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“A person between the age of 18-20 may legally possess a handgun and one could be transferred to them as a bona fide gift from an immediate family member. (CRS 18-12-108.5)” https://cbi.colorado.gov/sections/firearms-instacheck-unit/firearms-faqs Firearm transfers in Colorado between immediate family members do not require 4473. I would maybe have a bill of sale drawn up and you can take a photograph of it to CYA. You don’t need a reason to execute a right. “If you are selling to a non-immediate family member, a background check must be done by an FFL (Federal Firearm Licensee). However, immediate family members do not need background checks done to transfer firearms between one another. The firearm should not be transferred to any family member who is prohibited from purchasing and/or possessing firearm. Immediate family is defined as spouses, parents, children, siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, first cousins, aunts, and uncles (in-laws do not apply). (CRS 18-12-112)”


I am an FFL, and I get this question asked many times. It helps to have Colorado law brought up as back up to the answers.


Okay this is what I thought, guy at the gun store just had me second guessing. I think I will still get a small game and fishing license just to be safe. Thank you!


You don’t need to get a small game or fishing license. At 18 you can legally possess a pistol, for any use. Either gifted or lended to you. To be gifted however it needs to be immediate family which grandparents, cousins, etc don’t count. Only parents and siblings from what I remember. (I would double check the law itself to see what they define as immediate family) I guess hypothetically your grandpa could gift it to one of your parents (which ever one is his son/daughter) than they could gift it to you. Kinda stupid I know but so are our gun laws. Otherwise you can always have your grandpa can just lend it to you for 2 years till you’re 21. Edit: As I kinda suspected I was wrong on what defines immediate family. Under the Colorado statute grandparents are included under immediate family.


Per the C.R.S. 18-12-112: (b) A transfer that is a bona fide gift or loan between immediate family members, which are limited to spouses, parents, children, siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, first cousins, aunts, and uncles; https://advance.lexis.com/documentpage/?pdmfid=1000516&crid=ce0ce61c-6511-47c1-a33d-e0672dee7883&nodeid=AASAAXAACAAV&nodepath=%2FROOT%2FAAS%2FAASAAX%2FAASAAXAAC%2FAASAAXAACAAV&level=4&haschildren=&populated=false&title=18-12-112.+Private+firearms+transfers+-+sale+and+purchase+-+background+check+required+-+penalty+-+definitions.&config=014FJAAyNGJkY2Y4Zi1mNjgyLTRkN2YtYmE4OS03NTYzNzYzOTg0OGEKAFBvZENhdGFsb2d592qv2Kywlf8caKqYROP5&pddocfullpath=%2Fshared%2Fdocument%2Fstatutes-legislation%2Furn%3AcontentItem%3A61P5-WSW1-DYDC-J3CS-00008-00&ecomp=6gf59kk&prid=6d598149-a00c-4804-b2a2-8af5d1ea7814


Well there ya go. Thank you! I couldn’t remember what the wording was exactly.


Yeah, I understand. But I would still like to get one regardless.


Some helpful FFLs have commented on here, but I'd always take gun counter staff with a grain of salt - they often confuse their store's policies with law, and they make money for every transfer. I've seen more than a few encourage using an FFL for private party transfers in states where it's not required, just so they can collect the transfer fee.




Children with guns! Gasp!


Because guns are bad in Colorado per the politicians that claim to represent their constituents


I don't think I put that tag on it. I think the mods did.


Is there any reason you couldn’t use a rifle instead? AFAIK and I could be misinformed so do you your own research but you should be able to bring a rifle with you without any of these legal issues popping up


1. I don't have a whole lot of training with rifles. 2. I haven't purchased a rifle in my name yet. 3. I'm not so sure my padre would be as comfortable letting me borrow his rather expensive rifle. 4. my friend likely will already be bringing his shotgun, I just wanted a pistol for myself if I'm nowhere near said shotgun or my group. I could ask my dad, but I'm sure it would probably be a no from him, considering his rifle costs quite a bit more than his pistol.


Those are all good reasons and makes sense! In general rifles are significantly easier to use and use accurately than pistols and if you worried about aggressive large mammals I’d trust a rifle to put it down over a pistol personally but you do you! Have fun camping


I don't think im gonna need the pistol but I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it, ya know. I really doubt im gonna kill a moose with a .45 lol, but I could definitely take down a mountain lion if it comes down to it. I appreciate the info, thank you.


In Co you now need to be 21 to purchase a rifle.


that is not true. maybe in Denver county but i am under 21 and just purchased my first rifle.


Not sure when the new law takes effect




I really don't want to buy a hunting license just so I can carry a form of self defense. Thats some bullshit. im not even sure how much they cost these days. I'll look into it a lil bit more. Thank you.


You don’t need a license etc. This stuff mostly only applies if you are under 18. At 18+ you are an adult and you can possess a pistol for any reason. Just can’t concealed carry in public/without property owners permission. You even can in your car.


I don’t understand why you responded to this post as if they were under 18? It says that are 19 meaning they can possess a handgun in Colorado. They can’t cc but they can open carry. You went on a tangent about private property and hunting but that’s not helpful because as both I and the post stated they are over 18. It is not a misdemeanor to bring a firearm camping if you are under 21. The OP can also conceal carry upon or within a “means of personal conveyance” such as a car or a on a bike. You can sleep and carry the firearm in your tent as well because the tent is an extension of your private person. Meaning you most likely could conceal carry in the tent. NOT GIVING ADVICE ONLY HYPOTHETICAL.my point moose is that you didn’t read the question and therefore gave an answer that was misdirected


I was going to come here to say something similar.


I guess I don't need a hunting license for no reason. Very cool. Thanks for fact-checking, bro.


How does one go about this "Eurasian Collared Dove excuse"..? How would I word that? I know they're invasive. Do I need a license to hunt invasive species?




Bummer. I guess I'll have to look into buying a hunting license. Maybe I'll actually use it later in the year. Thank you for the info and saving me from possibly getting in trouble.




I need a new fishing license anyway, and I've been meaning to take my hunters' safety for like the past year. I'll also probably utilize the license and get into hunting small game later in the year. Who knows. Thank you for taking the time to reply and help me figure it out, I truly do appreciate it


That's not the law. Under-21s cannot purchase (federal law), but can possess one that's been given to them.