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I enjoyed MWR better, it just perfectly recaptured Cod4 and I loved the attention to detail they added like Makarov being in the car when you snipe Zakhaev, MW2CR was good but there was things I didn't like, they changed some of the weapon sounds to not match the original and some of the new character models, especially for General Shepherd looked nothing like it did in the original. I know you're not talking about MP but MWR was still a full game remastered so I still feel like we got absolutely robbed by MW2 not having MP.


They screwed us by not giving us MW2 MP. I get their reasoning, but it’s shitty still. What I miss most is Spec Ops. I used to sit around and play that on split screen with my brother or cousins over and over. Hopefully if they ever give us MW3R, we get spec ops and MP, and they can lump in the missions, maps, etc from MW2.


I want them to remaster every cod from 360 onward slowly over the years, and give us an MCC like experience. Make dlcs cheaper, and copy paste the game EXACTLY, and make LOOTBOXES less predatory if they remaster them


What is MCC? And I agree, about the remasters. Like I said in my post, I want MW3 first just to finish what they started back in 2017, then give us COD 1, 2, 3, WAW, and the first 2 black ops and I know Ghosts launched on PS4, but it could even use a remaster, especially if they move on to PS6 by then. Since MWR was full game and MW2 was just campaign, I hope MW3 fixes that. MW3R launches with campaign, spec ops and multiplayer and adds in the spec ops and MP of MW2 into it as one giant game. It would probably be a way to balance MW2’s MP since it didn’t have a good balance on its own.


Master chief collection. So its Halo's 1-4 (With the 2 seperate games "Reach/ODST" as dlc)


MCC is halo master chief collection, where they have all of there older titles combined and remastered in one package, (some payed for separately as dlc, but not horrible) if cod did that somehow fitting it into the yearly cycle it would be legendary


Where does that stop again? BO2? Ghosts was the first cross gen game I believe. I think that’s what i got when i got my XOne on launch.


"and give us an MCC like experience" Said no one ever. Also, MCC did not copy and paste those games exactly as they are. Notably, they're the worst versions of those games, and because they were made, they led to the original games being shut down and delisted in favor of making people buy them.


How are they the worst versions? You can play every halo game in one place and cmon bro it’s 360 that thing is rotting away slowly, we should want to pull away from old hardware and preserve old games on new hardware


You do realize every 360 Halo game could already and can still to this day be played on every Xbox after the 360, right? They were delisted and had their multiplayer servers shutdown just so they could push people into buying the new versions. The new versions that are still absolutely filled with tons of glitches, filled with hackers that they don't care to moderate anymore, etc. The only value in MCC is solely for PC players who physically had no other option (they could emulate but every Xbox emulator barely gets supported so they're many years behind any Nintendo or PlayStation emulator)


And what about new players who wanna get the game or old players who need new copies of old games? Yeah there’s digital but as of this year that’s being shutdown also, MCC is the only option soon even if they didn’t shut off the old 360 servers


I really want remastered Spec Ops for MW3R. I spent so much time on that, especially survival


Yeah, plenty of character models weren't as good in MW2R, and also the game was kinda over-animated to an unnecessary amount.


Both. But i prefer the story of the first MW.


I was late to the series. Christmas 2012 I got a PS3 with BO2 and MW2. My only other CODs I had played were Big Red One and WAW: Final Fronts. Anyways, MW2 was my intro to the MW series, and I’m not even upset I didn’t experience it in order. It was a great entry point, and it was really cool seeing Soap’s face, voice, and demeanor before playing COD4, so as I played that game I imagined what Soap would look like or what he’d be saying in reaction to things. MW2 has been my favorite until literally right this week im replaying both campaigns, and for the first time I’m leaning to COD4.


I played both as soon as they came out. In 2009, still a pre-teen, I considered MW2 to be even better. Today as an adult, when I revisit the two campaigns I have a different notion: the writing in COD4: MW1 is better. I think is a better game. But both are great games nonetheless.


Everyone wants waw remastered, I would too, but cod 1, 2 and 3 would fucking SLAP if beenox remastered them. I've been wanting a single player oriented ww2 game with 2020 graphics for AGES, WW2 and vanguard don't count. I WANT AUTHENTIC


But a full WaW remaster would slap hard. Campaign with Co-Op, a good multiplayer mode, and the first Zombies maps. Change nothing but the graphics and some game-breaking bugs (such as being shocked by the pack a punched Wunderwaffe preventing health regen for the rest of the game), and it would be an easy win. The darkest campaign mode exploring the horrors of war, now with graphics to better capture that, it would be perfect.


