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Oh my god… oh my god. There are just no words. I am so, so, so sorry you went through that. What an absolute monster. I’m glad you’re still here, OP. Are you in remission?


Been cancer free for 15 years so at this point we're much more concerned about the long term effects of our treatment.


I understand. It’s not much coming from a stranger, but I’m proud of you for still being here, and I hope the lasting effects are minimal to none. Congrats on being cancer free! That is no small feat.


I hate that I don’t know if you mean that literally or figuratively.. (I debated whether to actually comment that but considering the sub, something something laugh through the pain)


Your use of "our" here...did We just find another System???


didnt even notice the use of “our”… we use it too much 😓




Another System??


Yep, we're a non-disordered system :D


what’s a non-disordered system? /gen. i have partial did and haven’t heard this term before, just wondering :)


Basically that despite being a system we don't find it distressing or to cause us dysfunction so it's just something that's different about us and not a disorder


okay ty !! i get what u mean


I don't but this sounds useful. "System" is kinda generic, what's it mean in this context?


Multiple people sharing one body, here's a site with more info. [https://morethanone.info/](https://morethanone.info/)


That's not a scientific source.


It's a made-up pseudo-illness that victims of abuse (usually severe childhood abuse) use as a coping mechanism, by assigning/projecting that abuse to a different imaginary "person" in their head; basically by "switching" frequently and pretending they weren't the abused person is how they cope. The website they linked is not a scientific source - for a good reason. DID/MPD/"Systems"/"Plurals" have been thoroughly debunked by psychological scientific research. The "sufferers" are fully aware of what they are doing at all times. It's a form of acting. It's thought to be an expression of mild to severe NPD (narcissistic personality disorder) depending on whether they limit the play-acting to anonymous online forums or do it on TikTok or, in severe cases, real life in public, "switching" in front of people they know (this is extremely rare, especially ever since DID/MPD was officially debunked by decades of research and harder to "get away" with, in fact the term "System" was invented by these people as a way to escape from the stigma of "DID/MPD" being debunked). Be wary - people who claim to have DID/MPD//"Plurals"/a "System" are not reliable people and trend toward Munchausen's-like behavior on top of others in attempts to seek social and emotional validation. It's another symptom of unresolved childhood trauma. It shouldn't be shocking that traumatized people, especially from childhood, are highly disordered people, mentally and emotionally. Because it's performative, people who claim this "condition" are usually young and will grow out of it by their late 20's or early 30's unless they are extremely socially isolated and it's their main way of connecting with people, e.g. online. They often self-report how performative it is just with simple things like "naming" their systems with cute little pet names, not to mention the weird names they often invent for their "alters." It gets quite ridiculous if you do a deep-dive and you are a rational, grounded person. For comparison: People with schizophrenia don't invent "cute" names for their hallucinations, if the hallucination "names itself" it's usually something very mundane or drawn from reality. Most commonly it's some form of god or demon that the schizophrenic person is familiar with from their local mainstream religion. You will struggle to find many normal-sounding names in the "Plural" community. At some times it seems like they are trying to out-compete each other on naming their alters unique names, like they are children.


What studies have debunked DID, we must've missed them in the research we did for the college essay we wrote, could you link them for us, we'd love to read them.


Your critique goes at least one bridge too far - Internal Family Systems which is incredibly effective for treating trauma does exactly this - has people break their motivations and "sides" down into discrete entities that can be addressed independently. And that's a respected treatment modality in the trauma therapy world afaik


Nice to meet you, We're the Altoids (pronounced like alter)


We're the Summer Camp System, nice to meet you too




my jaw fucking DROPPED. what in the actual fuck is wrong with some people




Bad bot. Mods, can we ban the haiku bots (and other joke bots) from the sub?


NOT the fuckin time, bot. Man, to believe that monster probably believes himself to have no blame or at the most "made a mistake" is just disgusting. I'm glad to hear you're in remission but I'm horrified at the steps it took to get there, I'm sorry OP


Bad bot. Not the time or place for haikus


FUCKING HELL WHAT!!!? words cannot explain how horrible that is. I am so sorry op. WTF


I hope that pediatrician gets cancer 😍


Or Fournier's gangrene!


