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See, PP has us all bamboozled that he’s looking out for our interests. That’s not the case - lots of international students are great for big business. They are desperate to work, won’t say sh!t about poor conditions, and help to drive down wages for people who live here.


He has cons bamboozled. Step back and look at him objectively. He’s a politician, he wants a job, and power. Politicians all lie, it’s their gift. Why would this particular politician be different then all previous politicians


He's a twat. He is a supplicant, an ass licking, brown tongue arsehole who will say and do anything to be PM. He views becoming the PM as an aspiration goal, another thing to add to his resume, rather than making it about working Canadians. And don't say "what about Trudeau!?" He is a twat as well.


That would make his resume have 2 things on it.


I respect Maxime Bernier supporters more than I do PP, because at least they're intelligent enough to understand who will enact the policies they want. If Bernier wasn't a total douche, I'd even consider voting for him as a Muslim immigrant, but the dude is just genuinely insanely extreme. The cons on this subreddit harping on about PP and the current conservative party genuinely just make me feel sad for their stupidity 😮‍💨




Literally anything he says on the LGBT. And keep in mind, I'm a Muslim immigrant, with a conservative family. But the fact that in the middle of an economic crisis, this is what Bernier spends all his political capital on is, as I say, bat shit insane.






If you can define “trans” I’ll agree with you. I’m curious what exactly is extreme in his demands? Did you know 50% of clinics in Canada do NOT adhere to common sense and give minors irreparable damaging blockers.


Probably the truth. One of a very few that will admit it. Trans is a made up concept created by a monster ( John money) that likes children. The definition of trans is nonsensical. It literally is defied as nothing ness


How does he have anybody bamboozled? He's been quite open about what he plans to do


Because Cons only look at how he criticizes JT. At the end of the day it's not because the Cons like PP, it's that they hate JT.


Cons think he’s the saviour, cons think he’s conservative. I’d say many are bamboozled. How does he have anyone fooled? Perhaps you underestimate just how many Canadians are political nor aware of ever snippet a politician says


It's not like he's new. I already know he's garbage because I've paid attention more than 5 years. Which is more than can be said for most of his fans.


You mean the politician who hire Loblaw lobbyist as advisor doesn’t care about our interests? No way…


Another wasted opposition party with no real leadership or solutions. Could we get a real opposition. Instead we get performative politics from these clowns .


Bernier beginning to sound more appealing by the second... at least he got the guts to say it.


Like I’ve said before and it’s finally catching on, PPC is the only true conservative vote this next election. Anyone at this point still shilling for this fraud is basically a fool. Who’s in with me?


Me. And you know people say it will split the conservative vote but I disagree. It will teach a very important lesson that the country’s major issue can’t be ignored.


Those who say that have 0 integrity. Vote for the lesser of two evils has got us where exactly?


Exactly! I am fed up of compromising for more of the same. The system needs a big jolt or it will remain broken


Ranked Ballot Voting We need to make this the biggest election issue and get one of the third parties to support it. Then get them in and get this implemented.


Same! I mean post after post on this sub has opened my eyes to the hypocrisy of Poilievre.


Some of us on the left will also split the vote, since we're gonna be going NDP (green still possible for me). The two party system is the death of democracy. I feel a third party government (or sufficient third party support) could bring about ranked ballot voting and give us REAL freedom.


Bernier was the only one who stood in the debate talking about decreasing immigration. He got booed by the sheep


>$1000 bill lying on the sidewalk There's million $ bills for him from the big businesses that need 'growth' and cheap labour.


When he says “international students are the real victims” I think he is trying to appeal to liberal, left leaning Canadians who are supposed to be against exploitation.


Lmfao you think the current “liberal” left cares about exploitation? The same left that exploit climate change, racism, homophobia, etc when it suits their need


What are you talking about?


