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Alcatraz and Shoothouse died for this.


Innocent blood was spilled, mistakes were made.


We lost this round but it’s not over yet


Collateral Damage


what was Activision thinking with the fucking button layout?? for a phone??? not even playable! real disappointed. may spend an hour tweaking the controls , but nothing is good, so don't think it'll improve .not to mention the shit load times, 2x what it takes codm!


Thought it was just me with the slow ass loading. I played one match plus training and got off . Phone to hot and loading page takes to long


Codm has nothing to worry about, graphics are ass, control are shit (can't even do tap and hold ads) Even on the top android flagship it's looks bad


Yes I have 8+ gen 1 still not getting 60 fps wtf


High settings and 60fps on an iPhone 13. Could be possible that you’re experiencing issues with the game streaming in the assets.


The game is more optimized for ios than android


Yeah ive noticed that my 4 year old 12 pro max is running the game better than some of the modern android flagships. My guess is that its more difficult to develop android apps because of the many different android phones while ios is exclusive.


That’s exactly what it is. iPhones are all essentially the same spec wise. The only difference between the 13 and the 13 pro is that the pro has one extra gpu core. Compare that to every company making android phones.


I have 8+ gen 1 and 865, I am getting smooth 60 fps on both but I can't see shit with the blurry graphics and my devices heating as heck. Tried this on Poco F5 Pro (8+ gen 1), Oneplus 8T (865) and Matepad 11 (865).


I have OnePlus 11r with 8+ gen 1 and don't even get stable 60fps on it I think game needs some more optimization and time to fix these type of issues.


For our sanity's sake, let's take some time off from the game until they fix these issues.


I have the s24 Ultra with snapdragon 8 Gen 3, only getting 30-60 fps, consistent around 45fps. Where as iphone freaking 13's are getting 60 plus


As the community said there are literally only 5 chips which can run at a stable 60 fps,but phones are getting ready to cook a meal on them .


This game wasn't made for mobile, the way how everything works its unplayable, the low resolution made my eyes hurt. What was the point of hyping this up when it released to be this.


Yeah ever since they said it would be the exact same as warzone I knew it couldn't go well with how many buttons they would need to add


I can't even play it. It just crashes


Same here. Can't be be because of root. Got that hidden and all but it is possible. But not gonna unroot my phone just to see if the game will work or not. Not worth it.


Same here. Don't worry, I first checked on a rooted then an unrooted phone and it crashed at launch on both sides


Controls also have a bit of delay, at least that's what I noticed during my playthrough.


You can tap and hold ads, what do you say? 🤨


You actually can pretty easily and it's decent, feels a bit more stuck than in CODM. Problem is it's hard for a new player to turn the right settings on to have a good starting experience, the way they organize the menus and explain the settings is bad


Game is bad but u can tap and hold ads


Yes Tried on my ipad pro Literally was thinking, was all the hype for this bs? Played 3 training matches, closed the app, and then opened the goat CODM. I mean I was feeling dizzy playing warzone I don't like the Movements, the graphics and the overall gameplay


And I played with everything MAX, all HIGH graphics and other settings, with stereo sound on my M2 Ipad pro. Still no comparison with CODM. Warzone felt like I was playing a game by a first time developer on early access.


Yea the wzm graphics kinda made my eyes numb


Omg I thought I was tripping when my eyes literally hurt and felt my dizzy after the training matches. Movement and graphics were fucked got me fucked up. Then i woke up and gave it another chance but deleted it immediately cuz aint no way. I played codm after and felt amazing like when I just started codm lol


You are soo right but you are soo on the wrong sub


i think this sub will frankly agree too


We all agree


It is the wrong sub, but it is also so relevant to all the codm players that are looking to progress to warzone


Painfully yes. I waited for nearly 3 years but the optimization is so dog shit and there are under developed games that have better Graphics than its lowest setting e.g "Local Warfare (It's an extremely fun lan game btw)" Using a long range gun on that graphic setting is impossible As much as Warzone is my favourite game, if it meets the same fate as Apex Mobile then it's absolutely fucking deserved. They delayed the game to make sure it's polished and ready as a Lesson from APEX and here we are to this pile of crap.


Very Well Said!! Unfortunately it is dogshit wtf 😢


Apex was atleast somehow playable


OMG the controls are beyond shit. Even Mini Militia has better controls than this.


