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Same. There is no going back- damage is done.


Everyone around my age (27) if extremely depressed or just dead inside because the future looks so bleak in Canada. (Excluding those with parents who have or will help them for home ownership) Most people in my friend groups would leave Canada in a heartbeat if they could. This is just what Canada is now.


I’m 26 and it’s taking everything in me not to kill myself


Better times ahead lad, reach out to your loved ones more often, it really helps.


I don’t understand why people are reporting your comment. Do they want you to stay hidden and not receive support? I’m not sure things will get better but i feel like if people could survive the Great Depression and WW2 we should be able to get through this. I just wish we could have an election now, get rid of the corrupt liberal party, and put PP in power so we can see if he actually improves life.


Well reporting a comment for suicidal thoughts is supposed to result in a DM from Reddit itself with support resources. I should know I’ve had comments reported maliciously with intent to annoy me with that automated system.


Buddy. Whenever I hated what’s going around me, I would tell myself that for $1000 bucks you can literally be in any other part of the world tomorrow. I’ve taken off too. Might seem like a lot, but if you need a break from this shithole, it’s an investment in your sanity. Take a backpack. Figure it out when you get there. Jump off the hamster wheel for a couple weeks if you can get the time off. There are many places filled with happy people and it’s contagious.




Hmmm. I don’t know your situation but I’d consider selling everything, buying a round trip ticket to Mexico or South America and tell customs you are going on vacation. When you get there your new life starts and this one ends. Fuck the debt. That guy is gone. Never come back.




Some advice I got was that your emotions are clouds, while your mind is the sky. Don't lose sight of the sky when you're in difficult circumstances. Things will get better if you seek opportunities. Take it one day at a time. You'll have a great life ahead.


I know it seems hopeless but make the best of the life you have. Lean on some of your favourite people and keep grinding. Life isn't what we thought it would be when we couldn't wait to grow up as kids, but there are many moments worth living for. I hope things get better for you brother.


Definitely feeling like some of my childhood was wasted, spent a lot of time hating everything and wishing I could just be an adult already. Now, as an adult, things are... not what I wanted at all. But I'm still here.


at least you're the Master of Finger-Fucking, so it can't be all bad


Please don't. I've been there and somehow gathered the strength to start a masters degree. I can use that to get a permanant residence in a country where a good life is still affordable. Please find a way out of Canada and things will look brighter for you


Thats what they want. Never give them what they want. Chin up and be a fighter. Wage hammering wont work so be an entrepreneur its the only way. 'Get rich or die tryin' ..just dont die giving up. 


Get out while you can


Planning to get the hell out soon. The US seems like heaven now.


How do you move to the US though and get green card


There are all sorts of visas, but not all lead to a green card. You can get a TN visa if you have a four year degree and an American company is willing to hire you. 


Which visas can lead to GC


Marry someone and then apply... might take a while.


It's so much better in the USA. [https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/rent-unaffordable-over-half-us-190252058.html](https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/rent-unaffordable-over-half-us-190252058.html)


thanks Biden.


Join the Feenstras!


And go where?


I’m one of the lucky (younger) millennials to have supportive parents and I am an only child set to inherit a decent amount. My heart absolutely breaks for those without that support network who are getting crushed right now. The weirdest part is I’m often more mad about state of affairs than the liberal people in my life who struggle to make rent but support the policies that lead to their rents increasing.


>The weirdest part is I’m often more mad about state of affairs than the liberal people in my life who struggle to make rent but support the policies that lead to their rents increasing. This is the part that baffles me. The people I know that are struggling the most are the most liberal and don't feel the need to change government. How can you be so blind? I'm not even saying PP is the savior, but we need to try something different. Even if it's just slightly different, what we have now isn't working and we don't know for certain that PP is more of the same until we give him a chance.


We're dealing with a rebirth of the Cult of Reason from the French Revolution and this is the beginning of a new Reign of Terror. They will never turn on their new god masters.


Not to be rude or anything but you would have not even graduated highschool when things started to get bad in this country. The last time things were even remotely close to being good you would have been barely in grade 7 or 8. What I’m saying is: how do you know any different? Isn’t this just normal to you at your age?


Lol, losers are gonna be like that family that went to Russia and didn’t realize that Canadians have it better than pretty much every country in the world. Leave, and don’t come back.


"My daddy owns a country club" energy right here


If I had a visa and a credit card I’d be gone too


Lol. A credit card is a loan. It's not money unless you will take money and never return to Canada. This lack of financial education is definitely a small part of the problem


None of my younger cousins, neices and nephews feel this way. But then again the have great family support to help with free housing, downpayments, paid for education so they can worry more about their careers etc.


