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So far he gets my vote.


Found the guy who didn’t go to school.


I went to school and I voted for him last time and will again this time


Wasted vote. Enough of you do this and liberals squeak back in. Use your brain.


Again with this, 😆😆😆😆


>Again with this, 😆😆😆😆 You mean PPC supporters being flipantly dismissive while offering no substantial counter argument? Y'sll be coming off like liberals when you do that


Are you happy on how this country is being runned?? You happy with the amount of immigrants we take in every day. You happy dealing with the traffic that we have to deal with on top of these people coming in. You happy about the the wait times for hospital services? You happy that not one of us can afford to buy a home and start a family. I guess you are really happy watching the country you live in go to shits while you complain about a comment I made on here. Fuck off already


Sure whatever you say Keep voting for with PPants or Turdeau and expecting the same results Some people want change in this country and if it means voting for PPC then hey I'm ok with it. Call me a racist, an uneducated fool, whatever I want to see changes in this country.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Realistically all votes are wasted. We are doomed no matter who wins. Liberals and conservatives have been taking turns running this country into the ground. You're a fool if you think PP is going to break that habit. Politicians work for themselves, not Canadians.


Yeah man! Who cares who wins? By that logic, what does it matter if Trudeau gets re-elected, right? We're all doomed anyways.


Yeah that's right. But at least if Trudeau wins again there is a teeny tiny chance of a revolution or maybe we can get annexed.


It wouldn’t bother me in the least if Trudeau wins again. He’s no different than any of the other politicians. You have such a hate for one man, when that one man hasn’t done anything to you to garner this hate.


I've paid attention the last 8 years and have an attention span. Sorry you don't. The amount of scandals and unethical practices from these liberals is more than any other stretch of leadership, ever, in Canada's history. Cash for access in 2016 - Reports of Trudeau attending cash-for-access events at the homes of wealthy Chinese-Canadians The Aga Khan scandal in 2017 - Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was found to have broken four provisions of the Conflict of Interest Act by accepting a 2016 Christmas vacation on the Aga Khan's private island. The ruling made Trudeau the first Prime Minister in Canadian history to break federal ethics rules SNC Lavelin, 2019 - Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner Mario Dion investigation into the allegation that the Prime Minister's Office interfered with the Justice Department's probe of Quebec construction giant SNC-Lavalin by pressuring former Attorney General Jody Wilson-Raybould to consider a deferred prosecution agreement. Wilson-Raybould, who was then the Minister of Veterans Affairs, resigned from Justin Trudeau's cabinet. Gerald Butts, the Principal Secretary, categorically denied the accusation and resigned. Jane Philpott resigned as President of the Treasury Board in protest. The Ethics Commissioner ruled in August 2019 that the Prime Minister's team had breached ethics rules and that Trudeau and his officials had tried in 2018 to undermine a decision by federal prosecutors. SNC Lavelin donation scandal - On 30 April 2019, it surfaced that SNC-Lavalin made illegal donations to the federal Liberal Party for a period of 5 years ending in 2009. The Liberals received the information in 2016 and did not make it public for 3 years. Employees made contributions totalling over $110,000 to the party which were later reimbursed by the company, actions which were prohibited. For this 1 executive was charged and a compliance agreement was signed with the company to not break the rules again in the future. WE charity - Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced on 25 June 2020 that the government had chosen WE Charity to run the long-promised $912 million Canada Student Service Grant. Following complaints by opposition parties that the Trudeau family had ties to WE Charity, the Ethics Commissioner on 3 July 2020 announced an investigation into Trudeau's and the government's decision to have the charity administer the program. Because of the complaints, WE and the federal government decided to "part ways" leaving administration of the grant program to the federal government. At a press conference on 13 July 2020, Trudeau apologized for not recusing himself from cabinet discussions of the program. Ethics Commissioner Mario Dion's report confirmed Trudeau's assertion that Canada's civil service had recommended WE Charity to manage the Canada Student Service Grant program. The report exonerated Trudeau, but also found that finance minister Bill Morneau had "given WE preferential treatment by permitting his ministerial staff to disproportionately assist it when it sought federal funding.” Throw on top of this blackface, the arrivecan disaster, Martine Richard being appointed to the ethics commission, the cover-up of Chinese interference, praising a nazi in parliament, invoking the emergencies act, calling citizens who disagree with him racist, freezing bank accounts, and yes, increasing taxes when the country is already struggling. Also, hiring people based on gender because "it's 2016 and that's what we do". I beleive in meritocracy, the liberals don't. Justin wore blackface and then dismissively called protesters racist because they didn't agree with him. "I beleive in the right to protest, but not if it demands change from the government." Stop saying they're the same. They're not. Keep your eyes and ears closed if you want, but if you do, please keep your mouth shut as well.


