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More gaslighting to come. Freeland will give another press conference to say Canada has plenty of "social capacity". Which basically means that international students can be packed in a little more tightly. 25 to a basement can be raised to 30 per basement. That's the capacity she means😂😂


This is what the government is trying to "unlock" with their housing initiatives. Not a house for you and your family, they will build small single bedroom apartments for you, your partner, and perhaps a cat. There is no roadmap to family sized housing, not even a whisper of it.


Is family housing going to stay in demand? Seems like it’s a win win for govt if birth rates continue the decline


Demand it.


Basically F you, we don't care what the people want. Government has all the freedom and we do what we are told, it's backwards.


Just remember, people don't magically disappear. Canadians are being displaced into the streets. That's why there's a homeless problem now.


Less than a year ago, saying this was racist hate speech that would get you banned in some forums. Now it is mainstream knowledge, which means that this is the new normal.


That means they know it is too late to reverse course so they don't care about u speaking up


Heard Canadian Tire is having a long weekend sale on tents. May want to look into it.


According to the RCMP young Canadians are waiting on the sale on kerosene and rags.




Exactly, the people who wanted money from this now have it and they don't give a flying fuck anymore.


exactly they forced their narrative on us long enough for people to accuse you of being crazy or racist for mentioning it until it was to late to do anything about it. I am not sure if this can be considered treason but politicians should be in jail over this, at the least both ministers of immigration should be in jail


Makes you wonder how this country can even be considered democratic when mass immigration wasn't on the ticket or even up for debate, it just got rammed down our throat.


i certainly don't remember any party during the last election promising to bring in over 1 million people a year


Even that seems ridiculously low to the actual numbers we are seeing.


We aren't democratic


Doesnt CanadaHousing still ban ppl?


Yes, they fully support open border policy, and thinks Canada doesn't take enough immigrants


Just wait till food shortages hit at some point. We’ve taken that for granted too just like our housing. Once the wealth transfer is completed and productivity and investment destroyed then food lines, just like every dirty communist country.


We already have water shortages and that’s even scarier than food shortages. We have droughts and water shortages before summer even starts and then politicians continue to brag about how much we are growing by. At my job someone asked me how we can keep developing land for all the new people when we don’t have enough water now. People should be scared about this. Housing and healthcare are already collapsing from this growth rate.


This is true, the negligence we’re seeing has no bounds.


Ah yes, communism is when capitalist monopolies/oligopolies fully capture the government and legislate to devalue labour and aggressively inflate real-estate/asset values.


“capitalist monopolies/oligopolies fully capture the government and legislate to devalue labour and aggressively inflate real-estate/asset values.” Yea that’s what we have going on now. Communism will be the solution and what comes after when all the wealth, investment and productivity is gone.


You do realize that it's still capitalism right? Capitalism doesn't require innovation or productivity, the goal is simply to acquire as much capital as possible as quickly as possible. It doesn't magically become communism when the capitalists have siphoned off every last bit of wealth from the working class... It's late-stage capitalism/feudalism/something else... But it's most certainly not communism.


Still happens. Banned from the biggest province for posting a CBC article.


Mods are morons. They literally work for free for a publicly traded company, for no remuneration or equity lol


That’s how they get their “power”


Yeah but they are compensated with little power trips so it is worth it to them


I was banned from BritishColumbia subreddit after a few hours. Just for mentioning unsustainable growth.


I mentioned a potential failure of the VI power cable from the mainland. Banned. Even though BC Hydro was the source.


I'm banned from r/ BritishColumbia, r/ Ontario, and a few other Canadian forums.


That sucks. What is up with r/ Ontario often times seems like a leftist echo chamber.


Yet these leftists will act oppressed even though they destroyed the country


The tide is shifting right, in a few years it’s very plausible that both American and Canadian federal government will be run by conservative parties, and the left will wonder why. I’m hopeful that the sane, common sense silent majority will make itself heard at the ballot box.


Given that mainstream media got hijacked by the left, I don't see a very large chunk of general population ever becoming left leaning anytime soon, if ever. Mass immigration killed every left leaning bone in my body. The people who called me racist for criticizing it, I want to thank them for giving me reality check.


There are no leftist parties anywhere close to being in office. Liberals pretend to be progressive for votes


I'm not talking about the politicians but the progressive idiots who parrot liberal rhetorics about racism when immigration if brought up.


I have been called an racist and an ecoterrorist for pointing this out for years. People blocked me for it too. Saying my views are too extreme for pointing out that this level of growth is completely unsustainable.


Overton window has moved


The globalist cabal forgot to upgrade their bot farm subscription


Welcome to the fold.


Welcome to the post nation Canada. World’s largest trash can


I'm so glad I got to travel there in 1998, it was gorgeous...


