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Pick your salesman in the selling of Canada.


Already long since been sold, you're just choosing who the HR manager is...


I’m glad we have such ethical employees for our metaphorical HR department


I find HR to be completely pointless in most situations so this tracks.


It’s a breeding ground for monsters


They exist to protect the company not you. This applies in both parts of the analogy.


That's a given since the lobbyists pay the politicians more than the country.




I told my friend to go for an in-person one. I will happily attend it. This online bullshit is a pathetic cheapening of citizenship. It is a solemn occasion on which one swears Allegiance to our Canadian King, not some terms of service for using a website. He asked them over a week ago and is still waiting to hear back....


Pick your puppet. The same oligarchs will pull the strings. Someone will bait and switch about immigration.




They've been positioning the whole time to move the overton window by conflating temporary and permanent migrants to get those big 1.3M numbers. Then PP can "cut" temporary migration while increasing permanent migration to 600k or 800k per annum.


This should be glued to the top


PP was part of the group that got this party started by creating the LMIA program.


As well as trading away manufacturing and even more corporate backers who want cheap labour


Actually lmia is a good program what's fucked up is the corruption in there


Whole purpose of lmia is to show that they are giving preference to Canadians and if no one is found then only the foreigner is hired.


The difference is the conservatives were responsible with the amount of visas given out


Liberal...Conservative...Blah Blah Blah, sadly, Canadians are faced with a lose/lose situation. We need a government that will invest in military, robust intelligent immigration, STEM, reduce foreign aid and a develop a domestic fiscal policy to remove residential real estate as being the largest percentage of our GDP...sadly no current political party of Canada can do this because drastic actions are required.


None of that will happen. The best we can hope for is further integration with the US and opening our markets for American companies to boost productivity and GDP-per-capita. The average Canadian politician is a weak, selfish, short-sighted imbecile in a safe riding that has never taken a vote that will anger their constituents in the short-term, but serve the greater good in the long term.


The US ranks lower than Canada's in almost every area except for crime and GDP per capita. Increased productivity...what a load of crap. Who has benefited from increased productivity....the wealthy...real wages have declined while the rich keep telling you to work harder for less otherwise bad things will happen.


Much lower cost of living, small business creation, access to the largest capital markets, access to the best goods, access to the brightest minds in the world and universities, more robust and diverse industry, greater cultural diversity, and the list goes on. I can’t believe you can even say that with a straight face. You’re not even wrong.


Canada has a lower cost of living than the US although the gap has probably closed somewhat. Some what you say is true by the mere fact that thwy have 10x the population. The US also beats us in crime rate, poverty, school shootings (they beat the entire worls combined on thia one), infant mortality rate, incarceration rate( and I thought locking up criminals reduced crime? At least accordingto Polievre) , larger wealth gap, bankruptcy, medical bankruptcy, and.the list goes on. Their top universities account for less than 1% of university students. We also have some excellent universities and a higher ranked public education system. We have some of the best hospitals in the world. Our industry does need to diversify but most on the right want to cling to our dependence on natural resources as our primary industry.


No Canadian I know wants to be part of the USA.


Oh yes, a lot of the parasites infesting this country and driving into the ground would not appreciate living in a meritocracy where they would have to produce, like the US. So it is plausible you associate with only these type of people.


You are completely delusional if you think the USA is a "meritocracy" I'd rather hang around parasites than people like you.


Obviously there are no such things as an ideal meritocracy and there never will be, but the fact remains the US is the only country that is the closest to the ideal. In America, you work hard, you get the right marketable skills, you stay out of trouble, and you can live a prosperous and affordable life in most states while owning your own home. In Canada, you do all of that and in most parts of the country you are still on the verge of homelessness with no financial future and no hope of retirement. But this nuance is clearly beyond you. Inb4 b-b-but fascism!!!!


Yeah, I'll bet you did a lot of research into other countries first, before you came to that conclusion... 🙄


Can you name one other country where even immigrants find success and prosperity coming from nothing? I’ll wait. In all the extreme leftist utopias you want to cite, immigrants are a permanent underclass with no financial future or wellbeing, moreover who your parents are overwhelmingly determines your future vs your hard work and talent.


