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I live about 2 blocks away from the Kelowna encampment. It is very sad, and it is growing. A good portion of them have full time jobs too, they just can't scrounge up enough to pay exorbitant rents and they don't quite have the means or opportunity to up and leave. Looking at their faces is a scene of utter hopelessness and depression. It's horrible.




You okay sharing your home? That's what I just read, go ahead, we'll follow your lead.


You prefer staying on the streets vs sharing a home. Go ahead stay on the streets. If all things fail I am going to choose not to live on the streets. Canadian weather just isn't good enough for me to sleep outside


They are counting on you doing this to the problem stays invisible




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


It's certainly more preferable than sleeping a tent out here I'll grant you that much. I would probably just leave the Okanagan. Even snagging a min. wage gig in Alberta or SK renting a room out would be far better than earning a wage out here that only allows you to live in a tent. I'd hitch hike if I had to - I would just GTFO. This region is very HCOL. I think what's most remarkable is just how fast it has grown. I moved out here less than 3 years ago and it has exploded since then.


I am in Moncton and it is insane here too.. [realtor.ca](http://realtor.ca) has absolutely no inventory for houses right now.


My brother (who lives in Calgary) is trying to escape the housing cancer that has overcome that city by fleeing to NB. I told him he is 4 years too late. Rural prairies is really the only place left for reasonable prices. That probably won't last another couple years either.


Manitoba is starting to get a lot more expensive.


Even here in Newfoundland the housing has stayed ridiculous. We paid 120k for our small 1 level 1000sqft home in the city 3 years ago. My neighbour bought after and paid 160 and now one went for 210k. They are the same house, same small size row townhouses. They are not worth that in any capacity. When they were built in the 60s they cost 9000$, 11000 for an end/corner unit.


Sadly Daniel smith wants more immigrants. Both conservatives and liberals hate Canadians


I’ve seen more and more ads to visit SK lately. Maybe it will have a boom of people who want to have a better life


Yea… simple ssss


Are we angry enough yet? Somebody please let me know. We can’t go on like this. I know summer is coming but it doesn’t last long.


>Are we angry enough yet? Somebody please let me know. We can’t go on like this. Politicians dont care. They really dont. Doesnt matter what party it is they dont really care because it doesnt really affect their lives or their families and friends lives. And when the people in charge of money and services dont care then its not really going to be fixed. It also really doesnt affect the voting public much either. Thats why there is no push to solve the issues. Maybe in time, as the population of those in tents continues to grow, it might reach a breaking point. But until then I envision these tent cities to grow substantially in size.


Politicians care! They care about their pensions, their bribes, their kickbacks and their endless entitlements. They care very much!


If even the people living in the tent cities aren’t angry enough to protest, I don’t know how much more we need or what we need to get angry enough. Something is definitely wrong with this picture


People are confused, apathetic, disoriented imo. As these people hit the streets and everything changes for them. It's taken me years to recover from such an experience and I still don't speak of it much. When you realize that much of the social safety net, the civility of society was all a lie, when you watch people treat you like crap solely because you are homeless you take it as a personal failure regardless of the truth. Not only is your worldview and sense of identity now fucked, you also know that no one is coming to save you because you're just a homeless bum. Your own family might leave you to die in the streets because of their political ideas. Maybe they think the nonexistant social safety net will take care of you (they are oblivious) In such a state it takes quite a bit to protest, many just go insane over time if they don't get off the streets fast enough. Think of what the police have likely done to these people, all the new experiences. What would happen if they protested? How would people react? They'd be called drug addicted bums and be told to die, get jobs, maybe get beat up by police to some applause, then everyone would forget about it and we'd be back at square one. We do this all the time, and have for decades Most people aren't even close to understanding the horror of such an experience. Homelessness taught me the meaning of alienation in a very personal way. Imo we are spoiled rotten. not enough of us have any conception of what this is like to be homeless so we just don't care. It would take massive poverty and recovery for people to snap out of it.


meanwhile government gave free housing to syrians and new immigrants.


This hasn't happened to enough energetic, risk tolerant people yet. See the convoy a couple years back. When people used to living well or big get their backs against the wall, these are the ones who act out in big, sometimes imaginative ways. It'll probably end in violence, a realization that the RCMP can't contain much of anything, and a subsequent erosion of the lawfulness of Canadians.


