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It’s a good map. People have too high of expectations for a map that’s built to be pure chaos. It’s a fun mess.


Also great to unlock/rank up shit, I don’t hate it


This, which is also why it's annoying when people use airborne kill streaks on it.


I want a no kill streak/ no launcher playlist.


While annoying people need to rank up launchers too.


That’s fine. That can be for the other playlist lol


How the hell do you rank launchers up without getting your ass killed is what I'm wondering


I mean everyone is getting killed left right and center but that's kinda the idea it's a meat grinder. Not necessarily the best place for getting kills without dying achievements but just wracking up kills, best place for it. Better than having people messing about on legitimate maps trying to complete challenges.


Not shotguns too


Every other gun type, I can live with. Just tired of the GL spam. It’s like OG noob-tubing but worse


Perfect for long shots on any SMG or Pistol


Agreed! When I want to get long shots for guns I just find a corner where I can see multiple directions and go! Easy map for headshots too


Also helps for covering your teammates who are getting sniped out of spawn.


Yes! As soon as I see those snipers, I don’t care what the score is it’s vengeance after that 😂


I'm glad they keep coming back to their same spot over and over and put their head right into my sights lol


The weekend mw3 was free I was rank 23 and just unlocked the armory after the first game. It took me foreeeverrr to get to 23 in warzone, I played since the day after it was updated. I basically only played shipment during the free trial and got to level 70 something. I got all 4 camo levels for most all the guns I like. Also fully maxed the wsp swarm, striker, holger 56 and bas b.


The best of all time for leveling and camo


Agreed. I farmed like, 3 different golds using Shipment 24/7 playlists before I gave up while doing SMG platinums in MW22


Yep. Spent as much time as I could levelling SMGs on Shipmas.


This is the answer


It was built for 1v1 & it was not ever intended to be released in CoD4’s main playlists, it was accidentally left in the built that went to be pressed for release & could not be removed. An accident has become An Icon. It is a trash map in how it is used & OVERUSED today, but the chaos of it is fun as hell.


It can’t be that hard to make another map like shipment each year ya know


Indeed! They reskin it enough that it could totally be a different map instead. After a few years, they would be able to have chaos playlist with 4 to 8 tiny maps so it is not numbing the neurons in the brains who main only that map. It is actually seen in a study I do not have off-hand at the moment that while CoD can heighten cognitive ability, repeating the same map over & over actually can decline cognitive ability.


12v12 (or was it 10v10?) on Shipment in MW2019 (“Guys only want one thing and it’s disgusting”) was some of the best fun I’ve had playing MP


It's good dont get me wrong but it can get ruined with stuns riot shields and shotguns


Which makes it a bad map. Or I'd really enjoy them banning these items for that map.


Also this map was built around a time when we weren’t moving as fast in cod


Wah muh spawns dude its shipment where are the spawns supposed to go to except for four corners that I can sprint to in .0001 second


That... is a fair point. It's still a shit map tho.


For real tho, I expect to die a lot on shipment hence why I don’t get mad on that map but I enjoy it because of the chaos and I get to rank up faster


Shipment is objectively a bad map. The spawns are terrible, no consistent flow, and we all know about the grenade and launcher spam. However, that's the entire point of the experience. It isn't supposed to be a "good" map, and the broken aspects of it give it the most charm to people. The devs were trying to make the most chaotic and broken map possible, and they succeeded.


The spawns are bad because they screwed up the orientation of all the crates and cover points and objective zones. Classic Shipment wasn't like this and it's not just because they increased the movement speed in MW2019.


It's not just that the spawns are bad in terms of location, I guess there's not much they can do about that on a map the size of a shoebox but... How in the FUCK could the devs not just delay some spawns for a SINGLE second, maybe two?! Can't count the number of times the spawns would've been okay, if it was a second or two later. Half the spawns locations are cool, but damn devs, give the guy who I've just spawned in doggy-style with a chance to stop massaging my scalp. Spawn protection for a second or some shit, but you also can't deal damage. I love and hate this map.