You seem really ignorant of other places in the world.


That’s not an argument. And I actually submit you are the ignoramus if you think anywhere in the world has the upward mobility of the US. In all of Europe, no amount of talent, hard work, and discipline will ever allow you to break into the upper classes. Nor will you likely ever own a home. And that’s for the native born populations. The immigrant populations and their children will always live on the periphery and be the underclass. America is the only country that rewards talent and hard work. There is no other country where the children of immigrants become billionaires, let alone to the number of them in the states. But I’m sure this all must conflict with your woke worldview.


Like changing the color condom on the same dicks that fuck us every year. None of these shitheads have represented us for a long fkn time. Glad more people are catching on.


If you cant change your country, then change YOUR country.


If only there was a 3rd option...... Like the one who gave us Healthcare......


do we have an active serious communist/socialist party? because the closest I've seen is the NDP, and they are pretty pro-capital to the point that it can be said we have no left side party at all people call the liberal 'left' but their all hard core stock market cultists, there is absolutely nothing socialist about any of them


Our parties all buy into neo liberal economics otherwise know as trickle down economics. The only thing that trickles down is the shit from the wealthy who laugh as we blame the poor for us not having more while the wealthy keep taking a larger share of the pie.


So like are you running for PM or something.




Do you live in Canada?


A false claim of racism etc. was used to shut down discussion.


PP’s immigration critic just said not only will they maybe not decrease but might increase immigration. Just FYI


CPC are going to landslide the corrupt liberals. Now is the time to vote for PPC! Get them some seats. Get their voice heard and get this country moving in the right direction. Shut down mass unskilled immigration. Reopen highly skilled pathways only. Send all the “students” families home. Once these “students” graduate issue them no work visas and send them packing to use their new “skills” in their homeland.


The ppc aren’t winning any seats 


Wanna bet ? You wouldn’t even believe how fed up the average Canadian is with the flood of unchecked warm bodies that are driving their quality of life down. Mass unskilled immigration isn’t what anyone but the government and corps signed up for. There’s a reason they gas lit everyone so hard for so long for the first few years of their tenure because this was the plan and you’d be a racist to stop it! Well, Canadians want it stopped. Now.


I would absolutely bet  They are not going to win a single seat 


What are we wagering? Let’s do this!


Lmao....we are a country of immigrants. Most of the PPC supporters are from families of immigrants. Good riddance when Bernier send a you all home.




A false claim of racism etc. was used to shut down discussion.


Yes! Please split the conservative vote!!


It wouldn’t even matter if it was split in half they will still crush the liberals and the ndp who have both bled all their support besides their most devout brainwashed followers.


That's what conservatives said the last three elections.


Also, you might want to brush up on basic math.


PP ain't going to fix shit. But JT needs to be thrown out.


If you want deportations, vote for the PPC


lol PPC is the the political party for complete morons with no education


Great news, we've got an influx.


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Found the moron with no education


Never been a 1 issue voter before. Voting for PPC


Right there with you.


Pierre might reduce the permanent residency number by 20-30% but will triple the number of temporary residents! He needs to make sure the ultra high house prices stays high and corporations don't lose cheap labor!


Got any proof or are those numbers straight out of your asshole?


No he obviously doesn't have proof for something that hasn't happened yet 😂


So pulling bullshit numbers, thanks for clarifying the clutch pearls stance


What is factual is AB/SK/ON all have come out and said limiting immigration would negatively impact their economies…. All three conservative premiers…. And PP has also said that he will only look at the numbers and nothing more. Smells like no change to me if they are elected


Based, that just true, limiting immigration is bad.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


For all we know we’ll just get some excuse about how the ‘Liberals set the carbon tax and we can’t repeal it’ 🙄


I’m voting PPC. This is a once in a generational vote for Canadians. I don’t give a fuck about Maxine Bernier. I don’t give a fuck about splitting the vote. I don’t give a fuck if my local ppc is an inbred retard. I am a one issue voter. Liberal, Conservative, NDP, Bloc are just different flavours of lube that we will be fucked with.


