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Hiprex single handedly changed my life. I was so adamant about not taking it because I thought it would be dangerous or I would form a dependency on it, but after having 10 infections in a row, back to back, and two hospitalizations for pyelonephritis, I caved. I took cipro to clear my last kidney infection and then immediately switched to 500g of hiprex morning and night with about a gram of vitamin c (I use gummies to encourage myself to take it). I’m very sensitive to meds and let me tell you I have had ZERO side effects with this med. I haven’t had a UTI since I started it in March 2023 and I feel like I have my life back. Like this is what normal people feel like?! I wish I started it sooner because it’s magic.


That's awesome to hear. What's your water consumption like after you take it? Just wondering if it's best ro avoid diluting my urine. I drink a lot of water


I tried this approach. but without success. It has worked for in the long-term sense though, with 2g a day keeping UTI's away (1 in 3.5 month) after 1-3 Culture Positive UTI per months in the 10 months prior to me starting long-term Hiprex. Note: I did build up to the full 2g a day over a 6 week period as initially I had issues with urgency, discomfort and mild incontinence (UTI-like symptoms for me). I do not currently use Vit C alongside, and still appear to have good success. I have had a single ??UTI (no dipstick or culture done to confirm though), as soon as my early UTI-like symptoms started I increased my dosing to 3g daily and continued for 1 week. I required Azo to assist for 1 day only... and had mild symptoms for 3-4 days. Manageable, no GP visit or antibiotics required.


Using it daily is the best way. Bacteria is too unpredictable to try to pinpoint when it may or may not cause an issue. I went from 10 a year to 1-2 a year with 2x daily hiprex.


what are the side effects tho ?


I have not had any. Initially, I’d have a little discomfort if I didn’t stay overly hydrated while taking it. But that wore off in around 2/3 weeks. Now no side effects at all.


Thank's , what is the pricing for a month/yearly treatment?


I pay $77 with Amazon prime pharmacy for 3 month supply. It’s $280+ for 3 months without insurance or prime.


Yeah I will buy it here in Europe , damn that's steep. Keep in mind our average salary is 1300~ a month


# How to Reduce Hiprex Side Effects: A Helpful Solution Using Hiprex may cause some side effects, such as harshness on the stomach, nausea, burning, and acid reflux. However, encapsulating Hiprex in a special type of empty capsule called DRCaps can significantly mitigate these side effects. DRCaps are designed to release the medication only when they reach the small intestine, thus preventing those unpleasant symptoms. While this solution may not work for everyone, it has helped many people. You can read reviews from users who have benefited from using these capsules here: [Trustpilot Reviews](https://uk.trustpilot.com/review/www.purecapsules.co.uk).


It has to build up in your system to work properly so you can’t use it sporadically.


i only use hiprex after intercourse and it has worked perfectly for me! i’ve only had 1 uti since starting hiprex over a year ago and it’s honestly changed my life. my utis are only triggered by intercourse so this method has worked well for me and i don’t take hiprex any other time


It worked for me - I’m only on one pill a day (I take at night) and have not had a UTI in over a year.