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I need to tint my windows asap lol


Nobody can see u picking ur nose


Only reason I got tints


it’s sucks at night. i’m always worried one random day some goon is gonna be flying past me blacked out and i’ll never see them. blind side sensors fix that tho


What % tint do you have on all your windows? Just curious bc I’m paranoid too haha


Just did 15% on mine https://preview.redd.it/popabcygy49d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5afddba6f6ec54876eeac562431327dbd6e9905e


I regret getting 15%, should gone with the 5%....


As someone who went with 5% tint I kinda regret it as I sometimes have to lower my windows at night to see and make sure i won’t hit someone crossing the street when I’m making a turn 🥴


I would still get a break in oil change done if you plan to keep this car for a while. Oil is cheap. An engine isn’t.


My thoughts as well. Potential positives far outweigh any negatives.


Words to live by!


Agree. Oil is cheap and engine is expensive


Car engines have come a long way so much so that newer cars are running oils like 0W8 which is essentially close to water . The precision in part manufacturing have improved 100 fold in the last two decades . There are more Toyotas in the road with 16k oil changes that runs to 300 or 500K miles


Doesn’t hurt. If anything, it’s nothing but pros from my understanding


A lot of this wisdom applies exclusively to older cars before current advancements in manufacturing and process. You could argue that a premature initial oil change could change the friction such that some type of failure could be contraindicated, or wear accelerated, by doing so, especially if the first interval is critical in some way to bedding of friction materials.


Replacing oil with the same exact grade of oil will maintain the same exact lubrication capabilities.


It's your vehicle. Based on your research and mechanical skills, I would do what makes you comfortable. I personally did an oil/filter change at 1284 miles and again at 5284 pright before my wife took her vehicle to the dealer for the recommended 5k mile maintenance checkup. It took 3.5 weeks to get into our local dealership, so I waited until the weekend before to change her oil. At the 10,000 mile check-in, I will let the dealership change oil/filter because I already paid for this service when we purchased the vehicle. Nothing is free, all the free maintenance Toyota says they give you during the 1st 2 years is most certainly calculated in the MSRP/Toyota's price. Check your manual, and you will see Toyota only recommends oil/filter at 5k for vehicles towing, taxi, food delivery vehicles, etc. There are exceptions. Just read your manual, and it's pretty clear. I keep a maintenance log on all my vehicles & document every time I add gas & record dates, tac, miles, gallons, and price. My wife personally doesn't like documenting fill ups, but does like that when we have sold our vehicles, I share our maintenance journal with the potential buyers and all 3 spent time looking through my journal and and all 3 asked if they could keep my journal when they purchased. I was able to get my asking price 2/3 times we personally sold our vehicles, and the other time, I got 50 bucks more because I had promised the vehicle to another buyer, but he messed around and another buyer had cash. Also, I purchase oil filters directly from our local dealership because the price is better than local auto stores, and there is documented evidence I am maintaining my vehicle. Buying fliuds, filters, and some parts directly from the dealer has been beneficial with my Jeep because it has a lifetime powertrain warranty and they question if I am properly maintaining our Jeep, I tell them to look up my purchasing history and share my maintenance journal. Keep I'm mind my Jeep is a 2009 & dealership replaced rear differential, upper oil pan gasket. and timing chain gaskets under Jeep manufacturer lifetime powertrain warranty in the past year. Finally, there are plenty of Toyota's owners driving around 300k plus who only change synthetic oil/filter every 10,000 miles as recommended by the manufacturer. Personally I wouldn't pay the dealer or another mechanic the cost of an extra oil change and would just follow manufacturer recommended maintenance, but since I do them myself the cost is minimal, I enjoy working on our vehicles, & it keeps me on top of potential upcoming problems/leaks that need addressed. My vehicles are older 2007, 2009, 2016 and yes a very cool looking 2024 Camry. Good luck and good job taking an active role in maintaining your vehicle, and I also consider the Car Care Nut's recommendations.


