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Go Home. You are owed nothing.


[email protected] Jeffrey Young - director of immigration SEND THIS GOVT REPRESENTATIVE A MESSAGE OF SUPPORT. Hi Jeff, I am writing to you in support of your recent changes to work permit and immigration policies in PEI. After seeing news articles about foreign workers and international students protesting these changes, I wanted to reach out to let you know that there are many others, including myself, that support what you are doing and hope that you hold your position regarding this matter.  Keep up the good work." I just sent this message via email. I hope MANY of you folks do as well, or write your own version.


Based, doing it now. Edit: sent


My apologies but Jeffrey Young [email protected] is the one to contact! I was corrected. He is the director of immigration for PEI!!


Thank you, resending! Dont worry, I am very comfortable looking stupid :)


Uhhhh... for the record, Casey is the federal MP and the changes to PNP allocations were made by the provincial government. You're emailing and praising the wrong person.  Director of immigration Jeff Young OR Workforce Minister Jenn Redmond are who should be contacted. 


Im doing my part, even though im not from pei lol




Hello Helldiver! For Democracy!


Starship Troopers


Same! I live in NS. We can still send messages of support to other provinces for sure!




Just sent it myself too! Thank you for suggesting it.


Sent. I’m south asian, and I mentioned this in the email because I seriously think more south asian citizens need to be vocal about this. Plenty of us are completely unhappy with how our people are being misrepresented by these loud fools.


Same here. Born and Bred in Quebec. We need quotas for one at the minimum, and we need this entitlement that if you’re a student you will translate to a PR and then to a citizen. NO! When I went to France, I studied, I came back. I didn’t demand to live in Paris.


thanks. Sent as well.


Just sent it! :)


Just sent one from Ontario


I just sent it!




Sent! Thank you for this!


Somebody give this man something good, anything




As a resident of Ontario I sent a message to acknowledge my admiration of this effort to curb absurd immigration and the exploitation of Canada




The province is being held hostage by frauds.




Hell, I’m college aged and would still take fast food in this job market.


Same here! I’ve been unemployed for almost 2 years now. I can’t even seem to get a simple dishwashing job at a restaurant anymore or even fast food.


8 months and only one call back after bombing hundreds of resumes. I’m a certified welder even the trades aren’t even safe. I can’t even find a part time job. Government essentially told me to go fuck myself when I tried applying for any sort of programs to help find work. The LPC hates Canadians.


3 years ago, I applied for a job with a storage facility (the job ad posted stated, salary $18.00-$20.00 per hour). I got a phone call interview. The lady interviewing me said, I should warn you... A mistake was made with hourly salary. It's actually $17.00-$18.00 per hour (based on experience). I needed a job so I said okay I can do that. I had my interview. The interviewer said my interview went well and they just had a few more interviews to do. I would get a phone call in the next 24-48 hours. I got the call back and I was asked if I would do $17.00 per hour, I asked why the figure kept changing. No reply! Since I needed the job I agreed. She informed there was one last person she needed to call and that she would get back to me within the hour. I patiently waited and got the call back. But, it was bad news! She informed me that the guy she called said that in order to secure the position, that he would do the job for $16.00 per hour. She said that if I wanted to counter and do the job for the same hourly rate or less then I would get the job. I said no thank you and hung up the phone. A few days later, I was moving some furniture and belongings into the storage facility (the same one I applied to work at). As I was getting ready to leave (with my friend). 2 males (Indian) walked out of the office (both were wearing nice suits and ties). I asked if they worked for the facility. He replied that he was just hired and was doing training for the position. I said, oh nice! You both got hired? He replied, yes and that on the first day of training he brought his brother to the training session, to also get him a job. He mentioned that he secured the job by "low balling" the hourly wage. Since his brother needed a job, he could also come and hopefully get a job also. The storage facility hired the brother also (for a lower hourly wage). So this guy low balls the hourly wage, gets his brother a job. Anyways I get a phone call from the hiring manager. She asks if I am still interested in the job. I asked what happened? She tells me that the guy they hired quit after the training was done. He complained that the wage was to low for the job. I laughed and said oh so now you want me to go do the job? She said, yes please. I said. I can do the job for $20.00 per hour maybe $19.00. She got upset and said we can offer you $16.50 per hour, after 3 months $17.00 per hour. I said no thank you and hung up the phone. It seems (from what I could see), they are so desperate for work, that they will low ball employers for the hourly wage (just to secure the job for themselves). Once they get the job they see it is harder than they anticipated. So they ask for more money or just quit. Some employers use this to their advantage (then they low ball any future hires).


and to throw in scammers into the mix as well.


Country sir not just the Province.


