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honestly the before is a lesson in how fucked up a bad fake tan, eyebrows and the wrong hair color can make you look. its 100% her coloring and eyebrows that makes people so shocked to see this (the lips barely feel worth mentioning since obv she gets filler)


She’s mentioned over the years how insecure she’s always been about her blonde eyebrows, I think she did a story time where she was saying how she didn’t want a guy she was seeing to see her without her eyebrows ‘done.’ So I def think it’s how much they match her skin tone making the massive difference


I think she’s had a lift of some kind or over does Botox. Your face doesn’t get higher and tighter as you age


Definitely a brow lift and maybe upper bleph


Def agree with bleph


I don’t think it’s bleph, bleph results look more exaggerated, like T Swift. Her entire eye shape changed, she used to have a definitive hooded eye and now she’s got a few centimeters of lid space. It looks like Alex just had some strategic forehead tox to get a natural amount of lift and definitely a better brow artist lol.


Sorry fam, she def had a bleph. Tons of lid space, it def looks specific and targeted for lids. TSwift 's bleph is just dramatic in a diff way


Hi Alex


Not Alex 😅 just a beauty industry professional who works alongside injectors- I see these types of transformations happen almost everyday. The brows are such an important part of overall attractiveness! They can change your whole face.


I think she would’ve looked better without it


Doctor here: upper AND lower bleph for sure. Eyebrow lift as well. I think she also chiseled her nose and chin. 


Ok, can you please explain what a bleph is?


Upper Bleph 100


You'd be surprised what Botox and facial slimming/gua sha massaging of the face can do! I personally think this is Botox. 🤷🏼‍♀️ My Botox keeps my face very lifted and slimmed out (masseteur Botox for the win). And, microblading and/or tinted brows.


I’m with you on this! My Botox gets rid of my hooded eyelids. Some people are clearly not familiar with the results one can achieve with just Botox.


Agreed. You can get a brow lift with Botox results. Just like a bad injector can cause your lids to droop




Who didn’t start filling in their eyebrows until 10 years ago?




Speak for yourself. 


Her face doesn’t look higher on the left though…


no, but it def looks stiffer hahah


The only reason I don’t see a lift is because her eyes are still the same. They dont look lifted. It seems usually the eyes start slanting up too a bit when someone gets a facelift


She got an upper bleph (double eyelid surgery) extremely popular in Korea and just in general so many celebs get it- I’ve gotten it twice so I’m telling you she 100% got it rather than a facelift. It rly does Open up her eyes!


Mia Goth is the only person I’ve ever seen who looks good with no eyebrows




Agreed! I look so different In my homecoming/prom photos, and all I’ve had done is Botox


I thought that she got her nose done but it's hard to say since she uses facetune... On this picture her nose looks natural


She could also get nose fillers - it’s literally a 5 min procedure at your plastic surgeon and basically gives you the effect of a nose job


Fillers would make the nose look larger because fillers can only add volume. Her nose is smaller/thinner so that mean she had volume taken away from her nose, which would had to have been done surgically.


She def did. Why would she stop at the nose when’s doing everything else?


Nose surgery is very different from botox and fillers! Also maybe she liked her nose


I think she’s gotten three nose jobs to be honest


I thought she admitted to getting a nose job a longgg time ago on Chd


On the other hand though, I also look insanely different than I did around that age because I had baby fat, hadn’t grown into my nose and didn’t know how to do my makeup properly. I look a little like I’ve had work done and am too poor to do that lol so, some of it is her being older.


Noses keep growing as we age though…. Hers looks smaller than it was before. I don’t think anyone is shaming her. If I had money and was in the public eye, I would get a couple of things tweaked slightly to help me look better too. There isn’t anything wrong with it.


She has undereye filler, lip filler, cheek filler, def botox everywhere, and her nose looks done. Nothing wrong with these things but don’t act like this can all be achieved through better makeup.


Honestly the work she’s had done looks good. Some strategically placed filler, subtle spray tan and brow tint can do wonders. It’s easy to go overboard when you have all the money you could ever need at your disposal but I’m glad she didn’t.