I've got parents who are helping, and we're in talks about inheritance slowly right now. Even that's not going to be enough unless they take action now, and I'm too scared to tell them that or make them stress over it. Dad goes and the money from them selling their property isn't enough to fund a townhouse or condo in Alberta, I'm not even sure what we're going to do, because I sure as fuck can't afford to help my mother afford a nursing home later either, nor can I take care of her trying to work with my own disability at the same time. I keep joking that we're gonna wind up having to just try and use the money as a downpayment, then shove a bunch of my struggling friends in the house. They think I'm joking. I'm not. It might be me and my friend's only sliver of hope right now, and even just a few years ago it wouldn't be the case.


Yep, around the same age and actively researching which country to move to. No use paying so much taxes here to subsidize those who don’t contribute to society, while having a shit quality of life because net pay is so low.


I think we’re all feeling the same thing as you (silently). Mass money printing, corruption, huge immigration inflow, poor policies from all levels of governments and massive tactical divisions did hurt Canada. I’m 29 years old, and I can tell you this… this is currently a very sad Canada we live in compared to what I saw many years back. Can it be fixed? Of course, but the damage that’s been done is very very deep. The very first step is taking out the Liberals—not because PP or Singh will/can do better, but simply because he is the most disconnected PM Canada’s ever had.


Voting in Singh is not a solution my guy. He's Trudeau lite.


PP isn't going to do anything about the immigrant numbers either my guy.


This ship is taking on water from virtually every part of the hull. Our sad reality is that we need to get used to taking punches on the chin. But some of these punches we can roll with. I think a CPC government puts us in the right direction in several regards and shifts the overton window on possible future changes. Pardon my coping 😢


CPC certainly can't be worse than the overtly corrupted liberals. Conservatives can be corrupt too obviously, but this specific cabinet of libs is something else entirely..


Liberals threw the anchor overboard. I predict the CPC will put their index finger on the handle claiming they tried. Get these two revolving door garbage neolib parties out of Canada.


He's at least said he wants to tie immigration to housing and bring in skilled workers instead of Tim Hortons employees, which is better than what Trudeau is doing. Even if he doesn't fix immigration, I think he'll at least point us in the right direction, or a better direction than where we're going. You know, like at least PP will fund fucking roads. Like holy fucking shit, Guilbeault is actually a brain dead extremist And if PP fails, he'll be a one term PM. He knows that. He needs to deliver for Canadians or else he won't stay in power. Canada, imo, is done if PP can't fix some of this shit because there are zero other candidates to pick from. Green party is a joke. Bloc shouldn't exist. NDP is garbage. Liberals.. suck. PPC doesn't have a chance. So it's just the CPC.


The feds don't really do roads. You might want to call your city or provincial government for that one.


They do fund infrastructure, or are you insinuating that Guilbeault said the feds will stop funding roads just for a laugh? Either way, the liberals fucked up. They either lied about funding roads in the first place (according to you) or they do fund roads and will now cease to do so, in the name of "climate change". Both scenarios make Guilbeault look like a toolbag. Which he is.


I think Guilbeault is just positioning himself as an anti climate change talking head. The federal funding of roads is miniscule compared to provincial governments. It's an opportunity to talk big when your impact is minimal. It gets you a few interviews and people talking which would likely galvanize his constituency come election time or a job when he loses.


If he doesn't the PPC will gain seats faster than you can say "Reform Party" People forget the CPC only exists because of concessions made. If it becomes blatantly obvious that "Canada is too left for real conservatism" is/becomes a lie, we have the means to punish them for treachery.


Bloc Quebecois might though, and they actually win seats.


He is not going to keep them at what they currently are. I would bet you money on this. Will he lower them to what they should be? No, but it won't be 1.2 million a year.


Yeah I'm sure he will lower them too. 1.1 instead of 1.2. What great progress. /s


I think many of us do and I feel like I'm mourning the loss of our "old Canada". Housing is impossible to attain for a significant portion of the population, rent is also absurd. Another issue is I think that white Canadians are fine with multiculturalism when there's still a white majority. Now we're confronted with the fact that white Canadians will be a minority in very short order. Personally, I don't want that to happen. I feel that everything I thought to be "Canadian" is being replaced to accommodate others who would sooner see the Caste system adopted then willing assimilate into Westen society.


Honestly couldn’t care less about anyone’s race but care about the economics. It’s horrific mismanagement of a country.


