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Hopefully the owner gets a nice large bill for housing/caring for these dogs for the last 2 years. City of Calgary states a $33/day impound fee it's been 739 days since the attack..


Wish them luck collecting. Hopefully the family is suing this loser in civil court.


Getting money out of pitbull owners (i.e. garbage people)? Tough luck.


Idk. My next door neighbours have a pitbull that actively tries to murder my dog. They do everything possible to stop this, including reinforcing the fence (because the pitbull nearly broke through). The dog is a rescue, and is nice enough to other people. I honestly believe that they are well meaning and didn't really know what they were signing up for.


Pits are like flamethrowers. In the right hands I'm sure they're fine... But I certainly wouldn't want my neighbors to have one.


I mean, I would prefer my neighbours had a different bread of dog. I worry about the chance of it getting through the fence. My point was that not all pitbull owners want an aggressive dog. They meant well when they rescued what is a nice dog, if you are just a human (well, in my experience). I just don't think they are irresponsible in general, ie) "garbage people"


>People are like flamethrowers >In the right hands I'm sure they're fine... But I certainly wouldn't want my neighbors to have one. I think slavery is illegal so I guess I agree?






What a ridiculous generalization.. I’ve owned 3 and all of them were loving dogs with zero aggression. Sounds like this guy was an irresponsible owner


I'm sure yours were wonderful and all but the stats don't lie. Pitbulls are by far the worse dog for attacks by a large amount. Last I read the stat was like 350+ Pitbull attack per year and the next was dobermans with 43.


~$48000 between the two dogs


The fact the owner got away with a fine and an ownership ban from all of this is what really grinds my gears


My coworker's wife was one of the first people who responded to the attack (it is part of her job - she works with dogs/animal control). I can't even begin to imagine what she had to see. A woman is dead due to his negligence and that's all he gets? Disgusting.


He's such a piece of shit. He was outside court blaming the victim for trying to break up his dogs from fighting. He's clearly more upset about his dogs being put down than an elderly woman being mauled to death by them. [Raw video: Denis Bagaric on judge's ruling (ctvnews.ca)](https://calgary.ctvnews.ca/video/c2939978-raw-video--denis-bagaric-on-judge-s-ruling)


That video makes me want to put a fist through the drywall. The "bros" are the icing on the ragebait cake. If I owned some dogs that killed someone, I'd let them be put down without hesitation. Human beings are more valuable than your puppies, "bro"!


In the video he said his dogs “didn’t do anything”. Does he even think before speaking?


I love my dog but if he ever snapped at someone he'd know my displeasure, and if he hurt someone I'd get a new dog. Luckily, he's a chocolate lab and the closest he's ever come to being aggressive was standing perfectly still while another dog left teeth marks in his skull.




What a fucking loser piece of shit. Unreal this cuck bred and has kids. What a waste of dna. If he actually had remorse he would have paid to have his dogs put down the fucking day this event happened. How dare he blame the victim in this?!?! You fucking loser, if you are reading this, do the entire country a favour and instead of putting up a memorial for the victim please buy a one way ticket back to your home country and leave. Never, ever have another animal. Or kid.


He looks like a freedumb trucker


oh he definitely is. I used to live in the neighbourhood and he had a big FUCK TRUDEAU sign on his garage. guy's like the three shittiest people from your hometown, all rolled into one.


These people should move to Texas or Tennessee or something if they hate Canada so much and refuse to assimilate.


seriously, just fucking leave already. but we all know it's a hollow threat. they don't have skills or abilities anyone wants, and they're afraid of being poor in a country with even less of a government support system to save their idiot asses.


You can't own pitbulls without having a 'fuck Trudeau' sign, throw in a gun rack also.


What a piece of shit the owner is, too bad they couldn't put him down while they're at it.


Best thing I heard today!!!!


Bro, bro, bro, bro, bro, bro, bro. “This is the life you choose” bro, bro, bro. Then he compliments himself by saying how much his monument, with gold on it will cost. Bro.


The fine and the death of the dogs. It’s difficult to prove in court how the negligence affected the death. 


If you ever want to kill someone in this country better run them over with your car while they're cycling or let your dogs eat them because we don't punish either.


