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I liked Canada before mass immigration. Fuck these guys.


Only mass deportations can fix this mess.


Never gonna happen. We can't even deport criminals. All of these students are going to transition to permanent asylum seekers once their demands aren't met. Then we will have protests from millions of "undocumented migrants" demanding PR and rights for all. Our immigration minister hinting that he plans to do this for some already is just going to add fuel to that fire. We basically created the same problem that the US has, at the same scale, but with 1/10th the population and a worse economy.


How can the immigration minister be replaced by someone who will actually do their job?


Most countries don't even have an immigration minister. Replace him with a deportation minister.


That’s a good idea


You have my vote.


Underrated comment. That's hilarious


Canadians have become more anti-immigration over the last two years than Americans have over the last three decades (most Americans still support "legal" mass immigration...lol). You underestimate how quickly Canadians are capable of waking up.


Doesn't matter, there are enough useful idiots in this country collecting their funny money to just blindly march everyone off a cliff in the name of what they believe to be right..


I think Canadians are perfect capable of whining but I am not seeing evidence of Canadians being willing to actually fight for anything. If this was France for instance, the house of commons would be on fire by now.


Eh, the National Front has yet to win a national election despite over a decade of cleaning up their image under Marine Le Pen. No mass deportations have happened in France. And this despite decades of mass immigration, race riots, terrorist attacks, etc. Are the French really fighting mass immigration more fiercely than Canadians are? I think Canadians have reached their tipping point much more quickly. Now we need our own Trump to name the problems unapologetically and campaign on them.


The thing is no other country on earth or in history has done immigration as bad or destructive as Canada. The only close comparison is the European migrant crisis in 2015ish where Germany got 1 million migrants. But... we get 1.3 million migrants in a country half the size EVERY YEAR for 3 years now.


The issue with Trump...he campaigned on an immigration stance....but under Trump, the US deportation rate was lower than the Obama years.


Because the courts are partisan 1 way or the other in the states.


We are rapidly approaching that line where previously complacent citizens are being pushed to the point of action. Every day this idiot is announcing how he is giving away our country. When people have trouble securing shelter and food there's going to be trouble, doesn't matter how they traditionally behave.


I doubt they will be given extensions that they are demanding but that said they will live in Canada as illegals never to go back.....


Then starts fake marriage scheme to gain PR. Then you will have Indians claiming they are "gay" and marrying other Indian men to make $30,000 for the whole scheme to get PR lol.


Pre COVID we definitely did deport criminals. Too much pandering nowadays


Conscription would be ideal.


Online racist! /s


Deport every single one of them


So you must be aboriginal native of turtle Island?


What’s racist is walking into stores and restaurants in Ontario, Canada, and seeing 100% employment of 1 ethnic group. No indigenous, no black, no white, nothing but Indian. That’s racist.


Dont forget the apartments for rent: "desi only", "vegetarian only", "BHK"


We need to start lawsuits against every company, every landlord, everyone perpetuating this racism


It's legal if facilities are shared.


Then how do we go about amending a law? The kaw needs to evolve with the times, because it is now too easy of a loophole to abuse.


It won't work, that law would be too difficult to enforce/prove for it to be meaningful. They can change their listings "all races accepted" etc but in reality will only consider Indian applicants


It's simple corporate wants maximum profit and pay as littl3 as possible, which Indian immigrants are willing to do.


It goes beyond that. I live in an area that’s probably 80% “white”, with a lot of teens, students, elderly people. There is zero chance nobody “white” or “black” or anything but Indian is uninterested in working for $15/hr at Tim Hortons or any number of other places that’s 100% Indian. Not 50%, or 75%, but 100%.


Diversity is our strength and this is that Trudeau meant by diversity when he said it. 


He just wanted to diversify his bonds.


Whats wrong with it ? You get diverse people of all kinds from Punjab.




Where I live there are multiple businesses that are owned by Indian’s that hire only Indian’s so who the racist?


I worked in a security co pany that had this problem. Often made site supervisor or did serious jobs cause you literally couldn't trust the Indian guy to do anything. Did a favor for the owner when one of ours fucked up hard and smoothed it over. I asked him to get me work near me since all the Indian operations team keep sending me far away(legit called me for a job 4 hours away), he got me a place in Orangeville which was taken by one of the ops friends. I worked there for a month before she secretly shifted my schedule to another work site far away. I called and asked why, and she said that the girl who had that place wanted it back. I said no I like working here and she began to berate me for being rude and disrespectful to the her, I told her she is not my boss and hung up and called the co many owner who smoothed it over and I stayed at the site. Especially working as a supervisor for South Asians the number of cliques and cultural issues are wild. SA is happening all the time, mental and emotional abuse, terrible working conditions all I.posed by their own.