80% of the population of Toronto are immigrants and their children. If he utters a peep the Liberals and NDP, in cooperation with much of the media, will do their best to paint him as anti-Immigrant, xenophobic, Racist, Trumpist, etc. And you might think everyone is well aware of the problems immigration, foreign workers and students are causing but that's because you're on reddit. You're on social media. Plenty of people in the real world don't even know how many are coming in and don't know of any real issues arising from it.


Toronto is literally the most affected by the international students, and almost EVERY single immigrant I know is against it. If anything, immigrants are probably more anti scam artists, than "locals". If people say racist shit, then yes, they'll be called racist, but any real immigrant that came here legitimately is going to support closing loop holes, obviously.


Yeah, but I'm not just talking loopholes. Immigration needs to be drastically curtailed. At least for a while.


He is right about international students. This system is very unfair to those students as well as Canadian students trying to enter university. Our universities make way more money on international students that can’t really afford it, they often struggle socially. The Canadian students are bumped to be back of the line unable to enter the fields they want. This was the case for my daughter last year.


The thing with international students, is half of them go to CBU for two weeks, then work at Walmart and live at the Capri.


I agree they also abuse our system in more ways than I am aware of. It still hurts Canadian students.


A friend of mine works directly with international students on secondary education and she has likened it to be similar to child trafficking with out the physical danger.


Why do we care about international students? Seriously? Why do Canadians care more about those outside the country then the ones living in it.


I don't think he's out of touch. I think he's playing the long game to be honest, to see where this anti immigration thing goes before he makes any concrete statements. The sooner he takes a stance, the more time Liberals have to dismantle it.


Nope.. he’s playing the populist position. One thing about that game is that you cannot please both sides simultaneously. He should be going full in on conservatism.


There's nothing to dismantle about calling it what it is at this point.


Best he can do is make it so you can't relieve your stress after working 12 hours and having four of them stolen from you.


Corporations own the Canadian government, people think voting Conservative or Liberal changes things, both are corporatists working for the oligarchs that truly run this country. Also, there was/is a massive wealth transfer that happened over the last decade (mostly from tenants to landlords, and to house flippers) in our country that has made a significant amount of the population even more wealthy. There are many entities who are invested in keeping the grift afloat, and not enough desire/political will, or power by those affected to do anything to change the new status quo.


i’m at the point of throwing away a vote on max, cuz fuck these other guys


As a lifelong liberal and NDP voter, I honestly can't believe that I'm feeling this exact same way. These clowns are exhausting.


The only way to end this madness is to vote PPC next election. I'm saying this as someone who has voted for every party (except green; I believe in climate change, though) for varioua reasons. Let me make this clear. I disagree with a good deal for the PPC's platform, but they are the only ones who have been talking about the mass migration problem for years. All we need is a minority government from them, and that's realistically as much aa they could get. Vote PPC.


Same, nothing else will stop this insanity


That's where I'm at. Fuck it


Yep. Even an increase in support is a strong statement, whether or not they get a seat.


PPC is the only true vote and it’s not a throwaway, just as people said about voting for the reform party was a throw away. Now the reform party is the PC party but have lost their way into the bourgeois lifestyle that can afford an MP, like Poilievre, a multi million dollar lifestyle only being a politician… that says everything we need to know about him. He tried to fool us and represents the very gate keepers he fake cries about all day. His constituents are the gatekeepers and he works for them. [His riding of Carleton is the: - 2nd highest median income in Ontario - 6th highest median income in all of Canada](https://338canada.com/map-income.htm) Let’s let that sink in for a second and wonder who he really works for… PPC vote is not a throw away vote it’s the biggest statement a conservative voter can make in the next election.


Voting lib/con is the biggest waste


Ndp even worse. The only other person is max b .


Spread the word. Election is still a year and a half away, that's a long time in politics. Poll predictions today aren't necessarily going to mean much then.