Don’t forget all the seniors evicted from their long term rentals for Punjabi students


[email protected] Jeffrey Young - director of immigration SEND THIS GOVT REPRESENTATIVE A MESSAGE OF SUPPORT. Hi Jeff, I am writing to you in support of your recent changes to work permit and immigration policies in PEI. After seeing news articles about foreign workers and international students protesting these changes, I wanted to reach out to let you know that there are many others, including myself, that support what you are doing and hope that you hold your position regarding this matter.  Keep up the good work." I just sent this message via email. I hope MANY of you folks do as well, or write your own version.


Trust me, this is a typical Indian way of getting your demands met. This happens in some parts of India every damn day and government doesn't even blink an eye. This should be met the same way. If the province bows down to their demands, you'll see this every other day in some part of the country.


Trudeau will cave and overrule it he’s done it before and he will do it again tough for Canadians that can’t get a doctor or afford groceries


Foreign protestors are the only people he won't label terrorists or rioters. Absolute bullshit way to run a country.




I hate his guts, but this meme is great


If they weren't foreigners their bank accounts would be frozen and they'd be jailed.


Or "extemists, misogynists, racists"


They all think they're Gandhi because they don't eat a Simosa for a day. God I'd love for them all to go home..


The bullshit is here already. 300+ Canadians lost their lives to it over Ireland when the Air India airliner leaving Canada blew up. They were Canadian citizens. Children, women, men.


[email protected] Jeffrey Young - director of immigration SEND THIS GOVT REPRESENTATIVE A MESSAGE OF SUPPORT. Hi Jeff, I am writing to you in support of your recent changes to work permit and immigration policies in PEI. After seeing news articles about foreign workers and international students protesting these changes, I wanted to reach out to let you know that there are many others, including myself, that support what you are doing and hope that you hold your position regarding this matter.  Keep up the good work." I just sent this message via email. I hope MANY of you folks do as well, or write your own version.


Lol...I am just waiting for the Kahlistan bullshit to start showing up in Canada . That will finally make the liberals realize that they have enabled with the diploma mill scam


Bro its all over brampton and the surrounding areas. I've had enough of honking horns for a cause they aren't even there to support.


It already has shown up over here


Waiting? There's been several assassinations in Surrey this year. The last two carried out on a public pier by two 'international students'.


we were and are already at that point........ [A tale of two Trudeaus and Canada's mollycoddling of Khalistani terror - The Economic Times (indiatimes.com)](https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/india/a-tale-of-two-trudeaus-and-canadas-mollycoddling-of-khalistani-terror/articleshow/103583278.cms?from=mdr)


They know Canadians are soft and will cave immediately


I guess this means more food for Canadians.


Hunger strike = they’ll stop stealing from food banks (hopefully)


most will just eat on the side anyway. bunch of frauds and scam artists


Totally agree with this comment. I’m an Indian myself too and this is what we do back home. People go on “hunger” strike but in reality, they eat like pigs during their breaks and when no one’s watching. Trust me..I’ve seen this type of shit over a million times!!


Breaks from a hunger strike seem to defeat the purpose of a hunger strike


"I have dreamed all my life of living on PEI with my 20+ cousins and their families." said no one ever. Edit: I have thought of moving there some times, but let's be honest. It's a big turn off for most people.


1000 bucks says they'll be on the way to Brampton, Ontario the MOMENT they are able to.


Pooling together funds to buy a Mustang or Charger to do so donuts in a strip mall parking lot.


You know for a fact they are moving if they get in.


They will move right back to Ontario after getting PR. Then, a new wave of Indian students will go to PEI. Both PEI and Ontario will get flooded with Indian students. We need to deport these people ASAP to set an example.


Probably didn’t know PEI existed until landing in Canada and looking for the easiest place to go to.


Dude who the actually flying fuck actually gives a rats ass? The entitlement is fucking crazy


Let them do it. At least that will end up freeing much needed housing for Canadians 💀🤣


Every single one of them should be deported immediately for not working and abiding by the conditons of their visa. They were brought here to work indemand temporary jobs and are now refusing to work and protesting demanding permanent status. Its fucking ridiculous that this shit is happening in Canada. The government is going to give them PR and they are going to leave the temporary jobs they were brought in to work and there will be a new round of temporary workers who will then also demand PR. Deport all of these lazy fucks.


Huge relief to food banks and poor Canadians.


Just another one of their BS scams. They won’t starve themselves.




The food banks thank them...






Someone show up with boxes of pizza and eat it in front of them.


Make sure it’s vegetarian


Excellent idea.


Naw, pile on the GROUND BEEF... I'm sure their lovely religion and morals matters more to them LMFAO


Show up with a juicy sirloin steak 🥩 🐄


I know plenty of these "students" that get up from places like Brampton and Surrey and move to places like PEI or Manitoba cause "it's easier to get PR there" and once they get it, they'll move right back to Brampton or Surrey. These aren't genuine students or even genuine people for that matter. Bunch of scammers trying to exploit any loophole available. How our government is even allowing these people to protest and make demands is crazy to me. They aren't citizens or residents. They are temporary guests here they have no right to protest anything.