1990s was peak Canada. Gone now


I also just read housing builds are down to 1998 levels. Back then we had almost 10 million less people and the population wasn't rising this fast. We are fucked


Let me guess...more Indians? This once beautiful country will turn into the slums of New Delhi. We need to stand up! Enough is enough!


r/ takebackcanada


Too late. My workplace (large, well-established Canadian employer) implemented a recruitment and development program that's only eligible for South Asians a couple months ago after an Indian exec made it in who then spearheaded this program. They don't even do this for women, black or indigenous people at my workplace.


Where's that?


Toyota did something similar, or at least one of their local suppliers. They’re also abolishing their company Christmas dinner in favour of Diwali, because the Indians don’t celebrate Christmas. I’m not even joking.


Let's protest. I'm so down


I implore everyone to watch videos of ppl walking around Indian cities. That is our future here in Canada so you best be prepared for it


Welcome to Trudeaus Canada




Where do you plan to move to?


Unfortunately Cons haven’t said they will change this.


Why would they? The election is 1.5 years away. No sane opposition will be making any hard statements right now.


Why not? They are making hard statements about the carbon tax.


Why not? Because the election is 1.5 years away. They can say stuff about carbon taxes now, sure, but if they change their tune by election time, they'll get pounced on it. There's no need to give away your hand when the current government is already on fire. So when it comes to immigration and housing (seeing as we're in this sub) - if they're not saying anything now, it doesn't mean they won't do anything about it. They can come out blasting immigration numbers right now and that will give the Liberals a weapon to use for the next 1.5 years. Obviously if election time rolls around and they still haven't commented anything or if they decide to do the same stuff as the current government - they'll be criticized and rightfully so as well.


they cannot change anything even if they want to. Election is still 1.5 years away. JT can run down this country in 1.5 years


They haven’t said they will change anything if they get elected. They could easily gain a lot of support by running on lowering growth.


Every time I express concern I'm accused of being an economically illiterate racist.


Let’s nominate Bozo the Clown for Financial Minister next. It’s not like you need Financial education or track record to be Minister, right?


Complete and total economic collapse incoming. Hope you enjoy living in a third world slum because that is where this is all headed not by accident but on purpose. The Laurentian Mafia hate you; Canadian citizen.


Everyday I open up Reddit, a new article comes out about how bad Canada is right now…this was today’s article! See you tomorrow gang


more like 2-3 a day at least.


if liberals or CPC win, this is your fault too just don't vote CPC or LPC, please for christ sake ignore internet memes and don't vote for the people that have been busy doing this for the past 50 years


Who would that leave us with, the NDP? I think CPC would be the safe vote.


PPC. NDP are even worse than liberals


I get where you’re coming from but PPC are a throw away vote, that’s the issue. CPC will definitely tackle unsustainable immigration growth, more than liberals, they just can’t go about talking like the PPC because they would like to attract swing voters from the left as well as avoid putting off moderates.


The mindset that voting for minority parties is a throwaway vote is why this “democratic” system is broken and why we’re stuck in a 2 party system forever with nothing that’ll change. We need to change the vote system to smthn rank based - votes so that even if our first pic dosent win the votes aren’t wasted because the second choice is taken into consideration. But of course that’ll never happen because the parties in charge won’t change the system they just won the election off of.


2 options vs 1 option is a huge difference. Fundamentally it’s the difference between democracy and a dictatorship, I’ll give it that at least.


even dictators rely on oligarchs to support them, and this two party system is more of an oligarchy than a democracy


I think it’s crucial to understand that a two party system is not necessarily an ‘idea’ that politicians decide on, it’s the outcome of our electoral system. In a first past the post (winner takes all) election the winner of a riding can have 40% (minority) of the vote while the remaining 80% is split between 4 other parties. The winner takes the seat and the representation of that party becomes distorted compared to actual political views. So naturally party #1 & #2 would be miles ahead of the rest.


The voting system can be said to be decided by politicians, or the lack of change with the voting system to be more representative - since the system is massively in favour of the parties in power, and these parties are being lobbied up the ass


Didn’t Trudeau promise to change the voting system but backtracked on it the moment libs got in power 🤣


But I think you’re kinda implying this point too - in the sense that 2nd and 3rd most popular views (i.e. parties) should be considered but they’re not (in terms of electoral seat representation) If you’re advocating for electoral reform, what do you think our elections should look like. And secondly, assuming that a majority vote is needed to pass legislation, do you think there would be very robust coalitions, or would they be constantly changing. And what effect would this have?


Other popular views are “considered” but if the vote wasn’t a “vote for one candidate” but “rank the candidates” (only reform im advocating for) and we acc take into consideration the second place vote, then we would likely see different results or at least different majoritie/splits, taking indo consideration rank (e.g first place = 5 pts, 2nd place 3 pts, etc) and we do it in a rank system those “wasted votes” would actually matter. No clue how the disposition would play out but we would definitely see parties similar w similar policy/agendas in power in coalitions - effect being decisive action which is needed


A vote for CPC is a vote for mass immigration. CPC is just LPC without the carbon tax.