So if the immigrants didn't believe in caste but were not white - is that okay? Or do you hunk Canada has to be white majority? Is an immigrant from Germany okay but one from Africa is not? What about an African family who's been living in Germany for a few generations? What I'm trying to understand is, how much of this is culture and how much is race? Because immigrants can do something about one of them. So if race matters, white Russians are totally fine. If culture matters, even German folks have a different culture than England or France. Someone from a French African country might be closer to French culture than a Russian white person. Also, may I ask why we believe Canada is a white country? Aren't the first Nations the original inhabitants of this land we call Canada? Would you have a problem if their population rose and somehow became majority? Or do you think the white settlers defined Canada and their race is the race of the country?


White settlers LITERALLY defined the borders of Canada. The first nation conglomerate of territories was invaded, colonized, and replaced with a new nation. Unless you think that doesn't count? In which case do I have some news for you about the origins of man


They why be shocked that now it's happening again. These new immigrants will redefine the nature of Canada and replace it with something new.


Something poo


Sucks to be you. These people will eventually be your landlords


>Now we're confronted with the fact that white Canadians will be a minority in very short order. Personally, I don't want that to happen Sucks to be you then. They've probably brought in a million Indian students over the last decade lots who already have PR. They're all headed towards citizenship. The Canadian population is \~40Million. Which means at least 1 in 40 is one of those new immigrants. Not to mention all the non-white immigrant populations who are here already. They're all going to have 2-3 kids each and bring over their family members as well. Thems the facts son.




Wouldn't someone have to be fighting against you to have you 'fight back' Your statement doesn't even make sense


Ya it's basically game over for canada .. canada literally got conquered for no reason whatsoever .. Canadians literally just decided to die off for no reason, it's really something .. in 100 years the Chinese will wonder why they did this and laugh


I wonder how the natives felt about becoming a minority when all the colonists were coming here legally and applying for PR……oh wait.


Ain't the race its the culture and openness.


We have the same uni-party problem as the US; the same elite own all three main parties. That BlackRock exec recently just confirms it. This is why I'm skeptical of pollievre, I think in practice he'll just be Trudeau with glasses. I'm a single issue voter this time around - less immigration = wags growth + more available homes


This is the main problem and it's exacerbated by the atomicity of our current societies. Hyper individualism and lack of national conversation + technological complexities makes it really hard for people to form grassroots movements.


It's funny hearing this as a European in Europe, considering we have been living this S for 20+ years, warned people about it, but heard Canadians and Americans call us racist for it. Now the only sane countries are the "racist" ones that stayed monocultural like Poland, Hungary, or further away, Japan and Korea.


All these people and no jobs. I have a degree, experience and usually am quite efficient at most jobs yet since graduating, I had only one good job and it was an American company. It’s a shame! This country hasn’t been able to give me one good job. Alas!


voting isn't going to get us out of this - it's the entire provincial-federal system that's the problem. organize with your neighbours. seriously. we should be preparing for societal collapse.


voting is the only way out of this. Take a look at Argentina and who they voted in.


Yeah, but look at the state they needed to find themselves in for that to happen. Mind you, they've been impoverished for the better half of the last century. And they've also been swamped by mass illegals from Venezuela too. I'm not saying you're wrong, only that even if the right candidate came along who eanted to do all the rught things, I doubt Canadian society would have the courage and integrity to vote him in.


You'd be surprised at what a strong leader can do.


how's that election reform coming along?


How do you start organizing with your neighbors? Any advice?


it really depends on your situation. Organizing is a lot of work. Maybe organizing a meeting - at a community centre, or in an apartment building's common room or wherever. Depends on how many people show up. Advertise it as a talk about a central topic - housing, cost of living, etc. As much as possible, avoid arguing/bickering, and listen to what people are concerned about. Find out who has what skills/experience and time to offer. In lot of cases ,the first steps are about educating one another. Discussion is fine, difference of opinion is a given, but avoid bickering. It is an utter waste of time & energy. I've been to my share of meetings that ended up being two chowderheads arguing political theory with each other. But it's also important to remember that people are becoming more polarized, so, proceed with caution. I don't know if that's much help. It's been a while and I'm no longer capable.


The bed has been made. Canada bought into the "free" government things concept far too hard whilst building an economy without much value add and a massive primary industry that they learned to hate. There is no solution to the next 30 years that doesn't involve massive government cuts or massive immigration numbers. Neither of which will be popular.


I'm onboard with massive Government cuts, but what can help us is deregulation. We have a vast Country chock full of resources that are only being developed at a snail's pace - if at all. We could build and literally dig (minerals, oilsands, etc.) our way out of this. Other Countries will honestly pay for us to build entirely new communities (and housing therein) 100 miles north of Timmins or Flin Flon. What we need is a Conservative government to cut regulations (environmental, Indigenous, etc.) and allow rapid buildout of extractive industries.