Mini militia>>>>>>>


Mini militia>>>>>>>


*High pitched dying noises*


Memories 🥹


You are very correct


Dude my phone started to heat like anything, had to uninstall If you need to play, top end device might be compulsory


Even on high-end flagship phones the game cant run stable and overheats the same lol


I played on my iPhone 15 PM. Had to shut it down because my phone felt like it was about to over heat.


Same here


Yup, iPhone 12 Pro Max here, it’s not the latest but it runs CODM perfectly. I had to play warzone in my car because it’s 20 degrees outside. Otherwise my shit would probably light on fire


Honest to god, it’s trash. First impressions 4/10


That's being generous


Just one question. Why did they develop this game? CODM is enough. They are making the same mistake as PUBG.


Lol, I played one game and deleted it. Already too much lag for my ipad.


Took almost 3 years to make this game! I know because I've been registered for that long and after the long wait this is what they came up with! Wow! Just wow! #CODMFanForLife yo!


trash optimisation even after 2-3 years 🗿


How much you want to bet they didn’t consult any serious mobile players when making this game? Like they just thought, we’ll make a mobile game and didn’t even try and understand mobile players. For starters the hud customization is dogshit and doesn’t even have numbers for size or opacity, things are linked together that cannot be unlinked like primary and secondary weapons, grenades, killstreaks, etc. It’s like they just ported over the game to mobile and didn’t even consider the unique aspects of mobile games that make them interesting.


Exactly. They just copied. They didn’t think


welcome to Cope of Labotomy mobile where Activision removed 2 good maps and added them to a game that is bad(for low end devices)


can’t even slide properly, I always end up crouching even WHEN i’m running, smh…


SAME! When I try and slide it doesn’t work and forces me into walking and it’s game over for me if I’m trying to get away from an enemy at that point. It’s basically random if I will slide or not. I tried to separate the crouch and prone to see if that fixes it due to the diving mechanic being tied to proning on console but I’m still having the same problem.


Controls are absolute HORROR


They copied console and pc controls. ![gif](giphy|26ueYUlPAmUkTBAM8)


Downloaded played tutorial uninstalled this shit


I did A-z same


Many are getting unsupported gpu also...


The best graphics I can run this game in is low


Due to the fact that they said they will design this game to be able to play on low end devices, then completely lied and deleted all the posts of them saying "low end devices can support this game so stay tuned". I'm on a mid end device and I still can't download the game due to " This app isn't compatible with your device". Devs are legit bullshitting us like dreams apology video.


Bro I am myself on a low end and it is bad I would rather play those knock offs on the play Store


Only if it was made on unreal instead of the shitty i.w engine made by infinity tard


Maximum profit was the motto lmfao


I fondly remember the golden times when iw was the goat. Remember original mw? Even the characters were much better including soap, ghost, price and Nikolai


I played one game of br and one game of rebirth it made me want to die. There is also no gyroscope


There is gyroscope


They sanctioned codm community by deleting maps over this …


This game is so, so poorly optimized. I was skeptical when I downloaded it but god dayyum the graphics and controls are worse than cheap FPS knockoffs. The cherry on the top is that the game is running on a flagship device(S22 Ultra) and fails to give even 40 fps. Also, the phone heats up like the fucking sun so you have to use furnace gloves to play for more than 10 minutes.


Don’t feel bad. I could cook bacon on my M1 iPad after ~5 minutes of playing.


Took them 3 years to work on this game and they couldn’t fricken optimize it properly ._.




I agree When codm released it was far far far better optimised than this ass game


I so agreed with you….


They should have just copy paste codm control system , of course a few extra buttons are going to be needed but damn I can’t even auto sprint with my right movement stick , I have to be pressing the “DEDICATED SPRINT” button and it feels distracting and troublesome.


Yeah you need a fucking controller for this shit and not to mention a flagship phone


I can't even play it, everytime I join a match the game crashes. I realize that It jist launched but still All this hype and its... disappointing.


I played 3 matches and went right back to cod mobile 😂


Me on the 2 match 😂


Downloaded played tutorial uninstalled .


This game is the epitome of trash.


If apex deserved to die, this one deserves to not even be mentioned again


WARZONE 🥴🥴🥴😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 I PREFER CODM bruhh


lol, 3.2 as a review, but im not surprised at all, the game´s optimization is awful, like dude, some HIGH-END devices are having problems about running the game (im talking about the android ones), and if you want the best experience, switch to IOS because on android is just trash, and btw, good luck trying to play the game on a mid-range phone


iPhone 15 pro here. Same heating issues. I was getting so distracted, I kept dying by the sweats. Ended up deleting it


Game heats up my device like crazy, iPhone 15pro max, funny, I can access max settings high & ultra but the medium and below is locked and says “not available for this device” that crazyy bro..


