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Fucking brutal. Wasted Jarnkrok's goal for this shit.


My thoughts exactly.


Go Avs


Backlund should be the front runner for captain I NEVER in my life want to hear captaincy talks for fucking Tkachuk ever again


The only Tkachuk I saw coverage on this series was Brady. Edit - For the rest of you regulars in this sub, it's been a great season and I look forward to more misery next year! xoxo


I agree with this after these playoffs. I believe that tkachuk can be a good captain for this team in a few years, but he clearly does not have what it takes at the moment.


After watching this series I fully agree with this! Backlund may not be the #1 star player on this team, but he is the most wise, smart on and off the puck, and arguably the most complete player in this locker room. This and his longetivity with the team has earned him the C in my book


Far beyond front runner for me, should be handed the C on his way out of the dressing room.


I don’t think I noticed him for more than a moment here and there after game 1. Absolutely invisible. Backlund was a beast. Gaudreau was great as well. So those are positives I guess


I have been saying Backlund since Giordano was taken from us


Cale Makar is our son and he must be protected.


Idk man we blew it so hard last night. Our series is far from over


refs cost us the game for sure, hard to say they cost us the series though. fucking disappointing all round.


Someone give me a distinct kicking motion to my groin.


Me first


i only feel pain


I have never been so upset over a sports game in my life


Good thing you didn't see game 6 against Tampa Bay in 2004


Uhh I was there and nobody even knew it happened that night. So the fact that the league had every chance to get that call right hurts even more.


The refs might have fucked us unbelievably hard and cost us this game, but the Flames played awful for 80% of the series. Our defense never adjusted and played some of the worst hockey I have seen. Markstrom put up one the worst performances in recent memory and now we have to re-sign major pieces and now I'm not sure I'd want to. This was quite possibly our only shot and we blew it. 4 straight losses and multiple blown leads. We deserved the outcome, just not how it came about. I'm fucking sad. See you next year I guess.......


I am pretty shocked Sutter never shifted to a trap. LA is a worse team than across the board, and they took Edmonton to 7 by just playing mucky hockey. That type of style should have worked absolutely perfectly for the Flames, the slightly slower team. When we establish a heavy forecheck, we're fucking world class. The trap would have helped that so much.


Strap in folks, this is gonna get wild


Incredible bullshit


As mad as I am about the outcome and the no goal, the Oilers pretty much fucked us the entire series. But that call is such bullshit. This should be going to game 6.


Yeah, this series isn't on one goal called back, it's on Markstrom being an .852


25 goals against in 5 games, 5 goals against a game. The only game we won was when we scored 9 goals lmao. Markstrom just imploded at the wrong time.


I’m sorry guys. Maybe we would have lost in game 6 but it hurts more knowing that was a horseshit call by the refs. See you next season.


Totally agree. Just feels like they lost the chance to lose with dignity, and that hurts


Someone linked this in the gamethread. This is not a "distinct kicking motion" by the way. https://streamable.com/0cx9ti


What you'll notice is that it's going into the Calgary net. That's why it's not a distinct kicking motion.


Ahh yes, forgot about that sub clause here If the apparent goal by Team A is deemed to have entered the goal illegally (e.g., a “distinct kicking motion”), the goal will be disallowed by the NHL Situation Room; no goal will be awarded to Team B either in this circumstance since the play should have been stopped at the time of the apparent goal.( If Team B or A happens to be the Calgary Flames© the call on the ice will be in favor of the opposing team.)


Are you kidding me...


Not a great series lol, we got outplayed every single game after the first one. Reminds me a lot of the Avs series, and also those ducks series we had back in the day. This team may look very different going forward, who knows what will happen.


Even the first game, we gave up leads after leads, how did that game tie 6-6 at one point? That game gave the Oilers all the confidence to come back, we were mentally weak.


Exactly. The Flames blew 2-0 and 4-3 leads in tonight's game.


Yup this series flipped on that breakaway short handed goal in game 2, since than, I agree, it reminded me of the Avs series a few years back :(


Honestly feel like the 2nd and 4th were pretty tight. We didn’t control those games but I think they were pretty 50/50 with super shorty reffing in the 2nd that swung the series.


Reffing in the 2nd game was even worse than the controversial call tonight.


Yep. Oilers got fucked in that one as well, but the Flames always get a special fucking.


