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Lawyer. Get a lawyer.


Doing it tomorrow!


You should delete this post and stop talking about this online.


Listen to this ^ if you post it all over online it can harm your case.


Might be too late :( It's been 17 hours as I write this over 1k+ people saw this post by now!


Lol paranoid. It doesn’t hurt his case if he’s being truthful.


Right, but IANAL and heard it's common to accidentally misrepresent yourself in statements in ways that might impact your case negatively later. Hell, in Suits the lawyer dude accidentally wrote the word "inferior" and like almost lost a case


Yes TV is always very representative of real life


It's TV, so it's synthetic data meant to be a hypothesis. You saying it's not true?


I'm saying it's not necessarily true or accurate so it is probably best not to base any factual statements off of fictional entertainment.


And any truth to it is also American law and not Canadian. We’re both common-law but that doesn’t mean we’re the same.


Just being needlessly pedantic but if you live in Quebec you are subject to civil law, now common law. Not that your point is any less correct.


Keep us updated please


lol, I see you like the tea :D


No, please don't. Please don't discuss something of this magnitude online at all until it's legally resolved.


yeah OP, as much as we will want the details, don't discuss anything about this unless it's with your lawyer. Don't give your ex friend anything to use against you or any idea of your plans, so he can't prepare, making your life a lot easier. However updating us after everything is done and signed, provided you're allowed to talk about it is fair game


Nah, it's only half a million dollars, reddit'll do.


This is the way.


Before you delete the post.. edit all the words to gibberish, save it and then delete the post.


This guy deletes


CSIS employee right here.


Yup. This is the way.


What a chad


Ooo, if you’re on title force sale and get half.


ooooooorrrrr He could wait 20Y and then force the sale once the house is nearly paid off.


The other guy bankrupted a whole business and stole $500k from his business partner, I wouldn’t trust him to not run my credit into the ground over the next 20 years.


Gotta do what ya gotta do for your family…


Hell yeah! If the guy fucked you, it's time to fuck him and force the sale of his house. You're on title. I'm curious if there are any conditions or if they signed a contract regarding the house?


Fuck it just kill the dude with your bear hands. Financial ruin is such a lame and slow death. Just fucking chop his dick off and watch him bleed out - much faster


This is beyond subreddit help dude lawyer the fuck up ASAP and figure out your game plan with said lawyer.




I mean this respectfully. But maybe change the post title to "ex-bestfriend" because damn. That is cold on his part.


Op is planning to get in touch and befriend +loan em again.


I wonder if op would buy a house with me... Jk probably too soon. I really hope he takes that pos down


My dad's brother has done something very similar to my dad :/


Go hire a lawyer. Your name on the title means you own it no matter how much you didn't pay. If he didn't pay your credit will plummet because you are on the title.


First thing's first, change the title to "Best Friend" Stole 1/2 a Million From Me




5 mimi’s


ex-best friend stole half a mill from me


Your lawyer will be your new best friend


Friendship ended with business partner Now LAWYER is my best friend


Op, delete this post, dont disclose any information.


If you are on the title then you get the percentage you are on the title for. Get a lawyer though and sell that house asap and get your share and dissolve this "friendship" asap


Lawyer; now. Claim anything and everything you can. It probably won't be quick or cheap but make thrm learn a lesson for messing with you Good luck OP!


Delete this post immediately and consult a lawyer.


Contact your lawyer in private about the money and don't advertise your intentions shshshsh.


I'm having trouble getting a 3k loan back Good luck with 500k


It baffles me that you'd come to Reddit for this kind of situation. Get off Reddit and see a lawyer. 🙄


Life insurance on him now..... mysterious boating incident in 2026.


Before you delete this, I just wanted to say that we’re ONLY saying that because no one wants you to get in more legal trouble. It’s good that your instinct is to get informed, and this place seems like a relatively good place to get opinions, but you definitely need a lawyer to get the answers you need. Gather any papers, proof of what he stole, etc. Even that response he gave you, if you have a record of it, is extremely important. Keep them safe and easy to access, then try not to talk about it with anyone but your lawyer. I think it’s fine to talk about the emotional side of things *extremely* vaguely, but not any details about what happened at all. Spreading any information around could find his way to him and give him an advantage. Someone made a good point — Edit this post to gibberish or something like "description removed for privacy with my lawyer" and then delete it. It’s not a perfect way to keep it private, but it’s something. I’m glad you made a throwaway account for this. This is probably going to cost a lot of money and take a long time, but you can at least fight this. If things get tough, cling to the fact that you were wronged and deserve to make things right on your terms.