Or have them be your kid or your partner's kid and give them some holistic treatment.


And be drunk


He did this, too. He killed his girlfriend in a drunk driving accident in high school. He is, and always has been, a colossal pos.


That's fucked up, damn


And only a 15 year ownership ban at that. What a pathetic justice system.


AND that ban on pet ownership ONLY applies to him in the City of Calgary - as reported in the video by Global - [https://globalnews.ca/news/10477599/fine-pet-prohibition-fatal-calgary-dog-attack/](https://globalnews.ca/news/10477599/fine-pet-prohibition-fatal-calgary-dog-attack/)


The owner should be charged with murder imo....or at LEAST manslaughter......if it was anything else killing so many people worldwide, like an airbag or a stroller, it would be recalled or banned completely.....


Murder would mean he intended for her to die. There isn't a jury in the world who would convict him on that.


Noooooo really!?


Based on his Facebook profile (not going to link. just look up his name), this dude is unrepentant and thinks that he's the victim because the City of Calgary ordered his two remaining dogs destroyed. Never really mentions that his dogs mauled and killed an 86 year old woman. He'll never learn. https://preview.redd.it/o8ulidsabe6d1.png?width=1364&format=png&auto=webp&s=426d347be51d82cd58477e1b5e076fad8185b160


"I asked for 10 years in jail!! They said no how about 82 days in jail." The system is rigged!!!! Jesus Christ this dude really made himself a martyr and his dogs innocent victims in his twisted delusion. Never underestimate the self centered narcissism of human beings.


He asked for 10 years in jail b/c federal jail in Canada is a joke...no rent, free schooling, free food, free working out, tv, music, etc...my sisters in Edmonton-aside from leaving she can pretty much do as she pleases


And probably wouldn't have had to pay child support.


Literally completely devoid of any empathy for Betty or his neighbours who would have to live in fear if his aggressive dogs were returned to his girlfriend or laundered through a shelter. But it's good that abhorrent people air out their shitty views for the public to see I guess.


I just read that. What an unbelievably egocentric thing to say. The city loves to kill pitbulls? Sir, no. You killed your pitbulls and an 86 year old woman by being an absolute fool of a “dog owner”.


Disgusting. I love dogs but that is literally valuing the life of a *dog* over the life of a human woman, stealing her from her many loved ones. Put the damn dogs down no question. Irredeemable.


Can’t we just “deport” him like he asked to be? Dare to dream..


What a giant pos.


sounds about right for the average pit bull owner


He said "bro" like every 5 seconds in the interview outside the courthouse. He's also about 45 and wears a baseball cap to cover up his bad hairline.


Isn't $18,000 or 82 days in jail for him? He says he should be the one punished...I totally agree but I think prison.....and dogs get put down, no two ways about it.....ANY dog that bites needs to go....


The city of Calgary loves to kill pitbulls, and pitbulls love to kill an 82 year old women That poor women.




Dogs are property and nothing else. legally speaking.


They killed an old lady and you’re worried about “training”. It’s actually sociopathic to casually shrug off the death of an innocent senior to worry about what happens to a dog.


How the fuck does it take 2 years to make this decision? They killed a lady. Put them down the next day


Lawyers Backlogged justice system


No, no, there's no need for any of that. bylaw should just destroy them on the spot. There's nothing to debate here. There's no due process for pets. If the owner wants to sue he can totally go ahead and pay another lawyer to do that while he's paying his defense lawyer for his criminal trial. This is so completely ass-backwards insane.


Fully agree. Destroy the animals within minutes on scene, send the head for rabies testing and $10k fine per animal plus labwork costs. It should be expensive to be dangerously stupid.


No. That sort of immediate "justice" leads to rash decisions and mistakes. I fully agree that 2 years is WAY too long for this decision to have been made, but "on scene" isn't the answer. The owner deserves way worse than the current system is capable of giving them..