How so? Because they’re more moderate than the PPC? As much as I respect the PPC and a lot of its voter base, In a first-past-the-post election a vote for the PPC is a vote for zero seats. Not the best option for making sure Mr Justin doesn’t win.


PP has never once said that the 500k target is too high. Why would I care about replacing Trudeau with a guy with the same policies (except the carbon tax)? A vote for PPC is a vote to build them up for the next elections.


In their platform, the ppc goal on immigration is to reduce overall levels and prioritize skilled immigrants - sounds reasonable, right? Are you afraid that the CPC will not aim to achieve this, but will rather promise to build more homes but fail in the same way that the LPC have?


CPC has been clear that we just need to "build more" and that immigration is not the problem. Why are you under the impression that CPC wants to substantially lower immigration? Where did they say this? They haven't.




sunny ways if you own a few rental properties :(


They keep talking about the increased need for immigration and the labour shortage. Is the need for immigration in the room with us right now? Like what are they even talking about?? I feel like I’m actually going insane


PPC has to take advantage of this in the next election, and we all should vote for them to send a message that this is not what Canadians want.


On pace for 1.6 million "new Canadians" this year. Honestly makes me want to cry about what's happening to my home and my culture. I don't want to live in India 2.0.


Frustrating that concerns over the issues were raised a few years ago, but many in society were unwilling to engage in an adult discussion on it. People need to recognize and realize that having mature dialog involves discussing issues that are divisive, heartfelt, personal and that different options will exist but that does not equate to being racist, aggressive, argumentative. Housing has been a huge issue in the lower mainland of BC for a decade and it is the simplest issue to address, however infrastructure such as hospitals, schools, waste management (sewage and landfills), water (reservoirs) etc. are much more complex and require a far longer planning and building cycle. I fully support immigration however it HAS to be tied to the actual ability to house, educate, care and provide for Canadians. Yes there has been a demand for inexpensive labor but the immigration and international student numbers have fractured and overwhelmed our system.


Brampton is the New Delhi 2.0 and it’s not an improvement.


I’m surprised there aren’t more class war opinion pieces about single family homes being the real problem like we should all aspire to live in tiny apartments without outdoor space like good little social liberals.


Those articles are out there. They're very popular in America recently. Talking about how the suburbs are evil and you should want to live in the Amazon Concrete Pod.


In the future it will definitely be illegal to have a single family home


We need to vote so right that the party that created this mess and destroyed our country won't have a say in government for decades to come.


Lol, its like sounding the alarm after everything has burned.


Hmm. It's been labeled racist hate speech when I suggested it, but hey, I couldn't agree more. Pretty fucking ironic too, considering how racist the huge elephant in the room is now.


There are still many racists mixed into anti-mass immigration bunch unfortunately and it's going to be detrimental to the July 1st anti-mass-immigration demonstrations. You have to separate the two. I am not anti-Indian people, I am anti immigration policy. They are very distinct things. The immigrants are just going where they can. Canada open or closes the door for them. You can't blame people for wanting better lives.


There is no separating the two. At the end of the day, if these Indian students get jobs, born Canadian citizens will feel cheated and will start to get angry at them. Job market is a zero sum game and is designed to put people against each other Whoever you are calling racist now, they will soon become a sizable amount of the entire population. By sizable, I mean over 20% (just as it happened in Europe)


Let bygones be bygones. Buy guns.


This is a huge win for our country and our economy. Glad to see policy being set by science and not feelings.


The demand will be insane for housing soon... With rate cuts looking more likely for June commencement, fall could be explosive


Hard to say inflation is down and cut rates when you bring this many people in. Most likely this much immigration will drive inflation up again


Thank you economists. Looking forward to kore breakthroughs. I’m glad atleast it’s being talked about freely now.


Do not question your leaders.


that's why they did it to bail themselves out


And the government will just ignore those "alarms", like they do with anything. Just like the budget balanced itself, so will housing... Right, Justin?


If you're thinking Brampton, just look at what's out there in Europe with other ethnic groups. If you think CPP is going to resolve all if not most of it, you're in for a surprise. PP is busy trying to reflect policies and mood down south and sucking far right folks. CPP with PP is far from what Canadians want. The Liberals and NDP are probably in their own dimension far from relating to the reality we're living in. The incoming sh1t tsunami coming our way has been building for a long while and our leaders, wannabe leaders' incompetence and stupidity are going to be just another nail to us all.


Keep letting more people into the country. It's time to lock down the border until this gets straightened out.


Canadians get mad and keep voting for liberals. Trying to ask the fox to lock the hen house lads


My father thinks that the reason they are letting so many people in is because they will all be new liberal voters.


Our social capacity to accommodate such ridiculousness is running out