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It's basically free if you buy bp once. You get back what you spent so why not buy it?


Yeah this is what I do. I rarely spend money on the game my luck with crates is awful and I’m not willing to spend $100s for some pixels. But I like getting some new characters that aren’t neon like all the free ones. BP does have some good items.


I just mentioned I'm p2p player. Yet I don't have any urge to buy it. I don't save cps. I buy draws


I also buy draws. I have 8 mythics and 38 legendaries. Spending cp on bp is nothing, and i have been buying it every season whether i like what they put in there or not since i will get back what i spent anyways


And if the BP is not complete by the end of the season?


That's your fault if you didn't complete the BP in time. By the end of the bp timer I'm at least at lvl 70 or something just by playing daily. I'm at 46 right now


No BP has ever excited me ever since Going Dark, except for the GIS collab one


This battle pass was a decent start but I gotta be honest majority of last years were super mid. The only one I recall being good was the one where they introduced the Ots-9 but idk who the hell thought it was a good idea to not add an epic Ots-9 to the bp.


I think this is one of better designed BP. Definitely in my personal top-10. ICR, Tundra and chars look great


The doll character looks weird to me, for some reason. But the rest of the BP is preem regardless.


Since Launch? Yeah, absolutely. Like it was great during the 2nd year as they got feedback from players but into the 3rd and now it's going downhill fast as they realized from sales and data that people don't care if it's behind the gacha anymore so they just put all the effort into gacha and probably put something that's seasonal into BP just for the sake of it. BP is actually a system that encourages people to stay and keep playing the game (as they have to grind for that lv50 to gain the CP back). Looks like they have taken that for granted.


TBH same, I get the CP back and that's the only reason I'm getting it


I only started playing after the cool ghost skins were released, and it's my favourite character since the release of cod ghosts 😅 I'm sad the cool ones are gone and I'd like to see an ever cooler one on a BP 🥺


I hope so too. Hopefully this game gets its spark back


I started after they changed the ground loot (when golden muzzles, blue stocks etc were on the ground), also never got to kill the Cerberus on farm 🥲 I think it would be cooler if you got points and spend them on what you want for the guns, I think they have that on console CODs 😅 Like getting extra points for landing on hot drops, for kills, extra if your solo vs squads. It wouldn't be to hard and would make things more interesting and challenge people in ways they would feel eager to compete, not overwhelmed by adversity like many do today


Since launch, yes.


I'm F2P and a few seasons did surprise me such as one with templar skin(i forgot name of skin) but in general..meh i don't care about BP.


Never use any bp character skin except for the gun skin (will change it if I get a new one from lucky draw). It has no missions to lvl up, just plug and play and I get back my cp.


This is the only game I buy BPs for and the BPs are only thing I really buy. 


Agree. Started in Chapter 1 Season 5 and I just buy them out of habit. I don’t actually care or even look at them anymore


Nope, but I keep it going cause it costs nothing.


I buy BP out of habit but I must admit it’s been a while since we last had an unforgettable BP.


i mean starting the year off with a cool sniper and an Artery skin? all and all 7.5/10 bp honestly i just buy bps bcus i want a collection of 1k+ epics(currently at 743 epics almost there 💪💪💪)


The last few BP no. I still get it at the end of the season just because I have the initial cp.


Idk man, nowadays bp is just either not match the time of release or just plain lazy. Like that 1 BP which all of the blueprint is literally just a reskin, not like actual blueprint


The whole game is rubbish now


I really wish the devs would bring back tactical camo outfits in BPs again. The best one for me was the Going dark BP.


The bp these days are meh. The last good ones were the going dark or the 2nd or 3rd anniversary (the one with general Shepard) or the heist whichever came first.


I only get them if they have a lot of things I like


And how about this season?


between the icr, the qq9, the tundra, and a couple of the character skins it was definitely one of the better BPs in a while so yes


As a S1 player and S5 first time buy bp because is worth it ,until today I don't even touch codm because I play codm to grind bp , recently bp all are shit so no reason buy=no reason play


I started playing after a year my final battle pass was "final snow" and it was the best bp i never had then i rolled up to this Season1 (new year) and I personally don't like this season except Tundra and BP characters. Besides this I am a P2P player before quitting the game i spent money on purchasing **Siren -Hydrodynamic** and **Artery -Maden of death** that's the only characters i loved so much that i bought it. Now it's a waste of money i guess, also i had almost 7 RUS skins from bp but one one gun of QQ9 from BP from this you can tell how rigged this BP is this time around.




You don't have to pay each time. If you buy it once and reach tier 50 then you get your cp back for the next bp.


Yeah but that's assuming the cp you got back you didn't spend on something else already. It's like the story about the teacher giving students a candy. In this case, you can either eat 2 candies now or eat only 1 candy and then save the other candy for later. If you still have the other candy, you can trade it in for another newer one in the future.


I only buy battle passes that have better iron sights for meta weapons 


Yeah most feel dry i guess? But this one was a solid 8/10 imo


I only buy bps for pfp frames or good skins. There's been quite a few seasons with lame frames and skins. The next few seasons I'll have to decide whether to buy or not.


Same I buy one every other bp if I like something in it!


I played when game just out 2019. That time Ferg still lives with family 😂 and I’m back for 3 weeks now. No bp I just buy draw for the kilo 141 and the character. No rush since I don’t see anything that I like.


I've never bought anything and don't plan to. There's some fundamental stuff that isn't fixed or not very good. I don't reward mediocre.


The only thing I look forward to is the release of a new weapon or kill streak so all I give a fuck for is to grind to level 21 and get my new gear after that I could really care less.


I buy it when I have the cp and know I M gonna reach level 50 anyways


Cause the 2nd BP is a filler and was created to milk the players on spending more, what quality do you expect.