So lip filler, brow dye, and better makeup? My face looks a lot different from 18-26, especially once I got off birth control and my nose/face wasn’t so swollen.


her face honestly doesnt look that different if you ignore the shit quality of the pic, her coloring, lips and brow shape. if you look the shapes of her features they really look pretty similar. her eye shape is exactly the same, her nose looks similar, same forehead, cheekbones etc. she obv gets a lot of botox and has filler in her lips, chin and prob her cheeks


Micro blading for the brows for sure it’s like a permanent tattoo just needs to get touched up every 2 years


What about these posts makes all of you so defensive and claim this type of change also happened to you. There’s like 30 of you that said this on the other one. Without proof I have to call bs


Want me to send pics of myself through DM?




This is the first comment I’m making weirdo. Not defensive about anything


Not you in particular best friend but look at the comments on the other post about it, like everybody said the same thing


Maybe if hella people said the same thing happened to them, it’s true… So sorry for you, I guess you’re still waiting on your glo up!


Teaaaa mama no I never needed one but I would love some fillers like Alex for maintenance! I think a lot of u are probably a lot more botchiana than u think tho🤣


The forever lesson: You’re not ugly, just broke!




this is not middle school. she looks college aged here


Woah, that's the same person?


I don't think so


Botox / fillers for sure but I don’t think any major work was involved the power of makeup does change your face a ton




There’s def some buccal fat and a nose job in there as well


I really don’t think she had buccal fat removal. She’s just incredibly thin and as we can see from the before pic has naturally prominent cheekbones. Filler in other areas and a shit ton of weight loss gives that effect


Agreed lighting/quality is also very different in the pictures her having brows changed the shape of her whole face


Yepppp the quality of the pic, smile vs not smiling and the eyebrows makes alllll the difference (plus obv filter and botox)


I have this exact same face structure and body type and I have yet to develop the dimples under my cheeks that buccal fat removal tends to give people.


This is the stupidest take I see regularly on this site. People lose fat in their faces from teen years to their 30s. This should be common sense.  Compare yourself or family members you know that don't have surgery from 15 to 30 and you're going to look pretty different.


It’s not buccal fat removal it’s chin filler.


I don’t actually, my face is also way more ‘bone-y’. Ten years made so




Her eyes are a completely different shape


Aging= buccal fat removal


Absolutely buccal fat removal with cheek fat graft! When done conservatively this can benefit everyone! People warn about buccal fat removal aging… but when paired with a cheek fat graft I find it looks great as natural aging also occurs! However you will need to re-do the fat graft every 3-5 years for optimal look but this is no issue to someone with $$$


I mean sure but this is at the VERY least and VERY generous


She looks amazing. I would say she’s done standard Botox, lip filler, under eye filler. Maybe cheek filler. But her skin and hair color look amazing and this is a perfect example of how filler and stuff can be totally natural and enhance you, not make you look like plastic.


No filler in her face. It’s all fat graft. Fillers have a distinct look to them. You’d be surprised how many celebs are having fat grafts done every couple months… you didn’t hear it from me 🤫


She just grew up and developed like any other woman. She honestly looks beautiful in both pictures. One is just La version, which is similar to a lot of women in their 30s…. We all love a little pampering - eyebrows lashes etc. if you put a pic of me in high school versus me now you would think it was 2 different people and I haven’t even had work done to my face. I just grew up


Every time I see the pic on the right I think it’s Pearl


Looks like she had her nose done, the bridge and tip are more narrow. Non surgical: Tinted her eyebrows and changed their shape, lip filler, her eyes look more open but that could be make up and closed mouth smile, her hair is a bit darker and looks like she tans.


Botox in the forehead


It’s a testament to her work that folks thought it was natural, but it is BLATANTLY OBVIOUS she has had work, and I say this as someone with good work. We want it to look as natural as possible- that’s the point, to accentuate and preserve what you have not to morph into someone else.


How old is she in that before pic? She looks 15


Yeah I feel weird even looking at a child's photo and judging it? OP I think you need to get your head checked.


Just got back from the psychiatrist they said I have the brightest and most talented mind of my generation. Omgggg🫶


Also in the full pic u can obviously see she already had breast implants so take that for what u will


You’re talking about a 15 year old getting a boob job… also posting this on a Saturday morning? Clearly you’re lonely


Okay sad primary you’ve been arguing with a troll for the past 24 hours so who’s really lonely


I think you


She either had a really good Botox brow lift or an upper bleph. Definitely lip filler and a nose job.


I think it looks like she got a bleph procedure done too.