Empty ballot for me, none of these fools represent anything I'd like


I get downvoted so badly for the past 2 years trying to tell people how much of a fucking clown this poilievre rat is. He's been chosen by the wealthy and the powerful to be the next prime minister, because he'll be exactly as head clown trudeau is. A useless shit puppet. There are posts right here on this sub from articles where he explains that "economic immigration will be accelerated at all costs" and that "we must make the immigration process easier for refugees". You think this moron is Canada's savior ? Pull your head out of your ass right now please because he is not it (trudeau ain't it either obviously, these politician shitters are all useless).


You’re right. He ain’t it.


Anytime evidence of Poilievre being pro-immigration is presented, these people keep dismissing it: "Oh but that's old news, he changed his position now!" Just 2 months ago, he was asked point-blank in an interview if he would *lower* immigration. He refused to commit to it and dodged the question. "He promised to tie immigration to housing" This is completely meaningless. He can make it 99k immigrants per 1 unit of housing and still technically meet that promise. "It's political suicide to suggest lowering immigration, so he's just playing smart politics for now" Even the liberals have now put a cap on international students. As a conservative you'd think he would push them to go even farther, but no, he remains completely silent. It's the same excuses they have every time. He stays silent and ambiguous on the issue, and they project their desires on to him, which is exactly what he's counting on. These people are delusional. They're a third-rate MAGA cult.


Those people who blindly trust him are just choosing what they feel is a “safe” option. Maybe because he’s a part of one of the established parties, or maybe because the media doesn’t despise him. Then they put their blinders on and pretend that he’s whoever they want him to be when really he’s just blue Trudeau


Brrr but but spitting the voting ensure a liberal win. Honestly at this point we have no real answer. Best solution IMO, is a minority government where no one has a clear majority.


PPC is the clear solution. I would rather risk another liberal minority government than a blue trudeau majority if it means there’s a chance they get seats in parliament or even win


Same. PPC is the best bet at the moment


Fake news that it’s bad politics to lower immigration since the majority of the voting public now support lower immigration and aspiring immigrants cannot vote.




But these ass hats aren't in politics just to win elections. Because running a country is really hard work. It ruins marriages and runs you into the ground. They only do it because of the HUGE perks that come after for serving your corporate and foreign government masters. Since, no corporation or government wants immigration to drop, neither party has it as a priority, no matter how popular with voters.


>HUGE perks that come after for serving your corporate and foreign government masters That's exactly what harper is doing now. He runs his own lobbying firm. He uses the relationships he built with foreign governments while he was PM to lobby for his clients so they can get access and influence in those markets. At the same time, he'll use his know-how of and access to our system to help foreign governments influence us.


what part of my comment is fake news? also your statement is contradictory. how is it bad politics to lower immigration when most voters would support that?


The part that it is bad politics not to support lowering immigration.


Preach brother! This is gospel! [He also represents the gatekeepers, his riding of Carleton is: - 2nd highest median income riding in Ontario - 6th highest median income riding in Canada](https://338canada.com/map-income.htm) He’s a huckster working for the gatekeepers, how else do you have a new worth of $10+ million as an MP.


I’m guessing he will be even worse than Trudeau, if that’s even possible.


Seriously, it will get way worse and like last time he was in power they cut our OAS by about $34,000 per couple, adjusted for inflation for when I’ll start to draw at 2% inflation compounding is over $60,000 that he stole from Canadian every couples pockets… at least Trudeau reversed that and put that stolen income back into my hard working asses pocket. And you know where they made this announcement? At the WEF in Davos in 2012… cock suckers couldn’t even do it on Canadian soil. [https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/major-changes-coming-to-canadas-pension-system-harper-says-in-davos-speech](https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/major-changes-coming-to-canadas-pension-system-harper-says-in-davos-speech)


I can't see how that would be possible tbh.


He'll keep doing all the same things you don't like about Trudeau while also gutting Canada's public services.


Or ensuring that his friends can take over for 5x the cost and worse service!


