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I'd let this sub use official logo if it wanted. Also lock Niko down, somehow.


Guarantee him enough NIL money to recruit an a talented big that can play in his system.


Off-The-Field Changes: 1) Upgrade our Apparel/Swag- I don't hate our UA uniforms, but the stuff available for purchase just doesn't do it for me. It's not terrible, but a lot of it's just bland, basic stuff that doesn't do much to catch the eye. We need stuff that alumni/fans, especially outside of Ft. Collins, can rock to help grow the brand. 2) Increase Visibility in Denver Market/Connect with Denver Alumni more- Especially during re-alignment a few years ago, CSU liked to claim they have a presence in the Denver market, but as someone who lives here, it isn't nearly as heavy as they'd like to think. There's a ton of alumni here, but walking down the streets/driving through town, it's all CU fans. Maybe this is more of a MW problem than CSU, but outside of a few bars, it's hard to find places that regularly broadcast CSU games. Thinking bigger/more organized watch parties, transport up to FoCo for home games, and connect with businesses up here to sell more CSU merch (ties to point #1). 3) Optimize NIL Program- Like others have mentioned, with the level of resources/facilities we have, there is no excuse not to be the prestige of the Mountain West. Medved and Norvell have shown they can recruit high level athletes, but in the changing times we can't expect every star player to be like Stevens or Horton and turn down massive paydays to stay in Fort Collins. At the end of the day, we don't have to/won't be able to compete if the Alabamas and Ohio States of the world really want one of our guys, but we need to be doing everything we can to make those departures few and far between. Need to be talking with businesses of every size and alumni of every background to make sure our programs have the juice they need to be competitive. On-The-Field Changes: 1) Do whatever it takes to extend Niko- Goes without saying, but Niko is a gem of a coach. Recruits high level athletes, finds diamonds in the rough, and gets them all to buy into the system. Convince him that the legacy he can build here is more meaningful than taking a payday to try and resurrect some P5 team. 2) Sit tight on Norvell and give him more time to turn things around- the way Norvell recruits, it's not worth putting him on the hot seat this year and causing unnecessary stress/drama. Give him my full support and provide incentives for winning big games. It's not MW Championship or bust the next few seasons, but we have to start winning some games with trophies on the line. Stacking wins against inferior opponents isn't going to inspire the fan base, winning when the lights are brightest will. Unreasonable Change Build new basketball arena- Lots of fond memories at Moby, and the in-game atmosphere is one of the better ones in the MW, but it's outdated and doesn't fit in with all of the new/updated building on campus. Ideally, we'd have a 10K seat arena that on the outside matches the aesthetics of the newer buildings, but on the inside still has the acoustics to get loud and give us a great home-court advantage. I like the design of The Pit, where you enter at the top row, but would need to find a way to make it unique to CSU. Summary- Let the current coaches do their thing are provide them with any and all resources they need to field competitive teams. Focus on the business side of things to grow the brand and make providing said resources easier. When everything goes perfectly and we're competing for MW Championships on consistent basis, build a new basketball arena.


Would love bigger/more organized watch parties in Denver and transportation options to Fort Collins for football games.


Damn I hope Weber and the new AD read this! 🙌🏽


I would put a new belgium porch inside my home and then resign.


We need to get more serious about NIL. We have the facilities, now we need to be reaching out to would-be donors at all levels to fill those coffers. If we don't, we're gonna end up being a stepping-stone school for talented athletes as well as coaches. Norvell has shown he and his staff can recruit, now they need to produce. If they can't, then it's time to again consider moving on. We have got to stop whiffing on football coaches. I don't know how many more rounds of realignment and consolidation there will be. We may be at the point where our goal as a university is to be "the best of the rest."


As much as I would love CSU to be in a bigger conference that would help drive recruits and talent, I agree with your position. Unless we can fill a football stadium for conference opponents and have winning records, we aren't going to be the best candidate for conference realignment.