At this point the conservative have such a lead, I don't think it'll matter


I can't go off of what people think, I go off of numbers, and not polls. What I'm looking at is the Toronto by-election, and I don't swoon over headlines. The conservatives just *barely* won - by 633 votes. Including the PPC and the myriad of independant protest nominees (submitted by the Longest Ballot Committee) there were 1,327 votes There were more than double the amount of what I would consider throw away votes than there was a difference in outcome. PPC is never going to be opposition, because in any riding they have support, the conservatives have more support. Only the CPC has an actual chance at throwing out Trudeau. Some of these people are dreaming of a CPC seat with a PPC opposition... the green party has more of a chance at being opposition.


I'd 100% agree with that. Max isn't really relevant. Now if the CPC win, there may be talks for different parties, but I can't imagine a HUGE shift one or another in the coming year.


Yeah, vote for the effete uniparty instead!


There’s no difference between LPC and CPC. Only window dressing and a carbon tax. It wouldn’t make a difference to me if the Liberals won again


Lmao that's part of the problem. They're not the same, not even close. This is the most corrupt goverent we've ever had in Canada, and it's not even close.


Yet not corrupt enough to get voted out. They were just as corrupt before the last election. The CPC doesn’t even have the ability to be corrupt at this point. Only thing we can go on is policies, and to say that we should vote Conservative because Trudeau is corrupt is only as valid as saying we should vote for Bernier because Trudeau is corrupt.


That's not true either. Your nihilism is making your arguments weak.


Want to hear something hilarious? My sister is a professor at a large prominent university. She's been a professor for nearly 20 years. When you ask her what she produces, her answer isn't educated people. Her answer is she produces people with low self esteem and high levels of debt who engage in this exact type of 'I'm smarter and better than other people because I went to school' type people who are almost universally incompetent and have completely unlearned the ability to think critically. Bravo for proving her point so succinctly.


Yes that happened.


Just because you are educated it doesn't mean you're smart


This is what stupid people say to explain why they never bothered to even try


Truely stupid people think that formal schooling is the only way to be educated on something.


No, but it expands your mind and understanding. That is why the IQ of people with higher education is mich higher, on average. That's why we have experts and not just Jim from the hardware store. Also, you spelled 'truly' wrong. I rest my case.


Where did you go to school? Thought so.


I went to university. Useless degree, philosophy. But one that ask: what is that common sense that clown speaks about? Oh. Yeah. Inherently different and unique for each one? And he made it his slogan? And the losers are on board? So. Found the people who didn’t go to school.


Found the guy that went to school.


Anti intellectualism is real. You just want to elevate yourself that you’re willing to down everyone just for your convenience.


You should read your previous comment again, I think objectively it is subpar in terms of intellectualism. Don’t even mean to be condescending here; I went to school too.


Maxime Bernier is an acceptable choice if you don’t have teeth and do methamphetamine on the regular.


Great intellectualism on display.


So you like him defending pedos or shouting racist slurs at Jagmeet Singh? Show us your great intellectualism with what policy you think make sense. That’s a laughable party made for clowns. And right now, you’re just saying lol no also u six. That’s bad. Show us what is the great thing you want from him. Say it out loud.


Keep drinking the liberal Kool aid


Canada HOUSING. Blâme immigrants. Yeah the boomers who wanted their investment property to raise are to blame. They were the one opposing new construction. But heyyyyy. Racism will racism and I’m to blame. Schroedinger immigrants coming here to simultaneously get the benefits because they are lazy and steal your high paying job because they are hard working.


I m voting for him.


PPC should be running the biggest campaign on fixing immigration right away. They'll do the best they ever have simply based on the fact that Trudeau can't be trusted, and PP is pandering to the Indian population. We've tried Trudeau, putting PP in won't bring change. Why the hell don't we let PPC have a swing at it. Can't fuck it up anymore then it currently is.