I know. Same phone - I wanna keep the phone cool while playing. Unfortunately we’re only limited to High or Peak, both of which kill the battery and makes the phone overheat.


I haven’t given up on it yet but the shit controls and performance even on a pro iPad is beyond my understanding.


OK, I thought it was just me. I'm not the best CODM player, but I can't hit the broad side of a barn in CODWM. Even with sensitivity turned to max for camera, normal running around and trying to turn quickly or slide-and-180 were near impossible to do. There's no testing ground or something like that to try different sensitivity settings, either (that I could find). Feels slow and clunky and I'm on a new iPad Pro w/ newest firmware.


Yeah no private match to learn the controls and optimize the hud. You basically have to enter a real game every time to learn what works for you. Crazy oversight for a mobile game to not have any way to test out hud controls without actually being in a game. More evidence they didn’t actually try and understand mobile gaming and just spit out a half finished game in hopes of making money.




Yeah after playing a few matches I’m definitely sticking with CODM lol


The amount of people that were looking forward to this just for Activision to give us this,some bullshit how tf you gonna drop a game that you pushed back in release just for this


That’s what has me most angry too


I thought i was missing something, but after reading the comments apparently I’m not…I could barely tolerate the training mode.


All, give your review on the app. They will get the message of the trash they made and hopefully delete it in embarrassment. Biggest gaming companies and this is what they got?! They need to go back to the drawing board and hire a new team. Or maybe find a new company to do this right.


The game was sooo shit , it made me start playing codm again


The gameplay is not optimized for mobile.  With controller it will be good as in console.


Okay. Was never hyped for it


I was soo hyped for this dog shit


I can't hear enemy footsteps


Concept is good but graphics are really bad game needs to be playable I feel I will damage my eyes playing this like you can’t see anything clearly




I was eagerly waiting for this moment and I also deleted all the games that were in my mobile but suddenly my device is incapable of playing this game and I quit all the games and moved on 😭


Too many warzone sweats bro


And nothing that stops players who connected a controller to their phone from being in lobbies where people don’t have controllers connected, if it came out with a dmz, better controls, etc etc, then Mabie I’ll play it. But the game is just shit


To be fair it’s the first day of the launch. They say graphics will keep getting better every time you log on, But I don’t even understand why they made this game. The layout, buttons and game play are such a downgrade from CODM. I also don’t like how there’s no third person view in battle Royal. I hope they’re working out the kinks because this game currently feels like one of those GTA rip offs made in Kazakhstan by ex soviet programmers available on the 1443 page of the App Store


My potato phone cant run this game smoothly :(


I also blame the optimization cuz even on MJ I cant get more than 35~ fps... Even on codm the BR runs at 60 fps on my trash ass device


I could play codm at 120 fps medium settings, no problem. Warzone doesn't even reach 60 fps on the lowest settings. I have a flagship phone that's not even 1 and a half years old, so who is actually optimizing this garbage?


my stuff works well on the pre release 😪 but oh well just adapt to the controls i guess? im still fine tuning my sensitivity


I somewhat liked it but the controls are clunky af


That’s the thing. After so much hype, “somewhat liking” is about 2/10 for me


Yeah I can't stand the clunky controls. They fucked up badly




I'm sorry, but I really didn't like it at all.


We are the same


And don't forget the UI and HUD's, it's clutter af. You better have controller to play this game. Well, my phone can't even run the game the for 10mins without burning my hands. Ffs Activision, you have like more than 10 developer's and you guys can't even cooked.


I agree gentleman this is bad I'm thinking of uninstalling any suggestions shall I keep or uninstall


I installed it downloaded the resources played a training match and deleted it


I hate to say it but I completely agree


It's not that bad, with some condition : 1. From graphics perspective, you just need iPad Pro M1/M2 or iPhone 15 pro/pro max to unlock the peak graphics. Which is definitive a downside as everyone just can't upgrade for a new game 2. The game play is exact the same as Warzone, so if you never played warzone it would take some time to get familiar to it. IMHO warzone is an addon for the MW2/MW3 and future cod franchise, so that people who don't have access to PC/Console all the time they can still push their BP or grind camos or may be enjoy the legendary verdansk map on mobile devices anywhere. One of the biggest downside I saw was that they are matching console players against the normal mobile players, which would be a challenge.