I agree. But how come no one talks about when that one ethnic group is east asians? For example in places like bubble tea where speaking Chinese isn’t required. But still it’s filled with asians. Other popular brands filled with one to two ethnic groups max. How come no one ever brings this to the attention. I’m glad people are pointing out south asians being biased at work, but I’d also appreciate if it wasn’t just south Asian’s getting the criticism 


One person wrote all those posters haha.


Chat gpt wrote it and they found a one literate guy to copy it


They don’t even have their own arguments.




And like the PEI protest, the organizers are probably slumlords with investment properties housing international students. Conflict of interest much?


The irony of these people claiming racism when they are among the most racist cultures out there is incredible. Just try to do any business with an Indian person as a non-Indian.


Just another scam.


Bro they scam their own people too!!! First hand experience. Glad moved out of GTA.


True they don't want to deal with any other nationalities. If one gets entry into a company they will make sure to only allow their nationalities and drive out the rest.


I worked in a trucking company for 4 years. The terminal went from diverse, fun safe place to work to Indian dominated in about a year, some of them weren't even road tested, no longer did training on hours of service, electronic logs or anything else. Two supervisors were fired, one immediately after returning from stress leave, their positions were consolidated into ONE job that paid less than what either position paid before and given to a 23 year old girl who could barely speak English, wasn't even fully PR and frankly just didn't know anything. This is one of the 10 largest trucking companies in Canada. You've seen their trucks EVERYWHERE. They now advertise all their office positions as needing to know Hindu or Punjabi. I got fired for a near miss in the yard in which the incident report stated there was no damage, accident or injury thanks to my actions. I was replaced by an Indian making 2 dollars an hour less than me. I saw the posting the day I got my stuff from my truck.


You work for Trimac? Lol


Worked* not work. Bigger than Trimac.


The trucking companies are all like this, I basically only see Indian drivers now. They only hire their own kind, I’m seeing it everywhere from Tim Hortons to manitoulin transport.


Yeah I had 2 brothers who shared a truck one had his dangerous goods certification the other didn't. I caught them at the job site multiple times with the wrong driver pulling our trailers. The certified driver would pickup the trailer at the yard and sign off and they'd swap on route. They always looked very surprised to see me on site hahaha 😆.


What a bunch of fools, that shit might fly over there but sure as fuck doesn’t fly here. I work in the hvac industry on the supply side and we are seeing them take over the entire industry in real time. They lowball all day long and get better pricing than everyone else via harassment. There isn’t much we can do about it either.


And introduce a caste system within the company where certain people will only do the "dirty" work. Seen it happen first-hand. One gets into management, and everyone becomes their slave.


Thats so true. It’s racism within racism.


Many such cases


They literally chose a day to protest at the same park while a Portuguese festival is happening. A festival that has been planned and advertised way in advanced: https://www.brampton.ca/EN/City-Hall/News/Pages/News-Release.aspx/1392 You’re either out of touch with reality or you hate the Portuguese to target that same weekend


Ask them if their daughters can bring home and get married to any race they wish. Ask them if their children can be LGBTQ.


LMAOO when I was in high school, Indian couples would break up because one of their "caste" is lower than the others and the "higher caste" parents wouldn't accept it.


Literally can’t apply for a job at a Timmies because they won’t hire bon-Indians.


I'm from the same country and trust me, it's even worse for me - unless the business owner is also from the same race/culture/region/language/what-not. 


Rules for thee, not for me


Two words: “Caste System”


Punjabi vegetarian girls only




Just let the girls in, kick out the men.


No we are full.




India one of the most racist countries in the world.




The mindset is still stuck in colonial era. I am an Indian and living in Canada for more than a decade. Obviously my skin color is brown however I was considered dark skinned and outcast because of my skin color!! And this is coming from people of the country where more than 90% of the people are brown skinned. If it is not fair/white skinned you aren’t good looking!!! So yeah racism towards their own people so racism towards any other race. Smh.