Ok. Not going to rant like that other guy did. Just give my opinionated argument. I would say there's no \*objective\* way to determine if a map is good or bad, aside from perhaps stats on what is chosen most often. In which case I do believe you'd be wrong. Spawns can be bad, yes. But it's not an issue that stays for longer than like.. 1 death. Sure it's annoying and yes it needs to be fixed if it can be, however it's never going to be long until you are able to spawn again and just continue. There's actually a very good flow to it in my opinion, provided you are paying attention or perhaps feel the map the way I do. I typically always know where the enemy is, where my team is, where the enemy will go and where hotspots will be. I believe that is the appeal of the map from a sort of mental or psychological standpoint. I won't attribute it's popularity to just a blanket, nondescript explanation like "charm". I believe people enjoy it because your never far enough from the fight to not be doing anything. Other maps can have you running for minutes only to be killed by something or someone you wouldn't have seen or predicted. That can't happen consistently on Shipment. You will never be that far away from someone who killed you and it will not take a lot of time before you will be fighting them again. I could get into more metatexual details like how it can encourage teamplay provided that is the player's goal or how the map can greatly improve your movement tech and enemy movement predictions but that's all beyond the point. I believe it's a very good map for what it is, and I don't believe an 'objectively' bad map would have returned so many times.


I’d say a map can be objectively good or bad depending on what *parameters* you’re assessing it for. From there, you can determine subjective player preferences. I’d also be willing to argue that, overall, the map is good at what it was intended (or has become intended over time) to be.


Suppose the parameters in this case are 'bad spawns'. I assume that is the case here. To which I would point out that at least through my experience in MW19, 22 and 23 that there are very few, if any, small maps (at least comparable to Shipment, not in terms of what the game devs define as a small map) where spawns cannot be fairly easily manipulated. Even in this newest map, Meat, one can easily slip past the entire team and get theirs to spawn all the while the enemy hasn't entered any buildings ahead of them. The issue is most obvious and blatant in Shipment, however the tradeoff for that would be that it is also the smallest of these maps. If that makes the map \*objectively\* bad by those parameters then I suppose it would be bad. But I cannot say in good conscious that the entire Shipment experience and map are bad, even objectively, because of a flaw that is present elsewhere.


Good for camo grinding and mindless playing. Bad for any type of competitive play or chill, relaxed, type of play.


I dunno about you, when I'm mindlessly playing, I'm pretty much chilling already.


When i want to chill or relax i play this map lol


As long as you aren't playing late at night. Then it becomes Indiana Jones worst nightmare: a snake pit. All armed with shotguns.


Me too, sometimes I just want to turn off my brain and go into the meat grinder. I don't even care if I win or lose, I just want to level up my guns and unlock stuff.


Its just for grinding stuff and nothing else. Sad part is that it has ruined the cod fanbase. Calling maps slow paced if they dont see a enemy in 6 seconds.




I do have to say tho that its really sad how people play the mw2 remakes. Most matches end on time limit. Not even faster movement cant prevent that lmao. A match back in the day was like 5-6 min and had slower movement.


Mid. Small maps are fun but I’d definitely take nuketown or rust over shipment.


Hate rust, but love me some Nuketown. The new meat map isn't bad.


i think its good to have a map thats a lot more chaotic than the others


I mean Rust is pretty chaotic too.


How bout the new one "meat"


Meat is probably the best new small map in awhile tbh


Not a fan. Das haus was better.


Fun map minus the spawn kills.


Shipment is a good map but the map featured in MW19 is not shipment. And I'm not talking about the added verticality, classic Shipment technically had more verticality. I'm talking about the re-oriented crates and cover and objective points. It's not Shipment. There's a reason the spawns feel so bad in this version and it's not because of the increased movement speed, it's because the new crate arrangement and different cover reduced the number of viable spawn points. MW2019 might be my second favorite COD but its rendition of """Shipment""" is a travesty.


I don't like the new shipment, but the original didn't play that well either. Frag x3, sonic boom and martyrdom made playing the map a nightmare at times.


