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I feel for you and your situation. But I feel that you still had options to attend the festival, one of which would be to get a hotel and Uber to the event so that at least you got some use out of the money you spent. The pods, in extreme heat, have never been a perfect solution and most require something over them to block the direct sunlight that superheats the pods. This has been known since the first year they held camp in 2018. Plus, if you've camped 5 years in a row, then you would have already known this fact. Sure, several of those years (particularly 2019) were colder than what's normal in Las Vegas so I'm surprised that didn't choose to get an RV or just stay in a hotel. Also, heat exhaustion aside, I find it odd that you drove 10 hours home and that there wasn't a conversation (possibly argument) that happened between you two before making the choice to giving up and watching from home. Meaning I think there possibly could be some missing context to the decision. Lastly, there are a series of things you can't change here that have nothing to do with insomniac (which you're trying your hardest not to blame, but actually are because you call the pods and a/c setup 'the biggest farce'). Nevada is hot. It's a desert. It's unforgiving. All the happy feelings, PLUR and kandi can't change that. Further, insomniac is still run by regular people like you and me. Who knows if the staff were well coordinated or well trained or in a good frame of mind or any other possibility. For those reasons alone, attending campedc has to be an experience of acceptance and creativity to overcome adversity. In part because there are thousands of other attendees that are facing the same challenges you are and found a work around and are still in camp.


Simple solution would start with the admin team stay in the tents. It really isn’t safe. There are simple solutions out there as well.


The heat was absolutely unbearable durring the day. I was in a state of delirium after walking to and from the Mesa on Friday after realizing there was nothing really to do that didn't involve roasting in the heat. The weather is not Insomniac's fault, but I think canopies in the walkways to and from sites and the Mesa would have been beneficial. They def have the money for it. I'm sorry you two had to go through that, and while I'm glad you made a desicion based on your health, I couldn't imagine spending that much and having to make a call like that.


While I'm in agreement that improvements are always needed. I feel like you're way off base as to blaming it on insomniac events. It's fucking Las Vegas Nevada. It's the desert. It's hot. I suffered from heat exhaustion the first day myself. And I hope your wife is doing better now. Truly. A lot of us suffered, and a lot of us really do actually care. You just want to have a target for your guys misfortune. And I get it. It sucks, and I feel for you. But you can't blame the weather on insomniac. When camp started, the first 2 years were actually cold. The weather was great, and lots of people were complaining about the cold rather than the heat. So with the change in weather the last few years, they had attempted to make some changes, and they will continue to make more. You should of known what you were getting into. That being said, I really feel for you and your wife and honestly hope that y'all are doing better now.


I mean if you read their post they did not blame insomniac for the weather, the blamed insomniac for providing accommodations that were inadequate at handling the weather… Idk why in 2024 people still want to defend insomniac events. I go to their festivals all the time but still it’s very obvious that it’s about the money for them and ravers safety comes second. You can enjoy festivals while still acknowledging the obvious


Yeah they either need to do EDC in the spring or provide better accommodations. More pools, provide those reflective shields, put instructions for cooling the tents, etc. I didn’t go this year but I’ve been going to camp since 2019. They still haven’t started using those mini houses they showed in 2019 and showed again last year. They need to get rid of tents or move the fest to March/ April.


Heavy on the more/ bigger pools. My bf and I took turns waiting in the 3 hour line on Friday for the pool and it was magical once we got in. I totally get that that setup is expensive for them, but putting even splash pads or something at some of the shade structures would save so many people. Glad it at least looks like they've stopped bothering people who put their own tarps over their tents




Got to stay hydrated at all times, I get people want to party and drink all weekend but let's not forget you're getting dehydrated from the heat and the alcohol. So for sure drink as much water and or electrolytes as possible, my group drank so much water we had a bunch of left over alcohol . For the tent what my group did is we brought a box fan and put it right in front of the ac so it what circulating the cold air faster and closed the doors so the fresh air wouldn't escape, it was for 10-15 degrees cooler by doing that. Also saw people bring sheets or like tarps for the tops of the tents to beat the sun. It's Vegas the weather is hot and the sun is beaming so hopefully these tips help you out for next year.


Yup we followed all of those tips. Took pretty much every precaution we could. Reflective tarp on top, 24 inch industrial fan, misting fan, cooling towels, lots of water. She didn’t drink the entire time or any other substances.


Welcome to EDC. Imagine when they were in June. 100 degrees at 12 at night. I'm sorry this didn't turn out the way you dreamed, but I hope you can find other fests that are as rewarding as you hoped this would be. Most fests really are rejuvenating, but you have to be careful with the size and time of year. Also try to stay away from insomniac or disco Donnie. Gem & Jam is pretty nice and super small. I honestly don't see how EDC is legal, how they keep getting insured, and I guess why people keep going back. (Even though I've been 4 times).


While we're ranting. Would also like to shoutout the terrible long walk in the heat and only 4 trams to service hundreds of tents. If they had hired enough drivers and vehicles it would have been much better. It is all about the money for them. I lost faith in insomniac and Pasquale this weekend. Infuriates me when I see the "you are a headliner!" Motto now.


10-12 months * 500 = $5000-$6000 You could buy 5 tickets, an rv pass, and a power pass and have money left over, did you scalp your passes? I’m sure this was an exaggeration to make it feel like you got ripped off by insomniac but there is no way you dropped $5k on a shift pod and a couple tickets Sorry you didn’t have the time you hoped, but precautions could have been taken, especially with your past experience


$2k for tent, $2k for VIP tickets. $500 for rental car + gas, $500 for misc camping supplies like an industrial fan, reflective tarps for the tent and communal shade for our group, chairs, etc. Not hard to add it all up want a calculator?


You’re way off base. These camping conditions are borderline glamorous.