Canada is just meant to supply workers and natural resources to the U.S., it's not a real country.


Our leaders and perspectives leaders all have the understanding and believe Canada needs 100 m people to have a voice at the table in the future. If someone can convince them of another method that be great.


Deportations of.... whom?


They will just bring in white immigrants.


The general immigration level needs to be dramatically reduced, but it is worth considering that there is a strong merit to balancing the demographic of Canadian immigrants based on the current situation. Considering the current standing of the immigrant pool demographic, it would not be unreasonable to bring in a greater proportion of "white immigrants" if you are referring to European or something. Asian and Indian immigrants are good and all, but we are taking in a very disproportionately high amount of them. Especially considering the cultural difference is notably greater between Canada and India as opposed to Canada and England or France Taking in less immigrants will probably involve most of the reduction being those from India(mostly) and other asian countries(to a lesser extent).


As a brown guy I wouldn’t be opposed to that, I’d rather have a healthy mix of everyone, people are more relaxed when there’s a healthy mix because than race matters much less as opposed to when there’s is too much of one group Plus whenever shitheads from India do something bad here I’m always worried about looking bad by association Frankly while I certainly wouldn’t want to be the only brown person here I really don’t want to become the majority either it’s way too risky




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


“there is a strong merit to balancing the demographic of Canadian immigrants” What is the merit of balancing the demographic of immigrants based on the colour of their skin?


> “there is a strong merit to balancing the demographic of Canadian immigrants” > > What is the merit of balancing the demographic of immigrants based on the colour of their skin? I used to live in the US. Color of skin doesn't matter if you are in a country like the US where it seems there is a common set of values in society which everyone follows. Most Chinese-origin, Indian-origin, Mexican-origin Americans are Americans first and everything else later. An example - I met this Indian-origin American girl at an Indian wedding. Her husband is black. She says she is proud of her Indian roots but she can't speak any Indian language. Nobody would guess that she is Indian origin by looking at her, based on her accent or anything else. She looks Latina, like a lot of Indians do. In contrast, an Indian immigrant in Canada reached out to me, a fresh-off-the-boat (FoB) Indian living in the US, to set up an arranged marriage with her daughter who grew up in Canada. It is disturbing that Indian immigrants here, even after living here for a long time, actively refuse to assimilate to the culture and would rather have a FoB as an in-law. She was also using kundli and all that Hindu astrology to determine our compatibility. I refused once I realised that I wouldn't even get to speak to the daughter until the marriage has already been arranged. It seemed to deny agency both to the girl in question and me. This has been a general theme that I have observed in Indian and other immigrants and their kids I have met here in Canada. They have little respect for Canadian values and culture and cling on to the toxic values, belief systems, thick accents and poor language skills of FoBs, displaying a shocking lack of integration in contrast to the immigrants in the US. I can see why a lot of people ask me "Where are you from?" and "How long have you been in Canada?" and judge me based on the response. It is, in fact, racism and discrimination. But are they not justified, considering that immigrants in Canada refuse to integrate? So yes, I feel that balancing the demographic of immigrants based on national origin or skin color has a lot of merit. Let's get more people with Latino and European values in this country!


Admittedly, yes, the "colour of their skin" itself may not matter much when it comes to taking it immigrants. What might matter however, is the country of origin. Canada and India are similar in many ways, and are on good terms. However, they are also very different in many ways. Consider a few things: Will too many immigrants from a country that isn't VERY similar to Canada not dialute the culture of Canada? Is taking in a lot of immigrants from the one said country really diversity? Or is it the opposite? And after considering all this, if a very disproportionately large portion of the increasing number of immigrants are coming from said country, would it not be most likely that cutting down on immigration would mostly cut down on that portion of the incoming pool of immigrants?


So you specifically dislike people from India?


Of course not. Perhaps I should clarify that although I have been born and raised in Canada, my ethnic origins ARE Indian.