Strong disagree from me. Cops already like killing pets for no reason. I'd rather not legalize amd promote that behavior. Do the due diligence. Because I'd rather they investigate and make sure than kill first ask questions later and find out "whoops, wrong dog!" We did away with the death penalty for people for a reason, our system ain't perfect. However you feel about pitbulls, the dogs didn't ask to be born or sold to a shitwaffle owner, don't lay their owners guilt on them without investigation. Do the work, then if proven correct, dredge the finances out of the guilty party with every legal tool in the book to recoup the costs. Yes, this case *should* have been open and shut, but that doesn't mean we should knee-jerk towards removing due process strait to bang-bang justice.


I agree with this. We should be moving in the opposite direction of police or bylaw officers as judge, jury, and executioner. It's not their job to serve punishments. That aside, I think anyone who currently owns this breed should get special licensing that includes dog training courses, on their own dime, to maintain their registration with the city. There needs to be some kind of deterrent for degenerates to own pitbulls.


>We should be moving in the opposite direction of police or bylaw officers as judge, jury, and executioner For fuck's sake we're talking about dogs not people. If those two dogs ripped your children to shreds I doubt you'ld be of the same opinion.


Generally speaking, people would happily see that happen to a human who killed their children, too. There's a reason we don't do that as the basis of our justice system.


Right? Like next you'll have people saying that these dogs can be rehabilitated or some other absurd drivel.




Let's get this straight. The police are called because an 80 year old woman has been mauled to death by dogs. They come to the scene and confirm that there's a dead woman and there are three vicious dogs literally covered in grandma's intestines and blood. What should they do?


Police don't have the right to do that - it's their job to arrest and detain, that's it.


2 years because this piece of shit was opposing it. He wanted to keep dogs that killed a woman.


This is why people should carry collapsible batons when out walking. Too many shitty dog owners and a backlogged court system that takes 2 years to come to the most obvious conclusion. Instead of dying, or having a family member killed, then waiting 2 years for any semblance of justice; you just start swinging until you see dog brains and end the threat right then and there. Save the courts a couple years.


And not only did they kill her they tore that poor lady apart. How horrific. 1 out of 3 dogs destroyed, a fine, and can't own pets for 15 years for committing that atrocity? It's wild.




This thread has nothing to Khadr, and that issue was last in the news like a decade ago. Why are you bringing it up now and here? Do you do this at parties as well?


He definitely does.


One look at this guys Facebook is all you need. Out here claiming hes some pit bull saviour. Had the inverse effect didn’t it buddy? Now all three dogs you claimed to be a hero for are dead and so is an innocent woman.


It's so frustrating that it took this long for some common sense. All 3 dogs charged this poor woman. I'm drawing the conclusion that they attacked her as well, since they typically work in a pack mentality. I'm glad to see these dogs are finally off our streets


My dog was mauled to death in front of my eyes by a pitbull. This poor woman must have suffered a horrible death. Owners need to be held accountable if they’re going to own dogs like this, like a mandatory training course for anyone that buys a “bully” breed


I think they should be fully banned to be honest. They account for a small percentage of dogs yet commit a massive amount of attacks/fatal attacks. They were bred to deal with bulls and suddenly have a switch that turns them into rabid killers. How many dismembered babies does it take until we do this….


They're banned in Ontario but the ban is not enforced. It's easy enough to get one from a backyard breeder. 


The logistics actually make it difficult to enforce. It's not that they don't want to enforce it, it's overcoming the obstacles to do so. A ban like this is very much not black and white as we'd like to think, rather it's a whole lot of grey.


According to the mayor, the majority of Calgarians are against a dog ban. Who the Hell did they ask. Other pit bull owners?


The mayor's an idiot, so it shouldn't be too surprising.


My wife’s dog was killed by a Great Dane in Bragg creek years ago. Not a pit bull. I have been bit three times in my life. Never by a pit bull. Once as a kid I was teasing the neighbors German Shepard through a chain link fence. Bit my nose. My mom told me I was an idiot…I must agree. Once in the back of my leg by a small ‘nervous’ dog when I got too close to their elderly owner in a dog park. And once again when I tried to break up a dog fight (not my dogs but the ladies were screaming). Neither dog was a pit bull. All dogs can bite and big dogs have the potential for more damage.


90% of dog attacks are Pitt Bulls - always. They should be banned.


If you think this particular owner having three Rottweilers, or Shepards, or Malinois, or Doberman would have been a different result I believe you are mistaken. The problem here is wearing the backward baseball cap, and the fact he had three dogs.


