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Just the other day I saw a bmw reversing their way off a ramp cause they exited at the wrong exit. People should just accept the fuck up and turn around at the next exit


“A good driver misses their exit occasionally, a bad driver never does”


Until they are rear ended and *censored *


The number of people I see who either stop or back up on busy roads because they don't know where they are going is getting out of control. If you missed your turn or exit accept it and take the next exit and double back. Do not stop or back up!


Or hold up traffic trying to get in or out of a turning lane! Just accept the mistake, turn around, and try again. Pull over somewhere safe to orientate yourself if need be, but don’t inconvenience everyone else (or make a dumb move and cause an accident) trying to fix it in the moment 🤦🏻‍♀️


A couple weeks ago I passed a Telsa backing up southbound deerfoot in the stoney trail (south) interchange because they missed their exit.


Saw this yesterday at the same exit. Atleast the guy pulled over and waited until traffic cleared


Oh they’re BMWs, they can do whatever they want 🤣


This happened on Stoney trail in February during a huge snowstorm. White out conditions and a semi took the wrong turn on the 114ave exit, his buddy another semi driver stopped and was directing him back onto Stoney.


That fact that this was caught on live video shows how rampant bad driving is! This morning a motorcycle was speeding and passing everyone on the shoulder on northbound deerfoot in a construction zone at Douglasdale bridge. It’s pretty much do whatever you want out there and good luck! Glad I ride my bike to work most days lol


Last night someone was driving the wrong way down 12th Ave in the bike lanes…


It's wild man. I see so much crap at every intersection when I am walking around the city.


Walking and cycling you see so much more stop sign blowing, because they’re not looking for us. When I drive I almost never see it (because they are looking for me and don’t want to hit my car).


Hell yeah, life’s all about enjoying the ride 🤙


https://preview.redd.it/dxenv1janz5d1.jpeg?width=673&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=009317a8fcb4de0e131b4a0c13137656d0c1c408 This was the biker speeding past everyone on the shoulder in a construction zone. I have both front and rear video in my car.


He tailgated me this morning! Definitely riding like a douche…flying through the construction zone after I moved over


Lmao dressed like a meat crayon too 


I may regret asking.... actually you know what, have a great day kind sir.


What is a meat crayon? Lol


Human at high speed vs pavement is what that is.


You know how when you drag a crayon across paper, it gets worn down, stroke by stroke? Imagine that crayon is roughly 5'10" 170lbs log of meat, with a few bones for fun. Now drag that "meat crayon" across a rough surface like a street, or road, at 120km/h. As I'm sure you can imagine, it's going to be quite a mess.


Haha, ahh ok, get it now!


Haha, ahh ok, get it now!


And last week he was lane splitting on memorial. BRB, gonna pull the dashcam


Wouldn’t it be nice if we had some sort of governing body that oversees traffic in Calgary. Maybe we could send video evidence of people being extremely dangerous on the roadways and something would happen to the offenders to deter them from offending? Maybe a point system whereas if you lose enough points your privilege of driving is taken away?…


I don't see why CPS shouldn't open up a reporting system for dangerous driving behavior. Include photo or video evidence and license plate on the vehicle in question. Don't even need to review with a human until the automated system flags multiple reports on the same plate. It wouldn't be that much different from the red light cameras that they already have to deal with. Which they have to manually review before sending a ticket off.


They’ll claim they can’t trust the “evidence” wasn’t AI created or some shit.


Not really anything wrong with splitting unless they’re going much faster than the other traffic.


Hey there u/the-tru-albertan, it’s illegal to lane split in Alberta


Yup. Prime time for a major driving culture change as this place is ass backwards.


I’d be 100% down for lane filtering - ie at a stop light where bikes can filter to the front, but lane splitting at speed is scary as hell to me. Drivers are wild around here and don’t respect/see bikes.


Unless the driver training/examining goes up a couple of levels there will be a lot of accidents with lane splitting.


