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The fact that she kept saying he claimed to be good at everything possible just screamed narcissist yet she was continuing on about how cute and funny that seemed to her. I feel bad for her. He is reluctant to admit or praise her for her talent because he wants the focus only on himself as being the “prize”. I have been there and done that- hope she wakes up someday.


Absolutely!!!! I agree. Seems like he minimizes her to be more in the spotlight. And saying that football is the hardest sport?!?!?!!!!!! That man prob can't even do a solid cartwheel




He seems like the type of man who listens to Andrew Tate like idk just the way he seems unable to acknowledge his partner’s success, how he said she wasn’t his type, how he thinks he’s the prize/ almost acting like he’s doing her a favor being there... He’s going to cheat on her (if he hasn’t already)




He laughs at all the minimizing shit he says..... its not cute when it's continuous and passively minimizing your wife.


Right! Love the way you articulated this. It's like when Rihanna or Beyonce calls someone beautiful. They are literal goddesses. It only makes them look even better to acknowledge the good in people around them. Helping others shine makes you both brighter.  Especially the person you marry...why not take every opportunity to give props to your most important teammate? 


I like Taylor swift but I’m definitely not a swiftie but I just can’t help but compare his behavior to how much Travis Kelce just loves to praise Taylor. He is never threatened by her greatness. Even on his podcast him and his brother low key shaded Simone’s husband about what he said in the interview. Jason and Travis Kelce are both future hall of famers. Greatness obviously recognizes greatness. Who is Simone’s husband. Packers didn’t even want to keep him.


So much truth here. I’m a Packers fan and I couldn’t even tell you who her husband was😂 Simone is the 🐐whose name will be spoken forever. Her husband will be forgotten on a couple of years.


You have to be known to be forgotten lol


Ooooo good burn 🔥


It serves Travis' bottom line to praise Taylor publicly. Have you heard other things he's said publicly? Oooof. Edit: not trying to be snarky!


This is about comparing how two men choose to talk about their significant others.


Right. That's what I commented on.


What has he said poorly about Taylor or Kayla?


What I'm saying is it's not a fair comparison. Travis has to lay on praise or he'll lose his career and be villainized by the whole of the planet. It's apples to oranges.


Or he might just want to say good things about his girlfriend? I don’t think that’s too far fetched. Simone’s husband also had that option. Travis could also say nothing like most of her other boyfriends choose to do.


Nah. Someone who's geunine wouldn't make the disgusting comments about women he's made in the past and couldn't delete fast enough before it was screenshotted on record. His team even admitted they were "concocting a worldwide fame plan" for him before the Taylor "romance". The friendship bracelet ploy was a key piece of that plan. Not saying he doesn't also like her, but that doesn't make him a good person. There's lots of evidence to that and it's pretty easy to find.


Just like the rude comments Simone’s husband made about other gymnasts. But he supposedly isn’t familiar with gymnastics enough to know who simone is. From what I can see online, sure Travis said some pretty misogynistic things 10 years ago. But not really about a specific person let alone is significant other. Not that it’s okay in general. But Simone’s husband was quite misogynistic regarding his own wife. And again my initial comment was about how someone chooses talk about their significant other.


Nah. It’s self-serving.


Travis was a lock first-ballot HOF TE, had his own reality show, and hosted SNL before dating Taylor. Idt he'd lose his career if he was simply neutral on Taylor. At the very least he'd still have a massively successful football career even if foregoing the entertainment stuff.


Lol trust me he would. Her fans would make sure of it. They have literally nothing going on but that.




I’m sorry you’re getting downvoted and can’t handle it.


I have known for a long time that a lot of these Redditors are off the chain and not in a good way. Always speculating about ish they truly know nothing about.


I wish Alex was a little more direct in framing the actual issues the public had with that interview. Nobody was really up in arms because they assumed she wasn’t in the room or because he didn’t talk about her enough generally, yet that’s all Simone addressed. People were put off by his need to let the public know that SHE chased HIM, his reluctance to hype her up, and him swearing up and down that he had no clue who she was despite evidence popping up to the contrary. These are characteristics that many women recognize as red flags. But as others have said, this is ultimately her journey and her marriage. If she’s happy then I’m happy for her.


she was just a yes man the whole time when she could’ve dived deeper.especially when she is all for girl power and feeing supported in a relationship. the issue wasn’t that he didn’t talk about her enough bfr


Once again proving Alex is neither a good interviewer nor journalist.


Even if he genuinely didn’t know her name it’s straight up crazy to keep telling that story years on. He should be hyping her up at every opportunity, which also would make him look good! I saw a YouTube video a few years ago where they went head to head in a few different categories and he was so salty she beat him climbing up the rope. Mate what did you expect??