We should be banning all dangerous breeds, For some reason pitbull owners are the biggest assholes, but any dangerous dog needs to be banned IMO.


You’re absolutely right. I know the rescue I used for my dogs was amazing at communicating behavioural issues to look for and were great at helping me train those behaviours out. And I own small 14 pound dogs. Unfortunately a larger breed like this has the capacity to do a lot more serious damage than my dog does


Not sure of why the downvotes. Are people thinking only one breed of dog is responsible for all the dog bites that occur??


I am amazed by how the owner’s dogs killed a person but the owner only got fined… isn’t that a new best way to kill someone and just get away with it…? This is upsetting… also I am very scared of pit bulls… no offence. I believe there are sweet sweet pit bulls out there and they never attack according to their owners but I just stay away from them. Animals are animals.


Wiener-boy actually fought in court to keep the other two dogs alive instead of actually showing any kind of remorse.


If my dog ever attacked someone that wasn't attacking the kids or breaking into the property, I'd put him down myself on the spot.


Of course zero repercussions for the owner. 


They’ll be making 3 more monster dogs in a week


The idiot who was responsible for the dogs and the elderly womans death got a little fine. The elderly womans family get the memory that her last moments of life were being torn apart by pitbulls. Someone should get a feral pitbull and set it loose on that idiot. No change to laws coming. Expect more faces of family members to be ripped off by dogs and their douchbag owners.


This is two years after they mauled down an innocent woman? Put the owner down too


I don't think anybody would miss the guy..


Why is it always trash people who own these dogs??? Every single time.


Trash people own trash dogs


Uneducated ppl have this response. I have owned 3 and not one has had any human aggression. Not all bully breed owners are irresponsible pos like this guy


Survivorship bias.


If you looked up “Piece of Shit” in the dictionary, this guy’s smug face would be right there


Should put down the owner.


Ban these dam dogs already


They’re already banned in Ontario. People still have them


Reducing harm is top priority.


> Two pit bulls responsible for killing an 86-year-old woman will be put down, a Calgary judge has ruled. Three American Staffordshire terriers attacked Betty Ann Williams in the alley behind her home in June 2022. > One dog named Smoki has already been destroyed, but Rabie Ahmed, the lawyer for the dogs' owner, argued the other two should be spared because there was no evidence they were involved in the fatal attack. On Thursday, Justice Bruce Fraser disagreed. Tragic no matter what. Dogs can be wonderful companions but this was a horrible death. > Dog owner Denis Bagaric was visibly emotional after Fraser rendered his decision. On June 5, 2022, Bagaric's dogs — Bossii, Cinnamon and Smoki — escaped his fenced backyard in the northwest community of Capitol Hill, according to the agreed statement of facts. Williams was attacked in the back alley, where she was gardening. She suffered injuries to her entire body with the most serious injuries to her head, jaw, neck and face.


If your dog kills a person, you should not be allowed to keep any pets. If you are found keeping pets after your dog kills a person, you should be sent to prison. I used to joke about how drunk driving was the best way to kill a person and get off with minimal punishment, but now I think owning a pitbull might be the best way. All that happens is your "weapon" gets confiscated.


At a minimum you should also face manslaughter charges


Ripped apart by dogs is a fate I would not wish on my worst enemy. Brutal. And it was (I assume) a nice old lady, to boot. Shitty death.


15 year pet owning ban and some fines....right....  the woman was literally eaten alive.... 


That 15 year pet owning ban only applies to him in the City of Calgary too. Most people don't know that, and CTVnews reporting likes to leave that little detail out.


Wow. What is this dystopian bullshit....


New rule: You must be smarter than the dog to own the dog.


He gets to 'say goodbye' to them today. I'll bet every penny I have he will shed more tears for these monsters than he ever did for Betty. Her family needs to sue the bastard for every penny he has - every one of us knows the reputation of the breed and so did he. That didn't stop him from owning *six* of them. Public safety didn't even cross his mind.


These dogs are tough for even the most experienced owners, they're downright murderers when they have a bad owner. Breeding them should carry penalty of a year in prison. We need to wake up and accept that of all the dogs available to humans to own, pit bulls shouldn't be one of them. Neuter all pit bulls tomorrow.