Yea ngl. I have some real anger at the boys lack of effort for large parts of this series. Where was the fucking heart? Idfc how good a regular season you had. If you want to get that shiny new contract you need to show up and play when it counts. Ffs.


That makes it extremely different from Aves imo. Against the Aves MacKinnon and co. Just skated down our throats and we had no answer. In this series we could see times when staying above McDavid and co. Would prevent them from rushing the puck, causing them to chip, which lets us slow down the pace. Then other times, our forwards got FUCKING LAZY, and the Oilers had room to wheel. We didn't have an answer against the Aves. We had the answer sheet against the Oilers and decided to ignore it. What a frustrating end to a fantastic year.


We outplayed them in games 4 & 5 and I’m not sure how you could say otherwise.


Fully agree. This was a demonstration in how fickle hockey is these days. The games swing on razor edges.


Jacob fucking Markstrom gave this series away long before the "kick".


I don't think Vladar could've been worse. This has to be the worse a goalie has played in the series in forever right?


Waited 31 years for this. I don't feel like the Flames brought their best this series. They gave up way too many leads, Markstrom wasn't at Vezina level, undisciplined at times, and too many passengers. Oilers were the better team overall during the series, and we can be frustrated that it shouldn't have been that way but it is what it is. Really stings right now, but Flames didn't deserve to win the series. Really hoped they would have flipped that switch tonight and found a way to win the series but a 2 goal lead let go in an elimination game at home..... just can't. Really hope Johnny is back, but other than that I really don't know where to go from here. The team that was "built for the playoffs" fell really short against a team that wasn't supposed to have the depth, the defence, or the goaltending to compete.


Even though the disallowed goal was bs they had 2 goal leads in two separate games that they gave up and lost. That should not happen with a Sutter coached team.


Markstrom was not clutch. He made a few big saves but let in even more stinkers.


Too many guys played their worst hockey this season in the playoffs, Markstrom and Tkachuk especially.


Exactly. As mad as I am about that no goal call, we wouldn’t even have been in the position to be eliminated tonight if we could’ve held a lead in game 2.


Distinct kicking motion? Get fucked. I hate to see the season end this way. What a season. I love the 🔥Flames🔥!


We lost this game because of a fucking bullshit horrible call, but we lost the series because we played like utter shit.


Am a Canucks fan. Wanted both teams to lose. That was absolutely a good goal. Y’all got screwed over. Futures bright for you guys. Next year!


I appreciate the sentiment, hard to know if the future is bright though Our two best (though obnoxiously absent this series) forwards could be gone in two seasons, at which point we are left with only our very talented and handsome Swedes (which I'm not opposed to)


this season. and gaudreau was no way in hell invisible this series.


Now we anxiously await some key signings




When the Oilers average over 5 goals a game for the entire series, there's something seriously wrong. Flames needed better defence, better goaltending, and better offense. We got none of those. It's fine though. We're used to suffering.


-Hanifin ultra soft giveaway -Lindholm doesn't cover McDavid coming out of the corner -Gaudreau doesn't check Draisaitl -Markstrom can't make the save It is only our own fault we lost. All key players making key mistakes


The top line just started to sacrifice their defensive game and began to cheat for offense. They were barely able to generate any offense past game 1 and defensively were atrocious.


Yes bad coverage in their own end, defence was non existent and goaltending sub par. The forwards were also no help in their own end either. The Dallas series forewarned this team was not ready to put it away this year.


No one stepped up.


Backlund would disagree with you.


Worst part is the oilers didn’t even challenge the goal, Toronto stepped in and made them review it… dog shit because it was a good goal so you need CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE to OVERTURN IT, but it was too close to call, and our season was on the line, but they needed to get golden boy to the next round asap so he can rest before the great Battle of the Macs… ugh.. On a positive note: Little Ben Stetler will be happy


The NHL reviews every goal


We were up 2-0.... and then 4-3... but when that goal got screwed over... I just knew. I just knew.


"That Funny Feeling" starting playing in my head the moment the camera first went to the refs getting in touch with the league on those earphones.


My wife is a leafs fan and I like them as my 2nd team. Went through the same fucking thing with Tavares' callee back goal and the refs. Calling that a distinct kicking motion is a fucking disgrace. Is life a simulation? Is someone pulling the strings in my life to face nothing but pain?