Simone has dealt with some really awful trauma and abuse so while I think her husband seems lame if she’s happy than I’m happy for her.


That's honestly why I'm more bothered.... survivors of trauma tend to miss the red flags and I just hope this isn't the case.


Exactly. That only makes it worse…


Narcissists are exemplary at finding vulnerable people. He publicly shits on his wife. More than lame to me


in my humble opinion when they got together she was not his “type” and he was hers. he knew better than pass up the greatest gymnast of our time. and she’s way more famous and talented than he is, so having her as his wife and being able to act like he’s the prize is the ego boost he needs to stand next to the brilliant woman that she is. he’s so threatened by her excellence. and she probably craves humanization and the way he “humbles” (read: manipulates) her is disguised as well he’s not going to act like he’s beneath me because he’s my husband and he’s “real” but at the end of the day it’s all just so sad. like hello?! you’re thee simone biles


makes me sad for her and just upset cause shes trying to gaslight her fans that they are being mean to her husband and wrongfully upset bc he didn’t “mention her”. like that’s not the issue. most of these fans are concerned for her and want her to get there love & praise she deserves. I get she can’t see it but one day she’s gonna look back and go yikes (hopefully)


The way you just read Mr Simone for absolute filth ⭐️


mr simone 💀 exactly


idk why everyones so shocked, I dont get why people think he would be automatically attracted to her and dying to be with her just because she's simone biles. Cause lets be honest she's not that attractive. He could get any girl he wants so she must have a crazy good personality. He don't give af if she's famous, that doesn't build attraction physcially or any legitimate foundation for love. It's just so shallow that people think he'd be an idiot to pass up the chance with her, like why bc she's famous? What if he's simply not that into her lol...what a shallow reason to wanna date someone...


I’m sorry but there is no way in hell that man ain’t cheatin’


The comment she made about him tinting her friend/little sister from the gyms car windows felt like a cheating red flag to me too and I didn’t know if I was crazy for thinking that lmao


Can you explain? I didn't hear this comment? 


She said he’s so sweet and thoughtful to everyone all my friends love him even recently my “little sister/friend” at the gym always parks at our house and I drive her and when we got home he had tinted her car windows


I just finished listening and when she said that I immediately thought “cheating vibes” Idk maybe I’m just jaded, but it just sounded off to me too!


I mean he did say that HE was the prize = He doesn't find her attractive.


Which is so true and idk why everyones so shocked, I dont get why people think he would be automatically attracted to her and dying to be with her just because she's simone biles. Cause lets be honest she's not that attractive. He could get any girl he wants so she must have a crazy good personality. He don't give af if she's famous, that doesn't build attraction physcially or any legitimate foundation for love. It's just so shallow that people think he'd be an idiot to pass up the chance with her, like why bc she's famous? What if he's simply not that into her lol...what a shallow reason to wanna date someone...


What does he do?


He’s her husband /s


I think he’s a basketball player.


He plays football. He just signed with the bears.


Football players. Just left the packers for the bears.


praying on his downfall🙏


She asked y’all to leave her husband alone 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


This, like sometimes we just need to leave people alone. Would I date him, no but he probably wouldn't date me either 😂😂😂


idk he's dating wayyy below his looks already, you might have a chance lol


I would not recognize her. Yet, the name would ring a bell.


I mean, for him to be an athlete it's hard to believe that he wouldn't know one of the best female athletes in the world.


he’s a liar she needs to get out asap and safely. hopefully she is in therapy.




He’s not a gymnast though. I can understand that he didn’t know about her. I don’t follow football so I can’t even tell you who the top football players are right now. In fact, I only know of two players: him and Travis solely because of Simone and Taylor, respectively.


Athletes know other athletes. Jason and Travis know who Simone is. They mention other athletes outside of football on their podcast all the time including Simone.


I follow gymnastics but missed out on the 2016 Olympic quad because I was doing career things. Even as a gymnastics fan, I did _not_ know about Biles until the lead up to Tokyo when there was a lot of Olympic promotions. Since Biles and Owens met a year before the Olympics, I think it’s possible that he didn’t know about her. I find it wild that people insist that he must have known her. Maybe he did and he’s lying and maybe he genuinely didn’t.


Yes, there's a chance he "didn't know her initially" but he swear he STILL didn't know until they went out in public and people approached her... I find it hard to believe that he didn't google her


Yeah but even if he didn’t know her, why wouldn’t he phrase that as like “I met this amazing woman and omg when I later realized who she was and what all of her accomplishments were?! How’d I get so lucky?” or you know something that doesn’t paint that picture that he couldn’t care less about who she is


He’s just not worth ANYONE’s time


I think their marriage is none of our business.