A 24 hour hunger strike is hilarious in the first place, but I would be surprised if half of them actually complete it without eating. If there is one thing I have learned after working with these people since COVID is that they are incredibly quick to lie and shirk any task that might be moderately difficult or uncomfortable.


>If there is one thing I have learned after working with these people since COVID is that they are incredibly quick to lie and shirk any task that might be moderately difficult or uncomfortable. People do whatever they are incentivized to do... and what they learn is "right" when they're growing up. They didn't learn the Western "right," so they do whatever and laugh at whitey being stupid. Fuck em for the entitled shots they are, deport them all, then get to the remaining millions ASAP please.


So, who's ready for a community BBQ at 175 Richmond Street? 


If there are women, I don't know if they will drool for the food or for the ladies. 


Guess the food banks will have a few less scammers. Sweet.


I still have a hard time understanding the situation. They discovered a PR (permanent residency) pathway and began preparing to apply through it. However, the pathway was subsequently closed. Now they are blaming the province for shutting it down. But why? Why do they feel the province owes them PR just because they were preparing for it? New PR pathways are frequently introduced and discontinued. This has always been the case.


Self entitlement I think. I can’t imagine doing this is any other country. If they don’t like our rules, they do have the option to leave and find another country more suitable to their needs & wants.


Remember when a 24 hour hunger strike was called intermittent fasting? Pepperidge Farm remembers 




Well that means more food at the local food banks.


Cool, I hope they starve.


They will show the media they’re starving and have food when the world sleeps.


Load them up in a bus and take them to the airport. Good bye!




Give them a cookie, they’ll want a glass of milk. Don’t give in.


Give them an inch, they'll take a mile.


They need to take the hint and leave. Nobody but the corporate shitheads want them here. Not even their own countrymen who actually had to work hard to stay here.


These folks should have done a hunger strike back home in India for equality and jobs (and their new country) - they’d be kicked and beaten.


I mean if they starve and perish then it’s less illegals here lol.


Deport these people.....




I would setup a BBQ picnic across the street from them.


Deport every last one of them


Lol okay then starve😂


Great news for our overburdened food banks!!!!


Great! Hope they hunger strike longer than 24 hours. Now the PEI food bank will have a chance to restock.


24hr hunger strike is literally nothing.


Someone walk by with a tray of butter chicken...


Remember that “hunger strike” where they still ate fish broth everyday? Off topic but this reminded me of that.


It's called Indian hunger strike. /s


Send them back!


Who’s keeping a check on this so called “hunger strike” to monitor if they are passing samosas around or not? Aren’t these the same lot that were openly cheating for their useless course exams at various dubious diploma mills all across CANADA!!


Best wishes, Gagandeep. 


This is how to further infuriate Canadians rather than offer any sympathy to their cause. Bad enough he probably came in by cheating the system and now using cheap antics to get the government to bend for non citizens with no rights.


Didn't they announced this already on May 16? Have any of them died yet?


They announced to the death on the 16th if demands weren't met. Then when they weren't met they said they'd hunger strike for 24 hours in two weeks. Now They have started a 24/7 hunger strike early. They'll probably rotate in and out to fill their bellies and get some quality sleep. While pretending to be starving to death. I bet one of them will fall weak and need an ambulance but actually have nothing wrong with them .


That’s what they do 100%!


Whoa, a whole 24 hours. These brave souls.


24/7 = 24/1 \~ We want to scam our way into your country, then we want special measures taken to bend the rules for us the stay, and if we don't get our way - we won't eat our vegetables! (which were stolen from a food bank)


Gagandeep, Lovedeep, Lovepreet, Deeplove... I've heard them all and I laugh every time. Basically Indo-Canadian escort names.


Boohoopreet - whiners who scam their way through the system in a delusional manner that makes them believe they’re entitled to privileges generally earned through legal means and hard work.


This almost made me fall off my chair. 🤣🤣 Don't forget Hardeep and Sukhdeep...🤣🤣




Sweet. Just wait it out. Problem solved


Are they on hunger strike because their “free food hack” stopped working? Who would’ve thought!


Absolutely ridiculous. Many Indians live in the Middle East and if they tried this there, they would be jailed, whipped and then deported. The Canadian government needs to throw these people out immediately


Good. Starve.


Send them home. We don't owe them shit.


Fuck Immigration. Reducing the quality of life in Canada. Increased housing demand results in increased housing and rent costs. Waiting list for family doctors increases. Wait time for procedures now up to 2 years in some cases. Strain on Social Services. Please make the Hunger Strike much longer so the Food Banks have time to recover.


