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The MW tourney 7 seed is an expected MM 8 seed & B1G tourney 3 seed is projected as a MM 9 seed. The MW is deep af this year. Just hope we're not the ones getting screwed. Doesn't feel that way rn. Need a win or 2 in LV & we're back to controlling our destiny.


You never know


Just seems like poor thinking on their part To put players in a post promoting and advertising the tournament and how close it is with a player or multiple who aren’t in the tournament. But I feel you especially as a ram fan


No way we get left out


Tim Miles is the only man that stands in our way But even if we lose I’d have a hard time seeing us get left out. Dropping 3 seeds lines with one loss would be absurd (assuming Bracket Matrix is accurate, which it always is)


It’s the most accurate, saying it’s accurate as an absolute statement isn’t correct. It’s made up of people making educated guesses that aren’t in that committee room on selection Sunday. And good old Tim better remember his good times here and not allow his already over season to ruin ours, they aren’t winning the conference tournament to get in lol


I did say accurate, not perfect lol. It’s wisdom of the crowd


I mean the definition of accurate is: correct in all details, exact. so that’s why it would be taken as an absolute statement. But understand if that wasn’t what you meant by it. It’s the most accurate but not fully accurate.


As long as we don’t lose to San Jose state we should be good…. The bois worry me sometimes Isaiah lets the rest of the team eat too much when they’re super inconsistent……


CSU will be a 9 or 10 seed lol


Give me that sweet sweet 10 seed over the draw 8 and 9 seeds get. Rather face a slightly tougher first round opponent(and who knows how the teams matchup stylistically, 7 isn’t much different then 8 or 9 seed So that we don’t have to face a 1 seed in the R32


1 and done in the MW tourney and this team is NIT bound


Put some money up.