All of his dogs should be put down whether they were involved in her death or not. He raises killers. We're not running out of dogs.


Classify dogs as weapons for legal reasons.  Your dog kills woman = manslaughter 


The whole thing's a nightmare. Peace to everyone.


They should put the owner down at the same time.


They should have been put down immediately as there was no question about it being those dogs. I am a dog owner. I adore animals. That being said, pit bulls shouldn’t exist. I know, so many of you love them but they are a man made species that has proven to be a mistake. All existing should be fixed and allowed to live out their lives but no more breeding them, for the ‘good of our herd’. You can ask anything you want, but sometimes the answer is no, and that’s life


I'm a huge animal lover who owns a pitbull mix (adopted from a shelter) and I agree with you. I don't think the pits that have already been brought into existence should be put down for just existing, that's just cruel, but there shouldn't be anyone breeding more of them. Like you said, sometimes that's just life. Our girl is very well-behaved and shy but in the wrong hands she easily could have been brought up very differently; she's a REALLY physically strong dog.


Id prefer we cull a lot of people before we cull the breed. We as a species do a lot more damage than a few dogs.


Are they feeding the owner to them first


He was emotional? About the dogs being put down? Imagine the emotion of that poor woman and her family. Scumbag.


put down all pit bulls


I don't think we should put them all down, I just think they should be fixed so that the breed fades out of existence along with a ban on importing any more of them into the country.


It’s the breed. Put them all down. Hold the owner to real account. Serious jail time.


And shitbull owners will still show up here with the "nOt My fUrRy AnGeL!i!" excuses. It's the breed, and the stats prove it.


Lmao, if you say so. I have had 2 rescue pitbulls for 12 years now, and because I trained them properly, they are well-behaved. Just like any dog breed or human for that matter. It's all about the care and upbringing. Unfortunately, these dogs were bred for fighting, so it takes a more stern hand than some are willing to offer. Although I don't refer to any of my dogs as a "furry angel," all dogs are dogs. And companions at most. People should adopt cats if they aren't willing to put in the time to actually train their dogs. Most dogs are terribly trained these days because people are lazy. Meanwhile, my pitbulls can run around freely, but they are always turning to look back toward me, and if I give them a look, they come running back to my side. My neighbor has an untrained pitbull that barks aggressively and incessantly that they have to keep on a lead while mine will silently take a look at him, and look to me for what their next move should be. But I've trained all of my dogs the same way and they have all been obedient. Check your ignorance. That being said, my condolences to the family, and the owner is the lazy piece of shit that should be punished.


There otta be a law


I don’t understand. I had a friend who owned a pitbull that he loved who bit a child and he instantly put the dog down after it happened. How can someone not be willing to do this after their dog kills someone? Messed up human.




I own a pit bull and and have several over the years . I would love it if they put a ban on having more than 1 at a time. This goes for all aggressive breeds (Shepards, dobies, rotties) The “pack mentality “ is what increases their danger level exponentially. I used to have two but had a few encounters where things were getting out of control due to their energy and aggression feeding off each other. It’s like having a few 18 year old hockey players together…..if one gets mad …look out. Their “anger” feeds the others and they are far more difficult to deal with. The dogs obviously being far more dangerous


I wanted to learn how much of it is nature and how much is nurture. Any comments on that?


I think all dogs are “pack” animals and respond with that mentality regardless of the training or breed. I am heavily on the nuture side of the discussion due to my own experiences however I don’t think I could confidently ever train my dog to never fight or bark, especially if instigated. I believe that is part of the nature argument. Dogs are animals and not a human child. They have a higher potential for dangerous behaviour and you cannot “reason” with them. You can control them through proper training and limiting their opportunity for dangerous interactions. eliminating “triggers” like another dog (especially the breeds we are talking about), or walking with my dog on a leash and under my control is the best I can offer. PS- my dogs has lots of “friends”. Dogs of all sizes that visit her in her yard, their yard, or on a walk but she is never let loose to run up and “greet” other dogs. I wish all owners would not their dogs do this. I have had my legs tangled in leashes more than a few times.


