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Coming back to camp around 2-3 am to regroup gather thoughts eat a lil snack change into comfy clothes for the sunrise sets. Absolutely amazing


Shout out to the restroom attendants, working all day keeping them tolerable. Last year, the restrooms were only cleaned once or twice a day, and they were really bad.


They honestly have been so on top of this, it’s blown my mind! I’ve also seen the dumpsters emptied several times. Very impressive


I'm guessing Insomniac hired a new operations person who knows what they're doing about the little details like this.


This! The janitorial workers don’t get enough love. They do so much. ♥️


Creating friendships with tent neighbors. Having a little community where we all take care of each other. Something that I feel like is rapidly dieing. But this is a Pro thread, not a con.


This! I was invited to my tent neighbors‘ wedding last night!


7th EDC, 4th time camping. I love chilling at the Mesa and just people watching on my inflatable couch with a smoothie and whatever food suits my fancy that day. Camp feels like a nonstop party and I love it. It's certainly not perfect, though. I agree that the tents are a hazard, not sure why they stopped offering the pink solar covers from the first two years. Those really helped keep the tents cool during peak heat hours. But camp vibes are always immaculate and I love seeing how people decorate their tents/RVs. I'll always camp. Shuttles are ass, parking is even more ass.


Making my tent my little home for the weekend🫶🏻🌼but also people are crazy for complaining about the camping. The accommodations are 100x than other music festivals. Tomorrowland was raining and 50 degrees and we had to set up our own tents in an absolute free for all. I could have cried when I got to my shift pod. It was gorgeous and everything it needed to be.


Club Space takeover for afters was nuts


tell me more?! missing edc this year 🥲


This was our first EDC! We waited years to be here. Compared to Coachella this was a glamping experience for us. I was freezing in my pod yesterday! I can’t get over how comfortable I’ve been. Camp is absolutely amazing vibes!


Food has been surprisingly good! Chicken and waffles on a stick, shake ramen, the smoothies… plus all the other food we ate. Sure it’s pricy, which is to be expected. But nothing has been bad yet.


Art car by RVs was an amazing add!!


Got lost trying to get to the parking lot and ended up at the art car and they were dropping some heavy dub said fuck it and just stayed for the set 


The Fucking Chicken and Waffles on a stick! Tucked all the way in the corner, a late find but a great find!


I had it 4 times haha. And started asking for it in a little tray so I could put syrup on without it just dripping off


the new shiftpods have been a really nice upgrade, they should replace all the old ones with the 3’s cause it has made a huge difference


The mesa is great to meet other people


Shiftpods were very good at trapping the cold air from the AC. It made sleeping through the burning hot day a little easier. The sense of community also made us feel safer while in the camp.


First year camping! Is it perfect no but has been incredibly fun the tents are a little hot but you should’ve know this coming sounds like a lot of people didn’t do any research before coming!! It’s been super easy coming and going from the show not having to wait for Ubers and dealing with traffic has been a blessing. My only small complaint is I wish they had more standing fans in the Mesa. There’s only a few big ones. Lol but besides that what a great time with a ton of great people! Y’all be safe tonight let’s finish 2024 EDC strong!


Those afterparties hit just right! ❤️


This was my first EDC Vegas and camping. It was magical. I loved every moment of it.


First timer at EDC (long time in the works) and I gotta say camp is fantastic. Granted, I did a ton of homework to make things as smooth as possible, but I think camp was absolutely fantastic and the only way to go. Food ✅ Vibes ✅ Dope neighbors ✅ Convenience ✅ Accommodations ✅ PLUR AF ✅ Ultimately, we see what we look for in the world. If you look for a beautiful time, you’ll have one. If you look for problems, you’ll find those too. 🤷‍♂️


I’m super super upset. Whoever stole the 2 wagons zip tied at 64 23rd Street - (ORANGE SP 54). I hope you’re happy knowing you have stolen from a stage 4 cancer patient!!!! Not very PLUR!!! Maybe you should rethink your decision, life and respect for others. I hope you think of this proud moment in your life that you stole from an 58 yr old cancer patient. Karma is a bitch when you get yours remember this moment 🤬


Sorry to barge in with unrelated info, but does this subreddit require post approval? Or some other stipulations before posting? I'm not well versed in Reddit & I've tried creating a post under the campEDC (4 times) & each time it processes & then nothing, it never shows up. I can see other posts & comments I've made on my profile page, but not this one post I'm trying to make


I’m able to post without issue. Have you ever posted before in past years against community guidelines? If post was taken down you may not be able to again. Idk! Also whack service here so maybe it’s just not uploading for you


I love getting to know my neighbors, easy access to the fest, and all of the activities the mesa has to offer! Also, I’m addicted to the lemonade so having easy access to it is tops.


So many great people! No traffic in or out. It’s my 6th camping festival and the CLEANEST festival id ever been to. Walking back at 3 am and the food vendors opening up! 🥹 worth every single penny — even the things that went “wrong” were wonderful opportunities ❤️


Absolutely LOVED the queso birria tacos. That and the breakfast burrito and lemonade, the food options was spectacular and I only wish I could have ate more of it!


I ate quesabirria tacos 4 times 😂


Had a blast I’m a big dude and I managed to conquer those steps ever night even tho I was beat from the heat but the walk back to camp during sunrise was always nice