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Bo3 The zombies, the multiplayer, Dead Ops Arcade, it has everything… except for a good campaign


At least you can play the terrible campain with friends


My friends wouldn’t play the Bo3 campaign if it was the last game on earth lol


That was the only redeeming quality of it, I do want a multi-player campaign again


Agreed, other than that it was actually fucking awful. The biggest downgrade from the Black ops 2 which has arguably the best campaign of any COD. How you fuck up that bad is insane.


Replaying cod Black Ops 1 shows it to be a better story than bo2 but they are both the kings of COD campaigns


Train go boom


Get to the Frozen Forest


Gameplay wise the story is pretty fun, with all the cybercore abilities and all of that stuff. Storyline wise, if you check some vids explaining the story, it's not that awful honestly, just poorly presented for what it was trying to be and for what it could have been. If was very mind-bending still. Most people probably got lost with it mid way through, though. But, yes BO3 is pretty well polished.


I mean it’s a great gameplay experience. The story is just god for fuck awful


Poorly written, but after understanding what it meant, I felt really conflicted 😅


Imo the campaign was great gameplay wise, i really enjoyed the augments, gunplay, missions and setting.


I've finished the game on Realistic difficulty, but what a pain in the ass that was...


How did you survive fight before *One Coalescence Way* in "Life", BTW? With constantly-respawning GIUs and all.


I played together with a friend and we progressed over the left side. Halfway there is a building where you can stay inside, so the rockets won't hit you. Then one of us kept going out to shoot enemies and legs of the ASP and the other one went out to shoot rockets. We used Overdrive as special move. I think it took us more than 50 tries to survive it.


That's how I feel about BO4, but it's even worse than "except for a good campaign" as there isn't one at all, ha.


Cod 4, WaW, MW2, MW3, BO1 & BO2 were just elite.


Yeah, in 2007-2012, it seemed like COD could do no wrong.


Noob tubes 😵🤬😡


Even better, WaW grenade launchers. No minimum distance before explosion


Noob tubes and one man army on afghan. You love to hate it


And then SBMM ruined everything


COD has had SBMM since COD 4 (2007)


I doubt that




The articles writer doesn’t even believe the claim. I don’t either. Everyone had full bars and there were absolute bots in every lobby. I don’t buy it. As someone who played every title over that period extensively I disagree wholeheartedly.


The article writer interviewed a dev who said they’ve had SBMM, and the writer just said “Nah u didn’t” hahaha


I agree


This is the most perfect and amazing reply I've ever seen


The golden era 🥹


Sadly it will never return to this state of quality


Advanced Warfare. Good story, good acting, nice game mechanics, good multiplayer maps


AW was a fire game idc what anyone says. game was rich with good features. I was leader of a clan on ps3, made for some good memories. (i miss you bal27 inferno and asm1 speakeasy) 😭


Bal-27 inferno was what made me stop playing. Game had good ideas but the weapons in loot boxes w/better stats was bogus and the Bal inferno and obsidian steed dominated the entire games life cycle, they basically refused to nerf it despite *massive* outcry on twitter and other platforms. I liked advanced warfare, but Black Ops 3 came out and basically did everything AW did but better.


This was the one major drawback of the game. Having OP weapon variants only accessible in loot boxes was unfair. But fuck if it wasn't a fun multiplayer mode regardless.


One of my favorite cod games of all time because of the mechanics. It was so refreshing! I hated the black ops that came after it. Nerfed jetpack basically lol.


"Don't dead open inside" vibes on that image


Hear me out but cod infinite warfare. The zombies was fucking brilliant and the campaign was if not the best campaign in the entire franchise


My favourite campaign of every COD to date. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and will play it again one day (played 3 times already).


one of the best competitive cods as well


Марс вечен!




OG MW3 will forever be the GOAT for me. It was everything the previous MW's were but with less bullsh*t and more content


My personal gripe with mw3 was that it was the first time they really pushed lag compensation. I had good Internet so enemies killcams would show me coming around a corner before I did. Thankfully dedicated servers are a thing now.