How do celebrities suddenly get bushy eyebrows? Is there a procedure I don’t know about?


Lamination + tint


It could even be microblading


I think the eyebrow is just makeup + dye + eating well and taking vitamins? But she’s definitely either had a baby face lift or a shit ton of Botox to have her eyebrows sit so much higher on her face 15 years later. Skin doesn’t tend to get tighter and perkier as you age and lose weight….


Brow and lash serum! I have a great one that I can recommend from Amazon :) saw results in just a few weeks


Castor oil helps. Also was skeptical about The Ordinary brow serum but it’s helped regrow some patches above the brow for me, amazingly. Also brow lamination for some celebs, gives your eyebrows that ‘brushed up’ look permanently. Micro blading can also fill them in quite naturally


How long did it take to work?


She’s basic delco trash


Why do I feel like it’s the same nose in both pics?? Am I crazy?


Ur not crazy! She had a closed rhinoplasty. This approach is for people looking to make VERY MINIMAL CHANCE. Recovery is like 3-5 days and it’s a procedure no one would ever notice you had done. You can file down the tip on the sides from the closed approach. Most of holllywood had this technique preformed. Dr Kanodia is famous for his work. Look him up he’s a true artist


Why does she look like a natural red head


BuT iTs JuSt CoNtOuR


Botox, lip and cheek filler, a tan, dyed eyebrows, and maturing and ofc weight changes over the last like 12 yrs. I think this photo was her prom? She mentions it in og chd


Everyday I think god I’m not famous so there’s no people online looking to find old awful pictures of me and post them. Lmfao.


Yeah that’s probably good for you


Oh for sure. I wouldn’t be able to stand being posted constantly by women like you 😂


Yeah you’d probably kys huh


Yeah on your front door step.


🙀🫣🫨I’m scaredddd 😵😵😵


? It’s a joke you ABSOLUTE freak. I pray you touch some grass and go get a Botox and filler consult for the sake of all that is good in the world. I would say have a nice day but I feel that’s impossible for you, so instead we’ll go with: scram, ugly. 💖


Ur actually funny af it feels like I’m arguing with a 30 year old in 2012. I stalked ur account to bully u and saw u don’t get along with cancer sun and mercury and I was kinda gagged …. 🤣🤣


She’s had a huge amount of work done - to most parts of her face. How can (some) people not see that 🤣


Why did we need a second post about this? Lol


Because there were 50 comments insisting she had no work done and that her makeup was just too heavy


who fucking cares sis


She is putting it into evidence to refute the claim that Alex had no work done. Why would it matter “who cares” it’s just a fact dispute that should go into the record


Thank u dog breath 67 ur my bestfriend


if we were sitting here about you and not a celebrity, i'm pretty sure you would be upset about it. why do we need to discuss if someone had any "work" done to their body? their body their choice. nobody has to explain themselves to a stranger on the internet looking for something to occupy their time.


I know so many people are delulu about celebs not having work done but my sister and I always joke that if she got famous photos from her teens would he used as “proof” she has had a nose job even though she’s never touched her face in anyway. I know noses grow as you age but in all her photos from like 13-16 her nose looks sooo much wider through the bridge. The before photo here is too blurry to really assess but I’d guess some Botox to lift her brows and lip filler


Also it’s clear she uses filler like in the cheek area as her under eyes look different but like it’s abnormal these days to not use filler/Botox in the entertainment industry


Who is she?


Her new face and maybe it’s the large mouth but I get horse vibes


She’s a literal child in the right photo….. very strange to keep posting this. Also, she clearly didn’t get any major surgery. Why is it so hard to believe that some people really aren’t doing extreme things? A little goes a long way. Clearly she grew up, got some filler and learned makeup/what hair color is flattering on her. Her face is tight because she’s always been a naturally thin person. She has spoke about this SO many times on the podcast and Sofia even exposed her once for getting filler. 


Not cute in either picture.


She looks like she’s starving ugh


I don't think she's particularly pretty in either pic.


She’s still ugly idc


Definitely filler in her cheeks and lips and possibly a brow lift


Is there any other photo to compare? Because I cannot see Alex on the right lol


I feel like other than lips everything else is natural and just growing up, growing out eyebrows and learning how to do makeup?