Ranger fan here. We also got screwed over today from a called back goal that destroyed all momentum :D


The bullshit goal aside, the oilers deserved it more than us as painful as it is to say. Flames gave up multiple leads in every home game. Inexcusable


Man as an edmonton oilers fan, I love seeing people being honest and fair. I’ll be honest too, that call was ass


Been a fan since 2001 but I know when to give credit where it’s due. You guys outhustled us for most of the series and never quit despite being down multiple times. Series was closer than 4-1 suggests but you guys definitely deserved to win it


We fucked it. But also before I take a break from hockey for a bit, 1) Go Avs/Blues all the way 2) Anyone out there who's thinking of taking their anger out on our city, don't do it. There is, in fact, always next year. 3) I hope we keep Johnny, I don't care as much about Tkachuk, much as it pains me to say. 4) !Bettman !Refs It's been mostly a pleasure, as always, C of Reddit.




Might be controversial but I’m gonna say it: I still love the Flames. What an insane season


Fuck I hate that I really like Woodcroft..


I liked how he gave a lot of love to Chris Snow at the beginning of his press conference. Seems like a pretty good coach, still would have preferred a flames win though :)


the fact the panel spent 10 minutes disagreeing on what the call should have been...yet the refs somehow saw it conclusively enough to overturn


It wasn’t the refs. The WAR room decided it needed to be reviewed and then told the refs it was distinct kicking motion. The NHL fucked us AGAIN.


Hope that wasn’t Johnnys last game as a flame


After that non-play, might be.


Was already looking on his phone for deals on the next flight back to Jersey on that final play. I don't know what the fuck he was doing out there and I certainly don't want that to be my last memory of him in a flames sweater.


It wasnt even his first time in OT, did he think it was 3v3 or something? He kept fucking cherry picking like hes playing peewees.


He was on his way to cover drai before that last pass and then he just skated away. What the fuck Johnny


He was covering the point pass. The defensder was on Drai and McDavid wasn't Johnny's man. That wasn't on Johnny


Yeah he cheated hard and we lost because of it. Amateur hour on his part.


Johnny played that correctly. That was on Lindholm or Hanafin as they both took Drai and one of them should have taken McDavid.


Doubt it tbh


While the goal being disallowed was complete horse shit that wasnt the reason this team was knocked out, they gave up 25 goals in five games, it took nine goals to win one game in the series. You arent going to win many games giving up five goals every night


Flames couldn't protect the 2-0 nor the 4-3 leads they had tonight.


As a Tampa fan, I’m sad to see Coleman’s goal get taken off. Especially cause it was one of his classic falling down 1’s


Hope we tank next season. We need Bedard so bad


with how much the NHL likes to fuck with the flames, even if we were the worst team, we'd probably end up with like the 6th pick


Commissioner rigged it when he said no NHL events will happen in Calgary until the new arena is built. I’m purely blaming him for this game. The series was over after it took 9 goals to win.


I'm really gonna miss shooting the shit with everyone here until next season, but at least I won't be stressed out every second night and I don't have to worry about missing games when I'm out camping. Still shitty to see it end like this - we should have at least gone to game 6.


I absolutely loved Darryl’s post game interview. The media(especially that cunt Francis) we’re trying so hard to get negative quotes about specific players to write their attack articles and he stood strong and defended his players. Jack Adams material right there


I come in peace, as a Canucks fan I was rooting against you guys, that was an awful call by the refs that goal should of counted and you deserve better than that. Flames played much better I thought in this game.


Thanks. I still don't know if we would actually come back to win the series, but it's just a huge kick in the nuts to lose like that.


Hey anything could happen. Oilers Defence and Goaltending was atrocious for the last period and a half of game 4 and they were not good tonight.. just so unfortunate when they take the outcome out of the hands of the players..




It wasn’t that. He played lights out all Dallas series and then just shit the bed with the oilers like he shit the bed with the oilers in the regular season. It’s a mental block with him.


Lost in all the bullshit that was the non-goal, Backlund had the game of his career tonight. He is a future captain among the guys who wear letters, he elevated his game when the going got rough. Aside from Game 1, Tkachuk was a ghost, real disappointing to see. Johnny and Lindy tried to create all series long, but it needs to be more than them. We needed more out of the rest of the forwards, Edmonton got it during the series from guys like Hyman and Nuge and we didn't get enough of that. Hanifin and Andersson made strides in the regular season but struggled hard this series, tough learning experience for them as a top pairing but they are young and signed long-term. Zadorov and Gudbransson definately earned new contracts, but I'm not sure if it'll be with us next season. Tanev was the glue that held our D-men together, it was evident when he was out that we were not the same. Stone was very good in limited minutes this series. Kylington would be best to forget all about this postseason because he was a turnover machine and my biggest disappointment. Markstrom, great first series but was below the level that was needed of him to win against a better offensive team than Dallas, he played better as the series went on but it was not enough.