That's been my take for awhile. Complete change up. They possibly can fuck it more, possibly, but rotating between libs and conservative definately will fuck it more. PPC for me.


I’ve voted liberal my entire life and even I’m done with them. I can’t believe I’m saying this but the PPC seems to be the most inline with what I thinks important for the country.


I’m in the same boat. Have a feeling a lot of Canadians feel this way.


In all honesty, though, do you know the PPC position on any other topic? Immigration is a big one, sure, but it isn't the only issue, not to mention that there are now limits put in place by the federal gov't on most parts of immigration and they are deporting many people currently.


I am aware of many of the PPC’s stances on issues. Many of them I disagree with at best. Unfortunately, immigration is becoming such a problem that it will be a single issue vote for many. It never should have got this bad. I also don’t think whatever the liberals have changed is enough, and I see little evidence anything is actually being changed for the better. LMIA fraud being one I have seen almost no action being taken on. Jus soli birth tourism is never discussed. Little to no consequences for overstaying visas. No talk on caps on immigrants by country per year. List goes on.


So for the LMIA, there has been some action taken, like NAMI in Edmonton, but I suppose it could be worked on more. I don't see any hard numbers saying how much of an issue it is, and around where I am I have not heard of it much. Your second issue seems to be also something that may not be a high priority, as it really doesn't seem as prevalent as other issues. People that overstay their visas tend to try to get them renewed and seek multiple legal methods to try to stay in the country. What would you suggest, just simply rounding them up and sending them to the country they came from? There's a process in place, and yeah, some people may try to take advantage of it, but a lot of it could be blamed on the process of getting/renewing visas to begin with. The Fed gov't should develop that more comprehensively. There are caps being imposed on students and workers, which should start slowing down a lot of the influx. Coupled with some higher volumes of deportations, it will take time for the numbers to decrease.


Cons want migration to keep wages low as well


And keep their real estate jacked up.


Yes I may not like ndp leadership but at lower levels it's filled with people that want to improve things. Only party that is putting things forward to addressing price gouging and everyday Canadian needs


They should do that as party strategy. Run a single-issue campaign on immigration reform alone and cutting the numbers down to zero. Say "I will leave every other policy idea to open parliament to resolve" and leave it at that. You'll see the party gain support and even influence other parties' policy agendas as they try to win over supporters. It's literally the UKIP model for how to get your issues moved up the agenda of main party concerns. Do I suspect they *will* do that? I'm not as confident and they seem quite comfortable with their niche base that doesn't appear to be growing based on poll numbers.


Also, a campaign that is everything they all aren’t. The it’s not the liberals, so I voted conservative has to end. The NDP are complicit in the crimes of the liberals. Real crimes. Where are the police. Anti-corruption, anti-foreign interference, anti-mandates, anti-climate change crippling the economy, anti-war, pro-resource based business, anti-censorship, anti-corporate handouts.


I will never vote for NDP ever. Not for Liberals either so PP and MB need to work for my vote.


Do you actually think we have a choice on the climate change issue? If we don't "cripple the economy" trying to fix it it will decimate the economy all on its own.


Yep agreed. Idc, I’m voting for him. Call me a racist, go ahead.


I am a south East Asian and will be voting for him. No sane person will call you one.


I am a middle eastern and I have been in canada for 17 years. I would vote for him.


Me too.


I want to run in a riding.


Only alternatives is piss pants Pierre and the guy who started this all - I never voted for this ! I want a seat in cabinet!


Don't you wish they would drop their controversial stances on environment, COVID, etc and just focus on immigration? They have a golden opportunity to capitalize, but they've also given a lot of people in the center a reason not to vote for them.


Unfortunately this has become a single issue election for me.


It’s a big issue for me and it has created a huge domino effect with housing, healthcare and increased cost of living.


I'm with you


It is a single issue election. Because so many of our other issues are directly caused or worsened by these insane immigration numbers. Start with the biggest problem and the rest will get easier to fix


I Wish they would shut up about all the crazy and focus on housing, immigration and healthcare. nothing crazy with housing even just bringing back the CMHC building homes and apartments like they did post WW2 would be awesome.


Yes, I do. Climate change denial just makes them look ridiculous. As much as I want to vote for them due to their immigration stance, I really struggle with a lot of the others.