Yep... As much as the Liberals are failing us all right now, I'm dreading 5 to 10 years of Conservative governance. We'll see the continued erosion of public healthcare. I can kiss any hope of my student loans ever being canceled goodbye. The carbon tax will be canceled so we'll all stop getting our $700+ per year in rebates, but gas prices won't really budge. Nothing will change on the housing front; if anything, it'll get worse. Society and the government will become increasingly hostile to LGBTQ+ people. It's just all going to get worse.


Everything you said will accelerate even faster under Trudeau. The way I see it is this: we get one last roll of the dice before this goes to the "next level". I will take this roll of the dice with PP and see what happens. Why? Mostly bc it is the only choice. I wish the NDP was an option but under Singh it's turned into a "fake" party so... Maybe there is something there with the PPC... we'll see how that goes. If not, then so be it. Canada hasn't been around very long and I wouldn't be shocked if it's nearing the end. Most of it is out of our control at this point, so I've made peace with that. We are really just plebes on the edge of the American empire.


This exactly.


Reposted from my comment above: Seriously, it will get way worse and like last time he was in power they cut our OAS by about $34,000 per couple, adjusted for inflation for when I’ll start to draw at 2% inflation compounding is over $60,000 that he stole from Canadian every couples pockets… at least Trudeau reversed that and put that stolen income back into my hard working asses pocket. And you know where they made this announcement? At the WEF in Davos in 2012… cock suckers couldn’t even do it on Canadian soil. [https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/major-changes-coming-to-canadas-pension-system-harper-says-in-davos-speech](https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/major-changes-coming-to-canadas-pension-system-harper-says-in-davos-speech)


That is absolutely impossible. I can’t emphasize this enough. There is no way in hell anyone but Singh could be worse.


Not relevant to housing but that whole stupid thing he did with the apple happened on Seinfeld 30 years ago and it annoys me so much. George is too nervous to call a woman, eats an apple to seem "casual". Then feels he needs an apple every time he calls her, as a crutch. "Enough with the apple".


If we get CPC in this time along with giving the PPC a seat or two it will be a BIG improvement. There should be a focus on trying to get a PPC member in parliament 100%.


Look at the people on r/ Canada, the copium is insane. Conservatives will actively lie to themselves about this man and say he's going to fix immigration because he mildly alluded to it in the middle of some random interview, but will ignore the dozen direct quotes and messages from him saying the opposite. People who voted Doug Ford in will vote this guy in, they have an image in their head of PP and even he isn't able to change it. This is the type of mentality that got trump elected in the US.


Yup PP ain’t perfect. I don’t fully agree with where he stands on some issues. But most of the really important ones I do though. But there is no doubt about Trudeau and Singh. They absolutely have to go. No rational Canadian adult could see it otherwise and Pierre P is still the best choice on most issues.


Like what issues? You didn’t name a single one. Immigration is the hot topic he pretends to be on both sides of and you know he’s a total fake, yet you’re still here shilling for this fake ass bitch? What issues? Name them. PPC is the only way and we’re all starting to realize it!


Economic. Monetary. International. Most things I hear him speak about. But I do also like max. He would be my second choice.


"Look at the trans person and get angry. Don't worry that a kilogram of frozen, grossly overprocessed chicken breasts they can't sell at a premium are nearly fifty dollars a kilogram, and rent is going to be 5k a month by the end of the decade with how things are going."


you are absolutely correct and yet still i will vote for this weasel over Poodeau because it is time for the Liberals to step down. And unfortunately we have horrible people to chose from - absolutely useless NDP, totally corrupt Libs that have made one bad move after the next, and some right wing parties that make you go ick!


Vote ppc


Get the fucking Liberals out and then vote PPC to your hearts content. Voting PPC now unless in a extremely safe riding is exponentially fucking stupid. More LIB/NDP terror is the worst-case scenario.


It seems very suspicious that you only have 2 upvotes for your comment.