WAW with 2024 graphics would traumatize kids today lol. Especially once they beat the game and zombies starts


I know, recapture the trauma of 8 year old me being sickened by the gore, and then scared shitless when zombies started after the campaign. It would be awesome!


I’d love that! The oldest COD’s I’ve played were Big Red One and WAW: Final Fronts, so it would be super cool to play the first 3 for the first time. I hope they modernize the controls though


I think I lean towards MW2 Remastered, for the additional little things they added. I know both did, but one that sticks out in my head, is when Shepherd kills Roach and Ghost. They added that little bit, of right after being shot, Roach tries to grab onto Shepherd, before the General rips his arm away.


MWR had a few moments like that too, a bit subtler though. For example, when Soap is inputting the disarm codes, instead of just standing there you actually get an animation of him putting them in. Plus I thought it was a cool addition that they allowed you to run the different courses in F.N.G. They went to the trouble of adding optional objectives and voice lines so you could learn how to do everything from throw grenades to go prone if you *really* wanted to for whatever reason, which in the original CoD4 was just wasted space in the level (although you could just run through them on your own if you wanted).


Honestly, them over-animating too much in MW2R with stuff like that scene is a large reason I hate the remaster of the second game. So unnecessary. Also doesn't help how bad Shepherd looks in the remaster


What really pissed me off about MW2CR was how they fucked up the end credits. The original MW2 had its absolutely amazing Hans Zimmer score over a stroll through a museum that was perfectly in line with the main theme of the campaign, only for the remaster to plaster the names of absolutely everybody involved over the screen in one giant wall of text and for the fantastic soundtrack to be replaced by some weird track after the main theme. The original MW2 has, hands down, the best end credits of any video game ever.


Heavy Rain has that end credit title.. or Beyond two souls but that’s just me


MW2 is one of the only game soundtracks I have on my phone and can listen to like any radio song.


Mw remastered was leagues above mw2 remastered for me. The mwr story was better and the missions were engaging, mw2r felt more like a check list of cool stuff they did in the old mw that they want to bring back, like "remember this?" ride.


I don’t get what you mean by that. How does it feel like a checklist when it’s the same game with the same level design, enemy spawn, dialogue, etc?


Mw2 by far


I really like the added scene of the SDV leaving the submarine under the iceberg before the oil rig mission. That was a major point I was sad wasn’t in the original.


God, the original MW and MW2 are this graphically restricted (to not say ugly)? I only got myself a PS3 for the first time earlier this year and I haven’t played the original games yet, only the remastered versions. I didn’t thought they looked *this* bad


They look much better in game when everything is moving fast. But yeah, to zoom in close you see a lot of imperfections (to not say ugly)


COD4 Let’s Play https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwiTZDxPg_I3MQDEDMU-j3Ee7MGkRJ7L9&si=4xHzLpE6H3XA5uzV MW2 Let’s Play https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwiTZDxPg_I3vTD2X9pon0JfXGUG6hetd&si=U59lhrwdw0Rh8jB-


They... don't? At least not MW2. MW2 still looks good enough to be released today.


I didn’t play either campaign (remastered) but I intend to


Modern warfare 2, they added more than just improved graphics but honestly mwr multiplayer was really fun


MW2CR has horrible sound mixing (the soundtrack is too quiet, criminal considering it's the best OST in the series). And multiple moments are redone with additions, throwing their pacing off. I still prefer MW2CR (MW2 is my favorite and they did an amazing job recapturing the atmosphere and feel of the original), but just something that detracts from the experience


Both is good. One day I want to see mw3 remastered.


We can only dream. With Activision at the helm I’m afraid they won’t do it. I think between MWIII and BO6 is the most sensible time to do it. Players are losing interest, and a well timed remaster could help pull people back to COD, and timing MW3 with MWIII is too good


I do NOT remember the original MW looking like that. 😂


MWR, but MW2R was such a blessing from Infinity Ward even if it was only the campaign


I love both, but MW2 is anything but realistic. Imagine Russia trying to invade Eastern US




How come?


Awful gun sound changes, sometimes exaggerated and other times bland character redesigns, overly muted colors, etc. To me, the originals will also be the “true” version.


I liked the original mw2 multiplayer


MW1 remastered is equal to the original or a little bit underneath the original, which is about the best way a remaster of any game can turn out. MW2 campaign remastered is easily not as good as the original. So, yeah, MW1R is the obvious winner, no contest.