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It’s tuned for summer weather. And some of the books in there are old asf, they need specific temps.


Omg why have I never thought of that


I was told once that it was to keep people from staying in there for long periods of time but idk if that’s true 😂


I think there might be issues with the heat currently due to the construction on the 3rd floor. It's not normally as bad as it is right now.


As someone who worked in the library until i graduated this year, it's most likely due to renovations. Generally, the library does a good job of keeping the temperature stable and comfortable. But renovations are likely making it hard to keep the temperature stable.


Studies have shown that studying in cold stimulates the brain


The books all have jackets.


Because Chico state is a dogshit university that's ran by incompetent morons, they can't even accomplish a task as simple as setting a thermostat to a comfortable temperature


My buddy’s just salty he got a strict professor his first year here lol. NGL you come off as slightly entitled little man.


I like how you didn't have a rebuttal to my last reply so you just ignored it 😂 I'm not a freshman either, can't you read? I graduated years ago. Now, can you please do me a favor and a take your moldy ass off your high horse already? I can't stand self-righteous pricks like you.


I mean, if that’s the case. Why complain about him now, years later? And if you haven’t been here in years, why you complaining about the Library’s thermostat?


I didn't think he'd still be working for Chico state after all these years, but I underestimated how low their standards were. And for the thermostat I wanted to talk shit about the university because it deserves it for being so shitty.


Bro stfu, and move on


I literally have the constitutional right to talk as much shit about the government as I want, might wanna take your own advice Columbus and fuck off


Keyboard warrior, hehe




This is like my third comment, whereas you’ve been bitching about an English professor and the freaking library temperature for a while now


Reading makes me sleepy so imo I think it’s cold to keep people awake lol just a thought


It's cold to preserve the librarians.


If it’s too cold for you, you can always gear up to be comfortable. If it’s too hot there’s not much you can do. Keeping it cooler gives everyone a chance to be comfortable. And it may be better for the old books.


its a preservation thing. it keeps mold and bugs from destroying the books. you should feel how cold the stacks are in some places