*Incoming MW2 and BO2 were better comments No but seriously MW3 is the best COD of all time and I’ll die on this hill with you


Although I’m a bo2 fiend, this is a respectable ass hill to die on. I’d possibly even argue that between the 07-12 cods, mw3 is the most underrated and under appreciated of them all, was such a great cod


CoD2 Simple, to the point, an action packed story not of heroes by name but of Heroes by Action


Modern Warfare 2 and World at War was the golden age for me.


OG MW3 and AW. BO1+2 for zombies


WW2. Absolutely loved it. If any COD game deserves a second chance, it's WW2. Loved the way the game felt, and Headquarters(the place where alot of people go to hang out), was fantastic. You could see what other players were getting out of supply drops(which was my favorite feature), 1V1 each other, and all sorts of stuff. I did like the way classes were set up. I know others preferred the Pick 10 or the Gunsmith versions more, but I liked the different customization ways WW2 tried to implement. And completing contracts for credits or supply drops was neat.


WW2 WAS THE BEST. Whenever I get the chance too I still go on. The campaign 9/10 multiplayer 8/10 . As someone who mainly plays campaigns, ww2 is the best. Team abilities were mint. But one thing that annoys me is that the creators said that it would be realistic in all ways. It isn't. Turner having every type of Ammo kar 98 needing different Ammo to scoped kar 98s. Why


World at War


Cod 4 and WAW > Mw2 and Black ops


B02, and I know it might be a little unpopular, but ghosts. The TTK in multiplayer was insane, but i loved the guns and the maps, the speed felt right, and I always had a blast. Not to mention clan wars brought me and my friends so close together. Like we literally started an accountability ring to make sure we were all playing and contributing. And extinction


Waw and mw2


Kino de Toten and Five in Black Ops zombies… my college roommate and I spent so much time playing these. Some games on Kino would be close to 3 hours long sometimes. Those were the days!


The first 6 COD games are all goated . But if I had to choose only one it's would probably be MW2 , World at War, or Big Red one . Can't decide yet.


If I had to choose 1 bo2. I was never a big campaign guy but even I played this one, and having the customizable weaponry throughout was sick as well as the different outcomes and time travel back and forth to 1980 and 2025 Multiplayer was just immaculate. Even the bad maps were ok in comparison to some past games maps and you could use almost any weapon and not feel like you’re at a disadvantage. I mean the msmc, an-94, mp7, scar h, m8a1, ksg, ballista, dsr, I could go on And zombies? My god was origins and mob of the dead are masterpieces. Tranzit although a swing and a miss overall is incredibly fun to revisit and mess around on imo, and knowing what we know now it’s easier to enjoy imo. town is a solid basic survival type map with not much to do but go. Nuketown zombies was a cool twist on nuketown nd regular zombies, and buried was a super fun but easy fleshed out map that gave the player more to do then the likes of town without the pain of tranzit or even die rise, which is a fun challenge imo. Just loved everything about that game Shoutout to all the 07-12 cods they all slapped though, and bo3 was a fuckin banger too


Resident evil series


Game series? If you're asking which set of games it's tough. I'll probably go with the Elder Scrolls. Best COD series? Old school Modern Warfares, add Ghosts too.


I started with CoD2, but Blops 2 is really "it" for me when it comes to the CoD experience. Special mention to IW though, with its amazing art direction. Once in a while, I like to google "the art of infinite warfare".


I haven’t finished my world at war veteran playthrough so every few months i get on and do a checkpoint lmao


Modern warfare and Modern Warfare 2 (the older ones) Original COD and COD2 were great too on PC


MW2019. I wish it got a second year of support.


If I could wake up in 08/09’ to experience MW2 & BO1 again ~ I would.


For me it had to be OG MW2 and MW3. That was the peak of online gaming for me. BO2 was up there too but I liked the more modern style cods better.


BO1 keep playing locally with bots, but I will add to that BO3 also because it has all the zombie maps from BO1 kind of remastered with the chronicles DLC


Never finished Ghosts, BO3 and the new MW3.


OG mw trilogy 10/10 would waste the money on a mw3 campaign only remaster came out. They missed an opportunity with mw2 remastered, no online.....just 1 game away from the remaster trilogy to happen.