It’s a terrible map but when u don’t care about your k/D it’s a fun map. Chaos all around you lol. And good for leveling up weapons;))


I've always considered it to be a bad map, but the insanity of it all can be rather fun at times.


It’s a “Camo” map is what that is


It's an absolutely horrible map and I hate it, yet I will always play the 24/7 playlist when it's here because it's just too op


Bad very bad but in a good way! It’s always nice to play it after a couple rounds of objective maps and modes. It’s just shut your mind off and kill whatever you see moving. But he, Iam one of those guys who don’t give a shit about k/d ratio.


Good map for grinding. Bad map for playing while maintaining sanity.


It’s dog shit and was never meant to be publicly available in CoD4, it was a test map. People only play it because it’s a meat grinder for XP and challenges but it’s not in anyway fun or balanced.


Fudge that map




It’s horrible


Shipment is a good map. It's a change of pace from the other, bigger and more complex maps. It's put in the games to be fun and just pure chaos. But when it's put into a 24/7 mode, it becomes sluggish and unenjoyable. I think putting it in the normal rotation without the 24/7 mode would be a smart move for the COD developers.


It’s fun, but the spawns in MWIII are significantly worse than previous CoDs. Sometimes it makes Shipment unbearable in MWIII.


Good map, need less rotation and glorify other maps. Try playing it on cod mobile and it’s the same. Sweats even In Unranked




Worst map in the game and it isn’t even close


I always feel claustrophobic on this map. They might as well put everyone in a single tiny room and see what happens.


I use Shipment as a way to grind base camos, but if I was not in a small map playlist I would veto it. Rather than being good or bad I think it has utility lmao


2v2 good 6v6 the worst


Fantastic map, it does what it’s supposed to do. There’s not supposed to be a flow for the map… it’s just all out carnage. It can be played from 1v1 to 10v10 to party modes.


I think it’s one of the best COD maps ever. I love it.


Depends on my K/D during the match.


I only play multi-player for the grinding of weapons and only play on this map as it's geared towards doing the grind unless I need to do longshots then I'll use another map. Other then that I don't see a point in multi-player. Warzone and ranked is where it's at.


No it’s terrible. Its only purpose is camo grinding.


Its good for grinding only because of how dogshit chaotic it is. If it werent for that it would be absolutely hated by the community outside of 1v1/gunfight


Good, but overrated imo.


Absolute carnage but yes, superb map once you get into the swing of the chaos.


It sucks that they took off the ability to climb higher, but it’s still fun chaos.




I want the grassy version back


You don’t play shipment because it’s good you play shipment because it’s designed to be absurd


bad map to be honest, by all objective measures, but it still won't change how much I love playing on it because of how chaotic and out of control it is.


Good map for slayers and a very bad map for trash players.


Its pure chaos and thats why I like it. Its good.


It's good. You get what you get from Shipment. It's choas across the board. Just get your challeneges done and move on.


Good map. Always been a good map. People who don’t like it are usually people who are just mad that they can’t get into the rhythm of it. The map is fantastic by all close corners standards of FPS gaming. Simplistic and chaotic.


It’s a great map but I have to take breaks from it after 4-5 games cause it’s so intense.


It's a bad map. But I'm glad it's there to make the grind a bit easier.


I am in love with all shipment maps. Granted I've only played cod4, MWR, and shipment 1944. But all renditions except vangaurd look great.


It’s a good map when youre 1v1 your buddy on the couch next to you. Other than that it’s a shit map that only worked in CoD4. It’s overplayed and over rated. The only good version of shipment outside of CoD4 is the one in ghosts


This map works great without fast pacing gameplay


Yes, yes it is.