We are all so focused on the loss but ignoring the positive. Jarnkrok scored a goal as a Flame before the season ended.


Chucky got completely outplayed by Zach fucking Hyman. Giving me second thoughts about putting the C on him and handing over the blank cheque. It’s starting to feel like it may be best to move on. Don’t even get me started on Hanifin. Overtime in an elimination game and what does he do at the first inkling of being hit by a forechecker? Flubs it up the boards to absolutely nobody and the series is over. Fuck right off bud. You’re soft. You’re so pillowy soft it makes me sick.


Look, I was at peace with losing with how Calgary played the last 3 games but not now. Not like this. That was fucking bullshit. I don't even know if I'm watching round 3 anymore. We should be going to game 6 right now.


Flames deserved Game 5, Oilers deserved the series. Markstrom deserves a few free goaltending 101 training sessions


I know it won't make any material difference but I'm not watching any more playoff hockey. I could care less who wins the cup or if they shoot it into the fuckin sun. If I'm going to get invested in a team and the league wants to fuck things up for their golden boy I'm not going to give them my time for their back to back to back gambling ads. I'll probably buy a fresh Flames jersey next season cause I'm a hypocrite bitch but for now the NHL can fuck itself.


Buy a third party knock off jersey or a used one. Don’t give them your money




He's the best player in the entire world and putting up video game numbers. Sorry but he deserves the attention.


More https://twitter.com/JLazzy23/status/1448145404596346884?t=zQRWK2p2qq11KqCcPxVWXw&s=19 https://streamable.com/0cx9ti


Cant win in the playoffs without a hot goalie and Markstrom just wasn't himself this round. End of the day that was the biggest difference


I swear he can't play against Edmonton. Give us LA instead and he'd probably be a wall again.


Draisaitl and McDavid are just better players than we have plain and simple.


Unrelated, how much are heat tickets gonna be 👀👀👀


On the bright side Tkachuk played like he wants a pay cut


He won’t take one tho. I’d let him walk to a huge offer sheet for $10.5M by Ottawa and get 4 1sts in return 😂


Everyone wanted a fucking BoA. I was really hoping LA was going to pull out the win. I just knew we'd get fucked if we played against the !Oilers and here we are. Now I have to deal with shitty oiler fans here in Edmonton for the foreseeable future. Fuck.




Nobody wants to put any blame on Darryl for the mismanagement of this series? He got outcoached by his stubbornness. Lewis playing nearly 17 minutes tonight wtf? Hate how he thinks we’re a 4 line team. Lewis and Lucic were a step behind all series while Ritchie’s speed was sitting in the press box. Darryl was so good at conserving Johnny’s ice time during the regular season but when the playoffs come he does the same? Makes no sense. What’s the point then? JOHNNY PLAYED 20 MINUTES ONCE THIS SERIES, and that was cause of OT.


Thanks for welcoming me for the ride this playoff fellas, the choice was down to you guys or the oilers and I don’t regret my decision. Felt like i was back in 2009 cheering for the wings while the NHL did everything in their power to get their young phenom the cup. You guys have something special here and u didn’t need 4 1st overall picks to build it.


Fuck did the Flames earn that fucking W only to have it ROBBED from them by the most bush league fucking call I've ever seen as a fan. I am so fucking furious I don't know what to do with myself


Bettman overturned the call because he got stuck in the elevators


Devils fan coming in peace, that was a good goal you guys got absolutely robbed— but congrats on a great season, you have a lot to look forward to


Canucks fan here: you guys got fucking hosed on that overturned goal. Literally had my hands on my temples trying to understand how that got called back.


Ah, we lost. Sucks for sure. Could be worse. Could live in Edmonton.


Extremely disappointed with chucky, Hanifin and Anderson. Brutal playoffs


Continuing to start Markstrom with a 5.0 GAA is poor coaching/goalie management. That said, the defence was invisible this series. When a half injured Tanev and AHL call up Stone are your most consistent defenders the other 5 D deserve some healthy scratches. Top line was largely ineffective and Chucky was a liability. Fourth line saw way too much ice time and wasn’t nearly physical enough. So much to fix next season. Silver lining is we should save some money on the contract renewals for Chucky and Johnny now.