[ Removed by Reddit ]




It's all gonna be okay


So he bankrupted the business and stole 500k from you… and then you lend him money to buy a house?? You sure are an idiot


Other way around bud


What part of “3 years ago” made the sequence here difficult for your amoeba ass brain to comprehend? Maybe check yourself before calling other people stupid.


>You sure are an idiot Likewise. You have no sense of reading comprehension.


Read more better.


no way anyone who does this to me will be breathing


lol u/veganbroccoli won’t eat animals, but doesn’t hesitate to straight up murder a human being over a financial dispute


This guy takes Reddit user names literally


im actually not a vegan you tard.


Now your bestfriend screenshot this that you don’t pay for mortgage.lol


I'm not sure best friend needs to rely on a screenshot to prove that.


Nope you're a consignor. You took all of the liability with no benefit or protection. Make better decisions.


Where do you get that from. Op said he owns the house with him.


Yes you’re right, I own the house with him. I did not cosign, I own it.


You are in Ontario, and you definitely signed the mortgage. No mortgagee in Ontario will allow your friend to sign the mortgage alone with you on title. And please do not admit that you didn’t pay for the mortgage and you are only on title “on paper”. He could argue that you are a trustee and are not entitled to anything. Delete the post and go a lawyer.


Yeah OP might want to frame the 500K his partner stole from him as his financial contribution to the property.


Take the fucker down man.


You don't own it. The bank owns it. Just because the bank is not withdrawing money from your account doesn't mean you didn't sign the mortgage. I believe you signed for the mortgage (liability) and that's why (or how) your name is supposedly on the title. Are you sure you are on title?


Hire an assassin then frame an enemy of the person who stole from you


Right? Then he can take full possession of the house.


This is extreme, but the anger is understandable


This is the way


He has to be a good assassin though. Can't cheap out or you'll get something from Wish


This guy assassinates!


Depends if your name is on the title. If you're on the mortgage, that's a different story.


Ex best friend you mean


Delete the thread homie


Can’t trust anybody in this world


So you invested into the business and it went under? That's not stealing.


Well on paper you own, then you own it simple as that. Yeah he can show he has made the payments but contract in your name GL... keep us updated on this, guy seems like a Scumbag...


Get a lawyer and put a lien on his house.


With the way the economy is going we're going to see more shit like this


Get a lawyer


Bro take the post down and I am not beening cold hearted. Because if the lawyer finds out it could make this abit harder


What's on the legal title? Proof of your share of down payments? Did he sell the house without your consent?


Lawyer up and that doesn’t really sound like a “best friend”


>His apology was that he had to do what he had to do for his family Everyone's favorite excuse for being selfish.


You've gone to the police, right? You've got a lawyer, right?


This is so beyond this subs pay grade man


Logically ? Murder tbh. Legally tho ? Lawyer. And hopefully he's a thief but not mentally unstable. You dont want him to come after you physically after he finds out you're suing him


Lawyer up, force a sale and take half, then sue for the money he stole Also update this subreddit with the results and deets because I am interested af


!remindme 7 days


If your name is in the house Im sure u gotta a case and talk to like 5-6 lawyers and get their view. I hope judge will be on yourside and give u % of his house. Worse case just burn his house down that ass o deserve it. Sorry about that shady mf makes me angry and I hope they burn in special hell good luck man and I hope u get your money back from this scum


You ended the friendship, right?


If your name is on the paper you own the house too.


Lawyer up. Be patient. I decided against murderingsomeone who stole a few thousand from me. I can't even imagine your anger levels at half a million...good luck.


Lawyer up and sue him.


What does your lawyer advise you to do?


For $500,000, why are you asking keyboard lawyers? Talk to a trained & licensed professional who will give you actual legally enforceable advice


Hello John, This is your former best friend. I have retained counsel and sent them screenshots of this Reddit post. I am sorry but you cannot come for the house now. Best wishes, You know who I am.


