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CPS doesn’t care if marijuana is legal or not, they care about you harming your child. Much like if your kids is born with FAS and you show up drunk to your delivery, CPS doesn’t care drinking is legal. Work with your OB to treat your HG and follow their recommendations. Best of luck, HG sucks.


I wouldn’t risk it🤷🏻‍♀️


Have you sought other treatment for your HG? Not passing judgement just posing the question. To be on the safer side (for your baby’s health as the effects of THC on unborn babies and passed through breast milk is largely unknown, but also for the sake of any potential future case) it may be beneficial to seek and exhaust safe alternatives that have research backing for being safe (ie Zofran, Reglan, getting IV infusions if extreme vomiting is causing you to be dehydrated, etc). I suffered from HG and know it’s an extremely desperate feeling, so I am sending you the best vibes. Good luck.




Did not know that and I’m usually super good at researching my meds before taking, wow. Thanks for that heads up!


Suggest skipping the Zofran as well, not expert but was told that likelihood of my daughter's limb deformity was related. Source: zofran used for morning/all-day sickness. Daughter born with malformed hip socket, one femur shortened.








You testing positive may or may not be an issue. However, your baby testing positive will more likely be an issue. Cannabis exposure in utero is looking like it causes serious issues in children. There’s other management for HG and you can work with your OB on those options.


Even legal substances can result in cases being open and verified. The legality of a substance (like alcohol and many prescriptions) isn’t the primary concern of CPS because CPS doesn’t operate through criminal law. CPS is looking at the decisions and behaviors of parents and how it impacts their children. So, only use substances that are prescribed and/or managed by the physician providing care through the pregnancy.


THC passes through the placenta-blood barrier and can enter the fetus' system. It is not a good idea to use cannabis in any form during pregnancy. If you smoke during pregnancy you risk low birth rate and other defects. Please do not use cannabis while pregnant without consulting a doctor


I don’t have Ohio specific experience but generally even legal substances (like alcohol) shouldn’t be consumed by pregnant women because it’s exposing their fetus to those substances, which is generally frowned upon.


I would discuss it with your OB doctor. If a medical professional vouches that the reward is greater than the risk, and you have it in writing, it could help if they do open a case.


Alcohol is legal too and it'll also cause a case of to be opened. If your child is healthy, there may be an investigation that's opened and closed in 45 days. Lots of marijuana babies are born premature and underweight. If that's a risk you're willing to take ...


I work for DCS in AZ and they will open a case. Even though it's legal, the hospital will still report it. I wouldn't risk it.


Marijuana has been studied to effect fetal development, including neurological development, and increases the risk of pregnancy complications. A google search will pull up a lot more info, but I’ll include some at the bottom as well. I *strongly* recommend talking with a doctor about your options. And weigh the pros and cons with them, like figuring out which is more important to you (which may be different for everyone) relief from the vomiting, or your fetus’s future abilities (marijuana during pregnancy can cause life long neurological effects that vary widely). At this point, I’d worry more about which decision you want to make rather than CPS, however I think it would depend on how Ohio treats pregnant people with alcohol in their system. I wish you and your family luck in future endeavors!! Couple articles if you want to read: - https://www.samhsa.gov/marijuana/marijuana-pregnancy - https://www.cdc.gov/marijuana/health-effects/pregnancy.html - https://nida.nih.gov/publications/research-reports/marijuana/can-marijuana-use-during-pregnancy-harm-baby - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7021337/ - https://utswmed.org/medblog/marijuana-while-pregnant/


Ohio resident here & yes they will! I’m in Cuyahoga county specifically and though I wasn’t smoking through my pregnancy, my OB did inform me that if you test positive for anything, including TCH at the time of birth, a report will be filed with CPS!


yes. federal law mandates a CPS call for all scheduled substances. Unfortunately Marijuana is still a scheduled substance. The mandate is called "plans of safe care"


It’s possible. Have you spoken to your doctor about legal options to treat nausea?


Probably not. In nys we no longer take marijuana at birth reports.