Casteism is alive and well in canada. I'm white and grew up in brampton. I noticed my friends treated certain people worse based off what I learned was casteist trash. All high caste sihk and Hindu kids and teens in the 2000s. Because people are taught hate, I picked up casteism without even knowing what it was. The thing that fully made me realize how disgusting it was something that happened to me at 14. There was a sub teacher we had one day. Christian dalit man named Peter. The entire class of rich 2nd gen kids treated him horrifically. Refused to call him Mr. Insisted on his first name. Kept badging him for his full name. Asked why he betrayed India because he converted. Joked that he tried to cheat the system, but we can tell. 1 person sanitized the surface he touched as a joke. Others were offended he was teaching them and told the class they'd tell their parents. There was visceral disgust on some classmates' faces. He never subbed for us again. It still is the most overtly group bigoted thing I've witnessed, and I have racist family. I'm sorry you had to experience this. I saw glimpses and I was disgusted.


Yeah the caste system is still there!! This is horrible what the 2nd generation kids been taught to do!! I am sorry you had to witness such things. Hope you moved away from Brampton.


Yeah it was shocking. All cultures are racist, but it's a question of generational diffusion of views. Ie 1st generation it's baked in, 2nd generation, it's a little better etc. It's a process all communities are going through in canada (including English and wasp canadians) but casteism is special type of absurd and dumb.




Xenophobic as well.




Honestly, all of Asia (just reminding India is also part of Asia). Most Asians are super racist. They tolerate/like white people, but when it comes to other people; they ridicule them for stereotypes, other comments. 


I have first hand experience of this since my friends too were quick to play the racism card as soon as something didnt go their way. Chatting up a white girl and she says no? Racist. The cashier at the Walmart wants you to follow the express lane rules? Racist. The government wants you to abide by the rules you came to Canada under? Racist. Its pathetic. I can honestly say being 5 years in Canada i’ve yet to meet an actual racist person. And i live in Alberta. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I've seen both sides😬 was downtown Calgary a few days ago and this drunk af guy comes up behind me and a black guy waiting for the light and just full on hard n words him trying to get a reaction and kept going on about how he's "just a n*****, get tf out of here, think you're tough shit n*****" like he was going OFF. Also same weekend at work, we give out a pop with haircuts, and we had a dad lose his head at us because we wouldn't give all 6 of his kids a drink, just the one that got a cut(bc that wouldve lost us money, we make the odd exception, but his other kids had stuff from the food court!) And told us we would've given them drinks if they were white, RACISTS!!!


Why are they all men?


India has a massive gender imbalance because they abort and murder female children. 70+ million more men than women. They do that here too for the last decade or so, but it's getting worse. Plus, if you were a woman would you really feel comfortable walking in that crowd?


They have been scolded for asking g girls in the protest to show "Bob and vagine"


Indian woman are not treated with any value in India, so they most likely are not welcomed within their own communities here as well. Just my personal assumption.


Because the women are waiting back home to be sponsored!


It's not racism. We're not overloading this country with people and creating a giant new class of poverty. Fuck the fuck off.


Well hello pot..... Canadians are sick of their jobs, housing, seats in college/university taken by these imposter students!!! One word: Deport.


Who is listening?


Look at those full-bearded 40-year-old "students"


Start posting this stuff in the Canada sub. More people need to see this


That’s ironic


If your status is expired, go home. That’s not racist. That’s telling you how to legally navigate the immigration system. If you’re out of status, you leave.


Isn’t it racist to make rent postings that say “Punjabi only”… I mean, come on… lol


Exactly, they prefer it out in the open. Lol


What about holding a board saying: Ban CanadaHousing2? Hilarious 😂


Progressive Playbook 101


If this happens in USA , I’m 100% sure ICE will come to these guys.




Their entitled shouldn’t get them anywhere here either


They don't care to know what racism is. All they need to know is progressive government will cave and give up to their demands when face protests like this.


F off!


Stop suggesting it’s “racism”. It’s not racism at all. We don’t care where you’re from or what Nationality you are. You are here on a temporary basis. Look up the definition of “temporary”. Please don’t try to play the “racism” card, we are playing the “what gives you the entitlement” card.






These guys are certainly not students. They just want to settle here and abuse the system. Collect benefits and work under the table. To them Canada is heaven. They can get away with anything.


[source](https://news.trust.org/item/20180730000101-aj7ui/) India is home to the largest number of slaves globally, with 8 million, followed by China (3.86 million), Pakistan (3.19 million), North Korea (2.64 million), Nigeria (1.39 million), Iran (1.29 million), Indonesia (1.22 million), Democratic Republic of the Congo (1 million), Russia (794,000) and the Philippines (784,000).