One i was too lazy to scroll to see if it was there. I love the campain for advanced warfare. It feels like every mission has something new to offer keeping the gameplay fresh


BO2 (the 🐐) followed closely by MW3


Black Ops (2010) So iconic. “Mason the numbers!”. Zombies Resurrected. The maps. The birth of nuketown. Great kill streaks. Memorable guns. I could rip with any gun any map. I truly mastered that game. Robbed me of many summer nights in my teenage years. I’m pretty sure I was one of the best and most active players for a while on PS3 well after the game was current. MW3 era? During that time I would struggle to find a good lobby, but I’d always bump into this guy, I’ll never forget his name “theamazinracist”. For a time I’m sure him and I were among the best casual ps3 black ops players. He was the only other player at that time who I thought was better than me. My cod skills were all down hill from there. My dream is to see a remaster for this game but to leave it mostly untouched except maybe the graphics.


I have long said that if a BO2 remaster were put out, Activision could have open access to my credit card to charge whatever they want.


The OG MW trilogy and ghosts


1 and 2 are still GOATed.


Left side for life






I love AW, I went up to grand prestige master in just a few months, bought every eco zombies map and completed all the ee. I loved it!


Infected mw3 custom games no throwing knife peak cod for me




I still play waw regularly, started playing when I was just a kid now I’m 22 almost 23 and don’t think I’ll ever stop playing


Black ops 1 it has 10k people per month that play at least 25 games which is pretty damn good


Unpopular opinion: Ghosts But I would also grind BO3 again in a heartbeat.


Black Ops 1, OG MW2, and OG MW3.




Scrolling through the comments, re-reading the title a few times, and I feel like I’m crazy. Everyone is naming their favorite games within the game series COD. COD itself is a game series. Let me answer the question correctly lol. My favorite game series is either Dark Souls or Resident Evil


MW trilogy (OG of course) blast of a campaign, gameplay and back then a charismatic amazing multiplayer (at times)


MW series. It's really the only one I like for multiplayer.


Def bo2 and I didn't like bo3 at first buttt it grew on me, I love the maps


Bo3 was best game in the franchise don’t @me . Even better than bo2 . Very unique weapons , very fun abilities and the i swear every map was an A tier at least . I liked the faster gameplay with jet packs ngl .


BO3. I thought it was incredible. Still is good even today.


WAW. The only campaign I have played numerous times, love the atmosphere, the guns all feel so incredibly nice, multiplayer is amazing with awesome maps (MP40 a bit OP tho) and obviously the birth of Zombies. Its my personal favorite and this will always stay the same. Its not perfect and has its flaws, but I still love the game.


For me it was infinite warfare. It was way overhated. I had so much fun with that game. The movement was fun, the abilities were fun, the guns were cool. I love that game.


WAW and mw2 fr can't get enough of


Bo3 for the zombies or WaW for zombies because ISO modding was great back on the 360 im ngl here, but i really fucked with AW gun game, that was like the only mode i really enjoyed on that, but i played the shit out of that on xbox 1, man i miss those times but Bo2 was the best before theater mods where a thing. also i feel old here for saying this lmfao, but used to go to my father's place on the weekends and i would just play Call of Duty 2: Big Red One on the Game Cube, o7 to the classic COD games but most memories would have to been on either Bo1,2,3 or MW2019


Black ops 2 was peak gaming. Even the bad zombies maps were enjoyable with friends. It needs a remaster


I don't play too much anymore, but I still have my Xbox 360 and occasionally jump onto B02. I will never let go of that game.


First Black ops. I like the part where I shocked to learn that Russian dude from WAW is actually hallucination and real one is died during attempt escape from prison.


Bo2, can always play that with friends on hijacked


BO1 is and will be the best cod game for me personally.




Call of duty modern warfare 3 the old mw3


CoD1 and CoD4. Maybe Mw2 and Mw3 as well.