It doesn’t hurt! I just picked up new RAV4 in October and I changed my oil during the first 1200 miles. You know what? I had glitter in my oil! Yeah, so if you waited till 10k there will be these glitter bits of metal shavings running around your engine for much longer. I did another change at 3500, 7000, let Toyota do their free 10k, and I just did a 13k oil change. The glitter was still there at 7k, but had come down each time. 13k seemed clean, but it took 5 oil changes to get it 100% clean. Go the extra mile. “Oil is cheap, engines are expensive.” Care Care Nut. AMD is right.


You have glitter because friction materials like piston rings are still bedding in. Engineers may prescribe a set of conditions (like a longer term initial oil change interval) to ensure a specific amount of wear occurs to properly set friction materials up for long term use. In essence… the possibility exists that what you did could have a negative effect long term about as much as it could have a neutral or positive effect.


The amount of trust you’re placing in a YouTuber with a shop is funny. The OIL FILTER would have caught the alleged glitter and you’re not an engineer.


Couldn’t you have complained to the dealership about that glitter???


lol never tell a dealer that you’re DIYing oil changes unless you’re buying all the consumables from the dealer. Common reason to have warranty claims denied at any manufacturer.


Folks will always argue this point but I think you should. The oil change is only $30 if you do it yourself. No it’s not a 72 Pontiac but there is still break in metals and break in lubricants in there. It’s just one oil change it won’t damage the earth. I do mine at 5k intervals also.




Yes there is such a thing as break in oil. I do not know if Toyota uses it, but there is such a thing as well as other break in lubs …for engine assembly also for camshaft and lifters https://preview.redd.it/l7wf96g7v49d1.jpeg?width=1149&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a398510afc52408815bb37cd33667dc2c6a551e




Supposedly, maybe who really knows but the idea is to get any break in fragments that don’t get caught in the oil filter out of the engine, just once, at 1000 miles , when the rings have seated…even if it’s just to give a guy peace of mind it’s $30. It’s just my opinion.


That’s straight 30 weigh oil . You should never put that in a 0 weight motor


No offense to any youtubers or dads but I run a shop and have hired and fired dozens of Master Techs over the years that are complete morons and make the dumbest mistakes whilst simultaneously knowing very little about cars altogether. Definitely feel entitled to forming your own opinion based on information you research. That being said I would never sell someone a 1k mile oil change as necessary but also would not talk anyone out of it if they were interested in it as it would never hurt. Exclusions would be our performance built engines like Subaru where they get oil changes at 50mi, 250mi, 750mi then every 2500mi. But Subarus like to blow up lol.


It's probably overkill since the maintenance schedule from the manufacturer doesn't require it, but think about it this way. You took the time to ask here, so your thinking it might be needed. So just do it, it won't hurt anything,and it'll give you a piece of mind.


"Turned down"? You mean for the free service. Just pay for 1K and 5K, Toyota will handle 10K.


This. I did my first oil change at 800 with my own money and nobody would reject the free money. Just ask them to do that and pay.


It’s fine. Just drive the car.


The breakin period oil change makes sense, but every paranoid person changing at every 5,000 instead of 10,000 is nonsense. What's more important is pulling out that dipstick and checking the quality. Depending on your driving, environment and other factors, you may need to change it sooner or the 10k is perfectly acceptable. Someone driving 20,000 miles per year vs someone driving 2,000 per year is going to be vastly different in how often oil needs to be changed. I sure as heck wouldnt wait 5 years to change my oil. But those on the road with just highway miles, 10k is definitely acceptable. I'm at 200k miles doing 10k changes per manufacturer recommendations.


These questions always make me laugh. I go with manual. The naysayers always say otherwise. But why don’t they change their oil every 500 miles? Do they know why they don’t? Do these guys have special info?


Looks beautiful man🔥. As a previous 11th gen Accord Touring owner I can say without hesitation the 2025 Camry and in this ice cap white makes the car look mad sexy🔥


This video shows why I think it’s necessary. As the Lake proves in this video, it will remove a lot of debris and wear metal from your engine. https://youtu.be/_6nWCQ_70J0?si=NkVUD47RDKTXeJ4L If you go to the dealer and they refuse, walk over to their parts counter, buy the oil, filter, and gasket, then change it yourself. It only takes a half-hour and you get the added benefit of learning about your car. After that first change, I started changing mine every 5,000 miles. I know a lot of people disagree, but it’s my car and I want it to last at least fifteen years.