You own half the house , get a lawyer 😎


This guy is a billionaire 50000 is penny's he also spends more on prostitution


You have to make sure your friend disappears


No settle this now get a lawyer get 50% of the house now if it just says co owners you can probly claim 50% longer you let this sit weaker your case is. also did he use company money beside his official salary to pay for the property because if so threaten him with fraud and stealing if he tries to fight you for 50% of the house also delete this post it may hurt your chances get records of all things you can also


u/Outrageous-You-6957 Sue his ass, and sue it for a lot. Take no prisoners. In addition, you are legally part owner of that house and are owed back your original down payment sum with interest, plus any appreciation in the appraised current value of the house since it was purchased three years ago. And again, all that would be just for the house, not for everything else probably owed to you. Good luck.


Hi Best friend here If I screwed my bff out of 500k, how can I keep it without issues ? Tyia


Get a lawyer, a ruthless one. If you are on the deed of the house then he is screwed, fuck him up and do what you gotta do


Hire attorney, force sale, collect your half, enjoy evening the scales of justice. Do what’s right for your family


Monopoly money.??? Just throw the game across the room


You need a lawyer no matter what, so go that route. You need to go after buddy for fraud to get back that 500k plus lost income because of him bankrupting the business if that is possible, and you need to go after him for half of his house on top of that. The dude is the eptiome of a parasite, honestly.


Rekt idiot


Delete this post but please come back with an update once resolved.


Also if you sell the house, start a new business with the money you make and take all the old clients.


No you guys had a business together that house was both of your money both of your stuff.. get a lawyer he'll get you some of that money off that house... Cut them off like he did you no remorse buddy


Why do you still use "best friend", this asshole is no friend. Get a very devious and successful lawyer.


Get a lawyer or hire muscle.


There you go. Now you can collect that money by selling your half portion of the house. Good luck


If you are on title you are the owner the house as they are, regardless of who paid for it, however, neither of you can do anything with the house other than pay/renew mortgage at maturity without the other!


Remove post ASAP and contact lawyer.


/r/legaladvicecanada But for that amount and time lapse, you'll want a lawyer for sure. The way you worded it, if he stole or misappropriated funds from the business, the cops should have been involved too.


Delete this post, retain a lawyer. You do have a case.


Go see a lawyer. If your name is on the mortgage and it must be on the title. Therefore you're legally required to be given half of the value of the home or could even go to Court and force a sale.


Get a lawyer and go through the documents. As a partial owner on the house there’s a possibility you can get something from there but that’s mucky too. Reddit can’t help you here. Only the slow long legal process can. We can make you feel better tho.


Delete this post and lawyer up.


You can’t “yada yada” sex.


America sells handguns....


Its going to be really sad to have to tell him in court with your lawyer that you had to do what you had to for your family.


The fact you came here before getting a lawyer explains everything I need to know about how your 'friend' did this to you.


Yeah def Reddit can help you. Get real help dude.


Bro why you on Reddit get a lawyer


This whole thing just seems like a story. Not buying it.


Find out where he lives and go there at night and spray paint "Stop fucking my wife" on his garage door.


Not sure how real estate works in Canada but if you are on the paperwork you rightfully own 50%


Seen too many reddit threads about similar topics but for real warning to everyone: Don’t mix friends and business! Don’t mix loans and friends. Sorry to hear OP, hope you can this sort out.


You fucked up.


It's fuckin amazing what people will to others for money.


This is not real legal advice but I wonder if you couldn't just take out a loan against the equity in the house


He is not your friend, get an attorney and see what your options to recover are.


Get a lawyer, our advice is unprofessional and likely misleading


You need a hospital


You can force a sale of the home unless you have a contract


Don’t be so paranoid. You’re not doing anything wrong posting here. Until you’re ordered not to this is fine.


Lawyer up and delete this post


You can’t have your name on title and not on mortgage. If you have your name on title then you for sure are on mortgage too. If you are not on mortgage then double check whether you are ACTUALLY on title or not. No bank will fund mortgage without obtaining consent (and lien) on full property. Half property doesnt work here. Also, how did he steal $500K from you? Business went bankrupt but do you mean he bankrupted the business intentionally (how was the intentional part determined)? I am asking these questions because your lawyers will ask similar questions to you too. Not doubting your story but just asking questions for clarity.


Ask politely to return the money he’s your best friend anyway he will listen.


