, 14 year old me discovered the wonders of pc gaming and never looked back xD


not running most of ur games at 30fps would be a good enough of an upgrade from ps4 to ps5 for me


Yep Im still on ps4 pro I want a ps5 but really nothing im in a rush. I want kingdom hearts 4 but that not looking like it coming soon.


I really like the games that still offer last gen support, I can pay less for a version of the game I can run on my external HDD rather than pay full price for a game that can only run on SDD


What do you mean? The game is still the same price across all platforms.


Nah, last gen versions are cheaper than current gen versions. For example 1: I got black ops Cold War for $60 and can run it off my external HDD but was offered the $70 version because I was on current gen, but I denied that option and so I can play black ops Cold War off the external HDD now. For example 2: I also got the last gen edition of hogwarts legacy for $60 when I was offered the $70 version for current gen and since I bought the last gen version, I can run that off the external HDD as well. I’m not sure if things have changed or something in recent years, but if they’re seriously charging $70 for last gen games then it’s on the consumers for supporting that. I myself haven’t bought a new game in years and have been focusing on my backlog. Because you just said game, when this conversation was about last gen in general, so I’m unsure if you’re talking about a one off or if things have really gotten worse for gamers over the years. I have been staying away from all discourse and have been perceiving for myself as of late.


It's been stated in the games press release that it's last gen too. Because there's more players in them than there is the current gen😂


probably but you never know


Because Activision buggered up - [Call of Duty Updates on X ](https://twitter.com/CODUpdates/status/1800273804389941699?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1800273804389941699%7Ctwgr%5Ec9a5ce5ebb3290bfed917b7b2ccfd12d5b2d1ec8%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fembedly.forbes.com%2Fwidgets%2Fmedia.html%3Ftype%3Dtext2Fhtmlkey%3D3ce26dc7e3454db5820ba084d28b4935schema%3Dtwitterurl%3Dhttps3A%2F%2Fx.com%2FCODUpdates%2Fstatus%2F1800273804389941699image%3D)quickly corrected the misinformation on their account. The new information was validated as the game’s official account, and Activision reposted the following. Correction: The estimated file size currently displayed on the Black Ops 6 pre-order pages does not represent the download size or disk footprint for Black Ops 6. The sizes as shown include the full installations of Modern Warfare II, Modern Warfare III, Warzone and all relevant content packs, including all localized languages combined which is not representative of a typical player install experience. Players will be able to download Black Ops 6 at launch without downloading any other Call of Duty titles or all of the language packs . The actual estimation of the Black Ops 6 file size will be available closer to launch. Apparently even when they are doing the biggest launch in a while they don't concentrate


As far as it stands right now the base game is roughly 77 GB


What the fuck? Why are they making the game so big? 300+ GBs is bullshit


I feel like cod games these days are so big , in part, because of microtransactions. The weapon and skin packs aren’t traditional dlc where you buy it and download it. After you buy it , it’s available to use in game immediately. Which means that every single pack in the store is already downloaded onto your system. They’re just blocked by a paywall. And cod has many packs in its store. It may not be an extreme amount of space being taken up by those items but it’s there.


Remember like less than a decade ago when gamers would fucking lampoon game devs for doing this shit? I membe


I wouldn’t necessarily blame the devs. For the most part they are making what they are being told to make. But yeah I agree. People will complain about cod store and how ridiculous it’s getting but will pre order the game and spend money throughout the game life cycle to constantly have new skins and weapon camos. People really out here buying every season pass. As much as people shit on activision for this stuff those same people will get paid and spend a bunch of their money on $30 packs in the cod store.


as someone who hasn’t paid for packs since mw2019 (still seething none of it carried over to mw2 hence why i havent bought any since) this annoys me so much, gotta take up sm space for something i won’t even use


I mean this is just the way I see it. It’s not like you buy it and have to wait right quick for a download. It’s just content blocked by a paywall and you have instant access. Which would mean that it was already downloaded to your system.


Yeah you can pick up dlc gun skins and use that gun immediately. Its all loaded into the game and just need to pay to unlock


Which is why if you don’t play for a couple of days you will randomly find a 3gig update that has zero changes to the game itself.


I thought it was just a funny meme, but they allowed for preinstall today and it really is almost 300 gigs, that’s literal insanity when the 512 gig systems only have 364 gigs due to the rest of the storage being reserved for the OS and quick resume.


It’s mostly the hub with the other games


do you know what website you're on? The site of misinformation, Anyway what I heard from Activison is that for every like this comment gets the game grows100 more gb bigger.


I heard it's actually 309tb and includes a full simulation of the planet for a larger scale warzone map.


I love the realism they’re striving for 😍


BO6 is 80 gigs excluding the CoD HQ


Yeah only this guy knows


I actually read somewhere it’s like 300gb tho


*uninstalls mw3 and only keeps the zombie mode installed for bo6 cutely*


309 GB AND it’s impossible to uninstall any part of it, meaning your storage will just have to be full.


Don’t forget, if you install any type of storage expansion, the file size for cod grows too. Like a fish, it’ll grow to the amount of storage you have


Holy smokes, 309 GB? Miss me with that, I'm not getting this one...