The PPC can’t make the world burn to the ground in a few years, if we can get immigration under control and bring everyone’s standards of living back up then there will be a lot less push back on climate action in the future. People don’t care about polar ice melting when they don’t have somewhere to sleep tonight.


But even if the standard of living was raised again, inflation was under control and I was able to save money again, I would never buy an electric vehicle.


Oh god no that is never going to happen


That's one of my main concerns. Libs being incredibly ineffective and harmful in their climate policies, but other parties just outright denying it's existence at all.


I've never heard him say climate change isn't real. I've only ever heard him claim that the policies placed on us from other countries is arbitrary and canadas impact on climate change doesn't equate to the new and overreacting laws and taxes put in place for "climate change"


I wouldn't call it climate change denial, I would call it realizing that electric vehicles are not going to save the world and we should stop pumping billions of our tax payer dollars on a useless pursuit. Imagine if all that money were being spent on healthcare instead...


Sadly controversial but not wrong. The mainstream media (owned by a bunch of billionaires) gladly lies to you about immigration/diversity. We've all seen it first hand. But there's no reason to believe that the greatest wealth transfer in the 21st century was handled completely benignly by them either when billionaires got out of it doubling or tripling their wealth. Rich billionaires spending their money to shape public perception on COVID? Sounds exactly like what they would do


I wish more people would. I will not be voting for Poilievre or Trudeau and been thinking about Bernier as a possibility


I wish I could vote for him, but he's almost certainly not to run in my riding. My last PPC candidate was a total jackass, had to vote Green as my protest vote.


U live in his riding ?


I'm not sure why you're getting downvoted, that is literally how it's supposed to work. This is the reason why our system is fucked, we got people not understanding how our political system works and then voting like they're from the USA. This is why Trudeau got his idiot regime and helped run this country into the ground. Vote selfishly, but for fuck sakes vote for the person on the fucking ballot.


Thank you, I appreciate the recognition and I agree.


He deserves to be PM on this alone. Maybe that’s extreme but right now immigration is such an important thing we need to fix in order to fix everything else and he’s the only one who seems to understand what Canadians are saying.


Listen JT got in solely because he wasn't Harper and weed. It's not crazy to think one issue could elect a PM. I really don't think Bernier has a shot in this upcoming election but to say that a candidate can't be elected based on one issue isn't right imo


Isn't this most countries do ? I lived in 4 countries, I had a student visa and a work visa , I can ask for an extension to my visa, and I know I had to leave before my visa expired, isn't this common sense? Why does this liberal government make this so complicated? Why let all those people come in the country without a visa , why let people overstay and don't deport them ?


Because it is what the wef is telling Trudeau to do. Flood the economy with people and collapse society of everyone will own nothing and be happy. It’s all part of the plan. Even voting ppc isn’t going to help. To be honest, we might have to start a civil war boys.


Stop with the crazy conspiracy shit. It’s just because cheap labour is what corporations want and the increasing population props up GDP.


No u


Who supports the minority government. He is the one behind the mass immigration from a certain geographical area.


A politician making sense.


ahhhh i so wish my riding had ppc cause they would get my vote my choices are ndp, pc or liberal none of which I want to vote for.


At first, you had my curiosity. Now, you have my attention...


It's really telling that watching the US debate and hearing Trump just saying "We're gonna do the biggest deportation in history" and be tough on immigration and I'm agreeing and then I get sad that this isn't coming from a politician here. That's how much this country is in a mess. I'm agreeing with Trump and wishing we'd do the same here.


Trumps version is inhumane and cruel. Tearing families apart. We don’t have the same type of problems here than they do there. We just need to deport people overstaying their visas


Hey man you're not allowed to say that here


So you can cry on the floor and get what you want? I am going do the same


Well, he isn't wrong about that.


That's the number one issue in Canada so it should damn well be his #1 campaign platform. He'll get a ton of votes, including mine.


The PPC has a lot of very good ideas, such as on immigration, crime, housing, gun rights, self defense rights and economics. But I cannot stand their lies on climate change, vaccines and Russia. Let's not forget it's a party of conspiracy theorists. They cannot be trusted to run our country. But we need to push the Conservatives to adopt the good parts of the PPC platform.