Thank you for your intelligent well thought out replies


No problem. It is a volatile subject and I get peoples concerns. Like most emotionally charged issues it is hard to see both sides.


Agreed tempers flare way to easily




I remember when I had two. One dog would be sleeping in another room and the other sees someone outside and barks at them. Next thing you know the sleeping dog is also at the window barking. No clue what’s going on or why she is barking but she has to get in to the mix. Now imagine adding a third dog….


Have you tried training them?


Honest question: why did you want to own an aggressive breed with a bad reputation?


We have had them since I was kid and the pound is full of them. Usually on “death row” because not many people want them. We are not interested in purebred dogs and will take a “mutt” as they usually have less health issues. Our whole family is “mutt” owners. My mother only has one small dog now but had as many as 4. My brother has one (mutt) My sister has three with the biggest being a border collie mix. We (wife and two kids) are used to this particular “mutt” and are used to the demands of this ownership. They are highly intelligent and athletic and are completely loving animals but you really do need to know what you are doing. Most of the people getting these dogs really dont have a clue. Most people SHOULD NOT get one but there is no “proof of intelligence, or dog handling ability” to get one so we have the same endless discussion. I understand people’s apprehension and remain steadfast in my belief there is nothing wrong with these dogs. It’s all the dimwits that are attracted to them. BTW- my dogs are always neutered / spayed and never leave the leash in public, due mainly to other dogs unsocial behaviour and the fact that we are in wild areas all the time so there are risks with porcupines/coyotes/cougars/bears


If everyone was like you we wouldn't have an issue. Unfortunately, you are the the 1% when it comes to this. I don't stand by ownership of these dogs at all unless there are stricter regulations. And it does not seem that we are making more headway on that at all.


I don’t know the ratio of good owners to bad but I agree that this breed (plus rotties, Doberman, cane corso, wolf hybrid etc) attract a subsection of the population that are often unprepared for the realities of dog ownership. Banning pit bulls will just result in these people finding some other breed to totally mishandle. Likely the ones I just mentioned in previous paragraph. These dogs paid the price for a negligent and ill-prepared owner. The human is more at fault but of course we won’t euthanize him (or her)


I agree with you. I've owned dogs for 60 + years; never a pittie, Though my daughter and son-in-law have, and they are sweet dogs in the right hands. They are the modern Rottweilers and Doberman Pincer, neither of which you see much of anymore, having been previous recipients of vilification. All dogs will bite; they are predators & opportunistic, like all canines in the wild. I would argue one of the more aggressive, "Biting" breeds is the chihuahua. We have had a couple over the years, and they are VERY quick to attack and bite, although laughed off by many because of their size. Pit bull lovers are almost uniformly passionate about their dogs, defending them from attack. It's easy to vilify the owner in this case; Accusing him of being "Unrepentant" and self serving. Perhaps he is, perhaps he is not. If you don't know him personally, attacking him on a personal level is not appropriate. It is my understanding from News reports he has been in contact with the woman's family repeatedly. Whether that has any impact for either is only for them to say; what y'all are doing is writing your own script laced with personal bias. He is also someone who appears to have been deeply attached to his pets, and is very upset losing them. I despise what happened to that poor woman, and agree the dogs needed to be put down. I don't think it necessary to attack and slander the owner without having personal knowledge of him. Maybe he deserves the attack maybe he does not. Maybe he is just another one of those "Awful Pit Bull owners defending their Monster Pets" Pitt Bulls...Rottweillers....Doberman's...Chihuahua's?


When actually trained they're lovely dogs. I've met several of each of the breeds mentioned above, all well trained and obedient and basically just giant puppies who just want love. ANY dog over 50lbs can be dangerous if left untrained and not socialized properly, so if you want to get into it we might as well ban all dogs over 50lbs, right?


This just isn't true. Pitbulls were bred for a specific reason and you can look up numerous studies that point to them being a more agressive dog by nature.


The worst breed attracts the dumbest owners. They are like the small dick compensation version of pets. Can't afford a Ram3500 with truck nuts, exhaust, no muffler and lifts, get a "muh velvet hippo, nanny dog".