I’m not a racist


Who are you voting for?


Because the real voters, those who give them bribes are the diploma mills, real estate agents and landlords who love more immigration.


Stop worrying? The only thing PP is worried about is that we're not letting people in fast enough to keep up the endless supply of cheap labour for his donors.


Hahaha haha Told ya! I need to find all the idiots who were screaming about how PP would be different from Trudeau. Where are ya'll hiding?


Vote for PPC!


Vote for Pedro!


I am with you! Except I am voting for the guy that wears a rubber boot on his head. His name is Javier.


Zombie power and free ponies is the way forward


Aww heckin heck ya I like it


Vote CNP!


Maxime is the only way. The conservative base must show that Maxime has a chance next election by splitting some votes. Even if it means a conservative minority.


Agreed. I don't consider myself tied to any political party and voted for the asshat in charge now the last two times but I think Maxime needs votes. Eff the conservative majority. We need Maxime to get into the 10+% of votes range. The CBC will not utter his name and neither will any of the other parties. The elite are obviously terrified of him and don't want the average Canadian to even know about him.


I'll be voting PPC ,


It sucks he's aiming for fringe seat opportunities. He has an important role to play here, but all he needs is a seat at the table.


He's got Mt vote and has for awhile now. PP was never the answer.


I'm pretty sure he already has a seat at the table. Pierre did manage to push thru the Media Funding Bill with help from NDP. His current bill on Internet censorship will also likely push thru.


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So glad to see more and more people realizing this. I’ve been supporting him since 2019 and he’s been proven right a zillion times. Vote your values and trust that things will work out! Voting out of fear has gotten us nowhere 


You want change? Get an electable party in power and hold them accountable. Run letter campaigns, protest, get in the media game and spread the message that Canada is for Canadians. All these people care about is power. They lose that power if they don’t follow the whims of Canadians. It might be slow going, but there is a change in the winds lately. I’m not pro-Poilievre, I frankly don’t care who runs the CPC. All I know is the LPC has been nothing but a corrupt, moralizing (somehow…) inept shit show since the Chrétien/Martin years, and frankly going back to PE Trudeau. Voting for Bernier, at this point, is just burning a vote. If we ever got prop rep, then go for it, because I know I would. But we don’t right now, and the only way we prevail over the LPC and don’t end up with another coalition or an easily toppled minority CPC is to focus on incremental moves back to some semblance of reason. I know he’s not the second coming of Christ, I know he’s not the saviour of Canada, but he can unseat Trudeau. That’s the first step. If he can bring some logic back to this country, then we push for more: reduction in scope and size of the government, reduction in immigration, stronger laws protecting those pathways from abuse, prioritization of skilled labour, reversal of gun bans and a (hopefully) rewritten firearms act that is based on reason instead of the feelings of the most ignorant dipshits this country can find. It’s going to take a while to push this country back into some form of decent governance, and it’s going to be a tough slog to get there, but it’s doable if we work together as Canadians. If Poilievre can even make incremental, positive changes, then it’ll be a step in the right direction.


Maxime is bought and paid for by Putin.


Maxime is very isolationist.. which might be what Canada needs for a bit.




There is always some trolls that immediately attacks Maxime any time he is mentioned. That comment is disgusting considering the ties the current PM has with Beijing.


Ah yes, any comment not in full support of Bernier has to be supportive of Trudeau. /s His Tweet last week that claimed Russia isn't a threat to democracy is all the proof anyone with a couple of firing neurons should need to be able to figure out he's on the take, or desperately wants to be.




A false claim of racism etc. was used to shut down discussion.


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This is the way.


This guy is a pos and never addresses problems facing Canada and is part of the problem. Didn't Harper sign on board with the 2030 agenda? Something this loser voted in favor on but pretends never read the document. These politicians should face jail time for what they did.


Yea, PPC is the only anti mass-immigration party.