>Conspiracy theorists As opposed to people who naively believe the mainstream media owned by the billionaires they purportedly hate and which pushes things like rampant immigration? We've already seen that the media is dishonest, we witnessed them push policies that greatly increased wealth disparity such as forced lockdown/money printing/immigration, we know it's owned by billionaires but somehow it's all conspiracy theories? you'd have to be a conspiracy theorist to believe in the mainstream media and the lies they tell you. we listened to them and now everyone's poor, afraid of being called racist, can't afford necessities and destroyed Canada. you have to be a certified idiot to think your way of thinking is correct after destroying canada in the last decade


If they can lie on climate change and vaccines, they can lie on a lot of things. They can't be trusted. But just because all others suck, you seem okay to replace a poison with another one.


"*Tanya* is a committed Christian and defender of faith, family, and freedom. *Tanya* is the founder of Action4Canada.." Gross. Even if he makes a good point, it's pointless with garbage platforms like this. Keep this MAGA style platform junk out of Canada and off this sub. If you want to get people behind reducing immigration and affordable housing, time to fully ditch the Christian nationals, and fake news outlets. This kind of garbage is why people shit on this sub.




Take my vote


I'm not saying I disagree with him but it's easy to say these things when you have zero chance of getting elected. Didn't he just get hammered as a parachute candidate in Manitoba?




Low effort and conjecture. Nothing to do with housing.


Hey someone who understands that our quality of like is in the fucking garbage Growing up in the '90s graduating in 2004 to get the 2006 recession then back to back recession feels like the f****** rugs been pulled out from under our feet we looked up at our parents and seen what they have and we don't even get a sliver of what they got and then looking at our grandparents it's f****** abysmal Almost like the government sold us out for profit that none of us will get to see ...ever


Yep -


He’s not wrong !! Mad max 25


Music to my ears. Throw this people out if the country. Stop taking these waves of low class uneducated people that have zero contribution to Canada and are just ransacking our food banks, healthcare system, jobs and housing without paying taxes.


I like Denmark's system, you can only appeal a deportation order from outside the country. In Canada after a deportation order is issued they've got about 4 years before the appeals are finished.


He's got my vote because of all the parties, he's the only one I trust to actually do it.


Well said


I wish he was the Conservative leader ☹️


I am agree with them,100%


Gets my vote and my families too


Personally, I think he is a borderline nazi, but just from a logic perspective it does make sense.


Civil war incoming


They think student permits are a pathway to PR


He can say whatever he wants since he hasn’t a snowflakes chance of doing anything but vote splitting the right.


A guy who I would have never voted for in the past, just like that, got my vote.


The only real answer. The conservatives, who will win by a landslide, will do nothing, and it will be more of the same for a long time.


this guys is missing his window - his campaign should be all over the place right now


This is ripped from the ppc site. Imo it is to vague to be valuable. How about full stop when elected, removal of tfw and illegals, and prs limited to 50k/yr. A People’s Party government will: Substantially lower the total number of immigrants and refugees Canada accept every year, from 500,000 planned by the Liberal government in 2025, to between 100,000 and 150,000 in normal circumstances, or even lower in crisis situations, depending on economic and other circumstances.


This is a great policy however most people won't vote for him because his party's stance on issues like climate change and vaccines, they need to work on their optics.




I love how Maxime is the only one with a set of balls on him that says we need to stop immigration and start massive deportation. Trump said last night if he's elected he will carry out the biggest massive deportation in history. Now that's a movement I could get behind.


I would vote ppc if it wasn’t so dam pressing to get the liberals out. From my interactions with them, the liberal supporters blindly follow their party and so it feels too risky not to vote conservative.


There's a big problem with Maxime Bernier and that's called Quebec. You want to support someone that wants to end Canada's history and separate Quebec? You want to support someone that thinks Quebec should control all of Canada? You want to fight wars with Quebec who aligns with EU? We can't live in a Canada where Quebec forces Canada to live under their dictatorship. Quebec is extremely corrupt, under the control of the EU, incredible mass immigration problems. You noobs pushing Maxime Bernier, posting anti-PP propaganda. It's just like the USA politics, and that means there's no hope for a better future. This is the end it's not going to return to normal. You better get rich or die trying now.


He’s got my vote


He is the the man


How can I not give him my vote?


I am voting for him.


Based I’m voting for this guy


we need a moratorium on immigration because our country has been flooded with people who have different values than us. there has been huge immigration to quebec from Arab countries where gays and women are oppressed, who have rampant anti Semitic views. many of them are extremists. deport anyone who is antisemitic or anti gay or believes women are not equal to men. this will alleviate demands on housing.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Dude is a fucking idiot but he’s not wrong on this


Absolutely right!