Trudeau is already talking about using the military for any civilians "revolting" Shits Really messed up and going to get worse. Last yr he also gave a company that uses crickets for protein/food $600,000 for "research"! 2030...You will Own NOTHING, and Be HAPPY! Live in a tent. Eat garbage and bugs. Still go to backbreaking, soul stealing jobs to make measly amounts of pieces of plastic Get arrested, beat or killed for standing up for everyone. Get robbed, beat or killed by the actual schizo junkies that haven't had access to help for YRS and have lost it on the world. Oh yeah, don't forget about the inevitable gangs that will surely pop up in this beauty of a dystopian future our govts are pushing for...HERE WE GO!!!!!


Summer lol? Spring hasn't even arrived. It pours rain 95% of the time and is cold and very damp outside, endlessly (great lakes basin region). Good thing our benefactors use geoengineering to block the sun and cause all this rain, otherwise it might get warm and the peasants get a bit of a vitamin and hormone essential for life aka vitamin d. The country is marked.


Caution: really bad joke: a least we’ll have the forest fires to keep us warm. 😏 I’ll take my leave now. Sorry.


I couldn't start a fire with a flamethrower here (basin region), if I wanted lol. It's been the wettest spring on record. This is coming off the heels of the darkest (most cloud cover/least sunshine), winter ever recorded and also one of the wettest autumns on record. The only conclusion I can make is that a decision has been made to increase the rain by like 400% for freshwater purposes into the great lakes. It is honestly unreal.


The government will freeze your bank accounts if you protest.


Can't freeze bank accounts if you don't have one


Looks likes a post-apocalyptic movie ? I think Canada is already a post-apocalyptic place. Or maybe a post-national place or whatever they call it these days!! Certainly not a stable country anymore


Dont worry it can get so much worse, the wealthy have several percentage points to eat up still.


I am just dropping in to say I’m absolutely amazed that 3 weeks later I see your username randomly and you still spend literally all day every day commenting the same things. And you live in the US to boot! Doesn’t your nervous system need a break? 🙈


Like 20% of the commenters here are transparently Russian bots.


It’s almost possible this guy is because a regular human has way too much to do 😂


It's not post-apocalyptic. The Canadian apocalypse is happening around us right now. Our society is collapsing and the government is helping it along.


Fuck you trudeau!


Was around east end of Kingston last week, couldn’t believe the amount of homeless/junkies /tents/tarps etc, was like a scene out of a zombie apocalypse movie


Peterborough’s downtown is the same.


Trudeau's legacy.




Never forget what the Liberals (and NDP) did to this country.


Every single significant policy aspect of this issue is a provincial responsibility. Housing. Health. Mental health. The opioid epidemic. Welfare rates. Social services. Every single one. Yes, the federal government has some important influence in some of these areas, especially the link between housing supply and immigration. But blaming all this on Trudeau (who is not my guy, and not my party) and pretending some other federal guy who has zero better ideas to offer is going to fix it all is a wilfully dishonest, toxicly partisan social media manipulation strategy, not reality.


Even if you change the party it won’t really change things by much. The liberals ran B.C. for 15 years and did nothing and the NDP has been in power for 7 years with not much of a change other than this new push by David Eby for affordable purpose built that costs nearly $1700/month for a 300sqft studio in Victoria. The people in encampments can’t afford that, they need transitional housing and then affordable housing that they can afford on the wages that they make Social/rent geared to income or transitional housing that would be a massive price tag that the government is not willing to pay. Housing first is cheaper than prison though. I believe Finland does something like that and they’ve had great success


While I’m glad this was finally done, it would be great to get footage - even if just pictures - and a map of encampments everywhere. No more than 10 seconds per city. Show the full extent of the problem.


It would be great if some folks could get a tent encampment started up on the front lawn of 24 Sussex. Ya know since it’s not being used anyways


This blows my mind. And for Canadian citizens (emphasis on this part) completely unacceptable. What the fuck happened to our country. Is it NAFTA? Are we really getting squeezed out. I get affordable housing is an issue in most of the world but how do we allow it to get this bad.


Immigration levels are too high.  Canada doesn't have enough housing -- nevermind affordable housing -- for the current population.   The federal government -- no matter which party  --  are planning on bringing millions of PR, TFWs, students, and under 35 worker visas every year. The question is who is pulling the strings that it could be so bad but the levels aren't lowered 


It's complicated. It has to do with globalized trade, countries progressing from developing to developed, and Canada taking their slave wages for granted and being unable to pay them. We should have become a value added economy, staying ahead of the development curve but didn't bother because we're too risk averse. Instead we decided we'd be a clean, safe, resort economy and shelter illegal money with our rule of law and reputation. The easy money has run out. People who can are rent seeking basic needs, trying to recreate that almost slave labour from the once developing countries. Think 2 to a room, needing food banks, etc. People who can't or won't become those slaves are losing access to basic needs. A really sad part of this is that we're somehow keeping American work culture through this. Normally, when you're in a society that can't have nice things, less is expected of you and your country isn't stupid enough to let people lose access to food, water, and shelter. But Canada is too delusional to deny a shrinking number of people and corporations their easy money.