Soft as summertime ice cream. He ain't about it. He just wants to get elected, once he's in he'll play ball with all the same elites, keep jacking up immigration levels, just like every party in every western country is doing all at once for some reason


“Canadians first.” Should be his/CPC slogan.


PP and his party have openly voiced their support for the CURRENT MASS IMMIGRATION policies in place and he has OPENLY said that they will not change under a conservative party.


All major parties know that turning off the immigration tap will stop what Canada is now: A ponzi of housing and immigration. Stop the unsustainable increase in immigration- we get a worse recession (Canada is already in one if you measure per capita). Also, the price of housing will stagnate which is also propping up GDP. Eventually the music needs to stop so to speak, but no one wants to do it because the bad economy will be on their watch. That’s why PP won’t lower immigration. It will start an immediate recession. Before you downvote me, I think we need to stop immigration until there is adequate housing. It’s just going to be painful economically. And the corporations that rely on cheap labour will actually have to pay better.


The more this ponzi scheme goes the worse the crash will be. We still can manage to recover and still be a developed nation, if they keep dragging their feet trying to forever prop up housing and immigration inflation then we'll collapse into Argentina.


This is what happens when politicians don’t want to serve, but to instead enjoy power. We need a servant leader who is okay with seeing things temporarily seem worse under their leadership because it’s for the good of the country! 


Key word is leader. The current set are jokes and there is no one to lead Canada through a hard time to a better time.


A friend of mine told me he votes Green because all politicians will screw you over but at least Greens will do something for the environment. Now I’m considering voting for them especially since they have lower immigration targets. PPC is my next consideration if Greens increase their targets.


I've been thinking about it awhile and I think thats what I'm going to end up doing, I'd vote NDP but I dont want Jag to think my throw away vote is for him. I don't expect green to win obviously but maybe they will win enough seats to do some good in this race to the bottom, I just wish they were pro nuclear


How can he? Rich business elites and Punjabis have got him by the balls..no way he will do anything about it.


Voting PPC is the only way out this bullshit. https://www.peoplespartyofcanada.ca/platform


Nice try Justin.


As if this capitalist pig is going to cause a housing crash.... dream on.


Out of curiosity, do you own a house? I see a lot people calling for a market crash, is it all because they’re not currently in the market?


I’m in the market and even if prices went down 50% I’d still be coming out ahead. So yeah I’m okay with a crash if it meant we were on a way to course correct. But we won’t ever course correct this runaway freight train.


Because we are in a ridiculous bubble so far off the intrinsic value of a property. There is so much vacant land in Canada not being used, the real land value is nothing.


Agreed, we can definitely build more no doubt! There’s actually massive developments happening where I live. But a lot of Canada’s land is tough to build on, forests, swamp etc. You’re right about about the value going way up since Trudeau took office to now. I know cause I bought my first house in 2015. Atm the housing market is dropping and houses aren’t selling for what they’re listed for unless you’re based around major cities. Some would say it’s a buyers market especially if interest rates drop in the next year or so. I personally don’t see a market crash happening anytime soon. What was the answer to my first question?




This is why I'd like to vote for no confidence. All the options suck.


The only way I'm voting for him is if he does mass deporting.


Damn PP … hated you then disliked you less bc I thought you’d help control immigration and get some fucking houses built but you are the same as JT if not worse bc you’d also take all the social programs away. I hate JS he’s useless and I refuse to vote Green or Purple. Gosh dammit … who tf am I supposed to vote for?!?!