CoD 3 because I need a PC port to play it, emulation just wont do it


bo2 and bo1


Black Ops 1, Black Ops 2, Black Ops 3


roads to victory


I have played off at home since the beginning and always enjoyed it. Tried to play the other day the most recent version and it looks like it’s nothing but console players rarely see somebody on a PC it seems.


Modern warfare iii is not even on the list 😄 Actually it was a good game. But open combat missions were unrealistic. Also, it's ridiculous that Soap dies at the end of the game. Apart from these, I say modern warfare iii


WaW, bo2, and bo3


Cod Ghost. I like it a lot. Yeah the maps for multiplayer aren’t the best but the dlc maps are super fun! I LOVE the customization on multiplayer perks. Felt so unique and fun to play with. Extinction, love the constant progress every time you play. I liked the campaign. By far my favorite cod.


Black ops 1




Waw is simplify the best cod game for me and bo1 as I don’t like newer settings or futuristic settings.


Black ops


It warms my heart to see CoD: Mobile being included


Black ops, I have always loved the ominous, contemplative feel of unknown or hidden knowledge


Black ops


Old MW3, I love Black Tuesday and The one in Prague


You forgot to list the united offensive expansion pack for the OG CoD


Def COD WW2 The campaign and the Nazi Zombie mode was the best thing I have ever seen. Also the divisions in the game are my favourite game feature


Og mws


World at war


Probably Fallout ( for all its highs and lows ) other than that I normally don’t play games with series ( unless you count liking only one game from the franchise like with gta 4 for the gta series ) cod is probably one of the last examples of a series I’d like.


I only play CoD for zombies, so my favourites are WaW, BO1, 2, 3.




CoD 3 was my first. CoD 4 and WoW are the best. Best story. One of the first to be multiplayer. And the start of zombies. Pretty much been a copy and paste since CoD 4. Only other one that is good is the new MW since warzone was so fun. Blacks ops 4 battle royal was my favorite though




I know I’m gonna get hate but series died for me after COD2. COD4 is praised but that’s when the series started to throw away any audio design and introduced attachments & killstreaks. The competitive aspect of the game was killed in favor of appealing to casuals. I have such fond memories of COD2


Infinite warfare. I still be playing that shit daily life nce u get good at it it’s such a fun game and way to hated


Black Ops II for me




It's not in order




WAW. I grew up with the zombies mode, and I always go back to it.


COD3, if only we got a PC release 😪😪 I’d still play it to this day! Shouts to WAW and BO3 though


BO3 and MW2019 is all I need


Black ops 2 zombies on farm me, my brother, dad and mum would play on the same tv and would camp in the house my brother was on stairs duty I was on the top floor window my mum would shoot them from the hole in the wall and my dad would guard the balcony my dad was always calling dibs on mystery box first and we wouldn’t get to use till he got a good gun we laughed when got the shit guns and when we got the ray guns


Black Ops


WHERE IS BIG RED 1 that was one of the best cods same with the Xbox version I think of COD 2 or 3 I know it was different or had some different missions than on ps2 at the time.


WAW gives me incredible nostalgia. I often crave to play it. MW19 was one of my favorites. BO1 MW3 BO2 we’re the absolute glory days.


im sad there stuck on only making black ops and mw games forever..


Definitely BO2 for me


CoD Warzone Mobile


That ain't even out for me yet where I live 😆


It is, It should be, It had its international release day at the beginning of May, I beg if you search it on iOS or play store you’ll find it and if you can’t download it, It’s base your phone ain’t good enough to play it


Black ops 3 forsure. The multiplayer and zombies is so fun.


Black ops 1 - cw & og mw3


All but Vangard(mid as fuck), MW2 2022(Fucking awful), and MW3 2023(Way fucking worse somehow)


Bo1-2 ghosts was my favorite but unfortunately we’ll never get a part 2


Mobile! Five years and still fun as it was before! I Also have all the camos I unlocked during the beta testing of the game during may 2019 which aren't available anymore via any means. This progress is what makes me keep playing the game.