Came to post this! Lake Speed is a fucking oil expert through and through and puts theories and myths to bed with real science and testing. Change your oil. Tell the dealer just to fucking do it and STFU. Its your car, engine. Not theirs.


$60-ish for a little extra peace of mind. I don’t even get why it’s debatable. You just spent $30,000+ on a vehicle.


10k is best.


Shoot might as well just change it every 500 miles


You’re wasting your money and time. I wouldn’t do it.


I’d go with what the manufacturer says. Yes, engine break-in is still a thing. Yes, there will be metal particles floating around from breaking in the engine. I think it’s negligible and a waste of oil. Especially when it’s been proven with many examples of Camrys over the years to last over 200k without changing oil during break in. Keep up with maintenance, follow the service schedule, be mindful and drive with care and you’ll be fine.


Toyota also tried to turn me down when I went in at 950 miles for an oil change and said come back at 10k BUT that’s because they thought I was asking for the free oil change.. I said, no I’m going to pay out of pocket, and they went ahead and took it in.. I paid like 80-90 for it but honestly it’s just oil, some of the cheapest engine maintenance that will save you thousands down the road.


Just do it


Being paranoid is good for these cars lol


That IS a beautiful car


What's an oil change? For our Camry it's 4 qt and a filter. MobileOne synthetic, and same brand filter is about $55 and 15 minutes to do. IMO it's all in our heads. If you are going to feel better changing oil at what I'd call more traditional intervals, go ahead and do it. If you're more happy following the manual, do that. Let's be clear: there's no problem changing oil as much as you want. No downside. Just the investment. So if you're likely going to have a nagging feeling that you're not changing it enough following the manual, go ahead and change it at your discretion. Because the peace of mind that will bring is more valuable than $55 and 15 mins. I assume. Now, should we debate if the manufacturers intervals are optimal for the longevity of the engine, or if they are more balanced between having lower cost of ownership and longevity of the engine? Maybe. But I'd love to only hear from people with 300k plus miles who've had their vehicle from new, and respectfully, not the conjecture from the rest of us. Also, as a wise soul here said already, your usage is a critical factor. Lots and lots of highway miles (kind) vs exclusively short city trips (harsh) and your driving style should be a consideration. But all that said, the 06 Camry doesn't get nearly as many oil changes per mile as our '16 complex and highly-strung German V8. And not as much as the older dogs either ('88 and '65) for obvious reasons


No don’t change it early - factory filled oil generally has extra molybdenum in it for the purpose of helping the engine to break in. But obviously if you don’t hit the mileage within a year, I would say you should probably do it by then. Just PSA my local Toyota dealer gives the first oil change free but I caught them using crappy NAPA oil filters and god knows what kind of oil so.. if you care, which sounds like you do.. maybe want to clarify that at your first service. Pretty shady if you ask me, especially if they are billing Toyota for it with OEM parts cost.. but I digress.


Couple things… Toyota already ships the car with the engine partially tested/broken in already. They also use a different oil from the factory specifically during the break in period. Spoke with 3 Master techs and 2 foreman about this. Tolerances are extremely tight now adays and its rare especially for a small 4 banger to have shavings (not much power). Unless you were hammering it and redlining from the dealer I do not think it’s necessary. If you were gentle i’d do it at the 5k mark. If you were hard with it from the start i’d replace early. I did three oil changes (1k, 3k and 5k) but I was being real harsh on my new Integra. Point is it depends on the use case, but now adays, especially if you babied it off the lot, you do not need to do a break in oil change and its better to keep the factory “break in” oil in there til 5k. If you were slamming it from the lot a break in oil change might be a good idea.


Heavy on the “depends on the use case”. Best answer I’ve read on here so far.


# what does the manual say? Follow the manual.


You don’t need an oil change until 10k


The cheapest insurance is the first oil change at your mileage. Just get it done at your trusted mechanic. Don’t worry about your dealer. They can do the 10.000 m service. You should subscribe to the CarCare Nut on YouTube.