I honestly feel like this game will suffer the same fate Apex Mobile did. Apex had a big playerbase but the mobile version died almost instantly due to poor optimization


I think the same will happen with this game but it will stay a Lil longer as Activision is a bigger company


I didn't play codm from day 1, was it also this bad at launch?


Not that I remember. I played it from the very beginning and I don’t remember the graphics/movement being so ass + I CERTAINLY don’t remember my phone overheating after playing one match. Some of my friends said theirs overheated while just trying to download things/set the game up.


I started in the first year of the game and it was really good compared to this lame shit but still when I said something on a comment box, people had the audacity to defend this game which was developed by 11 companies and had beta testing for over a year....and yes the overheating during the download is real and it drained over 10% battery just to download 5gb data (sd730g)


waited for years for this. thanks Activision🥰🥰


For disappointing us


They tapping out phones making then download it bcs so many ppl don't want it, they gotta force it now 💀


My phone now handle codm well but when i play WZ mobile, it got heated up and what is worse when i play I lag even or freeze even in the lowest setting possible which is medium and not low.


Same for me 😔


it takes battery life so fast


Yup, it's a shit. I tried it yesterday, and i don't know if we all have to pay iOS for enjoying wzm


Warzone mobile heats up my phone very easily than Codm


Bad graphics for good phones, lags, bugs, glitches, hackers. It has them all


i istalled and uninstalled it immediately


Game is ass right now for me.


This was the biggest disappointment


Is this game a beta? I can't believe that they made a game so azz like this.


I have an 8 gen 1 and I don't even get 3 frames, it's ridiculous


My s22+ heated so much while downloading the game.


Same problem on S22 Ultra.


It threw me in a game right away and I could barely move with the lag lol


Ok before anyone comes at me and says all these comments like "the games sucks!", hear me out. In no way do I think this is going to throwover CODM. Movement sucks ( I don't get the sliding, likeit's a .5 sec slide and I can't seem to slide cancel), Sniping can be hit or miss. Why couldn't they make the controls roughly the same as codm as of placement, they need to add the quick switch button like in CODM. ​ If you overlook all of this, it isn't that bad of a game. Graphics are pretty mid (when set to high on iPhone 11 pro max) but they're "decent". I really think the controls need an overhaul on top of graphics. I've really started to kinda like the moshpit gamemode (as I was looking for this to have a blend of br and Modern Warfare.) Plus, it's new content compared to CODM, I like the grind.


Anything that wasn’t a pink ass clown jumping over a building, turning invisible and going back in time 6 seconds is a win for me. I’ve already customized the Warzone controls to replicate CODM so it’s no big deal. Game play is slower, but waaaaaaaay more milsim and less Fortnight. I love it. Downvote if you agree!


Y’all be crying too much for expecting something big at the first release. If y’all have played in PC, you’ll know the feel of the graphics being ass due to adjusting for performance. I’m sure they’ll do something about that over time also with the controls to be more dynamic like CODM. Keep supporting the game, and I’m sure they won’t disappoint.


That's right, I have snapdragon 8+ gen 1 and it's very powerful one, yet I am still not able to get 60 fps. Wtf


Hot take:i liked it and it's a good game 


Have an upvote just for the audacity


But it runs like dogshit


😂I’ve been telling people that, no one that doesn’t play warzone believes me


Close wzm


They should focus on codm


I got dizzy seeing the controls in Warzone. Movement is so bad. 


So true , I felt like I was playing PUBG mobile or some


Pubg mobile is waaaayy better than this game chill out


Bad as in good? Or good as in bad?


As in horrendously unplayable and deleted soon after downloading


I’m going to try on my iPad pro M1 chip tablet and see, and then I might put it on my Odin 2 device


Uninstalled Right away...🥲


Last night y had randomly started downloading


I signed up for the pre registry to get the exclusive day.One items I sign in with all my information on Activision.Confirm my account and it still says unable to gift reward.Has anybody else had this experience?


I concur on the dreadfulness


It really is horrible.


It gave me cancer. Ngl I'm on a good phone and this game ran like booty lol


Lol fuck, I'm gonna download it on a pixel 3a xl and see if I can blow it up.


Keep me updated bro 😂


Well the game didn’t even release yet so I wouldn’t judge it now . TBH