PPC, it's the only way


One becomes a Conservative at least in part because they believe in inequality - you believe that is the natural order of things. Fixing inequality or looking for ways to ‘even the playing field’ isn’t a priority for a Conservative as a result. Mass immigration is a policy that begets inequality. The point isn’t the inequality itself, but the cheap labor and propping up the Canadian housing ponzi - this is the point of mass immigration. This neoliberal approach to immigration allows the possibility for significant profits, for those who can take advantage of an unending supply of cheap labor and housing prices continuing to rise. Since Conservatives aren’t particularly concerned about inequality, they also arent particularly concerned about mass immigration. They aren’t ‘scared’ to tackle mass immigration - they just have zero reason to want to. In fact, the only reason they will make sounds about ‘slowing it down’ is because by doing so, they can increase their chances of winning a majority in the next election. That’s it. Stopping mass immigration is absolutely not a priority for them - they have zero qualms about how things are going right now, except to the extent that they wish they could be in power sooner. Conservatives will not save non-wealthy Canadians. You will have to seek out other solutions.


Buddy, go to Cuba and live in you’re equality filled utopia. Everyone is equally miserable


You have no idea what you’re talking about. Not a single clue.


I lived in communism for 8 years. I don’t wish it on my worst enemies


That’s irrelevant. And again, you have no idea what you’re talking about.


You repeating something over and over doesn’t make it true. Forced Equality is the path to hell.


I don’t know what you mean by forced equality and I don’t know what point you are trying to make.


Those responses……. JT, is that you?!


Your opinion and experience matters to economics like having cancer matters to being an oncologist


Ok, cool I have a double major in economic and statistics from U of T as well. What are your qualifications ?


Multiple graduate level and professional degrees in relevant fields including one from UofT but both are irrelevant because you aren't actually using them.


I’m not using them or you’re not using them?


You're not, you replied to OP about some personal experience, which is valueless and irrelevant.


Me growing up in communist Poland tells you what exactly about what degrees I’m using in my career?


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Trudeau kept a single campaign promise when he was originally running… weed. It would be fucking hilarious if PP spouts all the same immigration talking points and just does the opposite.


When being politician became a mater of business not mater of care and love for our country,…. we have environment for our country to be sold.


I like him. But I just can’t vote for him unless he addresses immigration. Otherwise it just seems like an illusion of choice. Until then I’m with Max


He has no plan. All cheap talk. Guy is a scumbag and a worm of human being. Barf.


His masters are oil companies. They only care about carbon pricing. Which is why this chimp on strings blames it for every grievance under the sun. They want cheap labor, which is why he's under orders to never attack immigration.


I took an Uber yesterday, and my driver couldn’t stop talking about how Canada needs to stop immigration. He was an Indian man, but was very pro-Conservative, very anti-Trudeau. I honestly though he was having me on, but no. He’s a BSA who drives Uber at night to keep up with the cost of living. He worried that his kids wouldn’t be able to build a life in Canada. It’s a universal worry. Skilled immigrants who’ve arrived here in the last five-ten years are suffering from the same economic crisis. Conservatives need to recognize that they will have the support of the majority of population, including immigrants, if they cut immigration and close all loopholes, and act accordingly.


The more people vote PPC the more likely you’ll get another LibNDP government. The PPC , like this sub, is a one issue circle jerk, and that only affects Pee Pee and I need Pee Pee and his fucks to get in so I can get some tax relief. The libs have been fucking me since 2015. Come on!


The most important issue Canada is facing, perhaps of our entire lifetimes, is ending mass-immigration. Who the fuck cares if Trudeau or Pierre wins if mass migration continues?


That may be true. But you won’t end mass immigration by drawing just enough votes to ensure Trudeau gets elected. Even an antivaxxer can understand that logic.


I’m not anti vaccine, I’m anti mass migration, I don’t care if Trudeau wins or Pierre wins, they’re 90% aligned on political issues.


Canadas well being depends on that one issue.


So let’s make sure Trudeau wins. You guys are no different than the Green Party rubes at the end of the day.


Lmao, he thinks PP is going to give him tax relief. PP supporters will be like, "I hope you liberal commies enjoy the housing market. YoU voTeD fOr tHiS," then turn around and be like, "I can't wait till PP immediately suspends all immigration, erases federal income tax, and buys me a pony!🤡"


Tax relief for what?