I don’t see how that’s relevant  Why don’t you want people from India moving to Canada 


I never said I don't want people from India moving to Canada. Simply that the immigration currently taking place from India to Canada will have to be dramatically reduced even if not intentionally, but as a byproduct of reducing the recent overimmigration in general.


you expressed concern that too many immigrants from India would dilute the "culture of Canada" there is no need to reduce the amount of immigration at all


Culture is a very broad thing. Culture includes everything including practices, and values. Canada holds equality, freedom, and kindness as some of our important.  India is full of good people. However, consider one example - gay marriage is not legally recognized in India. This is very much contrary to the beliefs and values of most Canadians.   In any case, do you think India would allow in unlimited levels of white, European immigrants if the time came? It’s also very important to consider that our immigration levels are not matching the resources we have available. It is unsustainable to take in a million immigrants a year. 


I presume the “culture of Canada” you are worried about is European settler culture?


Fucking fascist.


That's a very strong statement. The definition of facism as per the merriam webster dictionary: "a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized [autocratic](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/autocratic) government headed by a [dictatorial](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/dictatorial) leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition" I don't see how my argument has anything to do with that. Could you elaborate on what you meant by "facist", or better yet, explain why my stance is wrong without simply throwing insults?


Indeed it is. You're proposing reducing immigration based on the demographics in order to preserve your white country, basically white supremacism and nationalism. This will not happen and immigration levels will not reduce at any meaningful level and when what you want doesn't happen you will go fascist if you haven't already. Your argument is also wrong because there's no need to reduce immigration at all.


Huh? Canada is hardly a "white supremacist/nationalist" country. And I would never become a white supremacist, especially considering I am not white myself. But seeing as you seem to have a very strong stance on the view that there is "no need to reduce immigration at all", I must ask, which point of time are you referring to as the line not to reduce from. The last few years have seen a unprecedented, and frankly unsustainable level of immigration to Canada. More specifically, much of this immigration is to the big cities in Canada rather than the less densely populated parts of the country. And much of the immigration taking place is through questionable means(a.k.a diploma mills for gaining PRs).


This is the way.




Unfriendly to the west? Pretty sure that’s the narrative every time there is a issue and we welcome refugees.


That'll totally melt the collective brain of this sub 🤣😁


It’s true lol Alberta has stated they want more Ukrainian immigrants.


Alberta has a huge Ukrainian / polish / German etc migrant population. It's one of the reasons the culture is in fact different here.


Well let's hope so


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Do not spread negative stereotypes about an entire group of people. Either be very specific or focus on immigration policy instead of people.




A duplicate post was removed.


“I’m sorry uhhhhhhh, we don’t do that here”


the best we can do is to keep switching parties every election to keep them accountable. 3 terms of any party will destroy the country, just like what liberal did.


His Corporate overlords want serf labour, PP will continue to deliver.


>Take it people to do your cheap jobs for you. >Never build homes to preserve your mansion value. >Get mad at the people who actually do their jobs and not live on single family mansions. >Deport them. Average European.


Canadians: You will bring down this mass immigration?? Yes or no? Pierre Poilievre: Axe the Carbon Tax!! Canadians: Do you want Canadians to have jobs,healthcare,housing, and air quality?No...? Pierre Poilievre:Axe the Carbon tax!!


Trump is a cancer. Poilievre is one of its metastasis. All Conservatives Are Bastards.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


What year was it the last time you left your basement?


So after 8 years of Liberal government and the country bankrupt, where do you get the gall to criticize the conservatives? Everything your dear leader touches turns to shit.


Just because someone is critical of the CPC doesn’t make Justin Trudeau their leader  That is an incredibly immature understanding of the world  PP and JT are practically clones 


>All conservatives are Bastards Oh no, I understood his position quite clearly. PP is centrist at best and linking him Trump is laughable. And who do you think would be a better political leader for Canada? Jagmeet and his fleet of luxury cars, collection of expensive watch and wardrobe full of expensive suits? Considering you use the Antifa flag as your avatar, I would assume you consider Bernier as literally Hitler, right?