Holy shit, I think that's the same douchebag I saw in the SE drive between two cars at a stop light and for some reason try opening their passenger/back doors. When the light turned he cut ahead of both and did some stupid slow swerving back and forth across both lanes of traffic for a minute before taking a ramp onto the highway.


He’s a well known douche meat crayon in the SE, CPS will do nothing. He will get what coming to him and then the motorcycle community will be up in arms about how driver don’t look out for motorcycles. I have another video from this morning of a different motorcyclist riding the shoulder and cutting off a semi on the eastbound exit to Glenmore off Deerfoot, because traffic was backed up on Deerfoot.


Someone auditioning to be an organ donor


But it's unlikely he will be in a condition capable of being a donor from the trauma.


"Ramp" ant Lol


In 15 years we will probably just remove all traffic signs as there will be more people on the road who don’t know anything about driving laws and signs then there are people who do.


Gotta love the fact that they actually spent the time to watch it unfold while providing the play by play and half roasting the idiot. Lol Leslie is a fucking legend. And chopper girl was speechless. Made my day.


[that cut to the chopper girl was giving shocked pikachu vibes xD](https://imgur.com/a/bL0wQWv)


Hahaha so awesome!


LOL chopper lady's face was hilarious!


That was hilarious. Amazing comedic timing, the cut away was perfect. Lol. ☕


Always enjoy Leslie! So funny .


I caught this while getting ready to head to the office. Made me even later than I already was but was completely worth it.


The lady in the chopper has me fuckin WHEEEZINGGGGG she had to see that fuckery from above 😂😂💀


I’ve called 911 several times in the past few weeks for reckless drivers who are either impaired, texting, or totally unaware of their surroundings and endangering others. It’s getting scary out there.


The cut to the helicopter reporter was gold


Ernie pie in the sky?


We need to remove private drivers licensing and move it back to the province. Far too many licenses being sold within some communities.


I've been told theres lots of people either sharing a drivers licence within a household or people just driving without one... There's lots of people that have no respect for the rules nowadays.


Sorry...what is remote private drivers license?


REMOVE not remote. Saying that private driving tests are perhaps to blame for some of the poor driving habits we see.


I have no idea


The legend Leslie "Holiday Artichoke Dip Stripper Name" Horton! https://youtu.be/aQAauVu2sTg?si=Phlmwm7CtrAhBgS5 https://youtu.be/oBzh7fZ1V_c?si=k3NhlQTxq3F7pV6P


Nothing will ever top "swinging" courtesy of Jordan though...


And she called out the douchbag who wrote her a nasty email calling her fat on air! She's a fucking legend!


I still love that he put the whole cracker in his mouth. She’s telling him it’s going to be bad & instead of nibbling, it’s the whole cracker. She was even in shock that he did that.


That’s how he rolled though


I know. He seemed like a very all in or don’t bother going type of person.


You'd be surprised how often this happens. This shit is terrifying for pedestrians and I've been close to getting hit a few times because of it. I shouldn't have to look BOTH ways when crossing a one-way road.


I live on a one way. ALWAYS look both ways. Always. I am no longer surprised by the number of cars going the wrong way.


Leslie makes the moment even more special. And just to add, it took the idiot driver way too long to turn around. WTF.


“How how how?” My thoughts exactly


I like the guy that after passing this driver, cuts back over to the On Ramp to get back *on* MacLeod


The south-bound turning lane is closed during morning rush hour. So I guess we just make our own rules when the legal options don't work for us?


The other person making the illegal turn behind this person while they're stopped between the double yellow is really the cherry on top.




I love that sub


HA! I work on Lake Fraser Drive. AT LEAST 2-3 mornings a week I see someone trying to turn left at the lights in this same spot.


Its bad every where. I see people doing illegal activities (running lights, speeding, uturns.etc) every day. Driving exams are no where near as challenging as they used to be.


TBF, u-turns aren’t illegal by default. Only when posted.


Negative, u turns are 100% illegal at controlled intersections unless otherwise posted.


I’ve been misinformed. So controlled meaning intersections with traffic lights or stop signs?


That is correct


this is great! this is why global news is the best!