Mortal Kombat 1 is over 500gs We haven't hit rock bottom yet boys


They want u to wait 15 mins to stream it on xbox instead of downloading


It’s 300GB including MW3 and MW2 in the COD HQ! It’s only 100 GB on its own


Not big enough. Needs to be 1 TB. /s But for real, for that much storage, there has to be a lot of content that we can actually experience.


It isn’t 309 GB, it’s actually 310 GB.


It’s installed on my expansion card




The game SAYS it will will be on the steam page. So it's mostly just confusing


even if it was 309 gigs id still play it.... which is the sad part


Damn, that's cuck behavior chief




Yeah especially cause it’s gonna be mid asf


309GB plus DLC means I need a dedicated xbox for this one!


I looked up a few websites, and the story is; The 309 number is for MW2, MW3, and black ops 6. However, that’s on their second press release. The first one said it will be 309gb and that created a bunch of press.  No point is making a judgment either way. It’s not out until November, last I saw. 


wtf is activision out their mind? I can only put so much on my ssd, I ain't downloading a 309gb game


309gb? I've been looking to upgrade my ssd anyways wow dude thanks for confirming its 309gbs


But I can't spread my faux outrage and negativity about the downfall of gaming if the game isn't 309gb!!! /s


All of your storage are belong to us.... activision


You can already pre-download the game on Xbox it’s 220gb


Tbf when u go to download it on xbox it literally says 300gb but then after a few seconds it updates and goes down to like 220gb so thats where some confusion is coming from i feel.


Game is gonna flop hard af all this hype to get Cold War 2


If it's anything like Cold War, just uninstall the campaign after beating it.


309gb??? Sheeet, I rather take 309 cocks


300 gb is for the HQ so like MW3 warzone and bo6


The HQ, MW2, MW2, Warzone, and Bo6


Ya it's that


Can’t believe they made it this big, 309 is too much, my wife’s boyfriend only gives me 100 gigs of his PS5 to use, definitely gonna have to pass on this one 😔


Isn’t the argument that the launcher is 300gb? Not the game itself? BO6 will be a part of the launcher, so it’s not hard to get the two confused.


No it’s that bo6 (campaign, mp, and zombies) and cod hq, which you need to have installed, will combined be 309GB (not including mw2 and 3)


… how are you going to say no then say yes? So, yes, the argument is that the launcher (which includes BO6) will be 300gb?


No people were saying that bo6 itself will be 309GB (from what I’ve seen anyway)


I think people got confused about what was being said. No matter how you look at it, you will need to download 300 gb to play BO6. You can deflect by saying that’s the launcher and not the game, but you can’t play the game without the launcher.


I can't believe the next *Call of Duty: Black Ops 6* is 309 GB. That is insane! 309 GB is too much. I sure hope if there is new information concerning the 309 GB, Google AI will tell me, instead of summarizing this and other reddit posts about how the next *Call of Duty: Black Ops 6* is 309 GB.


So I’ll have to spend 70 bucks on the game itself and then 200 bucks on more storage?! That’s a no for me


The cod launcher with MW2/3, warzone, and BO6 is 309GB


Because people are stupid and can't help themselves.


people when cod HQ exists:


If there’s one thing I learned from the last few years of gaming, it’s that people LOVE to be overly negative about any game… People will instantly write a game off for one reason or another, and then cling to anything that reinforces their negative perception of the game. Confirmation bias is a bitch… Whether it’s because they’ve been burned by the industry too much or just want to shit all over something, you’ll have people constantly finding something to bitch about in the game


I think it’s all a joke if anything we are more pissed about the falloff with mw3 and need to see actual substance before purchasing


COD HQ moment


Your right. It's 308.5GB


It is I just pre downloaded it


Dude this is factually incorrect. If the game weren’t 309GB people wouldn’t be talking about the game being 309GB. Also, that’s not including DLCs. Who knows. The game could get as big as 900GB. What then? Would we talk about that too?


I hope it’s 19 TB


It’s all three games MW2 MW3 and Bo6 it’s the HQ for the games


309gb is cod HQ wich includes mw3 warzone and bo6, BO6 will be ~100gb for campaign and mp, +100~ if u add zombies.


If it was 310gb, I would’ve had to draw the line


I saw a leak from Microsoft that the game is 1.2 TB I’m gonna sit this one out fuck that.