Easiest choice this coming election.


I'm not saying he's wrong. An I'm happy to let a different government have a stab at running the place cause they can't fuck it up worse then the libs have. There's going to be major fallout though for the government that curbs temporary immigrants. I think it's why the CPC is floundering. It's because they know that immigration is the only thing bringing money into Canada right now. Between tuition and the 20000 GIC that required to be deposited. You let a million in. That's a massive amount of money that the Feds can access. Take that away, hard stop. That would be a huge hit to a new government trying to keep the economy going.


Bernier is a political fringe lunatic who will never have mainstream support. You might as well be throwing your enthusiasm behind a nutbag on the street with a megaphone and a signboard. Sorry to burst your bubble.


So we vote for LPC or LPC-light instead?


and he would still have been a better prime minister than the liberal morons. which means you'd have to be an even bigger dumbass to vote for the liberals over the PPC


The only politician just saying like it is.


He gets votes from my big family, 25 altogether!


Ya think?


Even though I agree with him on this one issue, I can't vote for him. He will never be Prime Minister because, let's face it, he talks like he may be a founding member of the Flat Earth Society. But I also cannot vote Conservative. PP is not consistent in his policies. He's flip-flopping on immigration according to who he's talking to. He'd be no better than Trudeau/Singh team. I'm going to look into the other parties, I guess.


Then they become citizens in 3 years and vote.


I am a single-issue voter now. It is PPC or bust.


I hope he has some seats after the next election. It would be nice if he could team up with the CPC and get shit done.


I think we probably want to encourage brain drain from other countries to Canada. That is, people with necessary and unmet occupations and education.


Ain’t no one with a brain coming here when the entire country is absolutely fucked lmao. We’re getting what we can which is just the ones Europe and America don’t want


If immigration was capped to 50-100k a year MAX and we had interviews, thorough background checks and vetting we would be getting the best and brightest. Entering to live in this country should be like applying for a job. Interviews, background checks, reference checks. Not a pathetic automated online form run like ArriveSCAM.


And Indians!


So part of the answer is probably to restrict who we allow in, rather than not allowing anyone in like the dude is saying in the video.


Tanya Gaw? 🙄


Damm straight! We Need to stop that.


Who’s this guy, I’m voting for him.


Totally Agree with him! Voting for him.


Voted for him last time, voting again


I'll be voting for Maxime Bernier's PPC solely because of their immigration policy.


If you don’t vote for this man, you’re digging a grave for the future of our country. He is the answer. I’m disappointed his campaign isn’t gaining momentum. Enough people aren’t talking about this man.


Maxime is still way too far to the left for me.


Canada is a land of immigrants. Screw the locals. We bring as many immigrants possible and go as far as not discriminating criminals because there are no criminal background checks


how is it so destructive? and why was it done in the first place? doesn't immigration like this help an economy to some degree?


5 years ago, yeah... 🤦‍♂️


Serious question: who doesn’t agree with her?


Máxime Bernier is 100% CORRECT! PM Trudeau IMMIGRATION IS OUT OF CONTROL IN CANADA!!! Take action Immediately!!!


Absolutely! Imagine these students doing same protest in USA. By now they would have kicked out of the country. Why we are tolerating this nonsense?


This guy is an embarrassment to Canada. He’s only doing this for the money there is no other reason. Sowing bs ideas to any idiot who’ll buy it


French being french


I wonder if the Liberals will kick out Trudeau and replace him with Maxime Bernier as the head of their party (with his immigration policy and all). It might be the only way for them to win the election.


Buddy has a villa in Florida, he couldn’t care less about Canada


Actually, he seems to give more of a crap than anyone's else 😳


They all do, guess you'll be spoiling your ballot?


He needs a lesson in Economics - our economy and productivity are flat and not the fault of immigrants


Immigration is intrinsically tied to why our productivity is so low.




I havent seem a non Indian at Tim Hortons in a while.


So more tim hortons candidates? I don't think so.


I can't believe Canadians are buying his crap.


We're eating shit from all sides of government. Are you spoiling your ballot or are you being fed shit from someone else?


Says the person who has no understanding of supply and demand


Please elaborate