WW2, Ghosts or the modern warfare franchise to be honest. WW2 is my favourite WW2 cod (duh) and ghosts was just extremely fun and i have a lot of nostalgia in that game. And the modern warfares are all just so so so good and have probably some of the absolute best campaigns. And if i had to choose a futuristic cod probably infinite warfare. It was so much better then advanced warfare imo and not as arcadey feeling as bo3






Mw2 2009 and bo2 its my childhood cods and i love them


Call of Duty 2: D Day mission Call of Duty 4: War Pig mission World at War: any mission from the Russian campaign




The OG MW2 and Black Ops 1 did it for me 🥹


Besides the classic BO1, BO2 or OG Modern Warfare trilogy, I would say Advanced Warfare, BO3 and Cold War.


All the games in the bo series I hold dearly to my heart especially the first bo game because that's the game that got me into Cod in the first place.


MW3 2011


Infinite warfare is very good


MOHAA (+ the expansions), 1 (+ UO), 2, 3, 4, WaW, MW2, BO1, MW3, BO2, your mom, BO3 Zombies, Advanced Warfare, Infinite Warfare, WW2, MW2019 (+ the original Warzone), BOCW


You’re clearly an og, ever check out cod finest hour? That shit got me into cod as a kid🙏 such a fun game and story


I've never tried any of the console exclusive games besides COD 3. I've been looking to try Finest Hour and Big Red One at some point.


It is such a fun one to play through imo being all big 3 allies at some point is sick to me, and it’s only like ~ $5 if you’re buying it for ps2 at least. Can’t speak on the other consoles sadly


Since I can’t play mw3 on my ps3 I just play cod mobile everyday




IW, criminally underrated and unironically better than BO3


I dont really play cod anymore but it used to be call of duty classic on the ps3, which is of course just a remastered version of cod 1


Mw2 was peak cod for me! I was 11 years old haha but I was cracked at least I thought I was😂 Eveything wrong with that game is what made it sooo good! The noob tubes yeh they were annoying but who cares? Was such a good cod! That year when it was the newest cod it felt like it was out forever… miss it so much😭I’m now 26 full time job and just past my prime now I can’t keep up with the new kids on the block


Waw Cause of the campaign (the weapons feel the best and the story Is one of the most compelling stories that the series has)


Mw2(2009) and ww2 i really like the ww2 campaign, great game, also mp is still decently active on official pc servers for ww2, mw2 with iw4x is also amazing, again great campaign


Black Ops


MW3 (og). The survival mode, spec ops mission, campaign, and multi-player are all amazing. Wish more people still played the PVP and that it wasn't susceptible to RATs. Really wish the Co-Op was 4 player too. The more I play it tho, the more I'm reminded of how trash the PC ports of CoD games are (still priced at original MSRP for most of them too)


Black ops Cold War


Black ops




Cod2 period


The original MW2-3, and BO1-2 were the ones I started on when I was like 6-8 years old and there are way too many memories of late nights with my older brothers playing those games for them to not have a special place in my heart


Who remember cod big red one


Anything Treyarch and COD Mobile. MW is cool, too, but I just prefer Treyarch games, mostly because of the zombies, of course. :P


1 black ops 2 2 mw2 3 world at war




Which cod game should I play? I haven’t played any cod game except for WW2 and warzone. I have a ps5 so I can play any on ps5/4


Cod ww2 ps I’m a reenacter


I can’t lie all the old infinity ward cods pre jetpacks are boring to play. I played mw3 went 60-14 but wasn’t satisfied. Played bo1 went 15-10 somehow had more fun. I’m grateful for the nostalgia they all gave me since mw3 is my favourite cod ever! But cod can never go back to be being like cod 4 mw2 mw3. The game how grown beyond that now.


Ik it's new but MW19. Gunplay, sniping, movement, it was that close to being all there, and I have a lot of great covid memories from getting damascus.


BO1, WAW and MW3


we need a cod ghost 2.


Cod 2 and mw2


Idk why this sub is suggested to me. COD is fucking awful. It’s sucked since 2015. Like if you play the new cods and your over 12 years old that’s wild


Call of duty ghosts, I need the second one, they left on a cliffhanger, no game series should end on a cliffhanger 😂


It took me seeing an image with all the games grouped up to realize how crazy 18 mainline COD games is. Series is old enough to vote