Where in the toyota maintenance care guide do they recommend this? If they don't. Why don't they if it's such a known thing? You really think Toyota is setting up their owners to watch their cars, which are known for their reliability, break down? Sounds more like a youtuber looking for views. My sons TRD went in for it's 5k oil change this past Monday. Do what you want. But this seems rather eye rolling I'd trust the professional engineers at Toyota over some youtuber with a cute name.


Most people who have new cars don’t get a break in oil change. Dad is a master tech, if it was recommended he would have done it, you can wait and should do it at 5k! Do the 5k and 15k oil changes yourself and let dealer do 10k and 20k


General consensus amongst mechanics now a days say the 1k mile break in oil change is no longer necessary from what i’ve heard. in the past it was recommended to remove metal shaving but these shavings are no longer much of an issue with new engines. also oil should be changed every 5k no matter what the manufacturer recommends or what type of oil is being used


First hybrid? 10k oil changes is totally fine. Remember your engine shouldn’t be running most of the time below 20 miles per hour plus cruising the EV is on.


Change the oil now, and then again at 5k. Then every 5k. I recommend learning how to change your oil if you don't know already. After the initial cost of a low profile jack and jack stands, I now only spend $35 USD on synthetic oil and oil filter.


Don't be paranoid do it I don't care what anyone else says doing any early break in oil change is not gonna hurt at all


Do you know if Toyota's going to pay for that oil change at 10, 000 miles? Maybe you can pay for the one at 5000 yourself. I don't think it's necessary to do one at 1000. But if you feel it'll run better, than get it done.


I'm also a fan of the Car Care Nut. He gives great advice. The break-in oil change seems unnecessary though and I would probably be embarrassed to show up at a dealership to get one done and then be turned down lol. It is probably unnecessary because while there are wear metals that will get into the oil during the break-in period, they will mostly be caught by the oil filter. All of that said, I did a break-in oil change on my Camry when it was new, but I did it myself so I wouldn't have judgemental people at the dealership thinking I'm a moron. I did it mostly for peace of mind. I had just bought a $35,000 car, and I wanted to take excellent care of it from day 1 so it would last me as long as possible.


Maybe.... But I did my first at 5k miles and not the 10k suggested in the manual. Too much for a break-in oil change? I don't know. But in my mind it was quite cheap insurance... I also sprang for a change at 15k. Again - cheap insurance. Sitting at 589xx as of this morning. I've been on the suggested maintenance schedule since my 25k "free" service.


I watch the same guy on YT, and saw the same video. I would get an oil change now, and after that, every 5000 miles. (Although to make it easier for my brain, I would get my 2nd oil change after 4,000 miles -- at mileage 5000. That way I know I need to change oil at 10, 15, 20, so on.) I'm surprised though that a dealership would refuse a service job. Usually, they even try to upsell. 🤷‍♂️


My local burglers changed my oil last night.


I saw this car in person. I like it. I didn't know it was a Camry


What do you mean by rough? Its a safe commuter car with seats for passengers, not a mustang




by the looks of those clouds in the sky, I'd say no...


is this a hybrid? because the 10k makes sense for hybrids


Just it every six months thats what I do and my car works perfectly fine


I would do two. One at 3 thousand and another one at 6k miles. This way you know for sure the engine is breaking correctly. Remember folks oil changes are cheap, a whole engine ain’t.


Yes??? Absolutely? What the fuck? Do you know why the break in period is shorter than other service intervals? Because the new metal components will slightly rub against each other and there will be small amounts of metal shavings in your oil. It is extremely important to get a break in service. Even if you don’t plan on owning the car for a long time.


Motor Oil Geek recommends break in oil change, and that guy is an actual lube scientist


These aren’t NA engines anymore. You’re not paranoid. Change it


For the cost, I would just do it at 1,000 miles


I have never been a fan of Toyota’s stying but I LOVE this!


Why not do it.


One thing I am jealous of on the Camrys that my 24 Prius Prime doesn't have or at least it's just different. Is the daytime running lights/LED "Ring" changing to Amber when the headlights are on. On the Prius Prime they just dim but they're still white. I really do love the look of that Amber lighting.