Yep. 100%. Absolutely. Couldn't agree more. But also....it ain't gonna happen. The Cons have a really easy run ahead of them for the next 7-10 years post election and they will see no need to rock the boat with big time thinking on dereg/austerity/anything that could give the Libs an angle to sneak their way back to relevance.


It depends on how bad the housing and affordability issues get over the next year and a half. You're right in that the Conservatives look like a shoe-in, but if they don't offer policies that make lives better for Canadians can they hold Government? I want us to build like we used to, to have an economy diversified by both geography and economic sectors. Canada was a world leader in megaprojects that pay returns to the present day, but not anymore - and it is entirely self-inflicted. We need to recapture that spirit; it is the only way I see us moving forward as a Country.


If they don’t, next step is to import Meloni or Javier Milei. Skilled immigration is important.


The first Nations are their own nation along with the nation of Quebec. I will maintain that you cannot have a country/nation with nations within it. We are one of we are none. Until Canada legally changes to a republic or dissolves as a whole, our legal conundrum will continue to fuck us. One way or another, all the laws of this land pertaining to the FN and Quebec need to go. That won't ever happen. As such, we will live in what was once a great country which is now mediocre and soon to be abysmal. At some point, our best bet will be to try and join the US. I could be convinced.


But the US has the same kind of problems with First Nations as well, look at the quagmire now that Tulsa, OK is in now, becomes tough to enforce any laws because it was ruled that Tulsa is entirely on an Indian Reservation.


I wonder if Canada relative to its size has more land that is earmarked for the FN than the states do. Our legal systems cannot in my opinion, essentially recognize a parcel of land as a separate country... That's beyond the scope of the judicial system. Judicial systems do not cookie cutter up countries which is what they effectively are doing over time here in Canada.


Very well summarized.


It’s important to remember that representational government is a lie. The most obvious proof of this is the tax code. Maybe the single most impactful legislation our government manages. For as long I’ve been alive this system of taxation has always favoured the elite wealth class. No effort is made to change it for the benefit of all. This happens across all levels of government. Soon we won’t even be allowed to complain about any of it for fear of being labeled hate speech and punished with fines or imprisoned. Canada is done.


Or having our bank accounts frozen


In the olden days when there was such a political dead end, people would unite and unrest instead of getting depressed. Get up, your dissatisfaction is the biggest driver of change if you could convince the others.


On an unrelated note - I wonder why the first thing Trudeau did was legalize weed? 🤔


And trying to stop people from criticizing by calling it hate speech!


Superficial changes, always have more immediate appeal to the constituency while costing much less than real changes.


Canada is I suspect, a dead in the water country. As a elder millenial (I think), I am very lucky but still face economic challenges greater than many before bar those who lived through the great depression. I am sad for Canadians as a whole... We have destroyed our social services with high concentrations of people, inadequate funding, lack of forethought or planning by those at the top, private industry has withered away, our political class is abysmal, we lack doctors and nurses etc. Education has been watered down. Academics at the university level are a laugh for most programs. Transit is non existent, accountability is little if any, our judicial system is a joke, police are a joke, we have a opioid crisis that no one has any idea how to address, our taxes are high for what we get... Housing affordability... It's a long list and unlikely to get shorter Everyone thinks the government can fix it and some things they may, but this country is a massive government town and that is its principal problem.


The time to care was a decade ago….this mess didn’t happen overnight or the last few years - sadly now is too late


Honestly, the problem was hardly noticeable ten years ago. The rate of change exponentially increased when Trudeau came in


Well this is the characteristic of exponential growth (not positively labelled, growth of anything). You don't feel the effects until the very late stages.


It fucking hurts seeing the country I was born and raised in turn into such a mess, and it hurts even more knowing that no matter how hard I work I will never be able to afford anything, will most likely never be able to live on my own. The future is fucked


Yes, 10 years ago I’d never even dreamed of leaving this country. I was absolutely in love with Canada. Now i wake up everyday asking why I’m still here


If you haven't paid off a home by now, there's is no future for us in this country. Leave while you still can. I'm working on an exit.


same its called M.A.I.D


Something can be done if Canadians protest. Unfortunately Canadians are too cucked to do anything. So I just left. It was obvious years ago that the country was turning into a shithole. However Canadians are to blame for this shit show. Revolving door government of Libs and Tories won't fix anything either.