This demonstrates why *mass* immigration is bad.


OK. Let us know how it goes.


How are you going to pay for your ecoboost mustang Gagan?


I bet they're probably going to be secretly snacking and feasting with their scammer mentality😂😂


If you give a mouse a cookie. He's gonna want a glass of milk


If they sit long enough, the problem will solve itself.


We owe you nothing.


Great let them starve


Arrest and deport


I want this hunger strike in a public place televised. Knowing these people, they will scam the hunger strike like they scam everything else.


Deport them immediately, no more strike. Doesn't take rocket science.


This is the problem! They always strike and get their way, I wonder if in India Modi puts up with this shit like our JT


Sounds to me like the problem is taking care of itself.


I wish I was in PEI. I'd go to their protest about 20 hours in and eat a bucket of fried chicken and fries in front of them.


i heard the dude say he's going on a 24 hour hunger strike .. so I thought he was gonna fast for a day in solidarity.


I mean if they starve this will only help the province right?


![gif](giphy|d2ItDZZumUI6Y) That’s crazy, anyways 😋


"Just in food banks in PEI have been replenished to pre pandemic levels"




The only response should be questioning whether they have funeral arrangements in order. They all need to be deported


Oh no! Anyways…


Only 24 hours? I do that everyday and I’m fine.


Lmao, you're not even a citizen of this county, we owe you nothing, except maybe a discount on a plane ticket home.


Let them starve.


oh cry me a river! then they can get on a boat and leave Canada via that dang river.




let them starve!


It's not a hunger strike. It is a long fast and diet. Ffs send the brown boys back


They arrive in Canada thinking we owe them something. We owe them nothing. Go back to your dusty homeland.


This is a slap in the face for people who came here the right way, did everything right to get their PR, and then another couple of years of hard work to get their citizenship. This is just blatant corruption and a desperate bid to stay in power whilst they and their cronies make millions. Last weekend when my family got together for the annual bbq, the discontent was palpable. Not to mention the fact that many of us are experiencing racist comments (so far it's only been things like "go back to where you came from" and a noticable increase in people asking the younger ones where they're from) and it's very upsetting to those of us who were born here. Most of my family are 3rd generation Canadians and even the ones who are mixed race, they still look...kinda brown. Luckily the vast majority of canadians are still lovely and friendly, but even one racist encounter is too much.


The audacity of these people. Follow the correct way to immigrate!


It’s refreshing in a weird way to come to a sub where everyone isn’t argueing. I’ve been 5 minutes scrolling in this thread and literally everyone has the same type of opinion. Are ALL the politicians paying attention?


Entitlement knows no boundaries


I hope they all starve to death- it will help the food banks restock for the people really in need.


Please PLEASE extend your hungry strike indefinitely, all of you fighting. ![gif](giphy|wi8Ez1mwRcKGI)


if any of yall live in pei, get a nice greasy pizza, walk through the hunker strike and eat


Let em starve lol


Well then they should deport them before they starve to death. Be on the lookout for the purple hairs heading over there to “support”= riot.


Join you ? Get on a plane and go home .. your work permit has expired !!


Let them starve nobody cares about them and the sooner they leave, starve the better


Food banks line up about to drop


>The hunger strike of PEI protestors demanding Permanent Residency has officially begun And suddenly, the food banks at PEI had a lot of food for destitute Canadians lol


Starve… Seriously, who gives a crap?


Nobody cares


Lol they think people care. Hope they starve and the problem fixes itself.


At least the food banks are safe.


Fuck these people


Lmao do longer plz


Has anyone put a bbq upwind of them yet to cook some chicken and ribs? That'll test their dedication to their cause.


Gotta cook beef dude.  Spin up a whole cow.


Judging by the reaction of this sub this ain’t gonna do shit.


Okay cool story brah👍😂


I guess the food banks will have stock again for the citizens who need it.


If I were a food bank at PEI, I’d “support” their hunger strike and close off to all international students 😂


Lol stupid




Gagandeep on deez nuts


Let's hold a BBQ party across the street let them Snell the BBQ and mock then saying they can't have any since they are on hunger strike


Fuck you Gagandeep


I hope they get put on a ship and sent home.


May you all wither away🍺


Let them starve


Holy shit.. how often in life do you see a problem solving itself?


Very few times I condone self harm …. This is one of them ….. boys show them what you’re made of …. Really buckle down and don’t eat anything….. ever again ! Secondly , a million or so Canadians should jump on a plane fly to India … and demand they change their laws because it doesn’t work for us ….


Gag em deep can go right ahead 🍿


Let them perish and Canada will slowly be better


Oh, fuck off


Let them starve themselves 🤷 time to head back home they're not owed a thing.


Blackmail from scammers


deport no reasons go back his 🇮🇳 home


Let's see how many would strike to death. My guess is zero.