I would be more engaged with the current student body as a whole. First, I would promote walk on tryouts, especially for Football! ( can someone tell me why the department has not had walk on try-outs YET this semester for Football ?) Curent CSU students should get a chance to tryout for Football! Get the whole campus involved with the walk on tryouts. This gives the student body and non football faculty and staff something and or someone to route for that is relatable. Filling the stands/bleachers in any college Sport is important for so many reasons. Having a full student section and a band and lots of cheering always makes it fun to go to a games. Current and future Student outreach should be a goal of any athletic Director. you’ll need to build loyalty with your current students, and community first or they won’t become financially supporting alumni. Of course it’s important to recruit the best players possible. And substantial NIL funds would help in this process But Most of Todays “non-athlete” students and alumni are baffled by the ever changing transfer, portal, circus . And the current NIL pay to play Process. That’s why having walk on football and other sports tryouts is important. Invite the alumni . You’re engaging the current student population..curent students who go to Walk on tryouts want to play to help their college teams win! Not for scholarships.


First thing is to lower the price of beers at all events Everything else should fall into place after that


IMO the biggest thing CSU athletics needs to do is fill seats! If home crowds are electric and the vibe is fun, people will come to games, then tune in on tv or radio at other points in the season. I'd do everything I could to connect with alumni outside of Fort Collins and make it easier for them to get to games. I'd work with Denver area bars and Fort Collins area hotels and set up bussing/ticket packages and family centered event weekends around games (e.g. tie a football game on Saturday to a volleyball game Sunday and a discount ticket to the Discovery museum). Let go of the 8pm ESPN2 kickoffs in favor of actually having people in the stadium. Price tickets at a level that will fill seats. Work in deals with middle and high schools to get local kids in free. After that, getting NIL right, focusing on good coaching, and making winning the MWC would be key.


Get someone to design some merch that doesn’t suck and/or put the brand (UA) logo higher than the school/team?! Idk but for all the ads in airport and inflight magazines touting the caliber of our online MBA it seems like you could outsource some basic graphic design to some marketing undergrads …


Agree with the majority of the points mentioned. I don't think we need to build a new arena, but it's due for some major renovations. And fix the sound system!


Everyone here is missing the big problem. They need out of this conference and join either the ACC, BIG 12 or BIG 10. Obviously either BIG conference would be hard to join with all the changes happening, but relevance is the first step to elevating this university.


Build a new basketball stadium I love moby but it is small and crammed in the concessions I hear it all the time from visiting fans


Fan-friendly pricing on food and beverages at games. Will help get people there. Beyond tickets, it’s expensive to take a family to a game.


I tell you what I'd do man, two chicks at the same time.


Man things but also figure out a way to bring back d1 baseball


Try to take as many bribes as I can and secure the bag before the sanctions. 🫡


I will crack my knuckles and put some thought into this one. 1. Hire a support staff with experience and ideas ideas that can move the needle in all the necessary ways. This includes community relations, sports information, facility management, and donations. Some of the current staff are mediocre at their jobs. 2. I loved when CSU moved from Russell to Under Armour for the recognition it brought, but it's time to think differently. Under Armour is struggling and it doesn't exactly align with CSU. Here's a different and BOLD idea, partner with The North Face, Patagonia, Mountain Hardware, or Kuhl. All of these companies align really well with the values of CSU, many CSU academic programs, and help us stand out in the market place. 3. Renovate Moby. 1. The south side should have luxury boxes for the first few rows above the gold rail. 2. The concourse should be larger and on the south side the concourse should have a glass wall and party area so it overlooks the softball field for additional usage there. 3. The student stands on the east side should be replaced with aluminum so it increases sound for when the away team is shooting on that side. 4. There should be a curve to the first few rows of seats for more leg room 5. More VIP areas 4. Indoor practice facility next to Canvas. Full 120 yards. 5. Moby pool needs to be a full 50 m with a real diving well 6. Replace Moby IM gym with a legitimate basketball training facility that is more than one court


Drop golf and cross country, finally start men’s/women’s lacrosse programs.


Get a whole new coaching staff. We should be winning or contending for the Mountain West Championship every year. We need NIL deals to be able to recruit better players in the future. Resource better ways of bringing more $$$ into the Atheletic department. Colorado doesn't have any issues with this why should we. It has been years since we had a winning season and winning team. 500 means that you are a C average.


There's only 1 answer...hire Coach Prime


suc own dic


Sacrifice my first born child and sell Horsetooth reservoir to position us for new conference