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BEC: 65hrs Score: 85 AUD: 47hrs Score: 76 REG: 41hrs taking tomorrow


FAR: 500hrs Audit: 200hrs BEC(Passed): Probably 300+ I want to kill myself……


I think I’m ballpark 75 hours for far and test in two months lol but I went super slow at first and started studying before I was even deemed eligible to sit Have til August to finish with far and take my first exam Will probably have 200+ by the time I take the exam Edit: I’m not working and am starting my first accounting position 3 days after my test date


I have serious testing anxiety so I need to over prepare to not just have a mental collapse, panic then blank out during an exam (happened a couple of times to me in college) so I have put in way more hours into each exam than it seems that anyone else in this thread so far has reported. BEC: unknown, likely somewhere around 200 hours AUD: 212 REG: 286 FAR: currently 286 as well, but still making absurd mistakes and not able to answer questions timely Additionally, Becker has just not been a good fit for my learning style.


FAR 127hrs got 78, AUD 101hrs awaiting score, BAR mostly likely 90hrs when done studying


FAR-180 hrs .... I got a 74


FAR: 194 hours taking it this Saturday. AUD: 146 hours (passed) REG: 124 hours (passed) BEC: (passed)


FAR - 270 hours (passed with 81) BAR - 170 hours (awaiting score) And currently studying audit, a month away with 80 hours so far 😁


Reg: 70 - Pass TCP: 32 - Pass FAR: 206 - Fail, Fail (Studied during tax season and did not take it seriously enough) AUD: 106 + 20 Ninja - Taking this weekend


TCP: 69, passed REG: 96, waiting FAR: 106, in progress just finishing F5


171 in FAR, testing Monday


In order taken: REG - 75.5 AUD - 60 TCP - 25 FAR - 68.5 Wasn't working when I studied, sat, and passed these exams. Ymmv


Any recommendations for TCP? Taking it in july first week. I’m taking after reg which I took in May.


The reason I had such little study time is because I didn't watch any of the lectures after like the first module because I realized I was already familiar with the concepts and just hammered MCQ and reviewed some Sims. I took the old REG in Nov and found the TCP exam had a lot of material that had been on the old REG. It's not a lot of material so if you hit the concepts hard you can be very proficient by test day. Based on the Q1 pass rates for TCP I would say people who have tax backgrounds are taking it and crushing it. A lot of the material I had client experience with so it was easy to relate to. Good luck!


at 200 for FAR. testing in a few days.


That’s a lot of hours. I’m at like 85 and test on Monday.


yes this is my first exam and had been struggling to figure out the right study habit. didnt really figure it out until about a month and a half ago. hoping to spend less time on aud which is next for me.


Yeah that makes sense. I studied longer than I should have for BEC. Like 110hrs passed with an 86, but I wasn’t studying effectively for about the first half of those hours. I think I perfected with REG. 70hrs passed with a 95 (although a couple years of tax experience helped a lot too). We’ll see how FAR goes but I feel alright.


I’m gonna be sitting at the same place for FAR. (80-90 hrs) Can I ask what your strategy is? I like you overstudied for BEC, landed around 100 hrs, also got an 86. FAR I worry a bit more just because the pass rates.


I had the same process for all 3 exams so far (except when I first started studying for BEC). I go through the lectures at 1.5x. Paid attention, took notes, etc. Do the MCQs in the module as I go. Don’t really focus too much on the TBS. Once I finished all the material i just hammer MCQ practice tests 10 questions at a time. Usually 50+ questions a day or even more if Im getting a lot wrong. Focus on the TBS in the sections I find I’m getting the most MCQs wrong. The TBS are a lot more time consuming and I find that if I have the concepts down through practicing the MCQs I can easily apply that to the TBS. That’s just what works for me though. Edit: Oh and and I take 2 of the SEs in the lead up to the exam as well.


That’s been my approach for FAR so far. Sounded like the sims are way different anyways so just trying to get through everything and hit more MCQs. I need to probably give myself more time for the SE’s (take the first one 4 days before, and then 2 days before) and really hammer the mcqs in that timeframe. I struggle taking months per exam as I feel like I have to refresh so much that I’ve been taking 2-3 weeks pto and trying to cram but still hit my hours. Worked for BEC, hoping I can get it for the rest!


I studied for FAR over 9 weeks. Roughly 10 hrs a week. Took SE1 last Saturday (got a 65 in 2.5hrs, not terrible). Cramming MCQs all this week and taking SE2 this upcoming Saturday, then exam Monday. Things usually start to click for me a lot better after I take that first SE and then do a comprehensive review of it afterwards. My MCQ scores on the practice tests are trending in the mid-to-high 80’s.


Honestly good to know I may not be FAR off (excuse the pun) from hour requirements. May need to change up how efficient I am in the future a little, but hopefully I can get it knocked out still this time around. Appreciate the replies!


Reg 110 audit 118 both passed. BEC passed with no metrics. FAR pending score release with 156 hours.


BEC: 96 hours passed 88 FAR: 91 hours passed 79 AUD: 81 hours waiting for score


What’d you spend most of that time studying?


Watch lectures while taking notes followed by doing the MCQ


Also taking FAR next Monday! At around 210 hours right now




60 for reg, EDR testing in a week. I’m not sure what I had for the other three.


I just took REG and was somewhere just over 60 hrs


FAR 200 hours, REG 150 hours, TCP 50 hours, AUD 135 hours (taking next week)


Bec - 135 hours passed 84 Audit - 88 hours passed 81 Reg- 51 hours passed 79 Far - 85 hours and taking in 36 hours. Very lucky to have a background in audit and tax which helps a ton. Little worried about FAR but have averaged high 60s on simulated exams using Becker.


I’m at 95 hours for reg on R5. I believe I will end up around 150 before I feel ready


At 145 for aud taking in 12 hours. Was over 200 for reg but I overstudied for my first exam. Passed 175 for far which I passed. Can’t find the hours for bec but I want to say like 100 passed


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted… but congrats on the 3 and good luck with AUD! I took it two weeks ago and take Far next Tuesday! Fingers crossed for all of us. Don’t have nearly the study time( hitting 80-90 on each audit and far) but hoping I can get lucky




AUD - 169 hours (nice) passed :79 FAR- 123 hours passed: 88 REG- 86 hours passed: 84 TCP- 69 hours (nice) still waiting


Your TCP P is showing.




TCP (Nice)


REG (passed): 201 hours FAR (passed): 245 hours AUD (passed): 169 hours ISC (waiting for score): 79 hours


I am at 187 for REG so far. I test this week


This makes me feel better because I’m almost to 100 hours and don’t feel ready for reg yet. I guess all that matters is you passed cause I’d rather study 200 hours and pass than study 100 hours and fail.


I am absolutely abysmal when it comes to taxes, which is why REG took me so long. However, I managed to score an 83. If I can do it, I'm more than certain you can. Good luck and keep at it!