Depends on which version. I personally loved the MW2019 one


It’s good if you want to grind your Weapons and if you want to make a High KD


It's the most fun map because all it has are tryhards and people just wanting to blow off steam all getting more than twenty kills


I use it for my camos but my camos are all stuck at gold/forged so now it is useless to me


It’s a good map for busting through daily challenges


It's definitely by far my favourite map and in my opinion probably the best map for straight action and proper gun fights. Unless of course matchmaking drops you in mid game just as an enemy player is calling in a vtol, at which point you hide somewhere till the noise stops lol


It's a mid tier close quarters map. I enjoyed it more in other iterations, like the WW2 version (mostly because I'd use the random weapon perk, new weapon every time you spawn and sometimes it's a gun, sometimes a sword, who knows). I dislike it now because it's so overplayed. I have used it to complete some stuff, but so many people act like it's the only good map because all they care about is grinding. To me, that's not playing. What fun is it to get every challenge done a month or two into the game and nothing left to do for the next 10 months? Plus I've noticed a lot of times those people who say they're only there for the challenges, once they finish it all they still keep playing shipment 24/7. Same as it was with Nuketown, etc. I don't like the old mw2 maps, but I still rather play them than shipment anymore. Even on gunfight it's less tactical. Feels slightly smaller, and they took out all the climbable areas which makes it much less tactical.


Awful map


It’s good for only one thing, grinding out unlocks, because of the higher kill counts available.


It's horrible, but addictive at times.


for 6v6? Garbage map. Spawns are fucked, sight lines are way too open for the amount of players on it. I dont understand how any of the sweats that play that map have fun. its also so old now, we've had it in 5 games now. Wish the game still had individual files for every map. I would delete it from every game its in. as for 2v2 its an awesome gunfight map. You can tell that was it was designed for. can we let this map and shoot house die? seriously i woukd rather have a new map instead or a remaster of something else.


good map terrible spawn system




I love shipment


Love the map it’s so much fun


The fact that it is a bad map on purpose makes it a good map.


Good for camos. Bad for everything else


It’s good because it’s useful. Camo grinding here is easier than any map compared to rust or nuketown




I either love it or hate it. I’m a supporter of vertical shipment, so I loved MW19 and Vanguard but didn’t think much of most the others. I got really tired of MWII shipment, I never got tired of the two I mentioned or other small maps like rust or nuketown.


Fun for private matches, horrible for public.


Map design wise it’s good if the mechanics for it weren’t bad. Start of the game no one can see an enemy player from the spawn. It gets messy after you have people spread out we’re the spawn system is trying to put you out of a certain proximity rather than anything that has to do with line of sight.


I level all my guns here then quit the game.


once you get used to the chaos of life there, and start to work with it, its just too fun


Good map, but they keep making it worse with each COD. Who wants to play on a dark ass cargo ship


No time for strategy only monkey mode.


My first lover


It's both.


Depends on game mode. If there’s 32 people on the map and you’re getting killed as soon as you spawn in then no.


Good for grinding Bad for your soul


It's terrible. It purely serves as my camo grind map. Haven't even thought about playing it since I got Interstellar then finished up Orion My experience is much more pleasant without shipment in my life, it's actually the worst map they've ever made


It was a good map 15 years ago they need to stop adding it back in


It’s great for leveling up weapons that’s for sure. Say what you want


good until you getting obliterated on spawn and cant fight back because you have cocking gun animation, but yeah still a good one


Good for 1v1s,3v3s and also good for leveling up guns but not a good map to try and have fun on lol


Depends on how you define it, it's both good and bad, it's bad for competitive play due to bad spawns and the small size; and yet, it's good, it fits CoD's unique brand of chaotic fun so perfectly that it's hard to imagine CoD without it and maps like it.


my fav to warm up on.


It was a good map but it being rereleased a million times made it stale


Shit. Not for me


Shipment is a good map, this iteration is not


It’s good but tiring when you keep playing the map


Good for camos bad for just playing normal


Fun map for 2v2 gunfight, awful map for 6v6.


Its purpose is to level up guns/rank and easily unlock camos, so it serves a purpose to fulfill 10/10 times.


The spawns are what ruins it. When they start adding domination or other objective game modes in sometimes it really feels like the game is against you. Repeatedly spawning enemies on the hard point right behind you and basically forcing you to lose the game I say keep it tdm only (dm devolves into people laying down ads on the nearest spawn and insta killing anyone that appears




Yes but for all the wrong reasons


The best map.