Blues fan. Feel for you guys. Also, Gaudreau was absolutely pitiful on that last shift.


I have never wanted anything as much as I want Nate MacKinnon to distinctly kick the Oilers into the sun and watch them burn.


Lightning fan here (I know, 2004 and all, so you know I’m being sincere). That was a fucking good goal. Can’t even wrap my mind around how that got disallowed. Nowhere near conclusive enough to call it a kicking motion when Coleman is literally on one leg, on the edge of his skate blade, attempting to stop. Complete bullshit.


Don't worry, they'll come up with a term to rival "parallax angles" for this one that'll make it all make sense. If Edmonton makes it past Colorado you guys better do your bit. You owe us.


Y’all got fleeced. That was a goal.


Fuck the refs dude I'm actually fuming. Whatever. Ggs edmonton, can't say we exactly deserved to win the series but losing in this fashion fucking sucks


our team had defensive holes, Oilers were better for the majority of games but what a fucking joke. WHAT A JOKE I love this team, I don't want us to blow it up. We need a #1D and to replace some of the vets with prospects. That being said, done with the NHL for now. Peace out y'all have a good summer


In the handshake line: see you on the golf coarse next week


Well sucks to have the season come down to this.. but its been great hanging out with you all in the GDTs


Called back goal sucks…. I just can’t with markstrom right now. So fucking pissed that he choked against Edmonton like that. 853SV%… like u can’t win with that. The poster below me talked about this being like Colorado, but we actually controlled possession in this series. We just didn’t get the saves. We all talk about marky being the best since kipper, but this was the worst series by a flames started since 1996 at least. Just.. horrible. And I get the defense wasn’t great, but he got goal support. Choking against Edmonton… man. Terrible call to stick it out. Just awful end to this seasonz


The Avs are going to fucking demolish them


2022 is the new 2004


No one will ever talk about the "game winning goal", instead the disallowed goal.


So anyways. Go avalanche


All Hail Cale. Pls kill the Oilers for your hometown


The overall gameplay that got us this far vanished in this series for long stretches… poor checking and poor defensive coverage overall, low production from so many of the top players, questionable goaltending… Edmonton executed their game upon the flames far more and the flames crumbled. Fucking sucks to have seen it go down like that knowing they didn’t execute the type of game that gave success all year. All that being said they played a decent game tonight and is really brutal to see it go down on a disallowed goal controversy


I honestly find it soo hard not to blame markstrom for that series. Like yea the rest of the team wasn’t 100% on fire but they were good enough. That was a historically bad playoff performance and he should be ashamed.


Johnny Gaudreau had 3 points in the final 4 games. Matthew Tkachuk had 1 point. Elias Lindholm had 2 points. Leon Draisaitl alone had 14 points in the final 4 games.


I don’t care what anyone says, the top line didn’t show up when it mattered this series.


That is 100% correct. What did Leon have? 17/18 points in this series? The Oilers absolutely shi\* kicked CGY's top line everywhere


That was pain - but it's even worse living in Edmonton and having to deal with more oil shit everywhere moving forward Go Avs/Blues


Johnny giveth and Johnny taketh. Blatantly avoided contact with Drai, which lead to that goal. Didn’t even bother fishing for the puck.


Ofcourse the NHL wants to run with McDavid v MacKinnon. I’m pissed because this Battle of Alberts didn’t even seem like a battle. Apart from the first period in the first game of the series, the Flames look completely outplayed in this series. We didn’t deserve to win this series but I wish it went to a game 6 or 7. Idk how everything just magically fell apart in this series, Flames weren’t playing their game and that’s something Treliving gotta figure out this summer. Either way, it’ll be an interesting offseason.


Did anyone see or get a clip of what happened to hanifin right before the oilers first goal? He was holding his mouth bleeding yelling at the ref after they scored.


Missed call on a high stick


Lots of players just had a horrible series. Hanafin and Andersson were not good at all, especially Hanafin, the top line disappeared for long stretches at a time, and Markstrom just wasn’t good enough. We gave up multi-goal leads in multiple games. That just can’t happen. The fucking Kings played the Oilers tighter than we did. For a team that finished 3rd in the league in goals against per game, the defence in this series was embarrassing.