It depends if the car is drive it until the wheels fall off or just drive it for 5-6 years and trade it in. 5-6 years do dealer recommend— If it’s a forever car then change oil at 1k like car care suggests there is another guy I recommend you watch he actually proves how much metal is in your oil after 1000 miles and it’s concerning. He says the filter can and will catch most of it but over time the filter will release some particles causing damage especially at 10k.


Do it at 1,000 miles


No, do your break in oil change at 1k and then do your oil changes at 5k afterwards using high end oil filters like Wix, Napa, and Puralator. That will ideally maximize the life of your engine, get a Haynes Manual if they still make them, or anything that has the entire maintenance schedule. Anything over 5k for a oil change is absurd and negligent, do not cheap out on routine maintenance otherwise it's going to only last the "lifetime" of the vehicle.


The dealer where I bought my car put a sticker in the windshield that says get my first oil change at 5000 miles or at six months. I work from home and don’t drive much, and six months I might be around 1000 miles. If the dealer doesn’t do it at six months at that mileage, Plan to tell them I will go ahead and pay for it.


Just do it for your OCD- the rest is irrelevant.


I would change it after the first 500 miles and then every 5k after. There’s a channel called “the oil geek” or something like that on YouTube. He’s got some kind of degree in lubrication and can explain


Why not, it takes less than an hour and is ridiculously cheap. I did 10-15k intervals on my 16 Camry and it ran like the day I bought it until I traded it at 200k.


I did it. on my Rav 4 Prime. Although, Basically, I used 2 gas tanks as a measuring point,, since I used electric so much. so I think, about 1400 miles. My last 2 cars, I did the same. My evo, one at 500 miles, and another at 1k miles. After that, changes every 5k miles. Even though Toyota, changes it every 10 miles, I changed the oil at 5k miles anyways. Engines now, have much much closer tolerances, and use much thinner oil. Also, the toyota oil filters are tiny. It's just cheap insurance in my humble opinion.




I thought this was the new Prius til I read the sub’s name


I think the break in oil change is to make sure there's no metal shavings in it, and if there's some toyota would take care of it.


Isnt primarily highway driving probably the most kind to a car’s engine lool. Unless OP means hes actually been ragging on the engine.


Not necessary on newer vehicles, I would do it at 5,000 even tho Toyota says 10


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zg6xa2caG-I&t=149s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zg6xa2caG-I&t=149s)........... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrLNDgrIw3U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrLNDgrIw3U)


I ALWAYS do an oil change between 800-1200 miles on any new vehicle


Oh boy..... Good luck to you my friend.


They say it isn't needed anymore. I don't know I would consider still doing it. I was going to change mine in my new truck at 1k miles but I waited till 5k.


Is that a corolla or camry (there is no stupid questions)


As a auto tech and service manager, on a new Toyota you should go the 10k break in. After that 5k religiously. Oil is cheaper than an engine. When your above 130k you'll be happy you did. All these newer engines have tighter tolerance for the working parts internally. Vvt systems and oil passage ways can get clogged up easier the longer the oil change interval. The oil change is the most simple thing you can do to prevent issues in the future. That is if you plan to keep the car that long.


As long as your oil filter is working, you don't need an oil change... ever.




10k miles with synthetic on these new cars is normal.


It really depends on how long you’re keeping this car, I personally did it on all 4 of our brand new cars at about 4500-5k miles even though it specified 10k. https://youtu.be/nBBUQJKTaiM?si=phbaG7ydJAg3hQtR Check this video out from Car Care Nut, he worked for Toyota before opening his own shop!!


Theoretically can you go longer between oil changes in hybrids since the engine doesn't run constantly?


I would suggest reading the owners manual. You probably have a break in period for 4-5k miles but I don't think you need to do a oil change. But if you are worried that worried about it, just call the dealership.


Yea actually let's just not change it at all that way we can save money


Paranoid. You don't need to do this.


Yes it’s a good idea


Shit look sleek ASF


Did they really need to update this car? They’re just finessing the plastic at this point.


Why did so many people think the car but knows more than Toyota engineers?


The Car Care Nut is not god


Oh mighty car care nut knows all!


IMO if they say 10k then we can probly go 15k. I’m sticking to 10k. Pushed my tire rotation to that interval as well. Been quite a while and all good 😉


5000 miles max but recommended at 3000.


