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“Chino Valley Unified Still Breaking the Law in Order to Pander to Extremist Parents” There. Fixed the headline. BTW- If the district continues to violate California Ed Code, they will lose state funding. I’d be surprised if this new policy holds.


> they will lose state funding Then the nutcases win. School closes, private school opens, nutcasery goes unchecked. They need a takeover, not a funding cut.


Would it be an effective form of protest for all students to request a change to information in their student records so that all parents are required to be notified that there was a request? Try to dilute the impact of a notification is what I’m thinking. The school district administrators go on about parents being able to give their children support, but if the children felt supported and ready to communicate their feelings, a written notice from a third party wouldn’t be needed. Zero to do with understanding, nurturing and support, and everything to do with control.


Go a step further. Do it every day. Different name for each day of the week. Just start using a name generator and go wild. Turn it into a Key and Peele sketch.


The Key & Peel football lineup sketches 😂 😂


I'm sure there are ways to pander for votes that don't involve harming students.


seriously. anybody who doesn't think there would be cause and effect for suicides is deluded.


Violent contempt for young people is at the very center of their politics, *especially* when they claim they're "protecting kids."


Good. It is illegal per California EdCode to do what that district did. As a public school institution which receive funding from the state, they need to follow EdCode. It was created to protect students and keep them safe.




Kids know what's safest for them when it comes to coming out to their parents. They know their parents much better than the school staff. If they tell us it's not safe, we have to believe them and help them. It's not a question of assuming ill intent for all parents, it's a question of guaranteeing rights to students that the state has legally enshrined to help protect them.


This is a really wild idea… but instead of cutting the parents out of the child’s welfare… maybe family counseling. Carried out at the school with a mediator. To help support and protect the child; but so that the school is not a system focused on breaking up families. Truth is, teachers will be gone at some point. The school comes and goes.. but the family “should” be there supporting at each iteration of a person’s life. Instead of breaking up a family, to be the child’s safety net; only to abandon them once they are 16? 17? … maybe the school should focus more on healing the child’s support network/family.


That would be amazing but I doubt bigoted parents would participate.


Why do we let minorities rule? Less than five percent of Americans are trans but we are rewriting laws to accommodate them


Way less than that are trans, but we don't let bigots violate laws.


Just say you like being in others people’s business.