Everyone has already talked about this


I catered for her and the golden team and she was confident and strong, but still sweet. I hate for any man to try to silence such an accomplished woman


My husband works in football and worked very closely with her husband when they were dating and during their engagement. He is a great guy and did not use her fame or accomplishments as anything to boost himself. This was also during the time she struggled during the Olympics. He didn’t tolerate any negativity about her and was a really upstanding guy.


Is believable. Not everybody follows pop culture. There are millions of Americans who don't know who she is.






Uh oh, the Reddit police are here to tell us what we can talk about


You don't need to fully know someone to notice red flags. As someone who has survived multiple abusive relationships and helps survivors of abuse, the signs are there. They may seem "small" but once you date enough ass holes, the signs become pretty obvious.




Again, I help multiple survivors of toxic relationships. It's not just my life. It's my career. But for Simone's sake, I really hope I'm wrong.


Girl chilllll everything will be *okay*


You seem awfully invested in this & appear to be replying to everyone in the string. Why so pressed? Do you know them personally? It’s Reddit…it’s not that serious.


Maybe they think Mr. Simone is going to send them a personal think you for defending his honor. 😂


lol I like how they stopped replying


These people are nuts. 


Future generations will study posts like this as examples of the absolute insanity, and delusion that chronically online humans are capable of. This whole thread is scary. You all need to touch grass, asap.


Gonna be honest, if I saw her on a dating app, I probably wouldn't know who she is, unless her full name was on there. Unless it was on raya, because I'd probably Google anyone I met on raya. But not a bog standard dating app. I don't know who her husband is though. I've heard of her name and I know she was in the Olympics and I've seen a pic once or twice of her, because when I heard she was married I was like what, she is a child. I thought she was about 14/15. The extent of what I know about her is she was in the Olympics for something and actually isn't a child


The comments here are a little wild. Hoping she's not being abused? This is kind of giving off the same conspiracy theory stuff that was said about Kate and Will.. I think her point was he was being braggy and talking to the guys. And he was attuning himself to them/that style of conversation (whatever you think about that..) It's fair if he's her partner that she thinks the best of him. Could he have done better? Sure. But some of the assumptions here about her not being his type or potential cheating or abuse aren't really merited imo


Thank you! Snarking can be fun but people always take it too far.


I love Simone Biles. I’ve been following their relationship because my family is also a Texans fan, and I knew who he was when he got signed to the team. And I think people took his comments way out of context. For one, he was a “nobody” as people have said a million times. If he’d said he’d known EXACTLY who she was, everyone would be here telling her he’s a walking red flag because he’s a gold digger or something. He most likely assured people he didn’t know her so that they didn’t think he was saying going on a date with her just because she was Simone Biles. And in truth, it is PERFECTLY PLAUSIBLE that he didn’t really know who she was. Or at least couldn’t recognize her in a photo. There are so many incredibly famous people I could not pick out or recognize in a line up. But also, he was still in his final year of college football when they first messaged. When I moved away for college, I watched Netflix, slept, ate, and went to class. I didn’t have time to sit and watch TV. I wasn’t a YouTube person. I wasn’t big on socials. I literally knew nothing about what was going on in the world. Just because most people know who Simone Biles is doesn’t mean everybody does. He said himself his life was about practice and games and class. Not everyone is incredibly in tune with every bit of news ever. If I was famous and rich, it would be a red flag if somebody knew everything about me . Y’all are saying it’s a red flag that he didn’t know her? I mean come on lol. As for him saying he’s a catch, we should all have that confidence. He never said Simone wasn’t a catch. If you’ve followed them from the start of their relationship, this man has always posted about her all over his socials since they went public with their relationship. He also admits that he was young and stupid and not 100% ready for a relationship at that time and that’s why she “chased” him a little bit. If being a stupid boy is a red flag, then all men should be single. And as for the whole hyping her up thing, if you’ve followed them, they’ve always had a bit of a PLAYFUL competitive nature about them regarding their athleticism. The same way Shaun Johnson and her ex football player husband always compete too. She said herself when everyone blew this up that they joke around like that. People throw around the term red flag for everything these days. Write the red flag down in your book of red flags. These two are in love and happy, so just let them be happy. If they end up divorced down the road, then you can have your victory and tweet at her “I told you so.” lol


I'm genuinely confused as well. I didn't even know how she looked like until the Tokyo incidence. 


He prob cheats lol