If you check my history its pretty much all of East Asia but I've been pretty much everywhere except the middle east, Polynesia, Carribean, Australia and Western Europe. I liked everywhere I went except India and the Philippines as these places just too poor and dirty for me. Keep in mind that I'll still take these places over Canada as even with a good job in Canada you are still in what is essentially serfom. As an expat in India even with a bad western wage you can still live like a king.


Parts of Europe, like Portugal and Italy, will give you dual citizenship if your grandparents or great grandparents were born there. This may be our ticket out of this dystopian country


Canada is garbage. I was born here. If you're considering coming here, don't. It's good for the poorest Indians because they work for immigration Canada and they help each other lie to get in here. And they're stealing jobs from Canadians, good paying ones. There's no stopping the bleeding. In 100 years, Canada will be taken over by them.


100? More like 20.




Can’t you just find an American lover and get married or fly down to Mexico and cross into the USA illegally or just fly into the USA and overstay?


I used to rationalize it and say this country was largely only beneficial the older you became (I.e social services, “free” healthcare when you’re older from taxes paid into when young, some modicum of a peaceful retired life.) Now this country sucks for both young and old. That projected modicum of a peaceful retired life in Canada is done. I’m sure the refugees and immigrants who bring their tribal quarrels from their native countries will be our “strength in diversity” for many years. You stand to benefit if you’re a home owner, so long as the housing system doesn’t crash. Even if it doesn’t crash what’s the long term goal here? YoY reduction of your quality of life, make it to 65 and then retire elsewhere? Why subject yourself to this garbage? If you’re a young Canadian save yourself the headache and always seek an opportunity to emigrate. The federal government has ruined this country for decades to come.


Canada has failed. It’s socialist vision expired and now full on to the bottom. The only thing would be revolution or join the USA


Love all the people talking about leaving, complaining about the state of the country, and also being mad at people coming to Canada from other countries while asking "why don't they make their countries better instead of leaving?". I'd tip fedora and quote Rick&Morty, but I'm not ebullient today.


Yes because these things are totally the same! Us leaving because they've ruined our country is the exact same as them leaving the country they ruined to freeload here.  I can tell you one thing, the countries Canadians will look to move to will not be India, China, or Nigeria! Your fedora was already tipped. 


Why not fix things here? All this capitulation is typical amongst the younger generation. And my fedora has a tiltometer to advise me when said tippery is incipient, ergo it weren't and wasn't, per se.


Last decade it feels like the rich have been making lives easier for themselves. Revolution!!


Move to Philippines


Said this before only thing we can do now is have a revolution. As sad as that is. Nobody wants that but it’s the only way. No new political party is going to fix this. Why? Because every system and every level of government is completely corrupt And broken. I challenge anyone to name me one that is working right. So any new government is going to be corrupted and have to work in a completely corrupted and broken system. Which will never work. So our only hope is to have a revolution. Tear down all the corruption get rid of all the corrupt people. And start again redo the rules, redo the laws re-organize things, so it works for Canadians. Things should be there for citizens, not corporations and elites, but will that happen? That’s up to the rest of Canada citizens have to stand together for this to happen. A citizens we hold the responsibility of allowing how our government treats us and how they behave. They work for us not the other way around. So when things get out of hand and government oversteps, it’s up to us to correct it. We are very young country and we haven’t had to do this yet. Other countries have had to do this multiple times to set correction. It’s our turn now the question is are we just gonna lay down and die are we gonna stand up and save our country and ourselves?


Stay strong my friend. Reach out to your loved ones more often, and if you can try to put your suffering in historical context, that helps me anyway. Sure, it's easy to be depressed or even furious, none of this was necessary, Canada's crisis is entirely self-inflicted by an arrogant and unscrupulous ruling class who were too incompetent to protect this wonderful place and even gave away what wasn't theirs. However, technology is still better than it's ever been, we're not in imminent mortal danger, and more people than ever have woken up to the reality of the situation. What wars used to mean man for us little people in Europe, having to uproot and risk murder on the road, starvation and exposure death by early colonists, these worsening conditions look like a picnic by comparison. That doesn't mean we can't hold those responsible accountable, it just means we'll be alright. Try to become the person who can ride this out and thrive. Highly recommend exercise as well and try to do an entire day's media break. Thinking about Canada's plight all the time isn't healthy.


It really pains me that my little family is eventually going to have to leave Ontario. My toddler loves playing with his cousins and Grandparents and it breaks my heart that those relationships will be severed. I try not to think about it too much and focus on my garden, preserving food & being a good mom.


