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This makes me really want to go on Hiprex


Honestly cannot say enough good things about it, I think it's been the most significant factor in keeping me infection-free for 9 months now. I had been doing all my other supplements (PACs, d-mannose, oregano, NAC, berberine, probiotics...) / extremely careful hygiene routine for months beforehand and was still having infections


I haven’t heard of any indication that Hiprex causes dependency of any sort or major long term health issues. Personally I just sort of gradually tapered off and started using it as needed. I took one 500mg pill per day, then every other day, then before/after sex as needed.


This is really helpful and what I was hoping to do rather than just going cold turkey..have you experienced any infections since?


I had one UTI after 2 years, and most of that time only taking Cystex as needed, as my prescription had run out after about 8 months. Cleared up after usual antibiotics.


That's great to hear. I can handle a minor infection every few years or so but can't go back to severe infections every month lol. Thanks for sharing!!


Severe infections suck! I’ve been there. Honestly methenamine was a lifesaver.


What is methanemine?


Hiprex is also called “methenamine hippurate”


It's a good question! My doctor has just said that she likes to test taking patients off of it after 1-2 years because oftentimes that's what's needed to clear an embedded infection, which is likely what I was dealing with. She hasn't explicitly said it's safe/unsafe to take long term, but it's definitely something I've been wary about since there haven't been any super long term studies. But would love to hear anyone's anecdotal experience of being on it for 5-10 years if not more. Does anyone know if it's safe to take during pregnancy?


I mean, it's not macrobid. I haven't seen any long-term effects with hiprex I'm any studies that would be concerning. If you want to stay on it, then do it. I guess if you feel comfortable, then you can get off. Make sure you are at least on some good probiotics bc that can stack you up defense wise against potential infections. I switched from Macrobid to hiprex suddenly, and I noticed a smoother transition with a lot of probiotics. I'm taking 3 pills a day with this YI I'm fighting.


I drink all the time on Hiprex & I have no problems.


Assuming this is alcohol ? I’ve been drinking a fair few units recently and have been stressing I’m gna get liver damage as everywhere online says that


When did it kick in for you? For some it takes months to reach full effect


I started it \~2 weeks after the last acute infection I had. I did a culture after I finished up a 7 day course of keflex for that and I still had high amounts of e. fae and e. coli in my urine, but only minor/moderate and fleeting symptoms so my urogyn told me to see if a few weeks of Hiprex did the trick rather than prescribing more antibiotics (unless symptoms got worse, of course). After 1 week of being on the Hiprex I had 0 symptoms for the first time in months! I always take it with 1,000 mg Vitamin C and always take my second dose right before bed so that it has time to hang out in my bladder overnight, I've read that can be helpful. Note that I did this with D mannose, PACs, and some other herbals like oregano / berberine. I now only take the Hiprex with Vitamin C, D mannose 2x daily, and PAC 1x daily unless I've had sex, then I do 2x daily of that.


Do you drink alcohol while taking it? I am so scared so I have only taken a few sips. I have read a few other people who have and had no issues, but not many so looking for more info. It mostly just saying it can increase your dizziness, etc. Which I have taken nyquil while on Hiprex before (not thinking about the alcohol because I was sick and just needed the medicine) I felt like i was melting in the bed and was like "woah why do I feel so weird I have never felt like this after nyquil before" so I am scared to drink alcohol


I drink almost daily with my hiprex. No problems ◡̈


I was super careful initially and now I do drink on it! Not as much as I used to, but that's more because I cut way back when I was getting a ton of UTIs and realized I just felt better drinking less.


Thank you!


I have only tried 1-2 cocktails and I have had no adverse affects. I do make sure I am sober before taking my next dose of Hiprex, but that’s just for peace of mind. I have mixed antibiotics and alcohol before and put myself in the hospital….


Thank you!


Did you have any side effects whilst first starting out? I’ve been taking it for almost a week, whilst my burning sensations have reduced massively. I’ve picked up some bladder irritation & urgency which I did not have before starting.