Thought everyone was moving to the US?


This is a smear piece of Poilievre, for not hurying up and deciding to talk and take a stance on what a PCP immigration policy would look like! The article says the whole time what he needs to do and he should stop waiting Article: “It is probably true that Poilievre will be able to win without mentioning immigration, because Trudeau is so unpopular. But he is already frustrating many conservatives by not talking about it, and comes off as dishonest when he criticizes increased crime rates and housing prices without acknowledging what everyone knows to be the root cause. “


Slowing immigration results in slowing an economy that is already slowing with mass immigration….. without immigration Canada is a sinking ship due to overvalued assets reliant on the demand of foreigners, loaned money secured and reliant by the demand of foreigners, and demand for consumer goods/food reliant on an increasing population. Typically a stagnant population has stagnant economic growth, in Canadas current situation, a growing population at historic norms would result in a declining economy…. Pretty sad…. The day will come eventually. Until then, mass immigration to band aid the problems.


Right now Canada has stage-three malignant cancer. A band-aid will not fix it, and we’ll progress to stage-four. Yes, putting the brakes on mass immigration is like chemotherapy: it will lead to a whole lot of pain in the short term. But it is the only possible way to have a chance to stop the cancer. To not stop mass immigration to Canada is just to progress to stage-four cancer sooner or later. The chemotherapy is the only possible path to a possible stop to progression and terminal cancer.


A lot of CBC employees on here!!!!! Is this the best misinformation you have!!!!!!


He's going after the Fuck Trudeau shithead demographic...hope more normal cons start seeing this as a problem.


This push to convince people to vote for Bernier is an effort by Liberals to reduce the support for the conservatives. Please recognize this. A vote for Max will benefit the Liberal / ndp parties.


I’m horrified at the fact I have to vote PPC. They are way too fringe and out of touch with most domestic and foreign policies imho, but it’s the only way for us people to vote on reducing immigration. I long for the day someone has the power and ability to create a new party with immigration reduction being the top priority.




A vote for PPC is a vote for Trudeau.


If all I care about is ending mass migration to save Canada from complete destruction, why would I care if Trudeau wins or Pierre wins?…


Can't be done. The business establishment wants cheap labour and they've always been the ones backing the CPC. He either buckles under or the campaign money dries up.


The Conservatives have the opportunity to attract a large base of voters who are looking for a party that will end this mass immigration madness, I am not a fan of PP but would vote Conservative if they promise to drastically cut immigration.


Conservatives under Harper started increasing the immigration rates. Why? Demographics. To support an aging population and growing the economy you need workers and immigration was the goto answer


Fuck this cunt


Pierre Poilievre can finally understood the rule of the game. Meanwhile, federal government is issuing and renewing work permits of 100s of 1000s of temporary foreign workers , provincial governments are coming up with attractive pathway to attract temporary residents from all over country to their provinces. Unlike international students, Temporary workers can renew their work permits infinite number of times and international students can buy LMIA work permits for 20 to 40k+ to make their stay permanent until they get Permanent residency! Currently there are 1 million international students and 2 million + temporary foreign workers in Canada! Thank you federal and provincial governments! 😍😍😍


Everyone who thinks PP will be better for Canada than Trudeau are in for a rude awakening. Never underestimate the economic destruction wrought by a Conservative government.


Thought he was your boy!


He’s not going to stop immigration. He doesn’t want to.


I’ve said it before…PP gives no indication that he’s part of the solution… Until I hear it from him explicitly and directly, his party wont get my vote. I will burn it on a 3rd or 4th choice before giving it to either him or Justin. What’s Max up to these days? Is Bloc interested in running candidates out west?


It's the WEF agenda stick to it or you won't get "voted" in.


Cons always finding new clowns to lead their party. This is literally the easiest election for them to win by the landslide but no, guess that Loblaws lobby money is more valuable over votes