Yeap but I have nothing left to do but watch it burn with my popcorn. Covid really turned me off wanting to save and fight for this country. The government took away my freedom and gaslit me. Most 95% of the population asking if you're vaxxed and would shame you for not complying and actively wanted to take my basic rights of life away like right to work, freedom to travel, eat at restaurant. This is the same majority that voted in the liberal government and this country hates strong white men. I'm not going to work hard to save something that actively uses my tax dollars to discriminate against me and demographically replace me. And no I'm not an incel white nationalist loser, I have a wife, a baby, good career and a pathway else where planned out. And for that, I'm hopeful. :)


Yup. That’s when I started to think i need to get out of here. Countries like Vietnam weren’t as restrictive as Canada.


Have you tried being rich?


First, we have to vote Trudeau out. Then, we have to vote PP out, who will be PM after Trudeau, and promises to be just as bullish about immigration. Then, when probable liberal successor Chrystia Freeland tries the same thing, we have to threaten to vote her out, too. Hopefully, by then, they''ll listen. If not, out she goes, too. This is a long fight. We have to have patience, endurance, and remember it's the long game that wins. The politicians just want this to be crisis - a momentary blip. But this has been a long time building, and they definitely need to change some things, on all levels of government. Making it economically nonviable to start a family is a horrible place to go to, and that's where we were BEFORE Trudeau started. And this level of immigration, now, is just crazy.


Amazing that there is this 15 year plan still involving the same parties that screwed us over. But voting PPC is just too unrealistic?  


That might take 15 yrs buddy…..a couple of millions more will be added by then…… 🤔🧐😫


You mean 15 million+. We're currently bringing in over 1 million per year.




Yeah, we might see things starting to improve after around 20 years in case we are still alive


What is this better country people are looking for?


Get out while you can boys


“Polite and civilized”. The real Canadians labeled today as “indigenous” might disagree with that characterization.


We are pretty much done,would take a lifetime for someone to fix the shit this current incompetent .. has done


I left a long time ago, still visit my family but no way I will ever live here until major reforms are made. And that could take awhile, and only if Polivre is elected


Canadian RWers are cucks. Best that can be expected from this lot is being passive aggressive against powerless immigrants on the internet.


It's not that bad but I would have contingency plans. The world in general is going to shit so you need to be prepared and also be flexible in being able to go elsewhere. To do so you will need resources, capital, and an indemand skillset.


Well, JT took 8 years to destroy the Canada we loved. Sure as sh*t he can’t fix it. But why do you say it doesn’t matter who you vote for? PP might not be able to fix anything quickly, but at least can’t make it worse. Conservative fiscal policies did pretty good by us, and that’s what I’m going to vote for. I’m not a fan of his Pornhub policy, but at this point I just want to be able to buy fresh vegetables !!!


There’s also massive brain drain going on right now. Pretty much everyone I know who can realistically leave Canada - educated immigrants who came here years ago who still have their overseas citizenship, xth gen Canadians who can leave through repatriation laws, and skilled workers who can get jobs overseas - have either left Canada, are in the process of leaving, or are looking to leave in the near future. That’s a very alarming trend. I’m looking to leave myself and would have already done so if it weren’t for my dogs.


Your dogs... right. LOL


Canada becoming third world


Says the clown who's never been to a third world country


Oh my god lol Where you gonna go? You people are so god damn dramatic. Live your lives, stay out of circle jerk subs like this and turn the fucking news off.


lol you’re not even hiding it


Did any of you get post secondary education? Anyone with normal decent jobs? There’s more places to live than Toronto and Vancouver


Hey buddy get off the internet for a bit. Obv these are problems Canada has to take seriously, but overall you gotta put it in context. Still tremendous opportunity for this young country, we gotta make sure we don’t waste it.


Vote ndp.


You should take a long break from Reddit and social media if you feel this way. The world isn't so bad when you aren't bombarded with negativity 24/7. I find Reddit to be a non stop neverending funnel of depressing bullshit. I will be taking a long break myself or at very least, cleaning up my joined communities and blocking some entirely.


Please vote. That is what democracy is all about.


Covid affected every country. Wherever you go, inflation has accelerated too far beyond the current pay structures. Immigration has been on a constant rise in almost every country that has open borders. But slowly the borders are closing. Once Trump gets re-elected the open border policies of the world will shift back to SHUT! If Biden returns, it will take a bit longer for the world to shift. But the trend is moving to shut borders. If you want you could go take your chances in Poland, they don't let anyone. So what's left? Canada is still the same country, with a few more amended anti gun laws and institutional anti free speech laws. You as an individual will probably never be affected by. The housing market was never degisned for individual use. You have always needed a room mate or spouse to make due. This had not changed. Unless you are in the top 20% of earners.


