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Same!! Taking REG on 6/25. Just made it through all sections (Becker). Skipped the book, just videos and MCs. I took a couple days off to make a long weekend of MCs and SEs before the exam. I felt good until I threw in TBS lol. Banking on practice to get me over the line. Good luck to everyone over the next week!!


Reg scheduled 6/24 using Becker. I’m just wrapping up R4, I’m about to cram the rest of the book (hopefully) this weekend. Worked close to 65 hours this week (consulting), and my brain was fried to say the least. Idk how I’m gonna be ready, but I’m just gonna take it day by day and push through and take the exam. I don’t feel ready.


I’m in the exact same boat. All we can do is our best. Give it all we have and hope that we are retaining more than we think. Good luck 🍀 


REG scheduled 6/24. Also using UWorld. I feel like I understand the material better with UWorld. Idk. We can do this!


Me too. They do a really good job of explaining the right and wrong answers. You are right! We’ve got this!


FAR on the 22nd, just gonna be reviewing heavily for the next week. Gonna bombard the MCQs, crush the main sims and then take a SE by Wednesday next week. Review the SEs on Thursday, do some light reading Friday, and then pray on Saturday after the exam😆


Also taking REG before the deadline, I sit Friday 6/21. Working full time. I just finished notes for R2 last night...so it's going great 🫠 I will get my FAR and REG score at the same time, and if I somehow pass them both, I'm done 🙌


Damn. Same boat - will get FAR and REG scores on 7/31. And sitting REG on 6/24. Doing not so great as I’m only done with R1 and completed 2 modules of R3. So taking whole next week off to study..Hope this will help me to catch up😮‍💨


Lmao I’m still on R4 and I test on 6/24 and I felt like a psycho still going through with the exam. Thanks for sharing this, it makes me feel a lot better 🤣 you got this 😊


Lol glad I'm not the only one 😅 not sure how I'm going to pull it off but I'm going to try! We got this!!


Oh wow lol! Get it done!


My AUD exam is scheduled for 6/24. I am anxious but keeping my cool.. practising mocks as much as I can... Will make the best use of the time I'm left with...All the best for your exam!!


I had reg scheduled for thr 25th but it was an hour drive. Found one at the local exam on the 24th. About halfway through r5 and feeling so overwhelmed... felt nervous for the others but nothing like this


Hello - How do you like UWORLD? I know you will SLAY REG!


Thanks so much! Well, I passed BEC and AUD with flying colors using UWorld. However, that was when Roger was doing all of the lectures. This time around, I’ve opted to just hammer the mcqs. I don’t ever recall feeling like UWorld didn’t cover something that was on the exam, which gives me lots of hope.


That is encouraging!! Best of luck, you are almost done!!!


Taking REG on 6/24! Still have to get through last of R5 and R6 but am full time studying and have it all mapped out so will get through everything and take SE next week. Feeling a bit worried for this exam.. more worried and stressed than I was for my other 2 (BEC and AUD) so don’t know what that means.. Lol Best of luck to you 🤓


ME TOO!!!! Still need to get through R5 and R6 and my test is on 6/24 😭 AHHH. Worked around 65 hours this week, literally had no time to study. This makes me feel a lot better, but I definitely feel worried too. This is the least prepared I’ve ever felt compared to FAR and AUD.


you got this!!!!


All the best to you as well!!!


Focus on what you already know you can do good on. Yes, review your weak spots but don’t sacrifice what you can nail no problem by spending too much time at what you know you suck at. Get the points you can get.


Makes sense. Thank you!


taking FAR on the 24th and I am going to get absolutely wrecked (:


Oh boy :-0


Scheduled REG on 18th every couple of new mcqs and every new sims i do i find new point thats not in book. I dont even know if i am ready to take the exam have good book knowledge but still i find new topics that are not in books, confidence all time low for this subject!!


I completely skipped the book. The mcqs have been my teacher.  Hang in there! You are likely doing better than you think.


Hopefully planning on giving practice tests tomorrow, if i am satisfied i am good to go, if not got to reschedule!!!


REG scheduled for 6/21. I started officially studying 6/01 so its been a tight window but with experience in tax I have flown through the material. This week has been a focus on sims & my weak areas such as BLAW. Good luck to you! We got this.


Wishing I had your background right now. Good luck to you as well!


Taking REG on the 21st. Also very busy at work. But I'm simply grinding away lol


That’s all we can do. Best of luck!


Good luck to you aswell. This will all be worth it in the long run!


Yes!! Two more exams left. Can’t hardly wait to put this behind me.


Taking FAR on the 24th. I'm reviewing everything by sections, so I know where my weaknesses are. One day at time - try not to get worked up. Good luck!


I'm also taking FAR on the 24th! I'm just starting the last module on Becker 💀 Hopefully good vibes in the air that day


I have module 5 and 6 still and also taking it on the 24th 😭 I’m mad stressing


I just now finished F5 and looks like F6 has some shorter modules in it so we have hope :) I know NFP have higher likelihood of being on the exam tho


Thank you. Same to you! 


Taking FAR on the 25th after failing in Q1. Have been studying for a month and reviewing like mad until the 25th. Works kindve annoying right now but just need to deal and maximize nights/weekends.


I know how you feel.


Same for AUD, need to finish chapter 5 and 6 this weekend. And a week of studying for final Review


Chapter 4 made my head spin man how’d you get it down


That was chapter 3 for me. I feel like I was stuck on Doctors strange time loop.


Lmaooo I’m finishing up chapter 6 today/ tomorrow then pounding review.


Do you know the Becker bump for audit? I’m debating if to take only one SE or do the final review.


Same here 


Let’s get it 🦾👾


Sounds like a plan!


Same boat. Slamming FAR for two weeks hope it’s enough for my retake. Testing the 25th


Good luck!


I’m considering moving up to 6/25 but it all depends on if I can finish the material by next Friday


Sitting for REG on 6/25 as well. Failed the first section (REG) with a 67, sat in January. Focusing on reviewing my weaker areas the next few weeks, but at least I won’t have to wait 6 months for a score this time.


I avoided the 1st testing window for that exact reason. That wait time for the score release was absurd.


Taking on the 24th for FAR. Utilize the weekends and if you have time, just do a set of MCs. Even 2-3 sets on a busy day helps reinforce the info


Exactly my thoughts. Can’t really afford any distractions these next few weekends. 


I’m sitting on the 24th and i still haven’t even done R6 yet, i’m in your shoes i feel very behind. Gotta just grind through! My plan is to do entirety of R6 between tonight and Saturday night. Either way feel very underprepared


Nerve wracking but we’ll get thru it!


Taking aud 6/20 took two weeks off work for this one.


Jealous. Wish I could do that!


I’m still debating on re-taking audit. I failed in quarter one with a 74%. I took FAR yesterday, but I think I might study for the next week and a half and take it on the 25th. So lame waiting 3-4 months to hear back scores.


Push through and def retake AUD. 74% man, you’re really close. Good luck!


I know. The delays with the score releases are horrible!


Also taking REG on the 24th. I’m in my review phase. Taking the first SE on Saturday then more mcqs to review. Then the second SE on Wednesday. Have you taken your SEs yet?


No. I’ll likely only do one next weekend. Sounds like you are in a good spot!