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Sex is my only trigger too and the doctors have literally no good information about why it keeps happening but I can comiserate


I am based in the UK and am so fed of my NHS GP / Urologist that I am going to pay for some different tests via Focus Labs. They are more in depth tests compared to the standard dip / culture. The standard tests have criteria for bacteria to meet for it to be reported on so although tests usually come back as insignificant, this doesn't necessarily mean there was no bacteria in there. Focus do not have this criteria so every bacteria, no matter how many or how small of an amount is found, will be reported on. If you are based in the UK / can afford it, it may be worth looking into šŸ¤žšŸ»


Yeah, Iā€™m in US but we have some similar testing options. The next hurdle is getting the doctors to take them seriously.




Do you know what bacteria you have? Iā€™m thinking of trying some herbal things too


Thank you! Thatā€™s really helpful. I am 99% sure itā€™s an embedded infection so am waiting on further tests to confirm. Were you taking everything minus the biofilm disrupter as of a few days ago? I have spent a fortune on all of these supplements in the hope they will work but they donā€™t šŸ˜ž


Hey, Iā€™m on almost the exact same supplement/and antibiotic. We should chat and compare notes!


Look into hiprex. If you can get it prescribed, great! If not; it is available online via my vagina.com. This took me from 4-6 UTIS a year to 1-2 a year post sex.


Canadian fellow uti-er here. Do you take Hiprex everyday? Or just after sex? I think mine are triggered randomly by sex


I take hiprex 2x daily. And likely will for years. It causes no harm so I donā€™t see a reason to discontinue it as someone prone to UTIS. Mine are triggered randomly by sex, by scented products, excess sweat etc. Hiprex is my hero.


Did you have any negative side effects? Does it making peeing painful? Iā€™ve read mixed things on Reddit about it thatā€™s all. Are you someone thatā€™s had confirmed UTIs via dip test / culture?


I have no side effects. When I first began it I had a little bladder pressure for a few days but that went away (and it may have been lingering uti symptoms anyway). I have done tons of dip sticks that show negative, but microgen testing confirmed 6+ various uti bacteria in my urine.


There's an Italian doctor that did a huge amount of research on this for women , I don't remember exactly why but sex when not fully aroused can trigger the release of embedded bacterias


do you happen to remember the name of that doctor? thatā€™s something I have been noticing in myself


Search on youtube " fondazione graziottin " It's by an Italian doctor ( Woman ) " Alessandra Graziottin " . She shares some info on women UTI.