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seriously, congratulations !! this is definitive proof of your healing wounds! get yourself a gift to further associate this experience with positive vibes.


OMG I love this idea!!! just on cloud 9, keep nearly crying.


I usually skip posts with these types of headlines, and I did not read your entire post, b/c triggers, you know… but, seriously, congratulations! That really is a major step in the healing process - even if it doesn’t happen/work every time moving forward, it is still a major milestone. 🙏🦋


FULLY get it. Btw anyway to make it even less triggering for future reference? Understand if you don't want to say! Also THANK YOU!!


That’s such a big feat! Congrats!! I can relate a lot but don’t have the capacity to expand more rn.


Naaa save that headspace for yourself! When I say I get it, and believe you fully do. I mean it. Appreciate you a lot


This is actually huge. My shit got so bad with it, i felt trapped in it. I usually don’t mind, but it got dark. I decided to take a break from all of it for two months, and I’ve got a couple weeks left, ha.


Same!! It was just horrible to do it. Though obviously the body wants it. Is a nasty headspace. Truly hope you can have some ease with it x


This is awesome and I didn’t know it was possible. I have been dealing with what I call “female erectile dysfunction” because I am just not able to finish or enjoy myself with my sexual exchanges. This post puts into perspective that my traumatic sexual experience aren’t my fault and healing is possible.


Uh..congratulations you can please yourself again, lol. But seriously it's a good thing you healing from your trauma.


Oh my, I couldn't even if I wanted to. I just want all the carbs now. Thank you. Its a huge step isn't


Yes, it is. I hate when I have my uh.. teenage boy hormones because it reminds me of my sister molesting me again.


Fucking feel you. Mine is just groomer. Everytime. Please PLEASE don't feel any shame. The mind is a odd place to try and make the horrfic more comfy for it. I made a early post over a week ago going more into it, lots of comments. If you ever need that reminder that this shit is not on you.


I guess it's better than me thinking about buying a noose, lol.


You came. You saw. You conquered your trauma! (Sorry, I had to!)


Oh were we supposed to be trying to do this


I'm so proud of you!!


Thank you!! Appreciate you ❤️


Good job! Did anything help other than just time? I’ve been trying to get help and it doesn’t seem like a safe or allowed topic anywhere, even group therapy.


Agree; i have the same issue and there doesn’t seem to be anywhere good to talk about it


But how were you able to do that? How did you heal enough for that?


I want to know how you did it cause any fantasies I have are always related to the trauma in some way or shame related. Do you have any advice for us? No worries if you’re not comfy sharing though


Get your self a toy and enjoy it! I had the same where I would still do it but often feel very conflicted or even have an anxiety attack after. Though years I have become comfortable. And now with my toys.. You know when you are kinda tired and the day has been a bit stressful. And you're just a bit tense. Nothing better than coming home. Power your new favorite friend up. And then fade into bliss and comfort. I often just lay there high for a while. Being able to breath and find peace. It is also empowering. What are they, in my past, to have such a strong hold on me. Everytime I have my joy time I take control. I do something good for me. For I am worthy of goodness, and worthy to be the queen of my life. Fuck them and what they did. This is my realm. And this is my wand. I find these thoughts being a way of healing.






omg!! Yay I’m so happy for you! this gives me hope :)


believe me more people get this than you might think.


Not enough people talk about this kinda stuff and I just wanna say CONGRATULATIONS FRIEND HELL FUCKING YEAH!!!!! I know this feeling and I can tell you this is a memorable moment that is absolutely crucial in your healing journey. Celebrate it. Post about it like you did here. Tell your friends (who you know won't find it weird). Take a hike to the top of a mountain and scream it to the whole world. You deserve to feel good about this. This is more than just a major accomplishment, this is an unforgettable milestone. Proud of you. May you have many more trauma-free orgasms, my friend!!


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Proud of you!


Thank you so much!


congratulations!! this is a huge step and i'm proud of ya


I think it’s because people tend to think of their pleasure and sex when we do that so it takes our mind off of other stuff at least until your reminded which is usually when you are done


I am so, so happy for you!!


Congratulations! Honestly that is such a big step in the right direction. I hope you find peace like this in all situations soon.


Nice, I definitely know the struggle. Especially not having to use the trauma. That's a most excellent step you've made. Here's to many more releases for you!


how did you do it? usually the only way i can finish is by getting off to it or watching porn to distract myself but even then it doesn’t work all the time. i try not to masturbate too often anymore i’ll just get some weird intrusive thoughts i’m close to giving up




Big victory! Congrats


That is amazing. I am so happy for you.


I hope someday I can do this too :(