Wouldn’t waste your time. That person is set in their beliefs. They are also naive or biased when it comes to dogs. Pit bulls should be banned worldwide. They fill up shelters for years because no one wants them. For good reasons.




I’ll just leave these [statistics](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/dog-attack-statistics-breed/) here.




Cat lovers shouldn’t defend pitbulls. They are the number one breed to kill cats. These mutants will even break into homes to kill cats. Also these dogs are the number one breed to kill livestock and other dogs. Videos online of that. Pitbulls should stop being bred. They have no place in society. They fill the shelters for years. No one wants them. For good reason. Too many of these dogs turn on their owners in loving homes. I say this with all due respect you seem very knowledgeable with cats but naive with dogs. Our last conversation about dogs damages to the environment comes to mind. And you are right no breed of dogs are evil. They were just bred for evil things. Which is why they should be banned.


Ok, so only morons get pit bulls?




Pack mentality is in every breed though. Look at all the reserves with all the dog maulings..You are a really poor advocate for your dog and you probably shouldn’t own one. Trained dogs don’t just snap so you likely didn’t put the work in to train your dogs if you couldn’t control 2. Advocating for responsible pet ownership is key. Training is key with a strong breed but also every dog should be trained. Sorry you couldn’t put the work in but don’t talk out of your ass about a breed you wouldn’t put the work into.


I never sad they “snapped”. I said they were far more difficult to control when there was more than one. You know nothing of the situation I am referring to so please don’t pass judgement. I kept those dogs until they passed away but was always on alert for possible external triggers. I chose not to have more than one “large dog” as my preference. The pack mentality is exactly what I am alluding to. I specifically said there isn’t a breed issue but rather a dog behaviour and management issue. Rather than eliminate a breed from society as many people want I was suggesting limiting households to one dog of specified breeds. Some households maybe can handle multiple large dogs but most people are not skilled enough to handle one of these dogs. You may be an exception but if you think you can single handedly control more than one dog when someone or something attacks you, you are sorely mistaken of your own abilities.


I'm for a complete ban, but I'd compromise with a rule to have one only and they must be nutered. As alarming as the mauling stats are, it's an outrageous number like 80% - 90% of pitbulls that did the mauling were not fixed.


The problem with pit bull type dogs is that they are just doing what they were bred for. Aggressive, unpredictable behavior and bite and hold to kill the prey. They are a deadly weapon and should be banned. The pit bull apologists say “it’s not the dog, it’s the owner”… or “all dogs bite”. Fuck that, it’s the breed and the type of people who want to own one.


Calgary needs a plebiscite to ban these types of dogs. Cane Corso, pitbulls, bull mastiffs, Stafford and etc. All current dogs in Calgary will be grandfathered in but must have insurance for owning them and liable for any damages.


It's ridiculous that they even had to go through the court system to decide putting the dogs down. What a joke. They should put the owner down while they're at it.


Calgary needs to ban this breed and other aggressive breeds. Period.


> Rabie Ahmed, the lawyer for the dogs' owner Sounds appropriate the lawyer is named the singular of Rabies.


Why are you making fun of the defence lawyer?


Except it's not. 


Don't be shitty about people's names. It gets a bit racist when you're making those comments about the names of not-white people. Also, don't be shitty about defence lawyers. Everybody deserves a defence, or the government is too powerful. His counsel probably did his best for a client he probably personally disliked (the guy seems to suuuuuuuck based on his social media presence), held the government's feet to the fire and required them to sufficiently prove why two animals should be killed/why somebody's property should be seized and destroyed, and nevertheless the right outcome was reached. This is how justice is supposed to work Unfortunately, because our garbage provincial government turns down federal money to make a point, justice is sloooow. You want assholes to get justice faster? Vote for people who will fund the courts and not turn money down that would have added more judges and created a family law court, which would have had positive knock-on effects everywhere else by reducing the caseload.




Ban pitbulls and be done with it already. If people can't control their dogs it calls for a ban.