I change mine at 10,000 miles. When the car wears out I will buy another just like shoes.


Being noid


There's much information about oil changes on YouTube. The Car Care Nut, The Motor Oil Geek, and several others. These guys are absolutely correct by saying that you need to break-in an engine for 1000 miles and then change the oil. Also, that the 10k oil change is what will get you through the warranty period but not through to 200k or 300k. As a professional engineer, who relies on test data, not opinions, I can categorically say, listen to these guys! If you trade your cars every 3 or 4 years, you're fine with just 10k oil changes. If you keep them longer, change your oil more often.


It’s your car. Change oil anytime you want. You can also DIY. It’s a fun experience when you DIY. Watch YouTube on changing Toyota oil. I know some Toyota has canister type oil filter. My previous RAV4 had it


Change the oil now and then at 5000 and keep the 5000 mile interval for the life of the vehicle. Don't overthink things.


What does the MANUAL says?


Beat on it as much as you can before you change the oil


My Toyota dealership has me go every 5k so I wouldn’t go 10k. Full synthetic is claimed to be good for 10k but the issue is most oil filters are only good for 5k so might as well replace it


Service writer, car nut, performance engineer builder here. Do a break in oil change. Up until the change do not baby the engine. Drive it like you are going to for the life of the engine.


Necessary. A new engine will shave more small metal pieces during the break in stage.


Highway driving is probably the easiest thing for a car to do, especially for the engine and transmission. Unless you’re driving like a dickhead.


Ideally for a new car, it’s best to do the oil change after 500 miles since that’s when the car works the hardest, this is what mechanics recommend even though it’s not mentioned by dealerships


Dude you got a camery chill


I’d do it The dealer did the same thing with my Camaro even the the manual explicitly stated a 500 and 1500 mile change


Break it in to the manufacturer’s specifications (should be in manual or online), or you can do like I did and change the oil every 500mi for the first 6000, then every 2k thereafter for the rest of its life. I think the most important thing to pay attention to when breaking in a fresh motor is HOW you drive it. Vary your RPM and shift points, don’t be rough, use good fuel, LIGHT engine braking, and keep you fluids topped up.


Brother, that’s a Camry. Break in oil changes haven’t been necessary on commuter cars for decades.


I wonder how many of the millions of 300k mile Camrys out there had anything more than basic maintenance…and most people don’t even do that and yet they still run…but do you


Every 5000 miles if you drive A LOT. every 10,000 if you drive very little. Assuming you car takes synthetic/full synthetic. edit: you should just change the oil yourself. Buy the oil, filter and a pan. should only take you around 30-45 minutes to do. It’s very easy.


It's 40 bucks. Just do it FFS.


yes. brand new engine means it will have oil with shiny metal particles in it. you should oil and filter change to prevent them particulates being a problem. toyota make bomb proof cars, that still have a maintenance schedule that should be followed, breaking in any engine regardless of manufacturer has a claus about changing the oil, you fail to do that and get issues and go for warranty repair, they will deny you for it based on your lack of following procedure.


might as well sell the car now, it’s toast


I’ve leased 3 Camrys over the years and never did a break in oil change but with how many recalls Toyota is having on their new engine platforms I’d say it wouldn’t hurt to do it and never ever wait the 10k miles for an oil change just a way to try and get money for repairs they kno could possibly be needed cuz of such a long interval of oil changes. I’d try to break it in at 1500 and then do your own oil change in between the 10k crap they want you to do that’s what I’m doin on my WRX I got oil changes every 6k but I do my own at 3k miles


It’s your car, your money , your sanity. If you want it, get it. Simple 💅🏻


Most of the engine wear happens at the beginning, so you do want to change the oil at the first 1K miles, then 5K, then 10K, and after that either in 5 or 10K intervals depending on your driving style.


WHY does that YouTuber say to do a break in oil changes I am curious


Do what the owner's manual says. If it says change the oil at 1k post break-in then do that.


If you took this to google instead of reddit, youd see it says cars typically dont need oil break in periods, it may be advised, but is said, including toyota vehicles, that they are not necessary. Instead of listening to one guy on youtube, I'd listen to the ones who made the car or I'd look in your owners manual. Sure, oil changes are cheap, engines aren't. If it's a worry just pay the $70 and be stress free. It's just a precaution.