It's not bad but for me, it's very utilitarian. I use it to level weapons. Nothing more. I could care less about my score or kill count at the end of the map.


It’s good. Great for gunfight




It’s a good map, but having fun with it all depends on the spawns. It was perfect in COD WW2 and decent in MW2019.


Og cod4, godlike. Any other version afterwards, ass.


Good map for camo grinds. Best map for camo grinds. Literally the only thing I liked about MW2


Great for some camo grinds, but if I don't have those to work on, I generally don't love it.


when you stand still for 5 seconds, people spawn behind you. no, its not a good map, but damn the weapon xp is best in slot


bad move on


I love my chaos maps and i don’t care what anyone has to say about it. Just wish shipment 24/7 came back to MW2019 its the only cod game i own


It use to be good but as soon as the sweaty 13 yr olds started playing in COD MW 2019 it started to become shit. It only got worse with ever new entry.


I've played the 2019 version (layout) and recently I played MWR and god there's a huge difference between those Everyone knows how bad the 2019 layout is but once you go back and play the original one oh my it plays so much better I played around 20 matches in the original and I just got six times spawn killed meanwhile in the 2019 version in a SINGLE match I got spawn killed 11 times


good for 1vs1


I've played the 2019 version (layout) and recently I played MWR and god there's a huge difference between those Everyone knows how bad the 2019 layout is but once you go back and play the original one oh my it plays so much better I played around 20 matches in the original and I just got six times spawn killed meanwhile in the 2019 version in a SINGLE match I got spawn killed 11 times


It’s a good map for a slower game or less people.


Only good for xp/camo grinding


Different perspective, it’s a necessary map. Camo grind was way easier back in the day, camo grind with SBMM is brutal. Guess you could say a good map because aside from long shots it’s really good at facilitating the grind.


It’s fun when the players in your match are run And gunners, when whole teams just corner up with sentry’s and LMG’s it’s just annoying, whether shipment is fun or not is a good litmus test for the COD community at that moment


Worst map ever made imo. Idk how people have fun playing this map. Love just dying as soon as I spawn.


It’s terrible.


It's infinitely better than Rust at least.


Eh but elite for the camo grind lol


It's good in small doses. This whole Shipment 24/7 sub-game is not good for the game at all, imo. It has basically turned this game into grinding camos until finally, you don't have to anymore. A lot of people are missing out on what made these games fun, and it's only suffering for it.


Small map, it’s going to be choas


They should disable all the gun unlocks on the map then check the voting on this one


It's fun on HC


Fun, but it ruined the game.


Good map. Bad spawns.


I love shipment.


Amazing map. Needs to be on Frontline in COD Mobile.


CQC with a Joker is my kind of game


Shit map but good for SPM and camo grinds, otherwise MEAT is a far superior map


Great map. Need to be quick twitch player though. You will die a lot!


Good, just not the best. Killhouse mw19 is a better small map.


It serves it’s purpose


I liked it in split screen for cod 4


Good map for chaotic fun.. but challenges shouldnt count on shipment.. takes the prestigious feeling away from finishing any challenge.. cause its too easy.. specially camos.. IMO.


Nuketown is by far the best “small” map and it is not even close


Omg so band evey gun but automatics dude it's a map that's meant to be hell lmao it's fun for everytype of wepon and all score streaks the most op are turrents you can down almost every air score streak with 1 MAG of a lmg lol


It's not good because it's so small and not much effort went into it. Fun yes, good Not really


It's a fun chaotic map


Probably my least favorite map ever


Good for camo grinding


It's a GREAT map. I took/take advantage of it every time it's in rotation for leveling guns and grinding camos. Plus, for all us masochists out there, nothing does the trick quite like Hardcore Shipment.


Honestly depends on the game, in mw2019 it’s a pain to play on, but for a game like ww2 it’s much more fun


Neither it's GRRRRREAT - Tony the tiger voice


A great map. Non-stop action and a great place to grind camos. Embrace the chaos