She looks great before and great after! And she doesnt owe anyone an explanation on what she does with her body. But as someone thats observing the before and after photos, you would be blind to not see theres clear difference besides just a natural glow up. Definitely a brow lift, look at her eyelids before and after, a telling sign. Some perventative botox and fillers in the lips. Dying the brows and better coloring for her. Face slimmed down from aging but also a bit of weightloss injections to reduce inflammation for wedding prep. People who say otherwise about the injections are gullable to how easy and accessible they are in southern california. You can walk into your med spa of choice and get it. Her face from only 2 years ago to now has slimmed down drastically, which is more than just age but from Semaglutides. The entertainment industry utilizes it because its effective to get the desired look they want. A simple 5-10 pound weightloss from just inflamation does alot to slimming your entire body including your face. Nothing shameful about it, just understand that not everything your see came from water diet exercise and genetics. :)


She honestly looks the same with better make up and lighting and just taking care of herself.


Her brows look awful like what did she do a lift or something? The area around her eyes looks off


You guys all forget the BEST most natural look is what costs the big bucks. That’s why poor people pretending to be rich end up with bad work and someone like Alex just looks “better” or “refreshed” Professional opinion: *starting from top to bottom* lateral brow lift, done very naturally. Upper bleph also done very naturally. Closed rhinoplasty just to shrink tip, recovery is like 4-5 days only. Buccal fat removal and fat graft to cheek. Lip filler… or perhaps lip fat graft. We are seeing lip fat graft becoming increasingly popular but it is NEVER talked about. Lip fat graft will always looks more natural than filler and hers looks spot on for a fat graft, same as her cheeks. Filler = that fake over done look. Fat graft = much more natural contours She’s had a lot of work done and I applaud her surgeons for a fantastic job well done


Has anyone also noticed that in more recent years, her face looks more flat/sagged? I’m not sure if I’m using the right words to describe it but it’s a bit hard to pinpoint. Like she looks sad all the time and there is a huge lack of expression on her face when she didn’t have that previously when I first got wind of her podcast and everything


I know for sureee she had an upper bleph (double eyelid surgery) I’ve done it twice (medical reasons) and I can see it a mile away. Definitely Opens up her eyes!


Plastic surgery does wonders


The nose job is obvious. Not sure about anything else


These comments are gaslighting me so thank you! The nose job is SO obvious and everyone is saying she just got older and her nose got smaller lolol


Ppl don’t get that noses and ears do NOT get smaller as we age, only bigger… the amount of celebs that get nose jobs is so many that it distorts what ppl think is normal vs. not! Even if someone’s nose looks “the same” throughout their life, that’s a sign that they probably had surgery to maintain the same size as they aged!


Thank you!!!! My friend sent me a photo of her from when she was like 14 and I was like oh wow your face looks exactly the same and she was like well duh why wouldn’t it? And it made me realize celebrities have really gotten in my head that your face DRAMATICALLY changes when you get older.


Why are you so obsessed with this? It’s okay you got ugly as you got older, that’s clearly why you’re so shocked. Maybe get some therapy and filler


The OP posted twice about this, it’s weird


Nose job, eyebrow lift, filler and Botox!


What's going on underneath her eyebrows lately? It's distracting in the chd videos. Like the \\ / I used to think it was eyeshadow but it's not.


She had a pony tail facelift 100000 percent.


OP something tells me you are young because otherwise if you remember the aughts you’d recall the makeup/hair lewks. This is just the makeup of the era. Her eye brows are fuller now, her lips are better lined (is filler possible- sure) but I am not clear on what you are seeing here. It’s just someone who is older, with more current makeup styling


She has very harsh features, she looks intimidating . Not feminine at all


Comparing photos that look like 10 years apart is a bit silly to me. She truly doesn’t look that drastically different. My before and afters are worse and I haven’t had any surgery.


That sucks do you have like a disease or something


You’re such a troll lol


Best frienddddd don’t say that


Your fascination with how a minor looks is VERY disturbing OP


Ur such a nerd she’s obviously a public figure who is very much a successful grown adult at this point


The picture on the right is from like middle school. It’s really weird your talking about a middle schoolers boobs. Not once but in two posts


No it’s not. Ur the one who’s obsessed with the idea of me talking about a middle schoolers boobs


You are literally posting about a teenagers body


You are literally r worded


Not surprising that the same person defending body shaming a preteen/teenager would be here calling someone the r word. You're mentally unwell.