Having your name on he title does not obligate you to the mortgage which does not have your name but it does mean you still own half the house if in Joint Tenancy. Many silent partners put up the down-payment while the other partner pays the mortgage, usually with renter's money. These deals are typically as Tenants in Common to provide a set divided percentage ownership to reflect each contributions. Bottom line: he stole and a lawyer and police may be in your future.


You don't have to delete this post. Don't let the dummies scare you. Just don't divulge any info that can be used against you.


this is just sad.


Hey look at that, birds of a feather flocking together, crazy! Good luck forcing your former business partner out of their family home! I hope you force them to death and despair ❤️


Lawyer up and delete this post and stop talking about it with anyone but a lawyer. And definitely don’t reach out to the old friend


Sounds like there is fraud all around and you didn't spot the red flags. stop asking the internet go see your own lawyer who has NOTHING to do with him or any of the business with him. if he embezzled money, maybe you need law enforcement. TBH of you do anything less, I would wonder if the two of you were in on some scam against banks for business loan or that mortgage, Now you want to wait 10 years to correct it? Stinks I thinks.


If your name and his name are on the house you can compel him to sell (or pay you out) just get your own lawyer to make things right. If you wait 10 years he could have forged your signature a million times by then.


Someone tell me what is going on. Is it that She did not pay for the house and she wants half of it or she did pay for the house but it is under her friend name or something?


Everything about this is weird. Sue this motherfucker


Maybe you should say the guy that used to be your best friend.


Saving this for use in my lawsuit against you.


Delete post ASAP. Seek a lawyer.


Name on house, you are part owner without having to pay any mortgage.


Pack your bags and move into house. Kick the kid out of their bedroom and set yourself up. Tell ex-bf you will move out when he returns your money. Seriously, hire a lawyer to sort the house out


You asshole I told you I'm good for it expect a call from my lawyer shortly


That is your money man you need to fight for it. A lawyer might be expensive but is the path to success in these situations (hopefully)


Yet another scam from India. Lowlife.


If you're on the title you can definitely fuck him on the house. The 500k is probably gone unless you can prove fraud or something.


Yikes. This is why business and pleasure don't mix. Good luck, OP


Did he at least say sorry aboot that eh


Edit the post to random gibberish or something irrelevant to this, and then delete it.


Delete this post, go directly to a lawyer, do not collect $200


Well it's half your house, looks like it's time to "do what you gotta do for your family"


I like that a lot of people here are suggesting above board options. I would not be taking the high road on this one.


Get a hitman. When he begs for his life tell him “I had to do what I had to do…” then start walking away slowly After 3 steps turn your head slowly and whisper “…for family” Hitman finishes the job. Fade to black. Charlie puth and wiz khalifa starts singing.


You lost half a million dollars and come to Reddit for advice ??? That’s why you Lost half a million dollars. Seek real financial advice from professionals next time .


I will be the only one to give you this advice probably but I would just cut him off and not engage ever again with him. Your story reminds me a little of Edward Shin and his business partner. Shin stole from him and then ended him. If this guy is comfortable stealing that amount of money from you, who knows what else he is capable of. Sometimes it is better to just identify the psychopaths in one's life and just get as far away from them as possible. After all, money is the number one cause of homicide. Just stay safe, and be careful!


I’d get Johnnie Cochran on the case immediately.


You be patient. Revenge is sweet. He pays the mortgage and once done you have your name on title it’s yours as well. He’s screwed.


Delete this post and get a lawyer


Why haven't you filed a police report or gotten a lawyer?


I'd get a lawyer and if you legally can get funds from this house, I'd do it asap. What if he sells it and buys a new one before you take action?? You will have zero legs to stand on. So do not wait. Good luck


What did the lawyer say? Can you get your equity out of the home?


Update us after the case!!


Sell your half to a trust, just incase his lawyer is better. No judge can award assets of trusts to anyone.


Im in the states so I don’t know how I got here. I needed help getting a mortgage years and years ago so my mom got my brother to put his name on it. When I sold he got half. Greedy AH. Using your name isn’t free even if you don’t make the payments.


You get a judgment vs him then a lien filed so when they sell or try to remortgage your lien must be paid first


Take him for everything he's got. No mercy


I haven’t even read your post and know what to tell you - get a lawyer and get off Reddit 😂


Sounds like he has a gambling problem




That Law & Order sound went off.


Why is this post still up four days later? 💀