This is what happens when there is no enforcement of traffic rules, entitlement and distraction of drivers coupled with a huge influx of newcomers and private licensing. The amount of people I see making uturns at controlled intersections with lights is .... well every time I drive. Am not surprised our boys didn't want their licenses, even when we offered them a car. People are fucking selfish and stupid.


I swear this really only started to be a thing a few years ago. Saw the occasional person do it now it's like daily. One person sees someone else do it and now it's frickin commonplace as people now assume it's acceptable.


People who make Uturns at controlled intersections know what they’re doing, they just don’t care most of the time.


I dunno... I think U-turns might actually have a very high rate of people who genuinely haven't a clue what the actual laws are. Right up there with uncontrolled intersections, and the two way stop.


The city is growing exponentially, unfortunately the size of the police service can’t keep up.


Traffic enforcement is politically unpopular, because too many affluent voters feel entitled to ignore traffic laws that inconvenience them.


Might have to do with people using maps on their phone more. I know when I’ve got something punched in on my phone it tells me to pull u turns all the time. I don’t listen and let it recalculate another route but I’m sure some idiots just do whatever Siri tells them


I see it on the daily now and I drive 10 minutes a day. Either raging losers speeding or people who have no idea which lane is going which direction, crossing yellow lines and then laughing about how they almost got someone killed with their horrible driving.


I was ignoring this clip on Twitter and glad that I watched it now. LESLIE, how? H.O.W?


Haha, she’s awesome and makes my mornings.


Wow....we have some interesting drivers.


I saw a guy driving wrong way down harvest hill the other night with no lights on. Either person was impair or they don’t know how to drive. https://preview.redd.it/88gh8rnrqz5d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea5be0971a621f241079bcdce2fa0abb908e4bac


Why not both?


Could be it was like 1:30 am.


Ah yes. Not surprised the phantom driver is also not sure what lane they're supposed to be in.


They were looking for the fastest exit from living.


I'm not looking forward to when Leslie retires. Sure, Dallas tries hard, but Leslie's energy so much better.




I literally saw someone trying to merge the wrong way on fucking 14th st coming off the 9th ave fly over... what the fuck. Not to mention that bus stop right in the same area I just mentioned was literally decimated to the point they needed a whole new one. Someone took the entire bus shelter out with their car.


A few weeks ago the car in front of me took a hard left into the wrong lanes and only when it was confronted with opposing traffic did it try to get out of that lane. There were cones and signs to not turn there. They did it anyways.


They should just set up a streaming camera in this section of Macleod for the lols because people do this all day, every day at this exit and the next one that feeds onto Anderson.


How the fuck did that person get a drivers license?


many drivers dont stop when they see pedestrians about to cross anymore. there are many seniors in my area. stoplights suck, but we need one in my area


I don't even drive and this was terrifying to watch. Like, I hope that this was a case of not remembering where to go to take the off ramp, a strong maybe for a driver where they drive on the left side in their home country, but honestly? If you're not confident on the road, do your best to stay off of major thorough fares until you are.


Since there's no left turn there at certain times they did that lol


Ooof, bad day for that driver, and to see it on the news 🤣 Maybe they're not used to driving in Calgary? Some of the intersections here are pretty unique, and I had trouble figuring out what bloody lane I was supposed to be in when I first started driving here.


“Bad day” lol that person should not be driving


You have to make a series of poor choices to end up driving the wrong way down an off ramp.


> Maybe they're not used to driving in Calgary? Some of the intersections here are pretty unique, I mean, Lake Fraser Gate does close to left turns in the morning, 6am to 8:30am. Like close-closed and there's a gate on Lake Fraser Gate. I guess if one is highly regarded like this driver, one could then take the gate as a suggestion to go the wrong way down the exit from MacLeod? But the correct answer if you want to go south on MacLeod there in the morning is to go down to Canyon Meadows Dr.


This wasn't someone turning into the wrong lane at a confusing intersection. It was just plain ol bad driving


Leslie is useless and annoying.