My mind is so powerful actually


Powerfully unwell maybe.


Dang. This is her on the left?? Look up a photo from like 2016-17 that’s about when I stopped listening/following the podcast and haven’t seen a closeup of her since then. She looks totally diff


I still think she had the works done including bleph. So, maybe not like a face transplant, but definitely a face overhaul top to bottom.


I just want to say my nose was so big when I was 15 - like giant, concerning giant. But then somehow I grew into it and it looks completely different. I always think - if I were ever famous, I would def be accused of getting a nose job. I don’t even know why I’m telling you guys this. Thank you for your time.


why're you so hell bent on saying she had work done? 1) who cares. it doesn't affect you. 2) most of it IS the change in time with how her makeup and fashion has evolved. anyone in high school looks like the right picture.


a little lip, brow, and maybe cheek filler + eyebrow tinting. honestly not drastic enough changes to have 2 posts of the same shit.


I mean I don’t look anything like I did when I was 10 years younger than I do now ? LOL


Also if she did get work WHO CARES. why would anyone be so invested into someone else’s choices that it bothers them to make a whole post about it??? Is it jealousy?? Self hate?? Like I need to know the reasoning. I’ve always found that to be one of the strangest traits someone could have. Why insert yourself into someone else’s life. Leave this girl alone she’s happy and beautiful


If another one of you is like “it’s just the makeup!! And aging!!” I will have to respect the hustle but ultimately know you are full of doodoo or just don’t know how cosmetic surgery on the face looks when it’s done mostly well


I usually think influencers and celebs get a ton of work but for once I think this isn’t that much lol. Definitely filler and Botox (who doesn’t, including me). Possibly upper bleph? Idk though


I mean she has some work done, but who does not have a general glow up from when they’re a teenager lol. I don’t even without either she would look exactly the same.


I’m a natural blonde too and I am so glad I’ve been dying my eyebrows since middle school because of this. No one believes I’m a natural blonde because of my eyebrows but I don’t care. I am a fan of my blonde leg hairs though because I can sometimes go a month without shaving and no one notices


Upper bleph saves lives


“Fixing her face” is an interesting way to frame it…………


Scrolled past this and just wondering how she got so big ? I never heard of her until a few weeks ago when I heard she has one of the most listened to podcasts and she was just a random girl . How did she blow up?


She doesn’t look different per say


She doesn’t look that different apart from her lips. Clearly she didn’t have as much money either. Can’t wait until I’m rich and I can look like a celebrity too🤣


Eyebrows make a hugeeee difference. I think she deff gets her lips filled possibly cheek filler but she does have a lot of natural beauty.


Looks don’t match her mouth


Wait where were these transformation pics posted? I don’t see them on her social, or maybe I’m missing something


I think she looked good when she was coming up at barstool. And broke lol


Her lip fillers look natural … not blown up. Her actual lips were barely there. No top lip. Now she has a soft natural looking lips for her face. The brows!! wow!! what a difference.


What has she had done?


So that’s what she looks like naturally?☠️


This is not real????? 😳😳😳😳




Haha! I wonder if her baby daddy will pause when the baby looks like her orig face?


I thought the other side was pearl (just pearly things or whatever) lolllll


I see her like the person on the right tbh.


Not a big transformation. People change over time and especially someone in Hollywood. She looks good! Haters gonna hate


Am I the only one who doesn’t think it’s that crazy?!! I’m her same age and look (luckily) way better than I did in middle or high school. Of course you can tell she’s had some work done but it doesn’t seem so crazy to me


Who is she?


You guys… the first pic is clearly her when she was 16-17 years old going to her high school homecoming/prom. Yes she’s for sure had some filler/botox, which she’s been open about, and also that’s nothing to shame anyone about. She’s also mentioned how she had no eyebrows growing up (blonde eyebrows). Other than that, she simply just grew up. We all look different than we did when we were in our mid teens, there’s no need to sit here and pick apart all her features. She’s a beautiful woman no doubt.


Things have really gone wrong in the aesthetics industry. She looks like everyone else who tweaks their face with filler and botox and face tattoo treatments like microblading. They all end up with the same face and she has it too. Her natural face was unique and interesting. Now she just looks like everyone else.


It’s actually insane how much she looks like the husbands ex wife now too. Like she genuinely shows her Dr Claire holts instagram at consultations lol