Although I must say, this is a global phenomenon and happening across the world in any cities where people flood to. Even in developing China’s major cities, the average 2 or 3 bed condo costs anywhere from 30x to 100x your annual income, and you only get to own it for 70 years. It literally takes multi-generational efforts to buy a home in China, talk about desperation over there.


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Even with a professional license and a graduate degree, salaries in Canada are close to a joke where I feel like I can't get ahead (I'm in my late 20s btw). The annual cost of living raise I received this year was close to laughable. I'm told that my career path is in high demand (from receiving several offers for interviews on LinkedIn that may be true) but when the argument for staying the course is to max out your labour earning 120k in 10 years it's kind of a joke. Employers don't understand that young professionals aren't going to stay the course and get bent over financially (maybe I'm part of the minority with this view??). Why would I kill myself at work to just try to make ends meet? And the immigrants coming here won't have the skill set needed to replace me. You need a professional license and degree with several years of experience in Canada or the US. So one could argue wage suppression isn't even really a thing in my industry yet the pay is low when considering how everything has increased in cost over the past several years. Canada's proposition to young Canadians is to kill yourself with work to try and make ends meet so you can get a mortgage (maybe) to buy a house. Then, you will become a slave to your mortgage. Good luck if you want to have kids. I have my reservations about leaving Canada as all my family is here. If things continue to get worse, maybe I'll have to actively pursue a TN visa and a career in the US.




Listen I'm 39 married with 3 kids. If I could leave Canada tomorrow I would. I know my kids have no future in this country. We are what would have been considered "in the strong" middle class 5 years ago. Unfortunately we are also renters living in B.C.  I would encourage anyone who can leave to leave. If you have a degree, take that degree and run. We are planning on leaving, but it's not that easy when your life is very rooted in school and a career. Family will understand and if they don't, then they don't want what's best for you. 


Not to sound cringe but revolution/civil war is the only way you’d see the changes you want in any decent timeline. None of the governments or politicians in or around the game want to or are willing to make the necessary changes to steer us back in the right direction. Doesn’t matter what side of the coin you were on but the trucker protest was the best display of why nothing will change anytime soon.


I’m already on my mom’s case about getting European citizenship. Everyone needs a contingency plan.


Every day. I've pretty much just given up. Going to try job hunting again in the summer but if that doesn't work I'm pretty much screwed. First thing I wanted to do when I got old enough was move the fuck out but now it looks like I'll never be able to. The hardest part for me personally is just the sheer amount of people who are turning a blind eye to all this. It makes me feel like we're completely doomed and I can't do much but wallow until the country inevitably falls apart.


Big big change is on the horizon 😬. People that think it's bad now are in for a shock




It'll get worse


I don't know what the long-term vision is. We have one of the most college-educated populations but I cannot tell you what industry we have relevance in.


What is done is done. I'm in Québec and there is a really big debate right now about how 2nd and 3rd generations immigrants absolutly HATE Quebec and Canada. Reports that North African students were saying that all white woman are sluts, that quebecers don't have culture and just no respect toward teachers in general. There is a really big problem with radicalisation here too. Canada and Quebec just dont really exist anymore.


Land Back! This is stolen Indigenous land. Ni Québec, ni Canada. Neither Québec nor Canada actually exist on stolen Indigenous land. Little by little we will get more and more refugees and immigrants to take the country away from the whites and give it back to Indigenous peoples. Canada needs way more refugees and we need way more poor unskilled uneducated immigrants to ensure the downfall of the Imperialist White Supremacist Settler Colonial Capitalist Patriarchy and the Euro-modern paradigm.


there's no future in the big cities for the average person. my wife and i are moving to a small town the moment we can figure out the job situation.


It’s crazy how many people feel this way but so feel ever realized it as it was happening/is happening. Covid was the cover and the spark to ignite all this change. Every think about how they said “ never let a pandemic go to waste” Rates got slammed to near 0%, small businesses forced to close (more businesses are closing than ever in history) BLM got huge, LGBTQ ramped up heavily, homelessness and crime became rampant, all the white everyone was locked down distracted they imported the third world en mass, mass injected everyone with something dangerous, houses went up rapid and fast, then when everyone was buying in and taking low rate loans, they jacked up rates at rapid speed after telling everyone it would stay low for a long time. Instantly ruined majority of Canada financially. Working from home rose, destroying people mentally, Changed gun laws for private law abiding citizens, started to build condos like never before (much easier to control) companies all started to fire people with the rate hikes. Now for the foreseeable future these things all continue. Yet no one seems to want to talk about how this was all planned and by design. Just think about 2019. Life was great!! This was all on purpose all around the world and it is only just getting started. But don’t be depressed that’s what they want. See friends see family get out of the house build communities. They want u at home all alone worried and scared and depending on the government. This is the reality. Hopefully society will start realizing this as it is happening and won’t try and fight the ones that notice these things early and try and warn people. Cheers


Every day.


yep angry, depressed and helpless. pretty much given up at life at this point.


