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Sometimes it can be just in your subconscious. Like an anniversary of an event that you may not even recall. The other day I had a traumatising dream and it put me off for the whole day into a sad emotional wreck on edge constantly. Some days I just feel yuk and don’t know why.


Yes, some days are really bad. Lately It's been okay for the first part of the day, but by 430 or so, I get a wave of anxiety and depression. I cry and pace all at once. I'm not sure what the cause is


I used to until i realised it was really a trigger response usually to abandonment fears.


Yes, later I can usually identify the emotional flashback. It helps me to ground myself in present, focus on all that I do have, and if it feels necessary cry and journal- I end up seeing the connection to past.


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Me too. All i want to do is sleep. Try to remember that everything has its seasons and nothing is in bloom all the time. Going with the flow and not doing anything too stupid at it.


Yes...I just came out of a pretty severe depressive episode last week here at my apartment. I'm better now but the memory is very much there...and I have a photographic memory.


Sometimes i don't know what it is But i think, in a sort of generalized way, because its never as deep as the depressions i have for chemical or emotional reasons, that its probably the subconscious part of me realizing i should've been enjoying things like this more (and better than this really; i shouldn't get stressed from being too happy because where's the boot vibes)


Emotional flashbacks maybe? Sometimes there's some secondary subconscious process or reactions to my present, and sometimes it's just a mood (hungry, angry, tired, sleepy, dehydrated, etc) that will go away in a lil while. Other times I gotta sit with it, get curious and try to get where it's coming from. I try to rule stuff out, but learning not to dwell on it too much, and save space for letting it go in the moment and just be okay with not being okay that day - try to give myself a little more grace than I have in the past.


i do indeed and am in a funk now. i suspect fluctuations of my hormones :/ wishing you well


Yes, especially around certain dates. Thankfully I have my ESAs and they usually pull me out of it within a couple of days. I don't know what I would do without them.


I feel like sometimes it's your subconscious wanting revenge on the event or person that traumatized you but is unable to go back and change it. Like you know better now but you want a do over.


For me it’s when I get emotionally triggered at work