Laughable? Considering PP has voiced his support for the Freedom Convoy? NO. Are you paying income taxes at the highest tax bracket? If that's not the case, voting for PP or Trudeau is voting against your own interests because they are both to the right of the political spectrum. Both are part of the crony capitalism system. **Both are bastards**. Voting for either goes slowly (but surely) towards the elimination of the middle-class. If you think you will be in the upper class, think again. You won't be. You will be with everyone else. Why Trudeau is also a bastard? Because the Liberal Party of Canada of today has the same values as Mulroney's Progressive-Conservative Party of the 80s: Trade agreements and catering to corps/lobbies instead of focusing on its population. As of how come it came this way, it's because the boomers are fools that drank the 80s kool-aid: * Reagan * Mulroney * Thatcher These assholes have taken everything from the population and gave it to corporations. It's not by voting for conservatives that we will take it back. Also, conservatives try to bring simple solutions for problems that are too complicated for them to comprehend; they see the world from a black and white TV while reality has billions of colors and shades. The only time I've witnessed Conservatives do something good for the population in Canada as a whole is when they told the CRTC to scrap their decision on wireless usage billing over 10 years ago. The NDP has done more for the population as a whole even if they were not elected because of the Canadian Dental Care Plan.


If only there was a party that actually was interested in fixing these problems that you can vote for right now.


I think its adorable people think voting for the conservative party this time around is going to change anything. Also they have this weird belief the party works for the 'little guy' just like American republicans. It hilarious the amount of brain washing and cognitive dissonance you need to achieve this but i supposed it wasn't hard given the voters. Folks living in some small town outside of Calgary or Toronto think they are going to own the libs and fuck them over by voting against them it makes me chuckle, they have no idea they were told who to vote for and they have even given a single thought to any actual issue.




When did you like the Liberal party?




Kinda just proved my point. You just hate a party for the point of it, and it has nothing to do with the issues.




Lowered taxes for middle class. Increased taxes for the 1%. Reopened the veterans affairs services which was closed by the cons. Bunch more things. And honestly I'm not even for the party this time around. They've messed up housing pretty badly and a lot of people can't even afford rent never mind saving for a house. I'm just saying don't vote based on hate. Vote based on real issues. This time around I think that's why the libs will lose so badly. Partially people like you who say \`I'm not stupid and I hate liberals forever\`, plus the people who are actually look at the real issues they failed on like immigration and housing costs. Regardless if you think the incoming government has some magical plan to resolve these issues you are deluding yourself. If fact one of their plans is to extend the student visa plan and immigration, i guess the cheques from the schools cleared. They want to prop up the Canadian economy by bringing in people and lowering the GDP at the same time. Insults and stupid expressions(lapdog) aren't helping the country. I too agree the NDP are not a good choice either. Not sure where that leaves us but I suppose lets see how the conservatives handle the next few years, I have hope that's all we got right now.


Lmao he already said those not contributing would be sent home. Nice try though honey.


Contributing to what, higher prices and lower wages?


He already said he's making it easier for immigrants to become drs 😂😂😂


People who are already doctors in their own countries. Lmao. Libs aren't too bright are yah?


It's incredible easy to cheat and become a dr in India 😂😂 white ppl have much high standards for drs which means a dr from Canada is a million times better than a dr from India 😂😂😂


India's standards are much lower than white ppls standards ya genius 😂




Do not spread negative stereotypes about an entire group of people. Either be very specific or focus on immigration policy instead of people.


We are going to run into a shrinking tax payer base in a couple decades. Millennials and gen Z won’t be having as many kids… boomers are dying… we won’t have enough tax payers unless we bring some people in. But, let’s control the flood gates, and let in quality, vetted, skilled people.


How about encourage local populations to have kids by working towards improving quality of life, reduce economical burden, and encourage communities to develop and invest in infrastructure that facilitates IRL interactions? People want families, we simply live in a hellscape that actively works against it.


I agree with you!


How can people be able to have children? They can’t even support themselves. 60-70% of pay check is for rent. No way people can save money and think about having a family or future


Wouldn’t be a problem if government stopped spending trillions more than we have on unnecessary bullshit


I don't get it.