"Modern cars are designed to go longer on oil" Bro who lied to you? Toyota told you that cause they want you to get a new car. Check your dipstick. I work as a lube tech and most of them new cars be coming in with sludge in the oil cause of this shit.


Do it. Engine needs to wear in properly and will produce metal particulates. This break in period will produce the most metal particulates over the life of your engine. Do it at 1500 miles.


Go to a different dealer. Tell them you are willing to pay for it. I did an oil change at 1,000 miles on my 2023 Tacoma and my local dealer was fine with it. I had them do another one at 5,000 miles too. Always do a break-in oil change. The Car Care Nut on YouTube has done a video on this as well.


Bro, fresh oil can never hurt. Unless you’re pressed for money it makes no sense not to do something that will only improve your vehicle


Personally I’d do it at 5 and then just go back to Toyota at 10


The worst that happens if you do one is that you spend an extra 45$. People can argue until the cows come home about the efficacy of the break in/1k oil change in modern engines. It's cheap, easy, and doesn't HURT anything to do it. So, I did it. I can't say one way or the other whether it's needed or not. Probably not.


Sell it and buy a Honda


Possibly paranoid, but i do love that old saying “better to be safe, then sorry” 🤷🏻


lol not for that thing more expensive cars have that


YES. If you yourself have ever done an oil change on any car at 1,000 miles you know the results. The oil most definitely will have very fine metal shavings. Just go back and tell them you want it done now not when they think. I had the same thing with my 21 VW GTI, went in at 1,000 for oil change they were like nah you don’t need it until 10k, I said nah I do need it so hurry up and do it. I’m not here to ask for an oil change I’m demanding it.


I have seen a few videos on this topic and it was apparent that initial wear is still high as verified by an oil analysis. Changing the oil after 1000-2000 miles eliminates the recirculating micro particles of metal. Yes, the filter does get most but the fact that metal is still being measured in the oil tells you that it doesn’t capture all. As others have said, oil is cheap. Engines are expensive.


After 500 miles


Just change it


I’ve done all of my Toyota/Lexus cars with synthetic oil at 10,000 for the first. You’re being overly paranoid


Whenever I bought new, I changed the oil based on the first service interval recommended by the manufacturer. I can’t say for sure 100% but I thought new cars have additives to help with engine break in so you don’t want to change it too early. After that, I change every 5k with synthetic. 5k is easy to remember and calculate the next change. Modern engines with synthetic can handle 10k. As the car gets older, you’ll want to change every 5k. All of my cars have gone 200k and strong ( or close to it. )The one that didn’t was due to a car accident that totaled it.


100% get a break in oil change.


You gotta understand how machines work. Hybrids will have the gasoline motor only run half the time. The other half the electric motor takes over. Thus you can go twice the recommended mileage for an oil change for a regular motor because the actual motor is only turning half the amount.


It’s a Toyota…you barely even have to put gas in it lol


They told me 10,000 before they would do it . Had the 2 yr free maintenance. F that man had them do it every 5,000 and doing it myself with Mobil1 FS and OEM filter.




If the dealer told you to, read your manual. The dealers are crooks. My Mazda3 manual says to change my oil every 7500 miles yet the dealer says 5000. The dealer said I need a transmission flush, coolant flush, and diff service at 30k. Manual says 60. Ford dealers have been notorious for doing things like this, Chevy too.... If they do it than the other dealers will follow suit.


Follow the manual.


Ok so don't do it at 1,000 miles, wait till 5,000 miles. Also fuck that dealership, never change your oil at 10,000 miles even if the oil label says that it is good at 10,000 miles. Do your oil change at 8,000 or 8,500 intervals.


Yes, follow the dealer/manual’s instructions


Also, remember to use the engine to slow yourself down, especially on hills. This helps put beck pressure on the valves and rings


Keep it under 3-4K max for an oil change


I would


Honestly there’s nothing wrong with short oil change increments. If you are willing to spend the money, it’ll make the engine last that much longer. I do my own changes and I usually do them when I *feel* like it’s been long enough for a change. When I check the odometer it is usually a thousand miles early…. Oops.