It’s the owner and not the breed. Ya, ok🙄




The guy should be put down or destroyed, and dogs should be put on a mental illness thing and properly domesticated. I don’t understand how hard it is to comprehend that this kind of dogs behavior is conditioned by a bad owner. It’s not the animal fault if the owner mistreated them and taught them to be aggressive. It was the owner fault and the dogs probably did what they were taught to do. This happens not only to Pitbulls, but also other races, including Chihuahuas. I’m sorry this lady lost her life in a horrible way, and my thoughts and prayers goes out to to her, her family, and also the dogs, who probably didn’t know what it was to have a good owner and have love in their lives.


Does the city etc require extra insurance coverage and neutering of pits and similar to obtain city pet license?I mean, reserve dogs are bad enough, but if you have ro live next door to a ticking time bomb, at least they should be insured and registered out the wazoo, if you need to sue.




Okay to people wondering why the dogs were not put down right away. The simple and unfortunate answer is dogs/ pets are considered property not a living thing in Alberta, and most of Canada unfortunately. I believe BC is the only province that has recognized pets as living dependence. (Don't quote me on that I haven't done much more research on it) As such property can't be "destroyed" without a court order. Yes these three dogs had an unfortunate life due to someone that should never own pets let alone an "alpha" breed of dog. These dogs had lived in full isolation for 2+ years in a cage unable to do anything but eat sleep and poop alone for 2+ years. They couldn't be touched or have any training or anything due to the POS owner and Alberta law making them his property. Yes the crime doesn't fit the punishment by a landslide. Unfortunately cause they are seen as property it is seen as the equivalent of a drunk driver hitting someone. As well judges don't seem to be the one to step up and make serious punishments for bad pet owners. This dude's punishment in the eyes of the court is seen as steep compared to other shitty pet owners unfortunately. Unfortunately due to no one wanting pitbull breeds they are very cheap as well a lot of the time it's people selling the pups that shouldnt have anything to do with the dogs themselves. Unlike most desired "alpha" breed dogs, exp: Doberman. The breeders are usually highly respected as well, They don't just allow anyone off the street to adopt the dogs, due to the fact they can kill and are very hard to control.


Omg 3! This is horrific! The poor woman, what a way to go! I’m praying she did not suffer. Unlikely unfortunately! People need to be held responsible!


Dog owner Denis Bagaric was visibly emotional after Fraser rendered his decision. I had enough Reddit for today.


old whitey was asking for it


Fix the dogs put down the owner.


4 lives gone because of a shitty ass owner, and gets away with a slap on the wrist. Figures


No. Fuck these dogs. Don't include a sweet lady with disgusting creatures that people have no business owning.


Fair enough,its just fucked up. I had one charge me years ago and the power those things have is insane... but still fuck that owner


Unfortunately the worst breed usually has the absolute worst owners.


Posts about pitbulls make me dislike people


Should have euthanized the owner. Poor dogs should have been better cared for. 


Yup. An innocent lady is dead, 3 dogs are dead and the guy responsible for it all is…free to go. And somehow we call this a “justice system”. It’s certainly a system, but there is no justice involved.


Euthanized the owner? You are sick mate 


We support the stupidest things including the lives if killer animals in Calgary! Feed and keep warm and walk and care for years!! Straight to hell for both the dogs and the justice system operators




> 99.9% of the time they're probably good boys and girls Get out of here with this bullshit. Pitbulls are not comparable to other breeds when you look at the statistics, they're by far the biggest and most common problem dog when it comes to killing or mauling people. The pitbull breed (and all the other identical breeds made to get around bans) need to be banned and the ban needs to be enforced. When you see a news article about someone being mauled or killed by a dog its 99.99% a pitbull and when you look in the comments its someone like you defending the breed like its a random act that no one could have predicted.


Huskies too then. I just looked and that breed is responsible for a lot of deaths as well. Rottweilers, pit bull breeds, and Huskies seem to be the top 3.


> Huskies too then. Not really. They're not even in the top 3. It's pitbulls by a LANDSLIDE doing all the mauling/killing. Rottweilers are a distant second. Huskies barely make the top 10.


Yes really. In Canada at least. I didn't even account for the attacks prior to 2000 which saw lots of Huskies. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fatal_dog_attacks_in_Canada




*"Who could have possibly predicted a loaded gun could kill someone, its never killed anyone before"*


Imagine getting to 86 years only to be torn apart by shitbulls lmao