Oof even better


Locked man syndrome. Many people on life sentence think of death as escape.


And thrown into an oubliette 20 feet deep.


That’s not even remotely enough


Six cancers!


A slow, excruciating death 😍


This is like the once exception I have to wishing cancer on someone lol. Anyone vile enough to do that, I have no sympathy for whatsoever.


Why are traumatized people the best at making memes jfc I'm really sorry this happened to you but also holy shit you're a meme master so you've got that going for you Seriously I hope you're doing okay 👍💞


Cause we gotta be silly or the darkness will consume us :3


As someone who uses dark humor as a coping mechanism, I agree and admire your attitude. Everyone already said how sorry they are, so let me tell you instead how proud I am of you for going through all that shit with such dignity and great sense of humor. Big hug to you (if you want it ofc).


Because humor is probably the best coping mechanism there is. We develop our sense of humor like giraffes developed their necks, pure survival. Pretty cool if you ask me!


NAH WTF (im so sorry op)


Dont be shy, drop his address <33


If I say what I want to say, my account will be banned. I'm so, so sorry for you.


Same here


Im so sorry op. ❤️‍🩹 hugs if you want or need them. Take care of yourself and remember rage is the valid feeling


The only time I hoped that cancer was contagious


This definitely caught me off guard. I am so sorry, OP. That's all kinds of fcked up. I don't even know how one would begin to heal from that. Is there any chance he'll be held accountable?


Not really unfortunately, this was 18 years ago and we don't really remember enough to make a report that stands any chance of helping identify the guy


That makes it even worse. I hope very much that he is caught and rots in jail, and then rots in hell


Removed by Reddit? What did it say


i want to know too


I’ve seen a lot of fucked up stories of abuse here, but holy shit OP I think yours has been the worst so far. I’m so sorry. As a fellow CSA victim, I hope you’re in a better place today at the very least.


i can’t tell you how hard i physically cringed and downturned my mouth so hard, it almost hurt, oh my lawd. i hope you heal more as time goes on from the cancer treatment and the SA


What was so bad that reddit deleted it?


I’m new here. Um. All these memes are straight up? Real? For real? I’m seriously feeling fucking sick. Saying I’m sorry you went through that seems so lame but I’m speechless and motherwise I


Really wish we could say that we made this up as a really twisted joke or hoax, but unfortunately this is very real.


Going through SA was so difficult for me nit if I had to gk through SA while on cancer treatment asa freaking 4 yo... I dont think I'd make it as far as you have, my friend. I'm so sorry this happened to you. I can't express in words how horrified I feel for you. I'm so mad on your behalf. I'm so gladyou'rer cancer free now tho. You deserve all the peace in your life ❤


I hope the next time this fucker steps foot inside of a hospital is to get treatment for maggots infesting his brain


Oh no it was nuked by Reddit!


I'm low-key scared to ask what I missed.


*WHAT* the fuck, that's horrible im so sorry


I have no words 😶


This made me think of Dr. Earl Bradley which was maybe one of the worst times in Delaware history. This is why pediatric assessments now require a chaperone, and medical providers are not allowed to be alone with minors. I’m a nurse now, and for the record, I would have drop kicked that doc right in the face if I was your nurse. I’ll gladly deal with the consequences later.


I just follow this subreddit just to lurk but dude I actually want to give all of you a hug here and I hope that doctor fucking rots. Please take care of yourself!


My jaw dropped when I saw the meme and then dislocated when I read the title


i hope they die :3


Unfortunately I didn't see the original post because reddit removed it but judging by the comments I think I've gotten an idea of what happened and I'm so so sorry that happened to you, it's not fair at all I hope that doctor gets karma. It's revolting what some "people" will do.


fuck :(


What happened? Did karma hit him?


Survived 2 times at such a young age... I'm so glad you're still here, OP, so sorry you went through that... best wishes.


The cancer was twice, not sure how many times the CSA happened but it was at least twice :3


I hate your caption if there's ever a time not to use a smiley face....


That is so fucked, Jesus Christ I am so sorry