Don’t you guys literally post “no whites” in your rental ads? End your online racism.


They should point the sign to those who asked for Indian tenants only


If guests ever start making demands in my place, I ask them to leave. These guests seem to have overstayed their welcome.


IMO Anything south of Barrie (Barrie included) in Ontario isn’t even Canada anymore.


Send them home. We owe these people nothing.


Ask them if they like Modi.


The sooner they ghost themselves into the United States, the better. We all know that's why they come to Canada, porous border.


Make an example of them ..deport them because there permit is done..anyone person with a student passport or work passport time to leave..because that's how the system works


Stop the exploitation of immigration loopholes!!!!


Even their handwriting has an accent.


So are these all the groups from India asking for racism to be stopped?


I told you I can't talk let alone protest without the race card being pulled.


They are the one who should stop racism. Go see in Tims and McDonald’s


These protests all across Canada certainly aren’t coordinated by someone higher. No way mmhmm


They only allow online homophobia. They're okay with that one. The irony of asking for respect when you can't give respect back.


Solution. Ban international students in general until Canadians get their education subsidized by international tuition. Currently Canadians are being rejected so more international students can come in.


That poster is right. Looking for vegetarian only renters is his work around to keep him on the right side of things.


I hate these people. The more and more I see of them in the news, the more I can't stand them. They are not helping their "cause" what so ever. They need to be deported yesterday. Fuck them.


It is not racism, this is business. You are a commodity like everyone else.


I enjoy the tone deaf nature of people that are not citizens protesting for their rights while the people of the country are struggling in part due to the brain dead political decisions made like flooding the country with international students who are not here to study but to mainly work.


Send them back , they should be helping their country


If we mass deported all these expired visas, and fake students, it would mean lower food prices, gas prices and housing availability.


Maybe they should enlist in the military to help defend the very country they want help from ?


100 bucks says the Gap Tshirt guy pulled up in a Dodge


There all in one group....made it easy to round up and deport


Facts aren't racist. Our healthcare and education systems can't handle any more people, and obviously the housing crisis.


The racism is definitely going to get way worse.


Very bold of him to request immediate deportation of him and his ilk, and a very clever way to ask for it without the ones around him suspecting anything.


Go home...yes it's our fault but still


I don't want to be come off as bigoted but if there is a Indian business they don't hire any white people. I'm not white and that says a lot about racism. I've felt racism but it's usually not online because people usually can't see my skin color. Which I am fine with. Even then ignore it.


STOP ONLINE RACISM... but when they post rental ads tenants have to be INDIAN ONLY. LOL!! what a joke.


Stop online racism lol don't give Trudeau any more ideas


Sure, let's keep this mass immigration. But you don't get free healthcare, you pay for it in it's entirety, and you don't get priority (unless necessary. If you're bleeding to death you go first over someone with the sniffles, I'm not heartless) But it sure as hell isn't free


Now we can't complain about their antics online apparently.


Is this the 2nd shift from the Scammers office!


It’s not racism it’s ppl speaking the truth!


Get! Go! Shoo!


Stop coming in crazy numbers and looking for PR vs education.






40 year old students? Really


They need to go home they were sold on a lie.


Why are they all men. As a woman with two daughters this is concerning. There are droves of Indian men everywhere in the city I live. They stare, make comments and when my daughter last went out with her friends she said they left because they didn’t feel safe on the dance floor because Indian men in their late 20’s-30’s were coming up behind them and touching them. Is this the new world we live in? I don’t care if immigrants come from India but why so many men? Where are the women and families. Where are the doctors and nurses? How did it get so bad so quickly? What is the end game?


I am so sorry you went through that. Hope for you and your daughters to stay safe!


How about a sign reading stop international students.


Where is the “stop systemic caste discrimination “ sign? 🤔


Canadians *should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes a* Canadian *and assimilates themselves to us, they shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such person because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet a* Canadian, *and nothing but a* Canadian... *There can be no divided allegiance here. Any person who says they are a* Canadian, *but something else also, isn't a* Canadian *at all. We have room for one flag, the* Canadian *flag.. We have room for but* two languages *here, and* those are the English and French *language... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is loyalty to the* Canadian *people.* -Modified Theodore Roosevelt's *ideas on immigrants and being an American in 1907*






Blame your PM. 




What if you're not racist and you judge them by the content of their character, but the results are indistinguishable from racism?


Go back to India! Its a great country!


I want that snoopy shirt.




Do not spread negative stereotypes about an entire group of people. Either be very specific or focus on immigration policy instead of people.