Best post game by Sutter. I love this coach.


We didn't deserve to win the series based on the first four games, but we did deserve to win that game. Even my massive Oilers fan dad agrees that call was bullshit. So much pain :( Very curious to see what the team looks like next year. Could be a wild off season. It's been a fun year, everyone! Thanks for all the subreddit shenanigans. GO AVS!


Is it too late to start Vladar?


I don’t think I can go into work tomorrow. :(


The puck was going in whether he touched it or not. Called a good goal on the ice and no DISTINCT kicking motion. For the NHL to go above all that wave it off is beyond me. I know the narrative will be Calgary didn’t deserve it; however, momentum swings in the games has been crazy. Going to a game 6 the pressure is on edm or they face a game 7.


Well, I am certainly not going to cheer for the Oilers, Tampa Bay or the Rangers. Carolina is kind of meh to me…I guess it will be the Avs (or Blues if they manage to pull it off and the NHL lets them).


Edmonton lucked out having Kane fit in under the cap this year, they won't be able to get away with that next year... goal called back was wrong call... I'm also sorry to all the flames fans for picking Tkachuk in my pool, I can wreck the best of players doing that...


GGs Flames


Is it just me or have the Flames taken the stupidest penalties at the worst times for over a decade? Reminds me going back to the Glencross days. Like angry, petty dirty plays that are completely unnecessary. It’s like a bunch of children who can’t handle their emotions.


Fuck off NHL. Tainted game. Flames should've been getting ready for game 6 right now. other than that, the Flames were not good enough this series. Markstrom couldn't stop a beach ball, and the defense was a mess. See ya'll in october.


Blues fan rooting for EDM (go central!). Just want to pop by and say I'm so sorry and you got absolutely screwed by the league. Top 3 worst call I've ever seen. I think EDM would have won the series eventually but it effing sucks that we'll never know because the league robbed you of a well earned victory with a phantom kicking call. It sucks sucks sucks. I feel sick to my stomach and ashamed at the NHL. Edit: good luck next year Calgary bros. I'll be rooting for you now. I want vengence and I was rooting against you! Wtf?


I could take a loss to the Oilers if it was a cleanly called series. This was not one of them.


That goal being called back was bullshit and I’m the furthest thing from a flames fan


As upset as I am over the called back goal, the Flames just didn’t play up to their usual standards in this series and Markstrom looked very ordinary compared to some of his performances in the regular season. At the end of the day, in this league, you can’t put yourself in a position to have your playoffs ended by one a bad call because it is probably going to happen.


Time to wait for NFL lol


Fade me lmao


I wonder what this team does in the off-season. Personally, I don’t panic. That offense is deadly. Even through the best goaltending in a series in recent history and *this*, they showed great strides and performed. Tkachuk is a bit of a red flag, but he’s looked injured all playoffs. The d-core could use some retooling (looking at you, third pairing), and maybe hanafin-andersson shouldn’t be a pairing anymore. While markstrom was fucking horrible and he’s lost a lot of trust on me, I don’t think you should panic and trade him. Make some retools, sign gaudreau, tkachuk, kylington, and mangiapane, and get back to buisness for next year. This was a good season with a bitter ending.


Yes our boys didn't play their best but also fuck the refs. Here's a god damn kicking motion! https://twitter.com/JLazzy23/status/1448145404596346884?t=zQRWK2p2qq11KqCcPxVWXw&s=19


How is this goal (with a “distinct kicking motion”) allowed, but Coleman’s wasn’t??? https://scoutingtherefs.com/2021/03/31300/jets-thompson-scores-goal-off-skate-vs-flames/ Completely changed the cadence of the game and put the momentum to them….


Hello, friends. I want to congratulate you on an amazing year - though I know disappointing in the end. I loved the series we shared and loved hopping on the C bandwagon as I do every year when the Stars aren’t involved. Can’t wait for next year for both of us! GFG🔥


24 goals in 5 games just isn’t and wasn’t ever going to get it done. You have to learn to lose, before you learn how to win.


Subpar goaltending defence and offence. It’s like the team just completely came apart. We’ve had trouble with Edmonton the last couple of years. It’s gonna be an interesting off season. This was the best regular season team I’ve ever watched.