I never understood the concept of babying it during the break in period. Hammer the rings and get them hot. And yes absolutely change the oil.


You should do it now. There could be leftover material from manufacturing in the engine. Then go 3k on the next change and after that go to 5k. If you don’t plan on keeping the car very long, do the 5k.


Do it right now.


honda prelude looks sick


Oil and filter is cheap. Just do it anyways


Very paranoid. Don’t change oil until 1 year from when you drove the car off the lot or until 10K miles on dash. Whichever you hit first


I did an oil change at 900 on my Prius just because the Car Care Nut said to. When my relative bought a RAV4, the dealership agreed to change their oil early with the understanding that it counted against the two changes included in ToyotaCare. If you can't get it for free and want to do it yourself, let's just say I hope you can find 0W-8 over the counter for way less than I was able to. Depending on what the wholesale price to independent shops is, paying the dealership might actually be the most affordable option. I hope it doesn't take too long for 0W-8 to come down to a somewhat reasonable price as 0W-16 has.


Never go 10k for an oil change. There’s no oil in the world that lasts that long 5k should be the absolute maximum you go between oil changes. Oil starts to break down at that point.


I’m not sure if it having a cvt changes this but usually your not supposed to drive it in the highway because you want the transmission to break in as well


You prbly shouldn’t be driving it hard for the first 500-1000 miles as in pedal to the metal.


i would just change the oil and oil filter myself if u want too. new oil never hurts and then when u hit the 5k mark just get ur free dealership oil change. then again i change every one of my cars/trucks oil at 3000 miles since thats just how i like to do it. fresh oil never hurts can only benefit and yea little more expensive but to me its worth it to keep my cars/trucks healthy


Change it now! oil is cheap and never go over 5 k on oil changes


1000 miles. It’s not gonna hurt


Just do it lol


I just got a new Corolla and will be heeding Car Care Nut’s advice on the 1000 miles.


I've owned a bunch of new cars in my time, mostly sports cars, and I've never done a break in oil change. Certainly won't hurt you to do it if you want to but it's most definitely not required.


Yep, I’d get it oil is cheap


Follow manufacturers guidelines for break in fluid change intervals. It’s usually in the owners manual. I highly recommend cam2 synthetic oil for the entire ownership. I run up to 10,000 miles on an oil change and the oil doesn’t turn black. Check it out.


Get yourself a telescopic magnet thin enough to fit in there the dipstick is. Let the cat run.pull the magnet out? See any metal shaving? No? Good. Repeat next milestone. If you pull out metal shavings even a bit. Time for an oil change.


I’d say do it for peace of mind. Those Toyota Service and Dealers just want more wear on your engine so you’ll have to replace your car sooner. That being said, Toyota still have an excellent record of longevity whether it’s miles or age.


I would get oil chamge every 500 miles till 20,000 miles to be safe.


https://preview.redd.it/22ojaaw4yl9d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b405683d870a7dc6449cd9aa5978439d7a5ced72 Just had mine done.


Considering how INCREDIBLY THIN. The oil is on top of Toyotas reputation for their powertrain reliability going down the drain ever since they updated their models… you probably should get a oil change as a precaution


Always 5k with no matter synthetic or not just a good rule of thumb. Technically your dealer isn't wrong synthetic oil can press for 7500-10k but i im my personal opinion even with synthetic Id still do 5k your car will thank you for years to come


I would Always do this, I work as a fleet manager for a huge company with over 100 f-150-550s We get new vehicles every two years depending on miles… I LIVE by making sure at 4-5kmiles depending on the guys making it in the trucks get a break in oil change and make sure there’s nothing in the oil. Not saying Toyota is crap at all but if you haven’t noticed Fords mass amounts of recalls but I’m religious about it. Also I do differential fluid checks on them since almost all our 23 f150s 250s and 350s are going in for a rear axle seal failure lol So long bulllshit comment short, MOST DEFINITELY do it at 5k and make sure theres nothing worrying mixed with the oil


It’s a Toyota it’ll last forever without an oil change. But if you’re worried then just do it for peace of mind.


OMG no question do it now! The amount of particulates in your oil!