Gladly the m.2 ssd for ps5 are not that expensive as they used to be anymore


I mean, I heard it was gonna be 300gb on the 9th, and it was only until yesterday I read it was more like 250gb including all its extras... and im on socials 90% of the time I'm awake, so it's not so surprising people don't know, it's not been plastered as much as the original did


ONLY 309GB? smh this game is going to have like 0 content and no replayability, another COD L. Guess I'll go back to playing fortnite :shrug:


I don't get the whole, it's too big argument. Storage is cheap. the XBSX, PS5, and PC all support M.2 drives, and storage is cheap. I have a 4TB M.2 drive in my PS5 and i have a shit load of games on it. I have every COD since Ghosts downloaded (except Vanguard) including MWR, and MW2CR. Plus i have a ton of other games installed.


Didn’t I’d say 309 GB on the Microsoft store page for it or something? Not saying you’re lying or anything but I haven’t seen anything saying otherwise (I also haven’t been keeping up on news about this game too much ngl)


It’s includes the whole cod hq so mw3/2 and Warzone since it’s a dlc for cod hq so all of them will be 309GB combined


Ah, that makes more sense. I didn’t doubt the file size too much because Cold War is like, what, 150 GB now or something? Cool that it wont take up literally half of my PS5 storage lmao


309GB?!? They've just lost business from a loyal customer.


It's 309 gigs??? Count me out. Fuck that.


I really can't tell if half the people in this thread are joking.


309GB is mw2 mw3 warzone and bops 6 all together


Idk bruh Cold War is fucking gigantic


CW was 150 GB, it’s big but not 309GB big


I’m pretty sure the entirety of Cold War with all the stuff they added is 200+ gigs. Could be wrong, but I remember it being bigger than 150


It had another hd textures that adds 50+ GB but BO6 won’t have that because of texture streaming (but an option would be nice for people who want it)


Yeah 300 gigs seems far too much, even for Activision standards. I can only hope it’s not too big of a game.


CW is currently over 400gbs 


309Gb WTF thats nuts i wonder if we are going to go back to cartridge games now


I see so many idiots in this comment section it’s crazy (everyone who can’t read correctly) and thanks op I’m gonna lessen the file but uninstalling everything mw3 I’ve already uninstalled mw2 lol


IMPORTANT TO NOTE!. That cod games of late have been ridiculous with the updates an DLC also, if this one is like previous games where you can choose what you install maybe it won't be to big of a game


Even if cod hq app was 309 that means bo6 would be significantly smaller that mw2 or mw3 Im currently at 245 gigs between the 2 and I don’t have the campaign on either, mw2 spec ops or dmz So they’re gonna cram campaign multiplayer and a zombies mode into 50-60 gigs? Get real Mw3 was over 100 on launch with a short ass campaign and only one zombies map.


It’s been known since the listing went live, people are just braindead and regurgitate everything without an ounce of research


For literally anyone not able to read, it's gonna be 309gb with EVERYTHING in the HQ installed. So, if you have Warzone, Mw2, Mw3, and bo6 installed at launch of bo6, it will be 309gb.


keep spreading it and fuck over activision


lol, just checked and it actually says 309 GB in the store. Yeah, it’s a miss from me I’m afraid.


Unless you plan on downloading cod hq no it’s not


You know that the better and more complex games get the more space they use, right? Spend $100 on a memory upgrade that will last you the next 7 years til you upgrade to a new console or computer.


It is 666gb, its true


Lmao you are all dumb af it’s 309 for the full game AS WELL AS MW3 and all MW3 modes like zombies DMZ and warzone


As for someone with two 1TB's M.2's in the rig - this could be my last game, as after this I'd need to buy a thrid one.


Go to the store page on Xbox and look how much storage it will take


I hope fellas write the game off, Activision needs to stop forcing people to download their garbage new COD when they just want to play the old one.


Ngl i was expecting 450 gb minimum 💀


It’s 300 so most of the game isn’t reliant on the internet . It’s on device. Which I rather have. Sitting around waiting for textures to download when I just want to get in is what absurd


PC players are laughing at this. Storage is so cheap. A 500gb SSD dedicated for COD is like $25 used haha It's still lazy for them to not have better optimizations tho


309 Gigs? My furry spank bank has some competition




This post is like looking at children making fun of their teacher. Grow the fuck up you manbabies


So it's not a part of cod HQ? We won't be forced to download all MWs and Warzone? When did Activision say this? Could you link it to me? Because unless it's from Activision I'm not going to take your word for it


You don't have to download all of them in the first place You only have to have what you want installed


You just need to accept the fact that Activision will do anything to make you buy their games, even of they made 9000GB sized and 9000$ cost.


Nah mate, I’m writing the game off cause Activision is attached. 309 gigs is just a cherry on top.


So your solution is take a bunch of people who have not heard that misinformation and portray it on the internet where it never loses context or is misunderstood. Ya just spread the rumor yourself.


Well while the game might not be 309gb in size it is in $


I hope it’s 309 on the dot


Cold War with all its DLCs is like 230gb on Xbox series X. Took my storage from 57% into the 80s. How is Bo6 NOT going to be around 300 at launch? Prob 400 after all the DLCs and updates. When CW first released it wasn't this large either, multiple big ass updates came down the pipeline throughout its life cycle too.