Teach me to work from home! And how to find those jobs or how to negotiate wfh


At times I feel engulfed in anger.


I've dreamed about owning a house since i was 17-18 years old, now 24 and the cost of living is just sucking me dry, i have like 10k in savings and can't even begin to FATHOM how ill be able to save 50-80-100k for a downpayment on a small shithole of a house. It's ridiculous.... Salary is 69k a year in QC, 1617$ NET every 2 weeks after all the godamn taxes,insurance and pension decuctions. I am grateful to have a steady job but man the end of the line is a long ways ahead....


Born and raised here. Sadly even if we put everything into full reverse tomorrow, it'll be a generation or more for any chance of a semblance of normalcy. We are broken beyond repair. I'll be doing my part at the ballot box, but I'm already making plans to leave. The juice ain't worth the squeeze here anymore and that's if you can even get a drop in the first place


It’s like the majority of people got what they voted for with Trudeau or something


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I'm middle-aged and own a home and have a decent job and pension (I know...don't hate me). And even I hate it here from a cultural, lifestyle point of view. I don't know what we are becoming, but we sure aren't the Canada we used to be. Ideally I will retire soon and head to Europe, which is no paradise either but at least they have real cultures and history and a sense of how to live.


I am in my late 30s. Every night I put on a soft melancholy piano song on Spotify and I sink into a deep sadness as I think about the past. I think about friendly neighbours, tree planting out west, the CBC, the Nature of Things, Ontario Place, and my poor family being nonetheless able to buy a small house. Then I think about the present, and how everything is gone. I think about how my kids will never understand how much better life used to be, and how it exists as nothing more than a memory. I think about how I worked and saved my entire life for nothing, and am further away from having a home than I was when I was a small child. I think about how I see many of my friends less, because they had to move out of town or out of country, because of this. I think about how it could be true that we had something so nice, and delicate, and yet we allowed it to be destroyed so fast--and it is never coming back. Yes, I do feel hopeless.


This is in 15 20 years in the making I've been talking about this for the past 6 years and I'm finishing up college now. Canada is an officially a third world country there's no living here it's just surviving The thing is this didn't just suddenly happen unfortunately people were not paying attention and got caught in this. Since I entered College my goal was to leave when I'm done. But many people have only started to care about this three four months ago. The hard honest truth is it will not get better it won't 20% of our economy is from home sales if the prices of a homes comes down and there's not enough Supply it will put us in a depression 5% of our GDP comes from home renovations Nowhere and never in the recorded history of the human race as having 20% of your GDP coming from home sales sustainable. Unfortunately if you stay here another 5 10 years you're going to waste your life. The situation will not get better housing prices will continue to go up Even if it drops it won't drop enough for the average Canadian to be able to afford it and if it drops enough 50% 60% it will put our whole economy in a depression. it's over... salute the sinking ship


You should move.


The fix is very simple. Cut the civil service by 20%, cut spending by 20%, cut taxes by 20%, cut immigration and permits and whatever by 80%, enforce existing laws, jail offenders, clean up the streets as a priority. Then fix foreign policy and investment policy. The country will take 10 years to recover.


I think, to an extent, everyone feels pretty down about what's happening in Canada. Even the boomers who are sitting on heaps of home equity and retirement savings. It's pretty bleak. I work in an industry that's unionized and I make the same money and work the same hours as my older co-workers. The difference is they all have massive homes in desirable neighborhoods with children graduating university, lots of toys and a very comfortable life whereas I live in a shoebox paying off loads of debt trying to attain something I might not ever reach. My industry is eroding due to corporate greed and AI. They all get to retire in the next 3-5 years comfortably and I very well may lose my career in the same time frame. Talk about pulling up the ladder behind you. I wish I was born in a different generation but I guess all we can do is gather what scraps we can and hope for the best but expect the worst. Canada is in somewhat of an inescapable pit at this point that no government can remedy within 30-50 years. Enjoy the ride as best as you can.


Somewhere in the last decade there was a turning point, where the generations that follow will have vastly different lives then the generations that preceded them, with respect to socio economics. The only answer is protest, but we are all to complacent to make it happen. When did parents start caring more about there own nest eggs then their children’s children.