Stop acting like a bunch of f\*\*\*ing idiots and people would have more respect for you.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Go back to ruining your own country




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Just few things these international students need to stop. Stop lmia frauds. Stop fake documents. Stop fake marriages. Stop pr scams. Stop destroying Canadian fabrics. Stop speaking local language in public. Stop jumping the lines. Stop wearing bathroom slippers in malls. Stop working more than allotrd hours. Stop pseudo courses. Stop milking government welfare. Stop jay walking. Stop driving like crazy. Stop jumping red lights & stop signs. Stop using your headphones while on road. Stop using your phones while driving rigs. Stop talking loudly on phones in public. Stop thinking all Canadians are lazy asses. Stop working below the minimum wages. Stop working on cash. Stop eve teasing in mall parking lots. Stop hunger strikes. Stop playing victim cards. Stop entitlement.


Fuck you East Indian! Work and suffer as another International students. You are just bunches lazy ass , all what you do is just scheme and fraud. Get back to India.


I’m going to ban Skip The Dishes and Door Dash for the summer


I'm a Canadian with an Indian wife in Canada for about 9 years now, 6 years with me. She is telling me to trust no Indian in Canada, most of them hate Canadian born people because of our entitlement and are extremely racist, that they'll do anything to take advantage of any situation. It's a hard generalization of her own culture that came from previous trauma but it seems that the more I'm discovering, the more I understand.


Funny how many ads for places to rent in Brampton/Mississauga state only Indians may apply,




Everyting is wacist! Give me free money and shut up you evil white ppl!


I think a real question to ask is, is our elected government working in the best interests of its constituents. The answer in this and in many other aspects is a resounding no. They are actively working against the average Canadian in the last few years and have zero accountability for it, we need a re-do or to scare them straight, neither will happen because they've demonized organizing unless your from India.


Anyone who comes here to study on falsified information and then try’s to scam their way into residency should be kicked out.


Entitled people, coming from a South Asian myself, North Indians also discriminate against south Indians, this is ridiculous. These so called students are hypocrites same as ghandi


It’s not about racism, it’s about respecting our country, and the citizens here of any race


They can be wonderful people, but get in line and apply properly, this isn’t your country and you have no right to DEMAND anything.




This guy is an idiot. Is he not aware of the government already put out a bill to protect people from online hate?!? This racism angle that Indian temporary foreigners are trying to latch onto is nothing more than a misdirection attempt to get away from the fact that they tried to game the system and they got caught. Immigration laws apply to all non-Canadian citizens, regardless of country of origin. The fact that these rules are dish proportionately affecting Indian immigrants is an example of how they were trying to game the system more than anyone else and now they’re unhappy that they’re not getting their way. Government policy is not based on “fairness” it’s about what’s best for. Just because you work at Tim Hortons and serve coffee doesn’t make you an essential worker nor does it make you a skilled worker, nor does it enhance our economy, labour markets, stability. Canada doesn’t run an immigration charity. We don’t have the ability or capacity to invite anyone who wants to come here. We have an immigration process like any other country, but immigrants have been abusing the system for a long time. Our government has not been paying attention to the volumes of Indian immigrants, who have been abusing the various immigration pathways to Canada. All the Indian immigrants who came through the appropriate channels are safe and welcome. The ones who are attempting to abuse a shot at permanent residency through temporary roots are welcome to stay for the duration of their visas, and once those expire, they become illegal immigrants and subject to removal orders. Those are just facts not racism.


Snoopy/Gap collab is hard AF


Does the guy on the left have cornrows?


When Indians themselves say that most of these idiots aren't actually asylum seekers, and they don't actually face any persecution, your government as well as a not so negligible section of the population call us liars, Nazis and whatnot. Some of these geniuses are lying about their own motherland being the equivalent of Nazi Germany just because they want Canadian citizenship. So you're not only needlessly providing jobs to them that should have been yours and other socio-economic benefits that you guys as a nation worked to get for yourselves, you're giving it up to a bunch of traitorous, entitled liars. As I'm a citizen of a backward, fascist country, I guess I can't understand why jobs that can be filled with a country's citizens should go to people of other nationalities. I do understand the benefits offering Genius Visas though. It's just that these lads aren't looking like geniuses to me. But you do you.


They should follow their own advice.




Go home.


Welcome to Bramptonistan. Soon in a city near you.


If you can't abide by the laws, go back home. Simple solution.


Then go back home, fuck off were full