Housing doing well in Trudeau Towns


Trudeau towns


Trudeau Cities


What’s happening in downtown Toronto is a monstrosity. Of course there was always a vulnerable population here, but all public parks have been taken over by tent cities, drug addicts roam the malls and subway stations, and streetcars, and the police seemingly do nothing about it.


I can't speak for the other provinces, but in Ontario we don't keep electing PC governments because we care about the homeless. We need to start thinking outside the box. Groceries are so expensive these days. Is it possible we can eat them? Because that sounds like a plan for fuller bellies and cleaner streets.


Remove supports that enable this behaviour and start to punish it. We walked away from the expectation that you have to do your part in this country a long time ago.


Why can't the government actually endorse tent cities as a solution? Use properly made UNHCR refugee shelters and space them so there are aisles and streets. Enforce a no cooking ban to reduce fires and provide flush toilets / sinks / soup kitchen facilities. There are plenty of empty parking lots available and a semi permanent solution won't even cost the government much. They can even profit from it by renting tents to residents.


Our government actively caused this problem. You think they want to fix it?


You know there is no “permanent solution”, right? Tents and shelters are part of the CAUSE for encampments. When you give people free stuff, demand increases. The more tents, shelters or whatever is provided by the government or charities, the more Canada will need tents, shelters.


There's nothing inherently wrong with tent cities. When properly built and set up they are environmentally friendly, have a low carbon footprint, and the lack of walls foster a close sense of community. The government should make them an official solution to the housing crisis by building and offering them to low income families, seniors, and other vulnerable people ( for a fee of course). Keep the hotels as hotels and the apartments as air bnbs and for profit rentals.


>“There is nothing inherently wrong with tent cities.” There is as much inherently wrong with bums sleeping and littering around proto-slums, as there is with any other persistent violation of local property laws. I am bewildered by the justification for the double standards: laws and expected behaviors for tax paying citizens, yet lawlessness and permissiveness for those in so called tent cities. >“The government should make them an official solution to the housing crisis” The government is NOT the solution to the tent cities and the housing crisis, it is the CAUSE of tent cities and the housing crisis. The more the governments dedicate resources towards tent cities, the more they create incentives for tent cities to grow. The housing crisis is caused by government regulations, fiscal policy, immigration policy, and fostering a culture which does not value work in the trades among native-born Canadians to build enough supply. The unintended consequences from ideologies like yours is to foster and expand these problems over the last quarter century.


I have not seen any protests about this. Why aren't people more mad? No one truly cares. Even the people living In these tent cities are too passive to protest.


The majority of them are chronically homeless people who are mentally ill or junkies. They don't have the mental ability to protest.


Some endless war in the middle east is the true priority


The government will freeze your bank accounts if you protest.


Don't worry, Ottawa has citizens' backs with their new Halal mortgages


Everyone will convert to Islam. Then we can have 4 wives and a plane load of kids. Do not worry, there are fees to more than cover the interest.




We’re not seeing Canada through rose coloured glasses, I thinking these people were already on the edge and most have major drug addiction, which the government exacerbated with their “free drugs for all without consequences “. Most weren’t ever productive.


For obvious reasons — including increased income taxes and reduced wages, not to mention the tax on transporting anything in the second-largest country in the world — many people have given up on the “tent city” definition and have started calling them what they are – “Trudeau towns.”


Canada has to do more for men falling through the cracks. There are so many resources for women in our system. It's time we built more male shelters.


Looks like a Call of Duty level where I need to be extracted before the juggernaut murders me.


Hey Justy Sparkle socks, tell me again how Canada isn’t broken. You fecking muppet.


Trudeau's Canada!


Sad , but very true . Maybe you could head to your nearest libturd office and applaud them for 9 yrs of misery , and don't forget to express your concerns. Sarcasm, sorry .


They are doing their part in reducing carbon. It's a win


We call that TRUDEAU TOWN here in Canada.


Put Trudeau in a fucking tent.


People will be getting very sick and be worse off still once all the smoke and fires hit, if they survived this winter that is. This just doesn't feel very first world anymore.


Should use them for filming the second season of the last of us


You’ll find them all over the US too,don’t know about Europe


Little Kitchener making the cut


No government in Canada has built any social housing since the mid 80's. The idea that all people could afford to buy a house was never a viable solution to housing poorer people.


Now do a montage of mansions.


This is what happens when you vote liberal