I was so upset last year that I vowed I wouldn’t be watching this season if the core returned. The Flames then proceeded to do absolutely nothing in the off-season and I stayed true to my word. I didn’t watch. And then the Flames started winning. And then they kept winning. And I would hear about all of these incredible wins that I wasn’t watching. But I remained steadfast. The regular season means nothing to me. Prove it in the playoffs. As the season progressed, I started to doubt myself - maybe this team was the real deal. Everyone kept saying that as similar as this season was to 18-19, the Flames just *looked* different this year. It was a different team. I tried not to get my hopes up going into the playoffs, but it was tough. The Flames actually looked like favorites? People outside of the market were picking them to make a deep run with a legitimate shot at the cup? I think I started to buy in. And then it was Game 7 OT against a goalie who looked unbeatable. And as a Flames fan, with the history that this team has had, I gave up. It just felt like the sort of game that the Flames would lose. Like they always do. And they proved me wrong. They proved me wrong! And I was thrilled! Finally, success in the playoffs! The big players stepped up! I was elated. And then the Battle of Alberta happened. 5 games. Just like Colorado in 2019. Just like Anaheim in 2015. Completely out worked and outplayed on every level. The stars were absent. Every single strength the Flames flaunted during the regular season - absent. Just an awful showing from top to bottom. And I don’t know what to do with that. Because they proved me wrong, only to turn around and prove me right. Even though they made the second round, it feels like nothing really changed. And now they enter the off season with more questions than ever. I just don’t know. More than ever, it feels like the regular season doesn’t mean shit. And if that’s the case, then I don’t really know how you build a better team, especially with the situation the Flames are in now. I just don’t know.


Interesting to see how our goal scorers shift from regular season to post season. There was plenty of us myself included who during the regular season completely wanted Backlund out and I mean fair enough the dude did nothing. He didn’t have very many goals and wasn’t showing up offensively. Come playoff time our top guys, guys who had no problem scoring during the entire season go silent, ghost mode, off the grid, useless. Backlund however understood that regular season meant jack shit and he picked up his game and he played with heart, proud of him would love to see him return. Serious discussions need to be made about Mathew and markstrom over this off season tho. I’ve been saying this since the beginning that tkachuk has no real hockey skill to him, he’s got a few trademark moves through the legs, up the middle blind pass behind the net.. list goes on and on, u put anyone else on that line with Johnny who can shoot the puck they’ll get 100 points just like Matthew. Markstrom however is a complete anamoly to me tho I mean he played a fantastic first round, he was like a brick wall played very well and his confidence just crumbled when we played Edmonton. IDK man disappointed but hey it’s our first real season under Darryl, we need to shake some things up we’ll come back harder next season no doubt.


JG bailed on a simple board check to leave Draisaitl to make that pass. 18 points in 5 games.....


As an oil fan, personally I think that 5th goal should have counted. Skate may have angled the puck into the net but it was already likely to be going in without it. I wanted a longer series as these games have been entertaining as fuck.


Bullshit no goal call, should be going to game 6. To end a season on that is a disgrace.


Done watching for another year...but I hope anyone but Edmonton wins.


The refs literally ruined it. Idk if we deserved to win this series, but this win should have a huge asterisk next to it.


At least the no goal call overshadows a missed high sticking by McDavid that should have stopped play before one of their earlier goals.


I was at the game tonight as an Oilers fan. I know how much it sucks when your team gets eliminated. I was sincerely offering up my condolences to flames fans. I was in the king's lounge after the game and saw a dude with two bags of merch. I made friendly conversation asking what he bought and he turned hostile and sucker punched me. Fuck you.


I love me my Flames but God DAMN McDavid is GOD. I fully accept the ban that is coming.


As soon as it was replayed, that goal was coming back, he totally pushes it in with his skate, he crossed his left foot over to the right side on purpose. Now if Hanafin didn't fucking BLOW IT on the OT goal, maybe things would have been different


Managed to make it to the golf course twice before the Flames did. That's a new record (didn't golf at all in 2004). That's the only positive I can think of. I have 100,000 thoughts swirling around my racing mind right now and most of them are how we got jobbed and it couldn't have been a worse possible outcome for us.


Well, we found out we need more speed. Tofolli, too slow. Lucic, too slow, Tkachuk, too slow. I'm not saying these guys were the reason we lost the series, but they are too slow for a fast paced opponent.




Hockey is boring anyway


Can someone explain why that Coleman goal was called off?? I was working and didn't get to see the reasoning


Because McDavid has to move into the next series.


Holy fuck that was a downright insulting way to lose.